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Name: __________________ ​Choice Board Rubric    

Project: ______________________________ 
  Level 1  Level 2  Level 3  Level 4 
Beginning  Developing  Proficient  Exceeding 

Choices  Student chose to  Student did not put a lot  Student chose a project  Student chose a project that was out 
complete only the  of thought into the  that they knew they  of their comfort zone. This project 
easiest task.  activity that they chose.  could do a good job on.  would challenge the student and 
would expand their thinking. 

Completeness  Product does not  Includes most important  All information was  All information is included. Product 
include important  information in the  included.  goes ​beyond​ what was asked of the 
information required.  product.  student. 

Neatness/  More than 50% of the  25% of the information is  There are only one or  I double checked my work to make 
Correctness  information presented  misleading or incorrect.  two mistakes in the  sure it was easy to read. There are ​no 
is incorrect in the  Spelling mistakes make  product. The product is  spelling mistakes. 
product. Spelling  the product difficult to  easy to read.  0% of the information is incorrect. 
mistakes make the  read. 
product difficult to 

Creativity  No original ideas are  Relied heavily on  Product is an original  I went above and beyond to create a 
present.  classmates and other  work of the student or  new way to view the product. Student 
work to complete activity.  group.   created their OWN work.  

Self assessment score:  Teacher comments: 
Teacher assessment score: 

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