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String ID Simplified Chinese EN JP

Achievement_mName_141 国士无双 Peerless Patriot

Achievement_New_mName_50006 熟能生巧II Practice Makes Perfect II
Achievement_New_mAchievedTips_26 比赛中血量低于10%的状态下击杀 Kill [fff000]%d[-] enemy heroes with HP less
[fff000]%d[-]人 than 10%
AttrbuteDescribe_mName_25 技能暴击伤害减免 Skill Crit Damage Reduction
AttrbuteDescribe_mName_28 背后攻击加成 Attack from Behind Bonus
BattleFastChatMessage_mMessage_105 猥琐发育 Don't Troll. Farm First.
BattleFastChatMessage_mMessage_520 分头带线 Split Push
Minotaur enters a Rage-save state where he
米诺陶洛斯进入怒气积攒状态持续 continuously recovers Rage. The longer this
获得怒气,蓄力时间越久获得的怒 skill is charged, the more Rage he recovers.
气越多。########[C7狂暴状态]: ########[C7Rage State]: Minotaur smashes
BattleShowMessage_mMessage_50394 米诺陶洛斯会连续挥锤击打地面发 the ground 3 times, sending shockwaves that
出3次震荡波击飞敌人,对周围敌人 deal <Num1> points of [C3Physical Damage] to
造成<Num1>点[C3物理伤害]并降低 surrounding enemies, knocking them up and
<%Num2>移动速度,最后一次攻击会 slowing them by <%Num2>. The final
造成<Num3>点[C5真实伤害]。 shockwave deals <Num3> points of [C5True
BattleShowMessage_mMessage_50494 CD;Cost;基础伤害;攻击加成;null; CD;Cost;Basic Damage;ATK Bonus;null;null
BattleShowMessage_mMessage_50790 爆裂之击 Burst Strike
Email_mEmailTitle_402 被举报警告 Report Warning
亲爱的玩家,####您参与的累计登 Dear player, ####The cumulative login event
Email_mEmailContent_632 录活动已过期。以下是您在该活动 has ended! These are the rewards you didn't
中未领取的奖励,请查收。 claim during the event!
ShowMessage_mMessage_1854 今日赠送次数已达20次,无法继续 You have sent 20 gifts today. Cannot send
赠送。 more.
Get {0} Gold Medal(s) in Side Lanes. (Farm in
ShowMessage_mMessage_16074 获得{0}次金牌边路
Top/Bot lane in early game)
Report [00ff00]sent[-]. We will evaluate it
ShowMessage_mMessage_10323 已举报[00ff00]成功[-],我们将尽
ASAP. Thanks for your support and
ShowMessage_mMessage_10674 账号连接失败,请重试 Account connection failed. Please retry.
UILanguage_mKeyValue_UI_LevelUp_Label_SkillTitle Unlock new skills
UILanguage_mKeyValue_UI_NetworkDetection_Label_Title Network Detection & Resource Check
UILanguage_mKeyValue_UI_NewLottery_Label_SkipAnim Skip Animation
UILanguage_mKeyValue_UI_NewLottery_Label_LotteryFiveTimes 5 Draws Each Time
UILanguage_mKeyValue_UI_RankingList_Label_Title LEADERBOARDS
Purchase Calamity Reaper (the Equipment
在战斗开始后的8分钟内购买装备 Item) in the beginning 8 minutes of a match
HeroTask_mTaskTarget_6300001 【祸乱收割者】并且获得比赛胜利
and achieve victory. Complete {0} such
When Selena stood before the demonic
inhabitants of the abyss, with the Lord of
当赛琳娜带着深渊魔再次出现在魔 Abyss by her side, she completely forgot her
人面前时她已经彻底遗忘自己的过 past. She had the ability to manipulate the
往。她可以熟练的操纵深渊魔释放 dark magic of the Abyss. She could also absorb
the power of the Abyss into her body and
HeroTask_mTaskDescribe_6300001 体内化为魔女形态撕裂她的敌人。
transform herself into a demoness, capable of
并赐予她“祸乱收割者”让赛琳娜 tearing her enemies into shreds. The Lord of
在能力上变得更加卓越,她即将统 Abyss appointed her as its voice and gave her
御暗影深渊内的魔人们。 Calamity Reaper to gain strength. She had
uncontested rule over the demons of the
HeroCostume_mName_1672 白骨骑士 Phantom Knight
Item_mItemName_19010 回归玩家头像框 Returned Player Avatar Border
Item_mItemName_20012 射手定制徽记 Custom Marksman Emblem
Guide_mText_99999 欢迎来到[ffe63c]高级操作教学[- Welcome to the [ffe63c]advanced controls
]: tutorial[-]:
小提示:数据显示,打野英雄节奏 Tips: The better the junglers control battle
Tips_mTipsDesc_101 较好的队伍,赢下比赛的概率更高 situation, the more likely their team is to win
哦! the match!

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