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Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

2.1 Introduction

This chapter will discuss the existing literatures, studies and journals

related to this research. Components classifications such as sensors and

microcontrollers will be discussed in this section.

2.2 Detention and Retention Ponds

2.2.1 Detention Ponds

Detention ponds temporarily store runoff from storm water, which

eliminates the peak rate of runoff to a river or flood drain. These help prevent

localized flooding and, if planned, provide some benefits in terms of water

quality and reduce downstream stream erosion.

These are generally ineffective in removing pollutants from the

environment because they do not have enough storage space for solids to

settle before water is drained into a river or storm sewer system.

Nevertheless, the extension of the storage time of the basin and/or the

addition of a fore bay to the basin in the design where space allows will

improve the water quality and the quantity benefits. For prolonged detention, a

larger basin will be needed. Fore bays store water to pretreat runoff before

adding it to the main dam and provide additional temporary storage of the


I. Extended Detention Ponds

Extended detention ponds (EDs) are dry detention ponds that during

peak runoff events have 12 to 24 hours of runoff processing. An outlet system

manages releases from the ED ponds. Water backs up into the ED pond

during a storm activity as the discharge limit is exceeded. The pool reduces

the flow rate and allows the settlement of particulate contaminant. There is

also a drop in peak flows. ED ponds have the lowest total pollutant removal

level of any storm water treatment option, so they are often paired with other

downstream, low-impact design (LID) practices to optimize pollutant removal

levels better. ED is often the last opportunity to treat storm water before it is

discharged into a stream because of its placement at the exit point of the


Due to its low performance in treatment, an ED should be viewed as

the last resort treatment option.

a. Wet Extended Detention Pond

In order to function properly, wet extended detention ponds require

careful planning. The architect should be committed to considering the

potential impacts of the finished building throughout the design process.

Generally speaking, the completed facility should provide citizens with

security as well as real property, water quality, and wildlife habitat safety.

Site selection of the detention system must consider both the area's

natural topography and the limits of the land. Considerations of esthetics and

water quality may also dictate locations. A storage facility is an integral part of

the environment and should therefore, if possible, act as an esthetic

enhancement for the city. This promotes the use of good principles in

landscaping. An integral part of the storage facility layout should be the

planting and conservation of suitable trees and other vegetation.

The development of storm water runoff infrastructure should be

coordinated with a basin project. In a specific environment, if no other areas

add to the concerns of that owner, an individual property owner may, of

course, offer successful assistance to the next owner downstream by his or

her actions alone. Uncontrolled proliferation of impoundments within a

watershed, however, can severely alter natural flow conditions, resulting in

compounded flow peaks or increased flow duration, which may contribute to

degradation downstream. Therefore, when designing the system, downstream

impacts due to potential land use changes should be considered. Planning

and control of land use may be necessary to preserve the impoundment's

intended function.

2.2.2 Retention Ponds

Retention ponds are ponds or pools intended to attenuate surface

runoff during precipitation events with additional storage space. In order to

provide additional storage space during precipitation events, they consist of a

permanent pond area with landscaped banks and climate. These are formed

through the use of an existing natural depression, a new depression being

excavated or embankments being built. Existing natural water sources should

not be used because of the possibility that the system's natural ecosystem

may be disturbed / damaged by pollution events or poor water quality.


Through providing additional storage capacity to absorb runoff and

release it at a controlled rate, retention ponds can provide both storm water

attenuation and water quality management. Through storing surface water

and slowly releasing it once the risk of flooding has passed, ponds can be

designed to control runoff from all storms. Runoff is stored and handled in the

pond from each rain case. The retention time and still water promotes

pollutant removal through sedimentation, while aquatic vegetation and

biological uptake mechanisms offer additional treatment. Retention ponds

have good capacity to remove urban pollutants and improve the quality of

surface runoff.

I. Dry Retention Ponds

In areas where there are ten or more acres of land, dry detention

ponds are best used. It is difficult to control water quality on smaller sites and

it may be more appropriate to use other options.

A very low slope is typically used by dry retention ponds to divert water.

To ensure the correct amount of water flow through the process, the inlet

must be no more than 15 percent higher than the outlet. The system works by

allowing the water to have a large collection area, or basin. The water then

drains out at the bottom of the structure slowly through the outlet. Concrete

blocks and other barriers often act as a deterrent to slow the flow of water and

collect extra debris.

Advantage of this is that the surrounding areas have a vegetative

buffer that can withstand conditions that are dry and rainy and Implementation

can cost less than a wet retention pond as the size is usually smaller. And

having the disadvantage of requiring a large amount of space, it does not

improve water quality, can become a mosquito breeding ground and can

detract from property value, whereas retention pond can add value.

II. Wet Retention Ponds

Wet storage ponds are a system for storm water management that

provides preservation and treatment for storm water runoff polluted. The

quantity and quality of storm water is regulated by the collection and storage

of storm water runoff, wet retention ponds. The natural processes of the

wetlands then work to eliminate contaminants. Retention ponds should be

surrounded by natural vegetation to enhance the sustainability of banks and

maximize aesthetic benefits.

A network of underground pipes linking storm drains to the lake will

redirect water to a wet retention pond. The system allows large quantities of

water to reach the lake, and the outlet allows small quantities of water as

needed to maintain the required water level. Standing water is always a

problem from a health point of view. This may be a drowning risk, especially

for kids. Ponds can also attract mosquitoes that can lead to some disease


Wet retention ponds has the advantage of it is simple if space is

provided, collects and improves water quality, it naturally process water

without additional equipment, improved storm water and flood control, new

habitats are created, and can be used for recreational purposes. While

having a disadvantage of requiring large areas of land, can be a drowning

hazard and negative water impacts if not properly designed.


2.2.3 Detention vs. Retention

In flood control or storm water runoff disposal, two different types of

ponds are often used: wet ponds and dry ponds. These systems work to

remove suspended sediments and other usually present solids in the runoff of

storm water. Wet ponds are also referred to as retention ponds and hold

water behind a dam similar to water. The retention pond has a permanent

water pool that fluctuates from the contributing areas in response to rain and

runoff. Maintaining a pool discourages resuspension and at the bottom of the

holding area holds deposited sediments.

Figure 1 Detention/Retention Pond Diagram

Storm water ponds are progressively comprising both storage and

detention ponds components. This is done similarly to a retention pond where

the drain at the ideal storage depth is raised above the bottom of the pond. A

control system is mounted at this elevation to restrict the level of outflow to the

rate of pre-development. The disparity in the pond's height and elevations of

retention is the amount of detention. The volume of detention is stacked on


the volume of retention with this process. It is possible to configure both wet

and dry ponds in this way. The amount of storage in a dry pond is recovered

using infiltration to allow contaminants to be absorbed by soil microbes.

Storm water installations are a critical part of protecting our rivers,

lakes and streams from erosion and pollutants from building and development

activities. Dry detention ponds temporarily store and discharge a volume of

storm water at a controlled rate to prevent too much water from being

received by infrastructure and water bodies. Wet storage ponds retain a

permanent volume of water for wastewater treatment before disposal to

remove contaminants and sediments. The combination of the two principles

in one facility results in a dry retention or wet detention pond that provides the

required treatment and control of floods.

2.3 Components

2.3.1 Arduino

A microcontroller (MCU) is a small computer on an integrated circuit

chip with a single metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS). In modern terminology,

it is similar to, but less sophisticated than, a chip system (SoC); as one of its

components, a SoC may include a microcontroller. A microcontroller, together

with memory and programmable input / output peripherals, includes one or

more CPUs (processor cores). Often commonly included on the chip is

program memory in the form of ferroelectric RAM, NOR flash or OTP ROM as

well as a small amount of RAM. In comparison to the microprocessors used in

personal computers or other general purposes, microcontrollers are designed

for embedded applications


Arduino is a forum for open-source electronics based on hardware and

software that is easy to use. Arduino boards can read inputs— light on a

sensor, a finger on a key, or a Twitter message — and transform it into an

output — activate a motor, switch on an LED, and publish anything online. By

sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board, you can tell

your board what to do. To do this, use the Arduino programming language

(based on Wiring) and the Processing-based Arduino Software (IDE).

Figure 2 Arduino

Design Institute, aimed at students without an electronics or

programming history. As soon as it reached a wider community, the Arduino

board started changing to adapt to new needs and challenges, differentiating

its offer from simple 8-bit boards to products for IoT applications, wearable,

3D printing, and embedded environments. All Arduino boards are completely

open-source, allowing users to independently develop them and ultimately

customize them to their specific needs. The code is also open-source and is

that worldwide through user contributions.


I. Arduino vs. Raspberry Pi

Arduino has been invented in Italy by Massimo Benzi. Arduino was a

simple prototype tool for hardware. Though raspberry pi as invented by Eben

Upton at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom to improve his students

' programming skills. To beginners, hobbyists, these two teaching methods

are appropriate. Arduino is a microcontroller machine, while raspberry pi is a

mini computer, the main difference among them. So Arduino is just a part of

raspberry pi. Raspberry Pi is great for software applications, while Arduino

simplifies hardware projects.

Such two boards are operating at very low power. But power failure

can cause damage to the software and applications for raspberry pi. In

Arduino's case, if any power is cut, it restarts again. Until disconnecting the

electricity, raspberry pi must be properly shut down. Raspberry Pi comes with

Raspbian, a fully functional operating system. With a processor, memory and

graphics driver, it has all the features of a computer. Pi is designed to use

different operating systems. While Android is preferred to Linux, it is also

possible to install. Arduino has no operating system. Clearly view the code

written to it by its firmware. It is very easy to execute simple code.

Pi is in clock speed 40 times faster than Arduino. Pi has a ram 128000

times faster than Arduino. So Raspberry Pi is better than Arduino. Arduino

has 32 kb of space on board. This code is used to store the data. This code

specifies the Arduino. Raspberry pi has no onboard storage. But it has a

micro SD port. External hardware such as Wi-Fi, Ethernet, touch screens,

cameras, etc. can be used to expand Arduino. Such boards are referred to as

barriers. For Arduino, these shields are easy to install. Although raspberry is

self-constrained board. Pi may also add some hats to add hardware such as

touchscreen, GPS, RGB panels, etc., but it does not have many options such

as Arduino board. To build the software, Arduino uses Arduino IDE. Although

Scratch can be used by Raspberry Pi, anything that supports Linux can be


2.3.2 Electronic Valve Actuator

The tool for opening and closing a valve is a valve actuator. Manually

operated valves allow someone to change them using a device that is

connected directly or geared to the valve stem. Using gas pressure, hydraulic

pressure or electricity, power-operated actuators allow a valve to be changed

remotely or allow large valves to operate quickly. Powered valve actuators

can be the final elements of an automatic control loop that controls any flow,

rate or other mechanism automatically. Actuators may only open and close

the valve or allow intermediate positioning; some valve actuators may include

switches or other means of indicating the valve's location remotely.

Figure 3 Valworx 43124


2.3.3 Transistor ULN2803 Darlington Transistor

The ULN2803A unit is a transistor array of 50 V, 500 mA. The unit

consists of eight pairs of NPN Darlington with high-voltage outputs for

switching inductive loads with common-cathode clamp diodes. Each

Darlington pair's current collector rating is 500 mA. For higher current

efficiency, the Darlington pairs can be connected in parallel. Functions include

relay drivers, hammer drivers, lamp drivers, LED and gas discharge screen

drivers, line drivers, and buffers for logic. To work directly with TTL or 5-V

CMOS sensors, the ULN2803A module has a 2.7-k series base resistor for

each Darlington pair.

Figure 4 ELN2803 Darlington Transistor

Using the control logic module, this is used to manage inductive loads.

ULN2803 IC Darlington arrays are essentially eight individual switches that


can be turned on and off individually. Control units can be used by each array

to drive a high power load. Multiple loads can be used to ride. ULN2803 can

simultaneously drive eight charges. While it will be enough to use MOSFETS

or TRANSISTORS, it will be complicated to put eight devices on board. The

simplest way to replace bulk switching systems is to use ULN2803. It is also

capable of programmable load sharing. If we have one high power load and

one low power load, we can link multiple parallel arrays to move a H high

power load together.

2.3.4 Solenoid Valve

Wherever the fluid flow is to be controlled automatically, a solenoid

valve is used. In the most diverse types of plants and machinery, they are

gradually being used. The variety of different designs available makes it

possible to choose a valve to match the application in question specifically.

Figure 5 Solenoid valve


Solenoid valve is a control device that either shuts down or enables

fluid flow when electrically operated or de-energized. The actuator is an
electromagnet in shape. Once energized, a magnetic field builds up which
pulls against a spring's motion a plunger or pivoting armature. Once de-
energized, the spring movement returns the plunger or pivoting armature to its
original position. A distinction is made between direct valves, internal piloted
valves and externally piloted valves for the mode of actuation. The number of
port connections or the number of flow paths ("ways") is another
distinguishing feature.

2.4 Related Studies

2.4.1 Smart Electronic System for Dancing Fountains Control capable to

Create Water and Lighting Scenarios Synchronized with a Music Track

According to Visconti, P., Constantini, P., Cavalera, G. (2016) this

research involves the design of hardware and software for an electronic
control and driving device for dancing fountains, which is capable of managing
water and lighting scenarios synchronized with mp3 music files stored on an
external SD memory card connected to the unit. The smart PIC control unit
reproduces the music file related to a particular scenario and drives the LED-
based headlights and water pumps of the fountain in a coordinated manner to
create amazing light and water playbacks.

Figure 6 Block diagram of a dancing fountain's general structure controlled by

the control and driving system designed.

On figure 6, shows the electronic control system designed and

implemented to handle the whole structure of a dancing fountain: it controls
water pumps and LED-based lamps, reproduces music files and synchronizes
water and light scenarios with the music itself. This machine is fitted with a
music playback mp3 reader and a SD memory slot, where mp3 music files
and other scenarios are stored by the system. Through a dedicated program
supplied with the control system, the user can create custom scenarios on the
basis of their own fountain. Architecture of the designed control system

Figure-3 shows an architectural scheme of the musical fountains

control system created.

Figure 7 Architecture Scheme of the designed control system

The designed system consists of the following units: the SD memory

card access controller; the music file reproduction decoder; the real-time
scenario start time setting clock; the auxiliary input interface; the user
interface keypad and LCD display; the local monitoring system serial interface
RS232; the control and drive interface.

Through the smart programmable PIC as storage and control unit, the
realized control / driving device, through the connection to the external RAM
memory, could handle the access and reading of the files previously stored in
the SD memory card related to the programmed music and water / light
scenario. This system's innovation consists of the synchronization between
the music track and the play of water / lighting. The PCB realization in SMT
engineering and the subsequent evaluation of the control / driving device
applied to a real dancing fountain will be considered in future measures.

2.4.2 Classical Musical Fountain Shows

According to Yoo, M.J., Lee, I.K of Yonsei University (2009) by

developing an intelligent music-fountain-authoring model (Imfas), which

generates scenarios for music-fountain shows based on any piece of music


by extending a small number of reference scenarios, the researcher

addressed these issues. A scenario that the system creates with computer

graphics can be modeled by programmers or played on a real source. Architecture of the designed control system

Figure 8 Overview of the musical fountain authoring system

The machine mainly provides the development of the fountain, the

generation of music-fountain scenarios, and the control of a programmable
logic controller (PLC). The PLC automates the cycle of electro mechanics and
is commonly used to monitor the hardware of the fountain. Fountain Mechanism

Briefly, a fountain uses water pumps — usually under the fountain—

that push water to the nozzles through various-shaped tubes, which
corresponds to the jet style they are intended to produce. Each pump is the
control device of a fountain because all the jets it can work together. Solenoid
valves that control the flow of water to particular nozzles can also direct the
water from a pump. Big fountains typically use solenoid valves with a number
of nozzles. We refer as a control unit to a water pump or solenoid valve.

I. Detecting Onsets

The quality of a fountain scenario depends heavily on the

synchronization of music and jet. The proposed system achieves
synchronization by extracting music characteristics that are suitable for the
generation of scenarios. This senses onsets in the audio signal and adjusts
the function of the control units to match the music-fountain scenario with the
music at this moment.

Figure 9 a) The basic control unit is a pump that forces water through pipes the
nozzles, and b) the other unit is a solenoid valve that controls the flow to particular

The researchers found that the scenarios were always the same after
watching a popular South Korean music-fountain series for several days. The
owners of the fountain reported that due to budget constraints it would have
adjusted the scenarios just twice in three years. No matter how amazing a
fountain show is, the show can lose its appeal if the music and scenarios stay
the same. So, to improve this situation, the researchers have created
intelligent music-fountain-authoring model (Imfas).

The generation of scenarios relies on audio-signal analysis; it should

lead to enhanced or more flexible generation of scenarios, including better or

different analytical techniques. For example, the system could use voice-

separation techniques to detect the beginning and end of a vocal passage—

which attempt to isolate a singer's voice from an instrumental accompaniment.


This would provide additional start-ups that could be used by the machine to

synchronize jets from fountains. Probability-based approaches like a Bayesian

network tend not to produce large-scale coherent scenarios (for example, a

scenario where all control units are sequentially turned on).

2.4.3 Waterfall Graphic Print

Based on the research conducted by Dawda, S.J., Husain, K.S.S,

Ramnarayan, U.P., Rakesh, S.T. (2014) described their project as water

speaks. The researcher used water as a display component and used AVR

microcontroller, Solenoid valves, Triac-BT316 and MOC-3041 to create a

structure. In general as well as in sectors, this design have many applications.

It can be used for the pleasure and marketing of any brand in public places.

Programming is the most critical part of the project and the researcher used

AVR controller for programming and BASCOM is the technology used. The

display will show the character as soon as the user click the corresponding

button on the keyboard. Interfacing the keyboard should make this project

more user friendly. Methods

The researcher proposed method is built in three stages and it is

applied to the display screen. The structure is designed and the hardware
components and circuits are installed.

Chapter 3


This chapter discusses the method used to gather and analyze data to

justify the study's goals. This chapter contains the methodology and algorithm

used to create a display of a dancing fountain.

3.1 Flow of the Study

Figure 10 Flow Chart of the Musical Fountain

3.2 Materials Used

3.3 Research Settings


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