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Mindoro State College Main Campus Bongabong Campus Calapan City Campus

of Agriculture and Alcate, Victoria Labasan, Bongabong Masipit, Calapan City

Technology e-mail address:

Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro 5205 Philippines Tel .: +639178156228 Fax: (+63) (43) 2862368


NAME ________________________ DATE __________________________
YEAR/SECTION _________________ Score ___________ RATING ________

TEST I. DIRECTIONS: Encircle the letter of correct answer.

1. The Commander –in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines is the

a. Chief of Staff b. President c. PNP chief d. Sec. of National Defense
2. What is defined as the exercise of the power which resides in the executive branch of the
government to preserve order and ensure the public safety in time of emergency, where other
branches of the government are unable to function, or their functioning would itself threaten
the public safety.
a. Writ of habeas corpus b. constitution c. martial law d. none of the above
3. What part of the constitution recites the general principle of our government?
a. Preamble b. National Territory c. Right of Suffrage d. Effectivity Clause
4. What is the form of our government?
a. Presidential b. Confederate c. Socialistic d. none of the above
5. A basic social institution that our state should strengthen according to the constitution under
our declaration of principles.
a. Barangay b. Purok c. Family d. none of the above
6. In order for the state to promote social justice to insure the dignity, welfare, and security of all
the people, it has to;
a. Regulate the acquisition of private property
b. Regulate the disposition of private property
c. Equitably diffuse property ownership and right
d. All of the above
7. Under the new constitution the term of the President is –
a. 4 years b. 8 years c. 10 years d. 6 years
8. What is the term of office of the members of the House of Representatives?
a. 6 years b. 5 years c. 10 years d. 8 years
9. Who shall head the cabinet under the new constitution –
a. President b. Prime Minister c. speaker d. Deputy Prime Minister
10. Under the new constitution, who is the head of our government
a. Prime Minister b. President c. Speaker d. Chief Justice
11. Who shall have control of all the Secretaries?
a. President b. Prime Minister c. Speaker d. None of the above
12. The Supreme Court shall be composed of a chief Justice and –
a. Ten Associate Justices c. Five Associate Justices
b. Fifteen Associate Justices d. Fourteen Associate Justices
13. The constitutional commissions –
a. Civil Service commission
b. Commission on Election
c. Commission on Audit
d. All of the above
14. The composition of the commission on Election
a. Chairman and Eight commissions
b. Chairman and five commissions
c. Chairman and two commissions
d. Chairman and three commissions
15. Trial is validly held even if the accused is not around as long as the following requisites are
present EXCEPT.
a. Validly cross examined c. validly arraigned
b. Was properly noticed of the date of the trial d. unjustifiable reason

MinSCAT upholds Responsibility Involvement Commitment Excellence

Mindoro State College Main Campus Bongabong Campus Calapan City Campus

of Agriculture and Alcate, Victoria Labasan, Bongabong Masipit, Calapan City

Technology e-mail address:

Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro 5205 Philippines Tel .: +639178156228 Fax: (+63) (43) 2862368

16. The stage of criminal proceedings where the accused pleads guilty or not.
a. Cross examination c. custodial investigation
b. Arraignment d. none of the above
17. Since the President is the Commander-in-chief, what power will exercise by the president
a. Power of appointment c. Power of Control
b. Military Power d. Ministrant Power
18. It is a type of suffrage that the process whereby electorates express their views either to
approve or reject a proposed law submitted to them for decision.
a. Plebiscite b. recall c. referendum d.election
19. The Balikbayan Law
a. R. A. 9225 b. R. A. 6768 c. R. A. 9174 d. R.A. 10533
20. The constitutional commission that responsible for the accounting of the government revenues
and expenditures and public funds.

TEST II. Directions: Match column A to column B. Write the corresponding letter on the space provided.


______ 1. The right and obligation to vote a. Executive Department

b. Suffrage
______ 2. The exercise of political, economic, c. Governance
and administrative authority d. Party List Act
e. Natural born Filipino Citizen
______ 3. Philippine Constitution, ARTICLE VII f. Balikbayan Law
______ 4. A person born in the Philippines

______ 5. R.A. 7491

TEST III. Answer the following (5 points each):

A. Explain the way on how the government can protect Filipinos working abroad?
B. Many people see our public officers as corrupt. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
C. Enumerate the qualifications of the candidates for president and vice president of the country.
D. What is party-list system? And what is the reason for the introduction of the party-list system?

Prepared by:


College Instru ctor

MinSCAT upholds Responsibility Involvement Commitment Excellence

Mindoro State College Main Campus Bongabong Campus Calapan City Campus

of Agriculture and Alcate, Victoria Labasan, Bongabong Masipit, Calapan City

Technology e-mail address:

Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro 5205 Philippines Tel .: +639178156228 Fax: (+63) (43) 2862368

Answers’ KEY


1. B
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. D
7. D
9. A
10. B 1. B
11. A 2. C
12. D 3. E
13. D 4. A
14. C 5. F
15. D
16. A
18. A
Essay - Rubrics will be used to score the test
19. C
(please see attachment)
20. A

MinSCAT upholds Responsibility Involvement Commitment Excellence

Mindoro State College Main Campus Bongabong Campus Calapan City Campus

of Agriculture and Alcate, Victoria Labasan, Bongabong Masipit, Calapan City

Technology e-mail address:

Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro 5205 Philippines Tel .: +639178156228 Fax: (+63) (43) 2862368


NAME ________________________ DATE __________________________
YEAR/SECTION _________________ Score ___________ RATING ________
Test I. Multiple Choice. Read carefully questions and select the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
1. What is the best explanation of political idology?
a. System of beliefs b. political system c. ethical system
d. a set of related belief about political theory and policy
2. One way of differentiating between ideologies is their view of tradition. Which of the
following ideologies in NOT hostile to tradition?
a. Anarchism b. American conservatism c. Classical Leberalism d. Socialism
3. Which belief best describes nationalism?
a. The belief in the innate goodness of the individual
b. The belief that one’s nation is great
c. The belief the inequalities is the economy destroy any equality in politics
d. The belief that one person is chosen by God to rule over the rest
4. Liberals want to promote the freedom of:
a. No particular group or class of people, but of each and every educated person
b. No particular group or class of people, but of each and every individual
c. No particular group or class of people, but of each and every active individual
possessive of self-reliant character
d. Only individual who can resist the tyranny and the majority
5. The body of official rules and regulations generally found in constitutions, legislations,
judicial opinions used for governance and control of the state and the behavior of its
a. Constitution b. law c. politics d. government
6. An ideology that puts emphasis on the rule of the majority
a. Democratic b. Communism c. Liberalism d. Conservatism
7. This is where every member of the community owns all the wealth, shall take part to
attain this wealth, and shall be given on the share according to his needs.
a. Democratic b. Communism c. Liberalism d. Conservatism
8. This belief recognizes the role of the Community in promoting, protecting, and
controlling the value of rights and liberty of every citizen in the development and
improvement of the community.
a. Democratic b. Communism c. Liberalism d. Conservatism
9. An ideology that focuses on the conservation of the existing socio-economic and political
condition and the abhorrence of the series of attempts for improvement.
a. Democratic b. Communism c. Liberalism d. Conservatism
10. It is a science that deals with the process of studying the origin and factors related to
human acts, formulating and enforcing policies therein, and making interpretations.
A. Political science b. Liberal Science c. Social Science d. Science
11. This SCOPE deals with the analysis of the many theories, principles and concepts with
reference to the development and growth of human behavior in relation to the purpose of
the State
a. Political Theory b. Public Law c. Public Administration d. Administrative Law
12. This law concentrates on the governance of a country with emphasis on the structure,
organization, powers and duties, obligations and limitations among communities in a
state and among other nations or states.
a. Political Theory b. Public Law c. Public Administration d. Administrative Law
13. This area treats the theories and principles on the methodology in management of people,
affairs and resources of the government as exercised by the legislative, executive and
a. Political Theory b. Public Law c. Public Administration d. Administrative Law

MinSCAT upholds Responsibility Involvement Commitment Excellence

Mindoro State College Main Campus Bongabong Campus Calapan City Campus

of Agriculture and Alcate, Victoria Labasan, Bongabong Masipit, Calapan City

Technology e-mail address:

Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro 5205 Philippines Tel .: +639178156228 Fax: (+63) (43) 2862368

14. If the law is concern with the relationships between the government and the individual,
and those within the government itself, fix by law to serve the public with utmost
responsibility, efficiency, loyalty, integrity and accountability, this may refers to:
a. Constitutional Law c. Law of Public officers
b. Administrative Law d. Local government code
15. This is a study of the maintenance of proper balance between authorities as represented
by the three inherent powers of the state.
a. Constitutional Law c. Law of Public officers
b. Administrative Law d. Local government code
16. A branch of public law which fixes the organization of the government
a. Constitutional Law c. Law of Public officers
b. Administrative Law d. Local government code
17. When a body or legislation regulates the affairs of the municipal administration, this
political law is referring to:
a. Constitutional Law c. Law of Public officers
b. Administrative Law d. Local government code
18. This kind of Law prescribes the way and means through which the grievance are
remedied, issues are heard and adjudicated, and wrongdoings are punished.
a. Remedial b. Special c. Penal d. Public
19. Which of the following statements about law is true?
a. It is not uncommon for some laws to be confusing for the members of the society in
which they exist
b. Laws are often open to interpretation depending on the situation of a crime
c. A and b are correct
d. None of the above
20. Of the following, who may officially propose a bill?
a. Constituents b. Interested group c. Member of congress d. Governors
21. Which of the following is the purpose of the 1987 Philippine constitution.
a. To protect the state from a foreign invasion
b. To ensure the security of the rights of every Filipino
c. To prescribe a permanent framework for a system of government
d. All of the above
22. In which classification of constitution that EVOLUTION belongs:
a. By Origin b. by Form c. By Effect d. By Implementation
23. Relatively effectual and dependent on the government scenario, domestic of international,
without leaving the general welfare.
a. By Origin b. by Form c. By Effect d. By Implementation
24. When the governmental actions are adjusted to the norms and cultural standards of the
people this can be classified as:
a. By Origin b. by Form c. By Effect d. By Implementation
25. Which of the following statement shows good written constitution
a. The rights of the people and their limitations will be covered by the Bill of Rights
b. The structure of the Government and the mechanism for the delivery of the services
c. The origin of powers and laws, including the procedures of amendments and
revisions and limitations of the domestic and international powers on Philippine
d. All of the above
26. If the words of a single person govern all and the constitutional leader where the powers
of the ruler are subject to the limitations set by their own constitution.
a. Monarchic b. Aristocratic c. Democratic d. Totalitarian
27. This is a government of the majority, by the majority, and for the majority of people
a. Monarchic b. Aristocratic c. Democratic d. Totalitarian
28. This government is characterized by the highly centralized and dictatorial governance.
a. Monarchic b. Aristocratic c. Democratic d. Totalitarian
29. If the leadership is limited to the few elite people gauged by their intellects and richness
a. Monarchic b. Aristocratic c. Democratic d. Totalitarian

MinSCAT upholds Responsibility Involvement Commitment Excellence

Mindoro State College Main Campus Bongabong Campus Calapan City Campus

of Agriculture and Alcate, Victoria Labasan, Bongabong Masipit, Calapan City

Technology e-mail address:

Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro 5205 Philippines Tel .: +639178156228 Fax: (+63) (43) 2862368

30. The form of government in the Philippines is divided in three equal branches such as:
legislative, executive, and judiciary. This government is fall into what form?
a. Presidential b. Parliamentary c. Federal d. Unitarian
31. Does the Philippines is an Archipelago state?
a. Yes, because it is covered by land c. No, because it is covered with waters
b. Yes, because Archipelago means d. No, because it is covered by land
bodies of water and Philippine is covered by waters
32. The Philippine estimated group of island is ______.
a. 7701 c. 7170
b. 7107 d. 7710
33. During the Pre-Spanish Government the Barangay is headed by a chieftain.
a. Governador b. rajah or datu c. Kapitan d. Mayor
34. The slaves who stay on their quarters
a. Aliping saguiguilid b. aliping namamahay c. aliping taga-bukid d. alipin
35. The slaves who stay in their masters
a. Aliping saguiguilid b. aliping namamahay c. aliping taga-bukid d. alipin
36. The appellate body on resolving criminal controversies during the Spanish regime
a. Justices b. royal audiencia c. governor general d. peace court justice
37. The President of the First Republican Government
a. Manuel Roxas b. Manuel L. Quezon c. Manuel de Roxas d. Sergio Osmenia
38. Which of the following is incorrect?
a. A state is sovereign c. Philippine is a state
b. a state is a country d. a state is run by the government
39. When did the Philippines become independent?
a. 04-Jul-76 b. 04-Jul-46 c. 14-Aug-47 d. 01-jan-84
40. Which country had the Philippines as its colony from 1898 to 1945, except for some
years during World War II.
a. Portugal b. USA c. UK d. Belgium
41. Which country occupied the Philippines during World War II?
a. Germany b. china c. Italy d. Japan
42. Which country had the Philippines as its colony for more than 300 years?
a. Spain b. Italy c. France d. England
43. The imposition of direct military control of normal civilian functions by a government,
especially in response to temporary emergency such as invasion or major disaster, or in
occupied territory
a. Military deployment b. martial law c. military occupancy d. state of emergency
44. What does a constitution represent?
a. The history of a country and its government
b. The power to control local government
c. The rules that determine the distribution and exercise of power
d. A tradition that pushed aside as times change
45. Why is it a bad idea to make a constitution too easy to change?
a. It undermines the stability of the government
b. It assumes that the writers of the constitution were foolish
c. It shows disloyalty to the past
d. We aren’t as wise as our predecessors
46. The President of the Philippines is in which branch of government?
a. Legislative Branch b. Judicial Branch c. Elective Branch d. Executive
47. Which branch makes the Laws?
a. Legislative Branch b. Judicial Branch c. Elective Branch d. Executive
48. Congress is in what branch of government?
a. Legislative Branch b. Judicial Branch c. Elective Branch d. Executive Branch

MinSCAT upholds Responsibility Involvement Commitment Excellence

Mindoro State College Main Campus Bongabong Campus Calapan City Campus

of Agriculture and Alcate, Victoria Labasan, Bongabong Masipit, Calapan City

Technology e-mail address:

Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro 5205 Philippines Tel .: +639178156228 Fax: (+63) (43) 2862368

49. A form of government based on a written set of laws (the constitution) to which all
citizens agree, is called?
a. Limited Government c. Constitutional Government
b. Three Branch government d. Monarchy
50. The power promoting the public welfare by restarting and resulting the use of liberty and
a. Police power b. people power c. power of taxation d. power of eminent domain
51. The power by which the state raise revenue to defray the necessary expenses of the
a. Police power b. people power c. power of taxation d. power of eminent domain
52. The power of the state to acquire private property for public purpose upon payment of
just compensation.
a.Police power b. people power c. power of taxation d. power of eminent domain
53. The following are the characteristics of inherent powers of the State.
a. Demands an necessary constitutional grants
b. Presupposes equivalent compensation
c. Primarily legislative in nature
d. All of the above
54. Which of the following is the requisites of taking private property thru power of eminent
a. Expropriation must enter a private property
b. There is no opportunity to be heard
c. Entry must be under warrant or color of authority
d. Entry must be more than a momentary period
Test II. Essay. Explain briefly the following:
A. Differentiate State and Nation
B. Why are the people considered as the most important element in a State?
C. May State or Government exist without constitution?
D. Can the government take my private property by eminent domain for any reason?

Content - 2 points
Clarity - 1.5 points
Consistency - 1.5 points_
Total 5 points

Prepared by:


CTE - Instructor

Noted by:


CTE - Program Chair

MinSCAT upholds Responsibility Involvement Commitment Excellence

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