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POPIMAR (Health & Safety management system) DRIFT (promoting safe behavior)

P: Policy D: Discipline

O: Organizing R: Reward

P: Planning I: Informing

I: Implementing F: Facilitate

M: Monitoring T: Training

A: Audits

R: Reviews

KATE (Competence) it is

K: Knowledge I: Information

A: Ability (also knowing their limitations) T: Training

T: Training I: Instructions

E: Experience S: Supervision

MEEP ERIC Prevents Death (Eric P D) – Hierarchy of controls

M: Materials E: Elimination

E: Environment R: Reduction

E: Equipments I: Isolation

P: People C: Control (including: it is,SSOW,PTW & work method)


D: Discipline

LITE (Manual handling) 5 Cs (Organizing in POPIMAR)

L: Load Communication

I: Individual Commitment & Control

T: Task Competence

E: Environment Co-operation
SREDIM (developing safe system of work / JSA “Job Safety Analysis”)

S: Select the task to be studied

R: Record each logical step

E: Evaluate the risks for each step considering MEEP

D: Develop safe working procedures considering MEEP

I: Implement the system

M: Monitor its performance / efficiency

3 Ps of First aid: Preserve life, Prevent deterioration & Promote recovery

ENTICE (Mechanical hazards of Machinery)

EN: Entanglement

T: Traps (also referred to as shears, drawing in or crush)

I: Impact

C: Contact (also referred to as cutting, stabbing or puncture)

E: Ejection

FIAT (Machinery hierarchy of controls)

F: Fixed guards

I: Interlocking, Adjustable & Automatic sweeping guards

A: Appliances (trip devices) & Protective devices (holders & push sticks)

T: Training, Information, Supervision & Instructions (it is) & PPE

Be SAFE (Main Hazards of Electricity) SMART (Objectives)

Be: Burns S: Specific

S: Shock M: Measurable

A: Arcing A: Agreed upon

F: Fire R: Realistic (Achievable)

E: Explosion T: Time framed

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