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Carpooling Questionnaire

1. Gender
Male Female

2. Years working at Westport

1-2 years

3-4 years

5-6 years

7 years and above

3. Tell us about yourself as a driver

I can drive and am a car owner

I can drive but am not a car owner

I can drive and have use of another car in the household

I can drive and have a car on a payment plan (rent)

I cannot drive

4. What is your primary mode of transport to work?


5. How far is your home from workplace?

Less than 3km

3-10 km away

10-20km away

20-30km away

More than 20km away

6. What is your working hour?
Office hour

For this part, choose according on your opinion either:

1 = strongly disagree 2= disagree 3=average 4= agree 5=strongly agree
1 2 3 4 5
1 How concerned are you about our environment?
2 How environmental friendly are you?
3 Do you think increasing number of transportation on
road lead to road accident?
4 Are cars one of the biggest contributors to global
5 Do you find parking a problem?
6 50% of salary are used for transportation fuel and
7 Time is important in transportation
8 Cost is important in transportation
9 Ease is important in transportation (comfortable)
10 Environmental impact is important in transportation
11 Do you think carpooling is compulsory for workers?
12 Do you think carpooling can reduce cost of fuel?
13 Do you comfortable giving a lift to a stranger
14 Do you comfortable receiving a lift from a stranger
15 Would carpooling reduce the cost of fuel usage per
16 Does carpooling reduce the environmental impact?
17 Would saving money encourage you to use car pool?
18 Would saving the environment encourage you to use
car pool?
19 Carpooling can save car ownership cost
20 Carpooling can save fuel cost
21 We can meet new interesting people by carpooling
22 Carpooling can be environmental friendly
23 Carpooling can avoid the hassle finding a parking spot
24 Carpooling can make journey from and to work
25 If carpooling a compulsory, would you be the driver?
26 If carpooling a compulsory, would you be the
27 Would you willing to set up a formal car sharing
arrangement through a website?
28 A solo female driver should consider carpooling
29 A solo male driver should consider carpooling
30 By carpooling, do you think the number of road
accident will decrease?
31 Carpooling is unreasonable
32 Carpooling is uncomfortable
33 If problems of searching, scheduling, punctuality,
and personal security were addressed, would you
34 Carpooling is better than public transportation
35 Public transportation is better than carpooling
36 Picking up people is the biggest trouble in carpooling
37 Time management is the biggest concern in
38 Sharing fuel cost is the biggest trouble in carpooling
39 By carpooling, the car ownership will have no privacy
40 I rather drive alone then sharing a car with strangers
41 I rather drive with strangers then driving alone
42 Maximum person in a car during carpooling are three
43 Carpooling is only acceptable during working hours
44 As a driver, if any of your passengers have emergency
you will be willing to lend your car
45 As a passenger, you will be willing to find other
option if your driver have any emergency
46 As a passenger, I would require a pick up from my
house and so would not be willing to travel at all
47 As a driver, I would require passenger to make my
house as a pick up point
48 I consider strangers only as my passenger
49 I consider close friends only as my passenger
50 Carpooling is beneficial in every aspects

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