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SY. 2018-2019



Submitted to:
College of Criminal Justice
Our Lady of Fatima University

By: Jansen M. Pedrosa

March 2019
Table of contents
Title page I
Table of contents II
Acknowledgement III
I. Reference 1
II. Chronological events

Orientation of the Parents and the OJT Coordinator .
Seminar Stress Management .
Pre-deployment Phase .

Fortress Security Agency 2
Bureau of fire Protection (Angeles City) 3
Criminal Investigation and Detection group (Regional Field Unit 3) 4
Fortress Security Agency .
Parole and Probation Administration (Angeles City) 5

Criminal law and Jurisprudence 6
Crime Detection and Investigation (CDI) .
Correctional Administration (Institutional Correction) .
Correctional Administration (Non-Institutional Correction) .
Law Enforcement Administration (Police Intelligence) .
Criminalistics 7
Criminalistics .
Sociology of Crimes and Ethics .

Seminar with Senior high School .
Meeting with the Graduating Students .


APPENDIX A (Parent Orientation) and (Coping Developing Stress in the 9
Criminology Landscape)
APPENDIX B (Fortress Security Agency) 10
APPENDIX C (Bureau of fire Protection, Angeles City) .
APPENDIX D (Criminal Investigation and Detection Group, RFU 3) 11
APPENDIX E (Fortress Security Agency) 13
APPENDIX F (Parole and Probation Administration, Angeles City) 14
APPENDIX G Dynamics (Criminal law and Jurisprudence) 15
APPENDIX H Dynamics (Crime Detection and Investigation (CDI) .
APPENDIX I Dynamics (Correctional Administration (Institutional Correction) .
APPENDIX J Dynamics (Correctional Administration (Non-Institutional Correction) .
APPENDIX K Dynamics (Law Enforcement Administration (Police Intelligence) .
APPENDIX L Dynamics (Criminalistics) .
APPENDIX M Dynamics (Criminalistics) 16
APPENDIX N Dynamics (Sociology of Crimes and Ethics)
APPENDIX O Dynamics (Seminar “Career Pathing Seminar for SHS Students” .
Theme “Criminology: A Profession and a Calling)
APPENDIX P Dynamics (Meeting with the Graduating Students) .
Other attachment
Endorsement letter of Fortress Security Agency 17
Endorsement letter of Bureau of fire Protection (Angeles City) 18
Endorsement letter of Criminal Investigation and Detection Group 19
(Regional Field Unit 3)
Endorsement letter of Fortress Security Agency 20
Endorsement letter of Parole and Probation Administration (Angeles City) 21
Evaluation Form
Evaluation form of Fortress Security Agency 22
Evaluation form of Bureau of fire Protection (Angeles City) 23
Evaluation form of Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (Regional Field Unit 3) 24
Evaluation form of Fortress Security Agency 25
Evaluation form of Parole and Probation Administration (Angeles City) 26
Certificate of completion
Certificate of completion at Fortress Security Agency 28
Certificate of completion at Bureau of fire Protection (Angeles City) 29
Certificate of completion at Criminal Investigation and Detection Group 30
(Regional Field Unit 3)
Certificate of completion at Fortress Security Agency 31
Certificate of completion at Parole and Probation Administration (Angeles City) 32
Certificate of Gramarian 33

I would like to acknowledge everyone who played a role in my final requirements

accomplishments. First to our Almighty GOD who make a way and guidance to finish all my
requirement. Second to my family who serve as an inspiration and encouragement to finish my
final requirements.

Lastly for my friends and classmates who serve as instrument and guidance to finish my final
requirements and to my Practicum Coordinator MR. George O. Saipen Jr., for the knowledge the
he share and experience that we gain .I appreciate all the effort and sacrifices that he did for the
sake of his student.
College of Criminal Justice
Pampanga Campus

FOR : Mr. George O. Saipen Jr.

Practicum Coordinator
CCJ Pampanga Campus

FROM : Jansen M. Pedrosa

Criminology Intern

RE : Narrative Report

DATE : March --, 2019


1. CHED memorandum Circular 37 series of 2010

2. Our Lady of Fatima University OJT Manual
3. OJT Program of activities duly approved by the CCJ Dean



The Parent-Student Orientation/On-the-Job Training meeting was

held last October 9, 2018 with the parents and the qualified candidates
of 4th year students of College of Criminal Justice in taking the
practicum. (See Appendix A)

Part of the celebration of the Criminology Days year 2018-2019, we

participated in the seminar entitled “Coping with Developing Stress in
the Criminology Landscape” with Dr. Miller F. Peckley as the guest
speaker last September 28, 2018 at Our Lady of Fatima University,
Auditorium (See Appendix A)

The Pre-Deployment phase composed of some physical and mental

training. Wherein our presence of mind is needed to properly follow the
command of your team leader and program coordinator. There is
punishment for those recklessly violate of command and not properly
follow the instructions. (See Appendix A)
On November 15, 2018, the Dean of CCJ Dr. Zorobabel S. Laureles
came and visited us for the inspection and leave some advices and a
message that could help for our internship. (See Appendix A)


B1. Agency Deployment Phase

Fortress Security Agency (OLFU Pampanga, Campus)

The first day of our deployment (December3, 2018), my team the group 4
was assigned at school. The officer in charge (OIC) Apollo Antonio
oriented us on what we going to do and assigned us as buddy on
designated post I am with Dexter Velasquez. We assigned at the 5th
building and accompanied by one of the security guard. We secure the
happening event of the high school at 5th building basketball court. The
program we going back at the entrance and exit for checking of proper
Day 2 (December. 4, 2018), rotation of post I am with three others
group mates assigned on the exit of school, we check the id and
registration card of senior high school student (SHS) we check if their
registration card are match on time so we will let them to leave the
school because other students try to fool us.
Day 3 of deployment (December 5, 2018), I am with Flores we assign as
roving. We go to the 4th building and we assist the guard on pharmacy
day for maintenance of peace after that we help our group mate on
checking of senior high on the exit of school.
Day 4 of deployment (December 6, 2018), I am assigned at the exit of
parking lot and collect the car pass all day long.
Day 5 of deployment (December 7, 2018), I am with my buddy Asuncion
were assigned to finish our task in library, after that around 2:00 pm we
go on the basketball court. The organizer of the pageant together with the
security guard give instructions to us to how do we assist the event.
Day 6, (December 10, 2018), my team leader a sign me together with my
buddy on the parking lot exit, after that I help my team on the exit of
school; for checking of registration card of SHS students.
Day 7, (December 11, 2018), it was our examination. But on unknown
reason, our OJT coordinator cancelled the exam.
Day 8 (Dec.12 2018), I am in charge on the parking lot exit for collecting
the car pass. After my duty around 4:00 pm we attend the Mass held on
the covered court. Before the beginning of Christmas party criminology
intern are almost there to join and support the criminology students
who participated the contest. A lot of prices were given away for the
students. After the raffle and parlor games the best part of the event
when one of the emcee announce the winner is the criminology.
Day 9, (December 13, 2018) I am on the entrance of the school checking
for IDs and school uniform. After that i go to the school parking exit for
collecting of car the car pas.
Day 10, (December 14, 2018), it was our last day of duty, I was assigned
on the entrance of school .after that I am go on the parking exit to help
my buddy and we assist the driver to park their car carefully because the
main parking lot is blocked because of upcoming Christmas party of
OLFU personnel. After the duty the OIC Antonio talk to us. He thanked
us for all the efforts and he speak an inspirational message that we can
applied in our future. (See Appendix B)
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) Angeles City Fire Station

On the 2nd week day 11 of (December 17, 2018) the first day of
deployment at Angeles City Fire Unit. The fire officer ask to us to write
down on note. Our first impression from them, name, what we want to
become and lastly what do we want to learn from them. After that they
call us for the debriefing and tell us some instruction that we need to be
Day 12 of (December 18, 2018) we assigned to arrange a lot of papers
together with my team mates. After that we help to prepare some
ingredients to cook because one of the fire officer celebrating his birthday
on that day.
Day 13 (December 19, 2018), the station receive a message reportedly
there's a happening grass fire. The time we receive the message we
quickly prepare our self to response the fire together with other intern.
When we arrived, the fire truck couldn't fit on the street were the grass
fire. We have the alternative solution by using all hose that we can have
to reach the area of fire. We help to role the hose and connect it, with my
buddy Franjes, Pajaroja we entered the fire zone we assist the firemen
because the resistance of the water is so strong. We face a conflict when
the fire hose could not reach the area of fire with my buddy and one fire
volunteer. We think an idea to suppress fire by the use of sand as an
alternative to water.
Day 14 (December 20, 2018) we prepare the materials for the decorating
of the fire truck for the competition. We used recyclable materials.
Day 15 (Dec.21, 2018) we help the BFP personnel for preparing on their
Christmas party.
On (January 7, 2018) our duty was Move on January 8. On (January 8,
2019) the first day of deployment for this year our coordinator .Instruct
us to report at school for briefing before we go on our deployment area,
as we arrive we help to transfer the gym equipment on other unit of BFP.
On (January 09, 2019) SFO1 Jerry T. Lagman our lecturer taught us
about on first aid, on different kind of emergency, proper procedure on
applying first aid on different kind of incidents, classification of wounds,
and rescue.
On (January 10, 2019) Were on information desk all day.
On (January 11 2019.We respond a garbage fire together with three
other OJT’s members on dump site and after that we had an activity on
proper installation of fire hose and fire nozzle and proper use of them
we conducted a fire drills.
On (January 14 2019 ) The last day of deployment at Angeles City Fire
Unit we prepare a lunch for the BFP personnel as a appreciation from
them, after the lunch FCINSP Sonny A. Cario the city fire marshal give
some piece of advice that we can apply on our future. (See Appendix C)

Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG)

On (January 15, 2018) the first day of deployment at Criminal

Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) PO1 Joy Ceniza the officer in
charge give an activity to us about on making complaint sheet and after
that our coordinator instruct us to report on school.
On the next day (January 16, 2018) there is a power interruption
resulting to the cancellation of our activity and we wait until our time out.
On (January 17 2019) we do an activity on making a sworn statement and
the cartographer required us to bring a pencil for tomorrow activity.
On (January 18 2019) the cartographer teach us on the basic on
cartography after that we do an activity on making booking sheet form.
On (January 21, 2019) the office was busy that day that’s why we don't
have a time to do our activity that day.
On (January 22, 2019) we do an activity about spot report that day. After
that our coordinator instruct us to go to school for emergency meeting.
On (January 23-25 2019) the office was too but we required to report
every day and finish our time.
On (January 28, 2019) the last day on CIDG they give us some piece of
advice that we can use as an advantage on our future. We learn a lot from
them they are not selfish they share allot things we feel their willingness to
help us to improve us. (See Appendix D)
Fortress Security Agency (OLFU Pampanga Campus)
On (January 29, 2019) the second time of my deployment at OLFU i
assign on the exit of school and after i go to the parking lot exit for taking
of car pass and we required to report on school after deployment for some
On (January 30, 2019) I’m assign at parking lot exit and after that i go to
the entrance and exit of school to help my team member. On the afternoon
we required to wait on school for checking of attendance.
On (January 31, 2019) i assign on school entrance for checking for those
who not in proper uniform and assisting the inquiries from another school.
On (February 1, 2019) I am assigned at school exit and after that i go on
the parking lot exit.
On (February 4, 2019) I am was assigned at the driveway entrance all day
long. On the next day (February 5, 2019) the deployment was suspended
because of Chinese New year.
On (February 6-9, 2019) same routine I’m assigned at the school entrance
to assist the guard on checking of proper uniform.
On (February 11, 2019) the last day of deployment I’m was assigned on
the log desk to collect Id of visitors and inquiry. (See Appendix D)
Parole and Probation Administration

On (February 13, 2018) the first day of deployment on Probation office at

Angeles city the officer in charge oriented us on the rules and regulations
inside the probation office.
On (February 14, 2019) sir Dustin G. Catacutan, the officer in charge
discuss the brief history of probation and the law under the probation.
On (February 15, 2019) we don't have an activity that day because of the
Person deprived of liberty that want to apply for probation.
On (February 18, 2019) Dustin G. Catacutan, continue the discussion
after that we transfer the chair on probation office to the conference room
for the tomorrow program.
On (February 19, 2019) the probation personnel conduct program about
HIV AIDS to give information for the participants. (See Appendix E)
B2. Group Dynamics

Criminal Law and Jurisprudence. .

On December 1 and 2 2018, The first day of dynamics the lecturer Mr.
Noel Wallang Begin his discussion on the Revised Penal Code (RPC)
follows the Criminal Law Book 1 and 2 .He focus on the most important
part of the topic. The continuation of his discussion is about Criminal
Procedure and different kinds of Criminal Evidence. On the next day he
discussed the Special Penal Law and the last part part of discussion is
about Court Testimony. (See Appendix F)

Crime Detection and Investigation (CDI).Mr. Jim Yapyapen.

On December 8 and 9 2018, Mr. Yapyapen discussed the topics about
the Crime Detection and Investigation. The discussion was started on the
fundamentals of criminal investigation follow by traffic management and
accident investigation .On the next day he continue his discussion on
Organized crime invest, Drug educational and vice control The last topic
the he discussed is about fire arson investigation. (See Appendix G)

Correctional Administration (Institutional Correction).-Miss Katrina

A. Gamboa.
On the Saturday January 19, 2019 the subject that was discussed is
about the institutional and non-institutional correction and the
terminology under the two subject.She also discussed the Correctional
Administration as a systematic management, Commitment order as a
Court competent Authority determinate and indeterminate sentence and
the history of different country under the subject. After the break she
focused on the different code, classification of punishment and the
pioneers. On the afternoon she continue her discussion about the
different prison in the Philippine's and their capacity, location, hectares,
and program that their implemented. (See Appendix H)

Correctional Administration (Non institutional)-Mr. Jim Yapyapen

On January 20, 2019 our subject is about the correction administration.
He discussed the Probation system and different personalities, theories
and history of probation. And he also discussed the Probation law and
the person who qualified and disqualified on application for probation.
On the afternoon he continue his discussion about on Parole and the
terminology of the subject, history, Qualification and disqualification on
applying for parole Executive Clemency. (See Appendix I)

Law Enforcement Administration (Police Intelligence)-Mr. George O.

Saipen Jr.
On February 09, 2019 Mr. Saipen discussed the police intelligence and
secret Service.He explained the word intelligence is means process
data, product of information and analysis and comes from raw data or
information. He also explained the "Intelligence Cycle" and the different
intelligence Agency in other country and he compared the Strategic vs.
tactical and he explain that the strategic intelligence is a long term and it
deals with big picture and the tactical intelligence deals with the short
term and address immediate issue. The last topic that was discussed is
about categories of Intelligence. (See Appendix J)

Criminalistics-Mr. Eduardo D. Masirag.

On February 17, 2018, Mr. Masirag our lecturer that day begin his
discussion in Personal identification follow by police photography he
explain the different techniques in photography,different range,
exposure and proper photographing the evidence on the crime
scene.The last part of discussion is about polygraphy the lecturer
discussed the history of polygraphy, early method of
detecting of deception, scientific method of detecting deception,
different kind of Lie's and the major component of polygraph.
(See Appendix K)

Criminalistics-Miss Jocelyn B. Benter

On February 18, 2018 Miss. Benter Our lecturer,begin the discussion in
Photography she discussed the history, components, and personalities
in photography.The next topic that was discussed is about Forensic
Ballistics and fingerprint. The lecturer discussed the different
kind of fingerprints follow by the rigdge tracing. The last part of the
discussion is about Legal Medicine. (See Appendix L)

Sociology of Crimes and Ethics- Miss Katrina A. Gamboa

On February 23 and 24 2018, Miss Gamboa our lecturer begin his
discussing in Introduction to Criminology follow by the six areas of
SCE. On the next day the the topic was begin in Ethics and Values,
Human Behavior and Crisis Management, Criminological
Research and Statistics. The last part of discussion is about the
summary of whole part of Law Enforcement Administration
(LEA). (See Appendix M)


During the post deployment phase we prepare all the requirements that
we need to comply before the deadline. We also required to attend the
seminar for all graduating students. On the next day we participated the
job fair that happened in the covered court. On February 26, 2019 we
attend a seminar “Career Pathing Seminar for SHS Students” Theme
“Criminology: A Profession and a Calling. After that seminar we had a
meeting with our program head about the graduation. (See Appendix O)


The things that i learn during the deployment with Fortress Security
Agency, is you have to need a patience sometimes you need to deal with
some stubborn student. It’s a matter of patience and understanding
because sometimes they disrespect the other OJT’S and even the guard
and the different types of rotation, guiding the visitors. And being
security guard it’s not easy at all. MY second deployment was on the BFP
Angeles City. I learn how to organized the documents, responding on fire
incident, proper use of fire hose and nozzle ,different type of fire hose
rolling, first aide, and last important thing that i learn in two different
agencies, their treat their personnel as a family. Third the things that i
learned in CIDG i learn the proper procedure on police complaint to
filling inquest and most exciting part when the cartographer teach us
how to draw or portrait some individual by only describing it. The fourth
was on fortress Security Agency i learn the same as the first deployment.
Last the Parole and Probation Administration i learn many things by only
observation. Lastly i would like to thank the different Agency and Bureau
that I’ve been before, for the knowledge and experience that we gain with
them and treating us good.

Appendix A

Parents orientation Seminar about “Coping with

Developing Stress in the Criminology”

Morning stretching Entrance of color

Practicing the proper facings Physical exercise

Appendix B

High school program Checking of registration card

Pedestrian exit Pristine night

Formation with the sir Apollo Antonio. Checking of proper uniform.

Appendix C

Organizing some of the documents Wrapping of gift’s

Stretching before the fire-fighting Preparation of ingredients


Organizing the gift’s for Christmas party Boodle fight with BFP personnel
Appendix D

Making of spot report Meeting with SPO4 Cecilio Domigo

Cartographer Demonstration Sample module of face

The result of portrait parle CIDG RFU 3

Appendix E

School pedestrian exit School parking lot exit

Assisting the high school for their sport Checking of proper uniform

School drive way entrance Checking of car pass

Appendix F

Orientation with OIC Dustin G. PDL who applying for Probation


Discussion about the Probation PPA working place

Organizing of chair for the event PPA Hierarchical structure

Appendix G Appendix H

Dynamics about CLJ by Mr. Noel Dynamics about CDI by Mr. Jim
Wallang Yapyapen

Appendix I Appendix J

Dynamics about (CA 1) by mam Dynamics about CA2 by Jim Yapyapen

Kathrina , Gamboa

Appendix K Appendix L

Dynamics about LEA by Mr. George Dynamics about CRIM by Mr. Eduardo
Saipen Jr. D. Masirag
Appendix M Appendix N

Dynamics about CRIM by Ms. Jocelyn Dynamics about SCE by Ms. Katrina
B. Benter as Gamboa

Appendix O Appendix P

Seminar “Career Pathing Seminar for

SHS Students” Theme “Criminology: A Meeting with the Graduating student’s
Profession and a Calling.
Endorsement letter of Fortress Security Agency.
Endorsement letter of Bureau of fire Protection (Angeles City)
Endorsement letter of Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (Regional Field Unit 3)
Endorsement letter of Fortress Security Agency
Endorsement letter of Parole and Probation Administration (Angeles City)
Evaluation form of Fortress Security Agency
Evaluation form of Bureau of fire Protection (Angeles City)
Evaluation form of Criminal Investigation and Detection group (Regional Field Unit 3)
Evaluation form of Fortress Security Agency
Evaluation form of Parole and Probation Administration (Angeles City)
Certificate of Completion at Fortress Security Agency
Certificate of Completion at Bureau of fire Protection (Angeles City)
Certificate of Completion at Criminal Investigation and Detection group
(Regional Field Unit 3)
Certificate of Completion at Fortress Security Agency
Certificate of Completion at Parole and Probation Administration (Angeles City)
Certificate of Grammarian

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