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1) What is the value of ⋇ and ⊙?

⋇ −⨀ = 9
6 +⊙= 8
2) Write down whole numbers from 30 to 60, a total of how many 5's
would show up in the numbers written down?

3) There are 8 trees from end to end along a road. Each tree is 4 m away
from the other. How long the road?

4) The sum of Austin and Dave age is 16. When will the sum of their age
be 40?

5) Chester went to a concert with his sister. The concert lasted for 1 hour
and 20 minutes. It ended at 3.05 pm. At what time did the concert

6) Find the missing number.

7) Austin saves $10 in the first week. He saves $20 in the second week
and so on. How much does he save altogether after 5 weeks?

8) Find the values of each ⊞ and ⨂.

⊞ + ⊞ +⨂ + ⨂ + ⨂ = 23
⊞ + ⊞ +⨂ + ⨂ + ⨂ + ⨂ + ⨂ = 33

9) 4 coins are used to form one side of a square. How many such coins are
used to form all sides of the square?

10) How many different ways are there for the dog to return to its kennel
⏟ ?

11) Chester repeats the same four stickers on a strip.

Which is the tenth sticker put by Chester?

1 2 3 4

12) There are two children standing in front of Austin in a queue

⏟ . Another

four children stand behind him in the queue. How many children are
there in the queue?
13) Find the missing numbers?

14) How many chickens have the same weight as one dog?

15) Fill in each blank.





16) Today is 1st of July, which is also a Monday. Which day of the week is
20th of July?
17) Mikaela makes a row of 10 houses with matchsticks. In the picture you
can see the beginning of the row. How many matchsticks does Mikaela
need altogether?

18) What number is covered by the flower?

19) How many rectangles are there altogether in the figure below?

20) Dave wants to switch off the light in her room. He presses the switch for
10 times. Is the light in his room still on in the end?


1) How many different ways are there for Chester to walk to school?

2) How many triangles are there altogether in the figure?

3) What is the value of ⊡ and ⊘?

⊘ + ⊡ = 15
⊘ + ⊘ + ⊡ + ⊡ + ⊡ = 37

4) Find the value of each letter.

5) How many are needed to form a ?

6) The second level of a bookshelf has 10 books more than of the fist level.
Four books from the second level are moved to the first one. How many
more books are there on the second level than the first one now?

7) Fill each blank with 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 so that the sum of all the numbers
along each line is 10. Use each number only once.

8) In the figure below, each letter is connected to another by a straight

line. In how many ways can you form the word “SUGAR”?

9) ⏟
Flashcards are shared among five friends in the following manner.
𝐾𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑢 𝑏𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑚𝑏𝑎𝑟

Chester Austin Gio Jovian Odie

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
11th 12th … … …
Who will get the 48th flashcard?

10) Austin has 1 five-dollar, 3 two-dollar, and 6 one-dollar notes. In how

many different ways can he pay for a storybook that costs $7 ?

11) Write down “+” in the correct places to make the statement below
1 2 3 4 5 = 60

12) Find the value of ⋆ + ⊚ + ⊞.
⋆ + ⋆ + ⋆ = 18
⋆ + ⊚= 11
⊞ + ⊞ + ⊞ + ⊚= 29

13) Find the missing numbers and fill in the blanks.

14) There were 20 birds on two trees altogether. 4 birds on the first tree
flew away. 6 birds on the second tree then flew to the first tree. How
many birds were there on the two trees in the end?

15) It takes a total of 2 minutes to fry a pancake, 1 minute on each side. A

frying pan can hold two pancakes at the same time. What is the least
amount of time needed to fry three pancakes?

16) Write 4, 5, 9, or 18 in each box to make the statement works. Use each
number only once.

17) Austin and Chester bought 30 footballs and 18 basketballs. They put
them equally into 6 baskets. How many footballs and basketballs were
there in each basket?

18) How many triangles can you find in the figure below?

19) Mikaela makes 10 dumplings, which are half of the dumpling that her
mom makes. How many sumplings do Mikaela and her mom make?

20) A 2-digit number can be formed using these digits: 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9

without repeating any digits.
a. The largest 2-digit number is __________
b. The largest 2-digit number when the ones digit is 1 is ________
c. The smallest 2-digit number is ________
d. The smallest 2-digit number when the ones digit is 1 is _______

21) Find the missing numbers in each number pattern.

a. 1, 4, ( ), ( ), 13, 16, …
b. 4, 5, 7, 10, ( ), ( ), …
c. 2, 4, 8, 14, ( ), ( ), …
d. 3, 4, 7, 12, ( ), ( ), …


1) Jovian had to deliver mails to all houses numbered from 15 to 38. How
many houses got the mails?

2) The students on math team stand in a line. Chester is the 17th student
from the front. Jovi is the 12nd student from the back. Given that Jovi
stands in front of Chester. How many students are there on the team?

3) The four sets symbols above represent 85, 38, 67, and 43, respectively.

What numbers does represent?

4) After 40 minutes, the time will be?

5) In a cave, there were two horses, one bear and three turtles. Later, five
horses, three bears and four turtles joined them. How many animals
are in the cave now?

6) It takes half an hour for Mikaela to go half of the way from school to
home. How long does it take Mikaela to go to school from home?

7) Jessica is 10 years and 4 months old now. In how many months will
Jessica be 11 years old?

8) The sum of Josua’s and Jessica's ages is equal to 15. What will be the
sum of their ages in 4 years?

9) The numbers 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 15 are distributed into groups with

one or more numbers. The sum of the numbers in each group is the
same. What is the largest number of groups?

10) Chester wants to take the flight to Japan at 2 PM. Now he arrives 3
hours early at the airport. What time does he arrive at the airport ?

11) Circle which of the following pictures cannot be made by using figures

12) There are twelve rooms in a building. Each room has two windows and
one light. Last evening, eighteen windows were lighted. In how many
rooms was the light on ?

13) Mother ordered 2 pizzas and sliced each of them into 8 pieces for Jovi's
birthday. There were 14 children at the party including Jovi. How many
slices are left over if mother gives one slice to each child?

14) If 4 students are transferred from class A to class B, then classes A and
B will have the same number of students. How many more students are
there in class A than in class B?

15) If one spider has 8 legs and we counted 72 legs in total, how many
spiders are there?

16) Each of the 4 keys fits only one of the 4 padlocks and the numbers on
the keys refer to the letters on the padlocks. What is written on the last

17) Count how many squares of various sizez are in the figure below?

18) How many triangles are there in the figure below?

19) According to the picture below, how many frogs together has the same
weight as one pig?

20) Austin has 4 cards each with a different number from 0, 1, 3, 5 on it.
Austin can use any two cards from these 4 to form a 2-digit number.
How many different 2-digit numbers can Austin form?

21) The numbers from 1 to 11 represent dishes. A dog is jumping around to
collect beef from these dishes. This dog jumps from the position that is
indicated in the figure.

It would go up 3 squares and then jump to the left for 6 squares and
then down 2 squares, and finally to the right for 8 squares. Along this
route, in sequence, which dishes would this dog visit to collect beef?
( )⟶( )⟶( )⟶( )⟶( )

22) Find the missing numbers.

23) The cubes below show the sequence of patterns when the cube on the
left is turning. Based on these patterns, put in the English letters in the
two ( )'s.


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