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Name: Mary Moore

Midterm Tentative Goals

Element from CPAST Goal (must have a minimum of 2 goals) with Details/Action Plan

M. Connections to Goal: My goal is to utilize my diverse knowledge of research and theory

Research and Theory in my lesson plans, and implement them when I teach.
Action Plan: I am re-reading Making Thinking Visible currently. Now
that I have a real classroom and real lessons to plan, I think the reading
will be more authentic and practical. In addition, I will use a process of
trial and error in utilizing a variety of visible thinking strategies. I will
try new ones, or repeat others I have success with. I understand that
some lessons naturally call to certain strategies, so I’m not going to say I
will always use the same, or different. I am saying that I will implement
them now, because up until recently, I have not—consciously.

G. Checking for Goal: My goal is to create (and allot enough time for) formative
Understanding and assessment. Then, to utilize the data to plan for instruction.
Adjusting Instruction
Action Plan: When I notice students understand, I need to have a
backup plan. If the understand, I shouldn’t spend more time trying to
teach what they already know. In addition, I can walk around the room
more to see what they are writing down when working individually. Also, I
can ask more questions (harder or easier). There are a lot of ways I can
implement and utilize formative assessment, right now I am only
recognizing that it needs to happen, not actually able to articulate the

D. Differentiation of Goal: My goal is to be more deliberate when planning, and executing,

Instruction differentiation in instruction.
Action Plan: I can do this through writing one lesson plan, but using
two different colored text to indicate when/where I will be
differentiating. In math, for example, I will plan harder or easier
problems as examples for my two math groups. In addition, I will carefully
plan for my ELL as well. Sometimes, I forget that they may not
understand something because of the language barrier; however, there
are some tips and helpful areas to focus on in the teaching manual for

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