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Mitch Ivy G.

1. Are there current scientific developments- for example, in biology—that challenge the
understanding of nature presented by Aquinas?

In my opinion, I think there is nothing to challenge the understanding of nature

presented by Aquinas because we all know that God is the one who created all things that
we see in our everyday life. In the explanation of Aquinas, we have this natural inclination
to know about God and to live with the other people.

2. Is it possible to maintain a natural law theory without believing in the divine source? Why
or why not?

In my opinion, it’s impossible to maintain natural law theory without believing in the
divine source because the two always stick together wherein when a person killed other
person it violated both sides; the natural law and divine law and therefore unethical to take
one’s life. The same as same sex marriage wherein the Church opposes the same sex
having an affair or kissing in public, people think it is disgusting because they are in the
same sex or whichever it is, it is still wrong in the Church. Church doesn’t support same
sex marriage because God only made man for woman, not man for man.
Mitch Ivy G. Edillor
1. How does the method called universalizability work? What are the steps to test if an action
is rationally permissible?

The universalizability will work if everyone is doing the right thing to do in which
everyone could do it. It is the duty to do good for the benefit of one another or returning
the favor after doing something which benefit the other side.

An action is permissible if someone has the commands that every maxim you act
on must be such that you are willing to make it the case that everyone always act on that
maxim when in a similar situation. For example, if I wanted to lie to get something I
wanted, I would have to be willing to make it the case that everyone always lied to get
what they wanted - but if this were to happen no one would ever believe you, so the lie
would not work and you would not get what you wanted. So, if you willed that such a
maxim (of lying) should become a universal law, then you would thwart your goal - thus, it
is impermissible to lie, according to the categorical imperative. It is impermissible because
the only way to lie is to make an exception for yourself.

2. What is meant by enlightenment morality as opposed to paternalism? Why is deontology

a kind of enlightenment morality?

Enlightenment morality is a person who is capable to take ones responsibility of

his own. It is where someone who doesn’t needed someone’s guidance. It has something
to do with the courage to know your own understanding and decision. Unlike to
paternalism, it has something to do with being independent to others like following the
rules in the ordinances of the barangay of the community.

Deontology is a kind of enlightenment morality because it is based on one’s own

reason when maturity takes hold of a person’s capacity of decision –making. For example,
when a person is deciding what the best thing to do is, he/she might ask himself/herself
what is the right thing to do without hurting others because it his/her duty not to hurt other
people in which hurting others is morally wrong. The rightness or wrongness of actions
does not depend on their consequences but on whether they fulfill our duty.
Mitch Ivy G. Edillor
Ethical Issues in Business World and the Corporate World
1. The Problem of Just Wage
The Philippines is facing one of the common problems in our country in which most
of the people are unemployed or contractual employees in which it only have given period
to work with. Some companies also not giving the exact amount of salary of the employee
which is not good because it is unethical and unfair to the employees who is working hard
for them to sustain their daily needs.

2. Gift-giving and Bribery

We cannot avoid the fact that some people are giving some money to other people
just to become part of the company. For example, in applying a job, it is unethical to
secretly give money to the personnel just to pass for the interview and part of the business.
Some officials also corrupting the money of the business which is not good.

3. The Morality of Advertising

Advertising for a products is not easy as other think of it because it also considers
the viewer’s especially the children if it is not suitable to them. The management must be
sensitive enough in the issues that they are advertising because there is a possibility that
when the advertising is not suitable to the children, there is a possibility that they may
adopt it.

4. Workplace Romance
Having a romantic relationship in a work place is not bad as long as they are set a
siding their relationship to their work. They must prioritize their work inside their work place
and they can do whatever they want outside the work place. It is also important to consider
the rules of the company it there is a rule that is not allowed for having to must affection
toward each other to the point that they cannot concentrate to their work.

5. The Problem of Fair Pricing

As we notice of how farmers sold their rice is very alarming in which they sold it for
only P12 when it is very unfair to the them because when they are the one who is going
to buy it in the market, it is three times on how they sold their rice. We must give justice to
the farmers because if not because of them, we do not have enough supplies to support
our everyday needs.

6. Trade Secrets and Corporate Disclosure

It is really important to have some confidentiality of the business in order to them
to protect their name. For example, I my own experience during my OJT, we are not
allowed to go in the cashier because they think that we might spread the rumors that the
person we know has loans and we understand them because we are just taking our OJT
and considering their rules is okay as long as it protects the name of the company.

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