User Stories

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Requirement 1: Build a page where users can see details about the product (images, descriptions, prices,
stock) and be able to add it to cart.

As a potential customer I want to see pictures with the product from different angles so I can visualize
all the details.

As a potential customer I want a description of the product so I can decide if it answers my needs.

As a potential customer I want to read about the products’ specifications so I can compare them with
other products’ specifications and to have a more accurate view of what is capable of.

As a potential customer I want to see the price so I can check if it fits my budget.

As a potential customer I want a search bar so I can quickly find specific products.

As a potential customer I want to see the product rating so I can compare it with other products and
decide if it’s worth buying it.

As a customer I want to see the stock of the product so I can know how much I can buy.

As a customer I want to be able to select the quantity so I can order more products of the same type at

As a customer I want a “Add to my cart” button so I can quickly buy the product.

As a customer I want a “My Cart” so I can see the products that I have added to my cart in order to
check out.

As a customer I want a menu bar so I can easily access product categories, helpful information, my cart
and my profile page.

As a customer I want a customer support chat so I can easily address any issue to a specialist.

As a website visitor/potential customer I want a user friendly product page so I can easily find all the
necessary information about the product and to easily buy them or ask for support.

As a customer I want a simple and easy to follow check out process so I can easily order products.

As a customer I want to be able to create an account so I can see my orders’ status at all time and also to
simplify the checkout and review form process.

**As I wrote in the wireframe’s dialog box, a lot more features can be added to the product page such
as color, model, etc. but since our clients’ requirements were only about price, stock, images and
description I have decided to keep it simple and to don’t add unnecessary features because this won’t
respect the Agile principles.
Requirement 2: Build a review form and allow users to rate and enter opinion about the product

As a customer I want to review products so I can express my opinion about the products’ quality, the
services of the company etc.

As a customer I want to be able to rate the product based on a scale so I can give a standardized
feedback about the product.

As a potential customer I want to see the product rating based on a scale so I can make a comparison
with the rating of other products based on the same scale.

As a potential customer I want to be able to read reviews about the product so I can decide if the
product quality matches the price and if the product is worth buying.

As a company/product supplier I want to receive feedback from customers so I can improve already
existing products or manufacture new products that match their needs.

As a customer I want to be able to review a product anonymously so I can have my privacy respected.

As a customer I want a clearly structured review form so I can leave a review but without spending
unnecessary amounts of time on this process.

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