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University of Saint Louis – Tuguegarao City


Task Card for Reaction Paper
What is the purpose?

 Demonstrate your comprehension of at least three (3) commentaries/ articles as regards the Rice Tariffication Law
(Republic Act No. 11203)
 Provide your reaction to the selected commentaries/ articles

What is the format?

 Name, Date, Title, Times New Roman, Maximum of 2 pages, double-spaced

What is the Required Content, Procedure, and Evaluation?

 Procedure: Reaction paper is due on November 25, 2019. Please email paper to
 Evaluation: See Rubric below:

Poor Fair Good Excellent

1 2 3 4
(1) Does not (1) Demonstrates (1) Demonstrates (1) Demonstrates
Content (15 points)

demonstrate limited comprehension of mastery of core

comprehension of comprehension of core content in content in
content in content in reading/video reading/video
reading/video and/or reading/video environment and environment and
offers irrelevant environment and/or offers complete offers thoughtful
responses to reaction offers superficial responses to reaction responses to reaction
questions responses to reaction questions questions
Few relationships Relationships Relationships among Writer expresses

between ideas are among ideas are ideas are assisted by relationships among
(10 points)
Format &

presented. sometimes clear, but transitions and ideas; careful and

conveyed logical progression subtle organization
inconsistently. of ideas. enhances
effectiveness of
Errors in grammar, Errors in grammar, A small number of Mastery of grammar,
Punctuation &

spelling, mechanics spelling, mechanics errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics

Spelling (5

cause reader to distract or interfere spelling and enhances the


frequently stop with understanding. mechanics do not effectiveness of

reading. distract from the communication.
overall effectiveness
of the paper.


(1) In your opinion, what are the THREE (3) most important issue raised by the authors of the selected
commentaries/ articles?
(2) Do you support the issues presented by the authors in their commentaries/ articles?
(3) In your opinion, should the Rice Tariffication Law be implemented? Please explain the evidence you are using to
arrive at your answer to this question and any potential limitations of this evidence.

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