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Good aftenon

I meet the jail robben Island where we well relieve as the days of Nelson Mándela his wile in

Nelson Mándela was burned and crushed to this prison where we met

From here we’ll tell you what you did during the 27 I’m going to mention four great things he
did while in prison you were in prison

I’m going to mention four great things he did while in prison

1. I do forced labor in a lime quarry

2. could only repeat one visit and one letter every six months
3. Nelson Mándela was able to study by correspondence at a University in London and
obtained a law degree
4. During his spare time he devoted himself to reading one of his great passions

During his time in prison Nelson Mándela his work and planes his fight for the rights of his
people, bat let this story tell us joel ahead with the information.

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