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Water pump energized by solar panel in aquaponics system

The sun is the biggest benefactor for all life not just on earth but also in our solar
system.scientists who invented the technology which made things nowadays to become
possible.technologyt has now the ability to convert the sun’s energy into electricitywithout
negatively impacting the planet.thats why Solar energy is one of the cleanest source of renewable
energy.unlike burning fossils,charcoals and nuclear, solar energy does not emits any gas,and
does not contribute a large impact on the planet,it doesn’t contribute to global
warming,greenhouse gases,acid rain and smog
In the other hand humans and animals uses solar energy.Plants need the sun's energy
for the photosynthesis.thes process used to manufacture food and oxygen. While a
plant is an autotroph that make its own nutrients, animals and humans are heterotrophs
that depend on autotrophs or other heterotrophs for food. Without food and oxygen
animals and humans could not live on Earth.

Humans also need sunlight to manufacture vitamin D. This vitamin is necessary for the
absorption of calcium that is important for strong bones and overall health.with this solar
energy you don’t need to connect to the grid with the long wires connecting to
electricity can reduced your electricity cost after then have a free solar
electricity. But unfortunately,Solar panel is not widely use here in the Philippines
because f its cost.

(aquaponics system is the marriage of hydroponics and aquaculture. that grows fish and
plants together in one integrated system. The fish waste provides an organic food source for the growing plants
and the plants provide a natural filter for the water the fish live in. The third participants are the microbes
(nitrifying bacteria) and composting red worms that thrive in the growing media. They do the job of converting
the ammonia from the fish waste first into nitrites, then into nitrates and the solids into vermicompost that that
are food for the plants .

This project aims to power water pump using solar energy .in aquafarming if yo have a large aqua ponics then
you also need large pumps which consumes a lot of electricity whre you will be paying a bigger electricity bill.
Statement of the problem:

Is solar panel effecient in energizing water pump in aquaponics sytem..

The difference between solar energy and the other on grid system

Significance of the study:

Solar panel is efficient in energizing water pump in the sense that the sun is the source of al enery and

World nuclear

Solar power is being utilized all over the world, so you can imagine how abundant solar enrgy can get

Knowing that solar energy is the cleanest renewable energy,it has no impact in the planet.based on the energy
points in the wall street journal ,solar energy ranked 5th

We can gain abundant power from sun,free everyday and forever and I forgot to mention, its completely

.but the problem is shortages in mterials for producing the for producing the solar panel because of shortage
it can be hard fr producers to meet demand capacity .

How much current a photovoltaic cell will create depends on is efficiency, its size and
the intensity of the sunlight. These factors must all be taken into account when
calculating how many solar panels you need to adequately address your energy
requirements .
Review of related literature:SOLAR PANEL,SECRETS EXPOSED

Solar panels produce the most energy during the middle of the day and somewhat less before and after
that Solar power is an abundant renewable source that could be the solution to our future
energy needs, but just how does a solar array produce the electricity that powers our
lives? The short answer is that, through a solar panel, photons (light particles) are able
to knock electrons off atoms and this causes a flow of electricity. A ‘Photovoltaic’ cell is
the basic building block which converts sunlight to electric energy that we can utilize to
power our homes and businesses. Photovoltaic arrays produce direct or DC current.
This means that they can be connected in both series and parallel arrangements to
produce any voltage or current combination that is required.

(solar facts)-BATTERY

As your electical power usually needs to be available when the sun is not
shining, it usually neccessary to store electricity.


DC power isn’t what is commonly used in homes and businesses as it’s a

continuous stream of electrons flowing in one direction and it’s expensive
to step up and down DC voltages, which is a requirement for the
transmission grid. This means that the DC power produced by your solar
array needs to be converted to alternating current or AC power. With AC
power, the electrons oscillate in an electrical field which alternates 60
times per second. AC electricity can efficiently change between higher
and lower voltage levels, and high voltages allow for long-distance

Your solar array will require a converter to change the DC current to AC.
These inverters are usually very efficient, so you only lose a little of your
energy in the conversion. Converting your DC current to AC will also
allow you to feed in to your local grid in the event that you are eligible to
receive potential rebates or incentives for the electricity you feed back to
the grid (feed-in-tariff). Inverters are expensive and often bulky devices
especially the ones for high power solar systems.


A charge controller is an essential part of nearly all power systems

that charge batteries, whether the power source is PV, wind, hydro, fuel, or utility grid. Its
purpose is to keep your batteries properly fed and safe for the long term.

The basic functions of a controller are quite simple. Charge controllers block reverse current and
prevent battery overcharge. Some controllers also prevent battery over discharge, protect from
electrical overload, and/or display battery status and the flow of power.

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