IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases and Use The IMO Standard Maritime

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IMO standard marine communication phrases and use the IMO standard maritime

commucation pharases and use english in written and oral from

( mengunakan kalimat komunikasi maritime standart IMO dan mengunakan bahasa inggris dalam
bentuk tulisan dan ucapan )

1. thanks. your message has been received. The short form ( telex ) of the sentence is...

 Thanks. MSG RCD

 TKS. YR MSG ha been RCD
 TKS. MSG been RCD

2. six crew members have been wounded, two crew members were killed...

 Number of injured persons: six ; number of dead; two

 Number of injured persons: six ; number of casualities : two
 Number of wounded crew members: six ; number of casualties : two
 Number of casualties : eight
 I don’t know

3. coastal station wishes to know where the vessel is going to and where the vessel is coming from...

 Question : what is your destination ?

Question : what was your last calling port ?
 Question : what is your next port ?
Question : what was your last port ?
 Question : what is your detination ?
Question : what was your last port of call ?
 Question : where do you go to ?
Question : where was you come from ?
 I don’t know

4. vessel is underway to distrees position to render assistence...

 I am proceeding to your assistence

 I am proceeding for yuor help
 I am coming to help you
 I am under way to assist you
 I don’t know

5.the cook....his arm in the fire

 Burned
 Injured
 Brused
 Broke
 I don’t know

6. vessel is unmanoeuvrable. The SMCP of he message is...

 I am not under command

 I am obstructed in my manoeuverability
 I am hampered vessel
 I am manoeuvring with difficulty
 I don’t know

7. the second officer has.... the chart

 Chacked
 Loaded
 Greased
 Painted
 I don’t know

8. tide is getting low...

 tide will be reduced

 tide falling
 tide lowering
 tide will be decreased
 i don’t know

9. vessel has had a cillision with MV GARDLAND...

 My vessel and MV Garland had a cillision

 I have collided with MV Garland
 There has been a collision with MV Garland
 My vessel has had a collision with MV Garland
 I don’t know

10. vessel S of us is going to decrease her speed to 8 knots...

 information vessel to the south of you decreasing speed to eight knots

 information vessel to south of you proceeding more slowy at eight knots
 information vessel to the south of you under way more slowly at eight knots
 information vessel to the south of you reducing speed to eight knots
 i don’t know

11. the engineer has .... the engine

 Repaired
 Repairt
 Repaire
 Repair
 I don’t know

12. MV in posn west of bondpier is changing her course to the north...

 information : vessel W of bondpier altering course to the north

 information : vessel W of bondpier charging course to the north
 information : vessel W of bondpier turning to the north
 information : vessel W of bondpier alternating course to the north
 i don’t know

13. the ship.... by the naval architec five years ago

 Was build
 Is build
 Was built
 Is built
 I don’t know

14. has the vessel arrived at the port yet...

 Yes yet
 No, already
 Nothing
 Not yet
 I don’t know

15. the cadet has ... the deck

 Swept
 Sweped
 Sweep
 Swep
 I don’t know

16. choose the corrects sentence...

 The engineer has seald the pipe

 The enginner have sealed the pipe
 The engineer has sealt the pipe
 The engineer has sealed the pipe
 I don’t know

17. vessel needs helicopter for medical assistance...

 I need helicopter for medical assistance

 I want a helicopter with doctor
 I want medical assistence in helicopter
 I require helicopter with doctor
 I don’t know

18. water is not deep enough...

 There is not enough depth of water

 Depth of water not sufficient
 Water not deep enough
 Depth of water insufficient
 I do’t know

19. choose the correct sentence...

 They have greased the winches

 They has greasd the winches
 They have greasd the winches
 They have greast the winches
 I don’t know

20. the man is weding the railing. He protects his face by using....

 Face mask
 Safety gleves
 Safety goggles
 Safety shoes
 I don’t know

21. 1. “ Repeat “ is used when a message or part of a message has not been clearly underslood

2. “ Say again “ is used when an important message or part of e message is repeated

 1 and 2 are both right

 1 is right
 2 is right
 1 and 2 are both wrong
 I don’t know

22. the master said ‘ i have sent the telex ‘

The reported speech of the sentence is

 The master said that he had sent the telex

 The master said that i had sent the telex
 The master sand that i have sent the telex
 The master said that the has sent the telex
 I don’t know

23. the cook burned his hands...he went to see the doctor

 So
 But
 And because
 I don’t know

24. vessel is heeling over dangerousely to port side

Cargo will be put overboard to stop heeling

 I am heeling over to port , i will jettison cargo to stop heeling

 I have a dangerous list to port, i will put cargo over board to stop listing
 I have a dengerous list to port, i will put cargo over board to stop listing
 I have a dengerous list to port, i will jettison cargo to stop listing
 I don’t know

25. water is entering the vessel below the waterline...

 I am flooding below waterline

 Water is coming into the vessel
 Water is entering the vessel below waterline
 I am leaking water
 I don’t know

26. vessel is being attacked by pirates...

 I am under attack of pirates

 Vessel is being attaked by pirates
 Pirate attack on my vessel
 Pirates are attacking my vessel
 I don’t know

27. the chief officer has already ( speak ) to the master. The correct from of the verb in bracket is...

 Spoken
 Speaks
 Spoke
 Speaking
 I don’t know

28. the 3rd engineer has.... the alarm

 Tested
 Read
 Docked
 Pairited
 I don’t know

29. fire has been located in no. 2 hold

The cargo is on fire, smoke is not poisonous

 Number – 2 hold on fire ; cargo is burning ; smoke not poisonous

 Number – 2 hold on and cargo burning : smoke not toxic
 Fire is in number 2 hold ; cargo on fire ; smoke not hamful
 Fire is in number – 2 hold ; cargoon fire ; smoke not toxic
 I don’t know

30. traffic must procceed carefully...

 You must procceed carefully

 You must navigate with caution
 You must procceed with care
 I don’t know

1.vessel is underway to distress position to render assistance:

Imcomming to help you

2.vessel is healing over dangerously to port side:

“Im heeling over to port, I will jettison cargo to stop heeling”

3. Choose the correect sentence

They have greased the winches

4.six crew members have been wounded, two crew members were killed

Number of injured person. Six number of dead two

5. Water is not deep enaugh

Dept of water insufficient

6. The cook burned his hand.... He went to see the doctor


7.tide is getting low

Tide lowering

8. Coastal station wisher to know where the vessel is going to and where is coming from

Question: where do you go to

Quetion: where do you come from

9 the chif officer has already( speak) to the now master. The correct from of the verb is bracket is...


10....1”repeat” is used when a massage or part of a massage has not been clearly understood

...2 “say again” is used when an imfortant massage or part of massage is repeated.
1 and 2 are both right

11. The cadet has... The deck


12.vessel has had a collision with mv garland .

“My vessel and mv garland had a collision

13.has the vessel arrived at the port yed.


14.the the naval architect five years ago.

Was bullt

15.vessel needs helicopter for medical assistance.

I heed helicopter for medical assistence

16.the second officer has... The chat


17.thanks you massage has been received the short from (telex) of the sentence is.


18. Water is entering the vessel below the waterline.

I am leaking water has been located in no 2 hold.

Number 2 hold and cargo burning:smoke not toxid

20.the master said:i have sent the telex the reported speech of the sentence is.

The master said that he has sent the telex in posn west of bondpier is changing her course to the north.

Infomation vessel w of bonpier altering course to the north

22.choose the correct sentence

The engineer has seated the pipe

23.vessel is unmanoevrable.theSmcp of the massage is

I am not under command

24.the cook... His arm in the fire

25.the man is welding the therailing.he protects his face by using

Face mask

26.vessel 5 of us is going to decrease her speed to 8 knots

Information vessel to the south of you decreasing speed to eight knots

27.the 3rd engineer has......The alarm


28.vessel is being attacked by pirates

Pirate are attacking my vessel

29.the engineer has......... The engine


1. The capten is on ……. Bridge? The

2. The first aid box is…… the cupboard? In
3. this is mv. Star light,call sign carlie lima bravo…..exray? Foxtrot
4. in wich continent is Canada ? North america
5. an equipment used when enter an enclosed space? Breathing apparatus
6. …… he the 2nd officer? Is
7. Is there ….. cabin inside the accommodation? The
8. Indentify this message marker I will reduce speed? Intention
9. They are working as… engginner? An
10. ….do you start working? I strart working at 08.00 when
11. The pilot is from india he is….? Indian
12. There is …. Electronic chart on the navigation bridge? An
13. Q: are you from England? A:….. yes,I am
14. Gambar kapal “ H “ is….? Bridge
15. Hes job is safety officer and have responbility for the ship eight hours a day? Third officer
16. What is the capital city of UAE? Abu dhabi
17. Does the port…. Five tug boats? Have
18. Does the C/E…. to the engine room? Go
19. I always work on the bridge? Everyday
20. There… rooms on the first deck? Are
21. How do you do say 6.35 PM in 24 hours? Six thirtiy five
22. Do you of listen to the music?no….. I,seldom listen to the music
23. I dentify this safety equipment ( gambar )? Immersion suit
24. See this picture ( tanda panah)? Go straight
25. The fire alarm is…. The door? On

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