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YES Alumni Changemakers Bootcamp 2019

Jakarta, Indonesia: November 1-3, 2019

The Indonesian YES Alumni Association (IYAA), in partnership with Bina

Antarbudaya, will facilitate a three-day bootcampfor 20 YES alumni from each
chapter in Indonesia. The bootcamp will target YES alumni who are currently
interested in being a changemaker for their local chapter and/or community through
certain issues, such as social entrepreneurship. The bootcamp is an intensive training
with an adapted content which is developed by the AFS USA together with Ashoka,
the Dream It-Do It Curriculum.

This is a unique opportunity for YES alumni to gain practical and theoretical
knowledge which includes action plan, community mapping, leadership and team
building, fundraising, storytelling, and other related topics.Participants will engage in
an active workshop setting and be connected with other YES alumni from different
batches. Participantswill also be expected to submit an action plan and implement an
integrated follow-on project in their community within 1 year of their return.

Volunteer Development Staff in each chapter will select their alumni

representatives to attend the bootcamp based on the criteria listed below. Return
airfare/transportation to and from Jakarta, accommodation, and meal costs will be
covered by the YES grant. Additional nights, travel, or spending money are the
responsibilities of the participant.

Goals and Objectives

Objectives: At the end of this bootcamp, participants will be able to:

1. Understand the concept of changemaking

2. Identify the possibility of being a changemaker through social entrepreneurship
in their own community
3. Encourage and share the knowledges and skills from the bootcamp
in their own community

The alumni with the best fit of the following criteria will be selected to serve as their
chapter’s representative.

Sponsored by the US Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural


1. Hasnot attended a national YES alumni event within the past year
2. Demonstrates participation in community service and YES alumni activities
in chapter within the past year
3. Has a plan to carry out a social project after the bootcamp within the upcoming


1. Demonstrates initiative and commitment for exploring the topic of changemaking

and/or volunteerism
2. Has positive and enthusiastic attitudes
3. Demonstrates leadership skills or potential
4. Available to travel to Jakarta, Indonesia for the workshop dates listed
5. Committed to fulfilling the required follow-on tasks


Please complete the application and return it to your chapter by their assigned deadline!

Part 1:

First: Fina


Last: Leonita

Gender: Female

KTP number (please attach a copy of the document): 1771025703000008

Date of Birth (day/month/year): 17/08/2000

Sponsored by the US Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural

City of current residence: Depok

Mobile Phone: +628111123429

E-mail address:

U.S. city and state in which you were hosted: Ocala, Florida

Years you were on the YES program: 2017/2018

Part 2:

Personal Essays:

Please respond to the following questions (in no more than 300 words per question):

1. In your opinion, what is changemaking?

Every human being have a same right to live as happy as the can with same equal
chance to make their life better. In fact, so many people that unlucky enough and
need to face many problem before they reach their success. Every part of
community need to work together so the gaps will decrease and it come as social
rensponsibility. The implementation of responsibility for community I called it as

Changemaking is when you as a person can give something to your environment

and your action can give positive impact for future. Changemaking can be done by
many ways based on issues that people interest in, such as education, woman
empowerment, environment, diversity, politics or many aspect that problem that
should fixed. Changemaking also really important to make the people have
emphaty to think not only about themselves but also about the people around them
that they can help.

When the situation really urgent, changemakers will absolutely help the country
with small action so the situation will change and at the time the change is happen.
Governement can’t work alone to solve this country problem, but to be a
changemakers also need to have a strong interest and well planned strategy so it
will effectively organized society change.

Sponsored by the US Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural

Social innovation, social entrepreneurship, service learning are example of
changemaking. High motivation, creative, and collaboration are the key of
changemaking it self. The changemakers have to realized if they want to give a
change, they have to know the purpose of change making that give a solution and
the scale can give a collective impact. In this modern era so many action that
changemakers done and so many plan that they want to execute, what we can do is
always aware about our problem and see it in many perspective so when we plan
to change it, it will be well-change.

2. Give specific examples of alumni and community service activities whichare

related to topic of changemaking in which you have participated and/or played a
leading role.

When I can inspired other and tell them to break their boundaries is one of
changemaking moment of theirlife. As YES Alumni I feel like have big
responsibility to do community service when I coming back to my home country.
One month after I back to Indonesia, I voluntarily go to border of Indonesia in
Kalimantan and involve in community service based on education. I go to desa
Binter, Kalimantan Utara to see the real situation in there : no internet access,
electric only at night, poor facilities in school, lack of teacher and so many limited
condition that children should face in there.

Before I arrived in the villages I have to enjoy long trip by plane, car, and ships
because of this isolated area it cause a factor this villages hard to reach. In two
weeks I be a teacher for elementary students and woman with two other friends as
Pengajar Jelajah Nusa and one Pengajar Muda by Indonesia Mengajar in holiday
weeks. In there I teach them how to read, how to understand basic English, and
give them motivation to be hardworker if they wan t to reach their dream. I also
build Taman Baca Desa Binter so they have mini library and have place to study
outside home if school closed. In there I give them a motivation that what
condition they have right now isn’t forever, they still the same right to reach their

In this social activity I take it as changemaking because I also do community

service for woman in there who don’t have access to get education. We teach
them to read and count in creative way so they can easily understand. We also
give the suggestion how to explore about their livehood and must to have strategy
about their entreprenurship. The method hopefully will give a change for them
when we gone.
Sponsored by the US Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural
3. Describe one experience you had while you were a YES student that was
meaningful to you. What did you learn and/or how did that experience impact you
later in life? Responses related to the topic ofchangemaking will receive a special

The experience that really meaningful for me while I’m in America is when I be
an active volunteer in two religion house : The Islamic Public Center of Ocala and
The Cornerstone Church. Have a chance to be accepted in religion house give me
a bigger perspective about how beautiful community service is when you can
united in the name of social impact.

Every weeks when my host family go to church I join them and do community
service by helping teacher in sunday school, so I watch kids and prepared the
things that need for class. When Sunday schools going I help teacher to organized
the kids. After Sunday school I active be volunteer in big day celebration like
thanksgiving, ester, and christmast. My host family church active present a social
activites like visit the nursery home or orphanage to celebrate together with them.

In the other hand, I have special volunteering experience in Islamic Public Center
of Ocala, because I have understanding about islam I be the teacher for children
between 3-5 years old. I voluntarily teach them about basic Arabic and lead the
games so they enjoying to study. In Ramadan I busy do volunteering activities in
there because they have downtown project. We buy food in groceries and pack
them in mosque, after that we go to downtown and give the food for homeless
people. We always do this on Friday every week. When I have interaction with
homeless people they shared about how grateful they are if many people still care
with other people no matter what their bellefs is.

Have that experience impact me to be open minded and have strong commitment
in the name of humanity. By having 250+ volunteering hours I realized to do
something is not important we paid or not, the more important is how big we can
give an impact to society, it’s really meaningful because I do love volunteering
until now.

Sponsored by the US Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural


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