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Issue 85 / December 2019


prepare to take industrial action
pay and conditions offer that no way we could accept a pay
would last four years. offers which is not linked to in-
flation. We could face future
The offer made is just 0.2% risks such as the inflationary
above inflation in years one
effects of Brexit, or perhaps the
and three. However, in years risk of a further economically
two and four the company plan incompetent Tory government.
to give us a flat 1.4% pay rise. Only an inflation-linked pay
Working week could be award protects us from this real
reduced by an hour
This pay offer is alongside half How will the reduced
an hour off the working week in hours work?
London Underground has year two, a reduction in time LUL’s position on how the re-
offered RMT members a four equal to three banked rest days duction of an hour a week is
year pay offer, with six extra per annum and from year four used is also not acceptable as
banked rest days from year an hour off the working these days should be for
four. week, equal to six us to decide how to use.
banked rest days a
However, the pay offer for The banking approach
year. means that we should be
years two and four could actu-
ally mean a real terms cut as it It was recognised that able to utilize this and
is not linked to inflation. this reduction in the any other concessions in a
working week was a step to- reduced working week to max-
This is not something the RMT imise quality time off away from
wards the RMT demand for a
will accept and so the union is
four day, 32 hour week; a cru- work within existing agree-
to ballot for industrial action. ments and with no loss of pay.
cial target as shift work is so
Members decide to detrimental to our health.
Industrial action needed
reject pay offer This is the first reduction in to improve the offer
hours offered in over 20 years
A meeting of RMT activists, It is clear that without signifi-
when gains were made follow-
reps and officers, including the cant pressure in the form of a
ing significant strike action by
pay and conditions negotiating mandate for industrial action
team, heard how talks with UL are unlikely to improve this
management had resulted in However, the mood of the RMT offer.
LUL declaring a ‘full and final’ pay meeting was that there is Continues overleaf ...

Read the pay offer and more at

Get Ready to Fight for a Better Offer
Prepare for action
Get ready to vote and get ready
to strike! Organising for this in-
dustrial action will be a hugely
important task. It is crucial we
get a good turnout and strong
yes vote to smash the anti-
union ballot threshold laws. You
can do your bit by attending
your local branch meeting,
speaking with your reps and
keeping an eye on RMT Lon-
don Calling website and Face-
book Page to learn more and to
stay up to date.
Over 100 RMT activists met to discuss the pay offer
When your ballot paper arrives,
vote yes and send it back
The RMT’s decision making will we subject our members to straight away. A yes vote is the
body, the National Executive the company’s plan to put them only way the union can take in-
Committee has taken the deci- at risk of a potential significant dustrial action and deliver im-
sion to prepare a ballot of all pay cut. provements to the offer that you
our members across all have told us are needed. Our
This union does not gamble
grades. unity is our strength!
with our members liveli-
In its decision, which hoods! Functional reps
you can read in full on Frank Curtis - 07931 130849
"We instruct the Gen-
our website at RMT Paul Shannon - 07800 808297
eral Secretary to pro-
London Calling, the Will Reid - 07983 958429
vide all assistance in
NEC stated that:
preparing a ballot matrix Health & Safety reps
“Whist we will not let go for a ballot of the entirety Gwyn Pugh - 07709 320271
of the progress made of our London Under- Jim McDaid - 07917131692
by our Negotiations ground membership for Nigel Eivers - 07961 141924
Team on the Shorter a ballot for Industrial Upgrades rep
Working Week; neither Action.” Dave Rayfield - 07719 132161

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