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My Views and Opinion about LGBTQ community

Giving directly my views and opinion about the subject matter without having any basis
is lame. In this point, I will attempt to discuss the comical myth of Aristophanes, a Greek poet
and comedian, in Plato’s account in his book Symposium since homosexuals, in particular, are
the main topic of Aristophanes’ speech. In addition, I will endeavour to support the LGBTQ
community because they are also humans who deserve respects and recognition regardless in
their gender preference.

Accordingly, in the speech of Aristophanes, there were three types of men before. These
three types of men are called “androgynous”. The first type of man is the combination of two
men, the second is the combination of two women and the third one is the combination of both
man and woman. Aristophanes elaborately said,

“There were three kinds of men, not two as now, the male and the female, but also
a third kind combining both. We have the name still, but the thing itself has
disappeared. The androgyne [or androgynous], separate in name and nature,
partook of man and woman both. But the name is used now only as a reproach.
Then also people were shaped like complete spheres. Their backs and sides made
a circle. They had four hands, with the same of legs and two faces [in one head]—
completely the same—on the top of a circular neck…and there were to sets of
Each sex of three types of sexes are come from a designated origin like male was originally an
offspring of the sun, the female of the earth, and the one that had a share in both was a offspring
of the moon, since the moon also has a share of both sun and earth. This is the reason why the
original men are more powerful. They can travel on land in a fastest speed and can do things
acrobatically. However due to this power the original men sinned the sin of pride and attacked
Olympus. Then the gods and goddesses were at loss because they do not want to annihilate them
because they are the only creatures that give could offerings and honour. Aside of annihilating
those prideful men, they at least take the alternative plan as one of the gods suggests to Zeus,

Plato, The Symposium of Plato, trans. by Suzy Groden; ed. by John Brentlinger (USA:
The University of Massachusetts Press, 1970), p., 61.
“how human beings continue to exist and yet, by their becoming weaker, cease their indecent
behaviour, cut them into two… and they will be more useful to us by becoming numerous.”2

The reason why I attempt to include the speech of Aristophanes is to give an idea as to
how and where homosexuals flourished. Though the speech of Aristophanes is a comical myth,
however, it provides a great emphasis and information as to how human beings nowadays
understand their true nature. It is clear that the comic myth of Aristophanes is the desire for the
restoration of man’s nature. It basically connects the two people that had been used to be united
before, to bring back the original relationship but not anymore the structure. It is finding the half
of man’s soul to the world. Henceforth, through this myth, the term “soul mate” is born and

The cutting of the previous people before was resulted to three types of original humans:
male, female, and mixture of the two will lead naturally to the suggestion that in their modern
period, divided forms of three types of sexual relationships will occur, homosexual, lesbians and
heterosexual. What it means for the sliced man, woman and from the combination of two
opposite sexes is to search for another half. But entirely, the purpose of finding a partner is to
attain the wholeness that they have been longing, even in a short duration, that seems to be a
very long time. This desire to attain the wholeness is, accordingly, love—that said to be the
greatest power of human beings.

On the other hand, a male that was descended to primitive male-type of man, if happened
to encounter a male will gladly spend a great time to that person. In the present era, we can still
see people who are like these. Man having a relationship with man, woman likes also another
woman and man preferring to be with opposite sex. Unfortunately, the most accepted
relationship is the relationship between two opposite sexes in most countries around the globe.
Perchance the main reason is that relationship that flourish between same sexes are futile and it
curtails the propagation of human race.

Plato, The Symposium of Plato, 67.
In this standpoint, giving the information and origin of homosexuals, I will begin to argue
that LGBTQ community should be accepted and recognized as a community with dignity
and integrity due to following reasons: first, LGBTQ are just true to themselves fulfilling their
true nature. Second, LGBTQ are human beings that need to be respected.

First, LGBTQ people are unique individuals because they are different among people
who tend to have feelings with opposite sex. A gay who falls in love with a guy is not disgusting
at all through hearing the speech of Aristophanes. Falling in love and a gay hoping to be with a
guy forever is a natural phenomenon among gays because this was there situation before and
they are just recalling and restoring there true original nature. Basically, they are just true to
themselves and being happy of doing such act regardless to any say of the society.

Second, LGBTQ people are human beings that need to be respected. Even animals need a
respect from humans, why it is hard for human beings to give respect to their fellow human
beings that is bizarre from the usual. LGBTQ have thoughts that are supposed to be shared,
feelings that could be hurt and actions that could be deciphered. All these things resembles that
they are also human beings like us, that there is no distinction between the common people from
LGBTQ community. Since we are all human beings that enjoy same air, then, everyone,
including LGBTQ, should be respected giving equal treatment regardless to their gender

After all, life is all about fulfilling one’s deepest possibility in life which is to attain
authentic happiness. There is no happiness in doing wrong deeds. If the acts of LGBTQ people
are wrong, then, they could not perhaps attain happiness. However, why LGBTQ people are
happy in their life despite of prejudices come from conservative and close-minded people? It
only stresses that they are just doing the right thing, to love and fulfil their true original nature.
The Image of the Original Men

The Separation of Original Men

(Zeus separated them because they became insolent to revolt against gods and goddesses.)

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