Summary of Surya Mallawa - Gold Mining Concession PDF

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Owner of Production Operation IUP with excavated materials Cuprun (Cu) and Gold (Au).


 Address : Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan Makassar


Administratively, the location of Production Operation IUP is located at:

 Blocks : Jampue dan Bulu Bulu

 Village : Mattampapole
 District : Mallawa, Maros

Infrastructure road to this location is adequate, where the distance from the city of
Makassar approximately 93 Km.

C. Location of IUP is about 800 Ha.

D. The amount of Cu mineral potential reserves is 2,007,470.52 Ton and potential mineral reserves
of Au is 243.7 tons or equal to 24,364,864 kg in area of 800 ha.
Another material reserves:
The follow-up minerals that are present together with the diorite rocks at the mine sites are in
the form of mineral metals Fe203, Pb, and Zn which encountered in various concentrations

E. Water Resources
Seepage are found in several sites which springs that originate from the permeable layer
boundary crack with impermeable layer (in the southern / southern and southwest part of the
application area). In addition to water sources, along the slopes flowing river / small times in the
middle and east of the research area while in the west to the northern part flowing large river
Mallawa which is located outside the mining area.

Transportation access from PT. MSM to the outside area consists of:

 Makassar Mallawa along 93 km wide 12 meters.

 Mallawa to Jampue approximately 3 km of road hardening.
 Jampue to the location of 0.5-5 km of walkway.

Today, the road access around the mine site which is the district road (class III) is still used by the
public and miners of silica sand material or coal miners). Thus, the existing road access will still be
used. Of course the sales truck capacity will be adjusted to the carrying capacity of existing roads.
Photo of observed location and manual sampling:
Mapping results of horizontal distribution Geo Magnet Research location

Mapping results of vertical distribution Geo Magnet Research location

Sample Grade (ppm) Remarks
Code Zn Pb Cu Au Zn SiO2 Fe AI2O3
SB.1 189.99 620.19 3211.96 13.84 67.87 lab DPE Sulsel)
SB.2 1.17% 3.32% 0.23% 1.47 0.01 lab DPE Sulsel)
ST.2 8897.82 0.14
MSM12 186.32 625.23 3119.56 13.55 68.08 Lab. Bandung
ST1C 4692.98 0.01 lab DPE Sulsel)
MSM32 136.55 620.78 3065.46 10.09 67.65 Lab. Bandung
MSM35 167.34 623.54 3210.99 12.99 66.89 Lab. Bandung
ST15A 0.15% 1.2% 1.86% 0.34 0.15% 70.2 15.41 2.42 lab DPE Sulsel)
MSM30 188.09 621.09 3128.89 12.86 67.98 Lab. Bandung
MSM10 156.12 579.20 3421.76 14.7 65.99 Lab. Bandung
ST.3 1408,12 0,01 lab DPE Sulsel)

The aforementioned summary is made based on data of investigation activities start from
Exploration to Exploitation stage.

Makassar, 18 July 2012


Ir. Yahya Mutawakkil

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