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Special Report

Precast Bridge Deck

Design Systems

Mrinmay Biswas
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, and
Director, Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Center
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina

he use of precast concrete for new America in the early seventies and dur-
Tbridge construction and for the reha- ing the last decade the technology
bilitation of deteriorated bridges is eco- gained from the numerous applications
nomically and structurally amenable to of the method has grown enormously.
today's systems engineering con- Spans ranging from 150 to 800 ft (46 to
cepts. 1.2•3 Precast elements can be used 244 m) can be efficiently built using
for pedestrian, highway and railway segmental construction. When com-
bridges. They can be adapted to all bined with a cable-stay system, the eco-
types of structures having short, nomical span can extend to at least 1300
medium and long spans. 11 (396 in).
Precast products can be used for some The evolution of prestressed seg-
or most of the components of a bridge's mental bridge construction throughout
superstructure and/or substructure. the world is well documented'-' 2 This
Durability, ease and speed of construc- wide application has also motivated re-
tion together with reduced need for search and development. Results of
maintenance are all advantages in using some of the tests and a review of specific
precast concrete. design problems have recently been re-
Depending on the span length and ported.' 14

type of application, a precast element The AASHTO-PCI standard I girder

can be prestressed or nonprestressed, sections are some of the largest precast
The largest precast elements used in elements used in bridge construction.
bridges are prestressed box girder seg- Spans up to 150 ft (46 in) can be readily
ments. Precast prestressed segmental designed using these sections. Their
construction started in Europe in 1948 introduction in the fifties sparked efforts
as an efficient and economical means of to standardize design.
replacing the bridges destroyed during Based on these early sections, several
World War 11. states have developed their own stan-
Segmental construction with its many dards. Subsequent modifications to
ramifications was introduced to North these standards continue to be devel-

This report describes applications of full depth,
precast concrete panels for the rehabilitation of
deteriorated bridge decks and the construction of new
bridges. Emphasis is placed on systems of
construction and the economy derived in using precast
concrete for bridge construction.
The report presents design systems, details of joints
and joint material used for a number of highway and
railway bridges. The advantages and a few of the
difficulties involved in this construction method are
discussed including some pertinent research work.

oped.',15 The current availability of high sections are shown in Fig. 1. These sec-
strength concrete provides further in- tions are suited for short span highway
centive for modifications. In some cases, bridges because of their low cost and
these standard sections can be stretched rapid erection?s-"
to accommodate special long span ap- Solid and voided slabs can be used for
plications.' spans of 35 and 50 ft (11 and 15 m), re-
Precast I girders are used in conjunc- spectively.
tion with cast-in-place deck, stay-in- Channel or multiple stemmed sec-
place metal forms, or stay-in-place pre- tions with cast-in-place decks can be
cast concrete deck panels. Concrete used to span up to about 70 ft (21 m).
stay-in-place deck panels are a signifi- Single-stemmed sections and box
cant precast element in bridge super- beams can be used to span up to about
structures. Concrete deck panels can 120 ft (37 m). The box beams may be
also be used with steel girders or used either as adjacent units or spaced
stringers. In this capacity they are used apart.
for both new bridge construction and Bulb tees, which incorporate features
bridge deck rehabilitation. of the AASHTO-PCI I girders and
The introduction of deck panels fol- single-stemmed sections can be
lowed extensive research both in the designed to span up to about 180 ft
laboratory and in the field. The current (59 m).
AASHTO Bridge Specifications cover the The integral sections, especially the
analysis, design and fabrication of deck single and double box beam and the
panels." The results from research and double-stemmed sections are particu-
successful applications of deck panels are larly suitable for railway applications.
well documented. These sections have been used to re-
Integrally constructed girder cued deck place old timber trestles with speed and
components are another type of impor- economy.
tant precast prestressed concrete ele- Full span, stay-in-place deck forms
ment for bridge construction. Typical are another element with growing ap-

PCI JOURNALJMarch-April 1986 41

plications in bridge construction. Re- ing the early phases of deterioration.
search results of laboratory tests on such Eventually, total replacement of the
systems are given in Ref. 29. deck is required. This is illustrated in
A need to rehabilitate the nation's in- Fig. 2.
frastructure system is now widely rec- Cast-in-place concrete deck is often
ognized. An enormous number of used as a replacement deck. This
bridges are either functionally obsolete method of construction, however, is
or structurally deficient. The deck por- very slow and labor intensive. Incle-
tion of a bridge superstructure is par- ment weather and other on-site prob-
ticularly vulnerable to deterioration. lems make quality control of concrete
Traffic, weather, and chemicals used for and other operations difficult. The en-
ice control" all work to destroy a bridge, suing result can be either a substandard
Extensive deck deterioration is com- repair job or a delay in completing the
mon in many bridges over 25 years old. project.
Even in many newer structures deck A combined precast panel subdeck
deterioration is becoming increasingly and cast-in-place top deck has become
evident. increasingly common today. The mate-
Local patching and overlaying can be rials and methods used in this type of
used as short-term repair methods dur- construction are similar to those of con-

BOX Optional C.i.P

Topping (TYP)



oo^ 000 oao 000-

Fig. 1. Typical integral precast deck sections.




Fig. 2. Economics of bridge deck repair and rehabilitation

ventional concrete construction (see tant criterion in selecting a deck rehabil-

Fig. 3) except that the cost of formwork itation system is that it must minimize
is eliminated. interference with local traffic. Rapid
construction using modular full depth,
precast deck elements is particularly
NEED FOR suitable in meeting such a requirement.
PRECAST CONCRETE Fig. 4 schematically illustrates a method
where old cast-in-place deck is seg-
With urban expansion, traffic density mentally removed and replaced by full
on and around most bridges has in- depth deck elements.
creased dramatically. One very impor- For short span structures, integral



Fig. 3. Partial depth precast panel subdeck.

PCI JOURNAL/March -April 1986 43

New Full -depth
Precast Panels


Existing Deck

Fig. 4. Full depth precast panel application.

deck systems can be economically used level and square. The roadway is on
to replace both deck and stringers sim- both a vertical and horizontal curve. The
ultaneously. For bridges where the deck spans have superelevation and skew.
supporting structure, i.e., the stringers The old stringers may have partial
or girders, are in good condition, only length riveted cover plates. When a pre-
the deck portion may need to be re- cast system is chosen, special fabrication
placed by precast elements. and construction procedures should be
Precast elements can provide an ad- followed to ensure that the precast ele-
ditional advantage of greater durability ments achieve proper fit.
over cast-in-place concrete. Better qual- When an existing structure is com-
ity control of material in a precast plant posite, the replacement structure must
can result in higher strength concrete. also be composite. Even when an exist-
One important point to remember is that ing structure is not composite, because
precast concrete becomes increasingly of greater load carrying capacity re-
economical with repetitive elements. quirements and larger roadway width
However, certain special constraints requirements of many rehabilitation
related to the use of precast concrete projects, the replacement structures are
should be recognized. The example often required to be composite.
below illustrates such a case. Fig. 6 shows the basic load transfer
Fig. 5 shows the plan, elevation and requirements for a composite structure
cross section of a bridge which is not using precast elements. Figs. 6(a) and




40 Ft


Fig. 5. Plan, elevation and transverse section of a complex steel

I girder bridge.

6(b) show the vertical load transfer and tactical requirements related to
horizontal shear transfer, respectively, schedule and traffic interference, (2)
at the interface of the deck slab and geometric fitup problems and (3) load
stringer. Figs. 6(c) and 6(d) show the transfer, strength and serviceability re-
horizontal in-plane forces and vertical quirements. The design, of course, must
shear transfer at the interface of adjacent also meet the project's overall economic
deck slab panels. constraints.
A proper design must adequately ad- in modular construction, the per-
dress the following three criteria: (1) formance of joints is especially critical

PCI JOURNALJMarch -April 1986 45


Vertical Normcl Forces H orizontal Shear Forces

(a) (b)
Deck Slab

Horizontal Normal Forces Vertical Deflection

(c) (d)

Fig. 6. Load transfer mechanisms of composite deck.

for the integrity of a structural system. struction and the other a rehabilitation
The geometric configuration of a joint, job. Superior quality control and the re-
in addition to the selection of an appro- sulting excellent durability of precast
priate interface material contribute to concrete were the primary motivations
the proper short-term and long-term for these projects."
performance of the structure. The newly constructed structure was
With these criteria and requirements the Big Blue River Bridge over Indiana
in mind, this report examines the details State Road 140 near Knightstown. The
of structural systems, precast elements, 200 ft (61 m) long structure had steel I
joint configurations and joint materials beam girders at 6 ft (1.8 m) on centers,
for full depth, precast concrete panel continuous over three spans, 70, 60, and
decks and a number of bridge rehabili- 70 ft (21, 18 and 21 m) long, respec-
tation projects. tively. Full width panels were typically
4ft(1.2 in) long and 39ft(12m)wide.
Panels were transversely pretensioned
APPLICATIONS and the deck was nominally post-
PRIOR TO 1973 tensioned in the longitudinal direction.
A similar method was used to replace
Several bridge decks were con- the deteriorated decks of the then 30-
structed using fill depth, precast panels year-old Bean Blossom Creek Bridge on
prior to 1973. 1 ' The construction of the Indiana State Road 37, near Blooming-
two-lane Pintala Creek Bridge in Mont- ton. The existing structure was an
gomery County, Alabama, is one of the eight-panel through type Pony truss,
earliest examples of full depth precast each about 125 ft (38 m) long. In both
concrete panels used for bridge deck structures, no overlay was used, and the
construction. This bridge is composed of top of the precast slabs served as the
four 34 ft (10 m) long spans. riding surface. The structures were in-
Full depth and full width precast strumented and their performance was
panels 6'/2 in. (165 mm) thick, 7 ft (2 m) monitored. Scholer recently reported
long and 26 ft (8 m) wide, complete with their periormance to be quite satisfac-
curbs, were placed uniformly over the tory.33
stringers. A I ft 6 in. (0.46 m) space was Applications of full depth precast
left between adjacent panels. The panels in bridge deck construction prior
inter-panel space was filled with cast- to 1973 can he summarized as follows.
in-place concrete (see Fig. 7). The deck-stringer systems were primar-
When the Kosciuszko Bridge, Brook- ily noncomposite, although incidental
lyn-Queens Expressway, New York, was development of composite action was
under reconstruction in 1971, full depth, reported. The spans did not have any
full width precast panels were used to skew or superelevation. More projects
build a temporary trestle to detour the involved new construction rather than
expressway traffic which included rehabilitation, Fewer geometric fitup
heavy trucks. The details of this con- problems were experienced with new
struction are shown in Fig. 8. The com- constructions than with replacement
bined curb and railings used in this decks. The method was used for both
project were also precast modules, permanent and temporary construction.
bolted to the deck slab. Those structures in general have per-
Based on research performed at Pur- formed very well. Minor problems were
due University,n2 in 1970 the Indiana mainly due to the partial failure of joints,
State Highway Commission sponsored especially at slab-to-slab interfaces.
two projects in order to utilize full depth Two structures merit separate men-
precast panels. One involved new con- tion. These are: (1) the Hannover

PCI JOURNAUMarch-April 1986 47

34-0 cont.

7L O"(Typ E -6 (Typ J
Cast in Place


Iii S Cast in Place


1/2110 Salt

W 21x

Fig. 7. Pintala Creek Bridge, Montgomery County Commission, Alabama.

Curved Viaduct Ramp (Fig. 9); and (2) gained in the applications prior to 1973
the Emil-Schulz Bridge (Fig. 10). These provided the knowledge base for future
were major spans, both built in Ger- developments.
many, using precast decks on steel box
girders, They were both composite.
Epoxy mortar was used as the joint ma- 1973 AND AFTER
terial along with high strength bolts as Significant advances have been made
shear connectors.34 since 1973 with the construction of
The designs used and the experience major bridges, some over 1000 ft (305 m)


Max. /4II(Typ.) Precast

-0' Min.


'/4 ' ( T} Richmond

I ' @ Pier Precast Slab Insert

4 ' l a i

Beni I -. ^s
/B x 6x I 3/41` BOIL


Fig. 8. Kosciuszko Bridge, Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, New York.

long. Many of the spans are composite joint. The major emphasis of this report
while some are continuous. A few is in addressing these interface details of
of the designs involved complex geom- bridges completed since 1973.
etries. The details used in a bridge design
The details of the interfaces are the depend mainly on the respective trans-
key to precast slab stringer design. Spe- portation agency and the consulting en-
cifically, there are three locations of in- gineer involved. Such details reflect
terface: (1) the bedding plane at the slab their standard practice, previous experi-
to stringer; (2) the shear connector ence and design philosophy. The fol-
pocket area; and (3) the slab-to-slab lowing information is presented in a

PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1986 49


Box Girder

Precast Deck


-. .. . .-. . III II .

Epoxy 'Mortar) High Strength Bolts

Box Girder Flange


Fig. 9. Hannover Viaduct, Germany.

fairly chronological order, grouped construction procedures related to the

under the headings of specific trans- slab-on-steel stringer system 3 i•ss, " To-
portation agenices. date, three bridges have been renovated
using these methods.
Some of the features common to
New York State Thruway
all three bridges are as follows: The
Authority (NYSTA) bridges have a composite deck system
In 1973, NYSTA initiated a research carrying HS20-44 type loading. Re-
and development program which in- placement precast deck panels were
cluded construction of a prototype conventionally reinforced. Low mod-
bridge at the Harriman Interchange. ulus 100 percent solids epoxy mixed
This structure has all the complex attri- with bag sand was used as mortar. Typi-
butes of the bridge shown in F'ig. 5. cally, one part epoxy to two parts sand
With this concept in mind, a feasibil- provided a flowable mix for use at the
ity study was undertaken of the bridge panel joints. Proportions of 1:2.5 gave a
with emphasis on design details and trowellable mix which was placed at the
Q Symm


/f_-Opening in Precast Slab

Shear Studs
and Spirals I! rPrecost Deck opo


Box Section
Flange FP I



Fig. 10. Emil-Schulz Bridge, Germany.

top of the steel stringers and at the shear and time consuming task.
pockets. Some of the distinctive features of
Fig. 11 shows the configuration of the each of the NYSTA projects are de-
panel-to-panel joints. An oblong funnel scribed below:
was needed to place flowable epoxy Amsterdam Interchange Bridge
mortar in the joint. The use of adhesive (1973)—Fig. 12 shows a view of the
tape at the bottom opening of the joint two-lane bridge consisting of four sim-
was not effective in containing the ple spans: 33, 59, 66 and 60 ft (1O 18, 20
epoxy mortar. The opening subse- and 18 m) long, respectively. This
quently had to be blocked by additional bridge was designed to carry about 2000
formwork. Existing composite deck and AADT over the mainline Thruway. The
spiral shear connectors had to be re- deteriorated deck of one-half of the 66 ft
moved which proved to he a laborious (20.1 m) span was replaced by using

PCI JOURNALJMarch-April 1986 51

precast panels on an experimental basis. used to maintain at least one lane of
Fabrication of the precast panels and traffic open although very brief inter-
all other construction work was done ruptions of traffic were allowed during
entirely by the NYSTA maintenance the actual placement of each precast
department personnel. No contract was element.
let to any outside agency. The overall width of the deck is 45 ft
A staged construction sequence was (13.7 m). Full depth panels measured 8

Deck Slab II Epoxy Mortar

N G •,

Adhesive Tape
L_/Backed by Lumber

Fig. 11. Transverse joint between precast slabs, New York State Thruway
Authority (NYSTA).


Fig. 12. Amsterdam Interchange Bridge (NYSTA).


41 -
—Oil 21O1 1101

7 1I }


E:±±fiE x A

Temporary I L4
Spring Clip
Epoxy Mortar
Deck Slab C5x 9
4. • .. 6 <'

Joint Type F-F

'^' sa: d a.' 6 Epoxy Mortar

Stringer —' I Epoxy Mortar

Fig. 13. Plan and section of welded channel shear connection (NYSTA).

in. (203 mm) x 4 x 22 ft (1.2 x 6.7 m). partment personnel without difficulty.
They were designed to cover one-half A "dry" system detail using long high
the width of the bridge, strength bolts was also used on a few
Cast-in-place concrete was used down panels on the same span. Field applica-
the centerline of the bridge which has a tion of torque for these large high
6 ft (1.8 m) wide flush median mall. Figs. strength bolts was difficult. Plan and
13 and 14 show the details of the bed- section diagrams of these bolted con-
ding area and the shear pockets. Fig. 15 nections are shown in Figs. 16 arid 17.
shows the casting of epoxy mortar in the The gap between the bottom of the pre-
shear pockets. Field welded standard cast slab and the top of the stringer re-
channel sections were used as shear quired shims. Achievement of full ten-
connectors. These were installed by de- sion in the bolts could not be fully

PCI JOURNAUMarch-April 1986 53

Asphalt Wearing Surface --'I /- Epoxy Mortar rC5



J/ IK ^ b

Deck Slab Epoxy Mortar

Shim Washers
Temporary As Req'd. (Typ.)
Spring Clip

C Stringer


Fig. 14. Detail of welded channel in shear pocket (NYSTA)_

Fig. 15. Casting of epoxy mortar in shear pocket (NYSTA).

ascertained, Possible breakage of slabs was highly supervised by professional
because of excessive motion due to ten- and management level personnel from
sioning was also feared. For these rea- the NYSTA, the consulting engineers
sons, bolted connections were not used and the epoxy supplier. The bridge has
in subsequent NYSTA projects. performed very well over the period
NYSTA protective system of a sheet since rehabilitation. Close field inspec-
membrane overlaid with asphalt con- tion resulting in better quality control
crete was applied on the rehabilitated may be credited as an important ingre-
deck. dient for this success.
Because of the attached importance of Krum Kill Road Bridge (1977)—This
the Amsterdam Interchange Bridge re- is a 50 ft (15 m) long single span, six-lane
habilitation scheme, the construction mainline throughway bridge carrying


3/4 ' l 9


Spring r LP4 N

nark Clrth

Strir sher

Fig. 16. Plan and section of bolted connection (NYSTA).

PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1986 55

Asphalt Wearing Surface ^ s 1/2 11 x 3'' x 9 ' I

Deck Slab —
-_I E.S.

iitr^ adtt!IP,

Epoxy Mortar
Levelling Grout
Shim Washer
Field Drilled Holes As Required
For 3/a" H.S. Bolts

Q Stringer


Fig. 17, Detail of bolted connection (NYSTA).

Asphalt Wear ds
Waterproof Mere

Fig. 18. Detail of welded studs in shear pocket (NYSTA).

AADT 22000 over Krum Kill Road near slightly skewed but level. There are two
Albany. Figs. 18 and 19 show the plan structurally separate spans supported on
and section details of the joints. These common abutments. Each structure car-
details are similar to the Amsterdam ries two active traffic lanes and one in-
Interchange Bridge, except that stan- active lane for future use. The latter was
dard welded shear studs were used in- used effectively to detour traffic during
stead of channel sections. construction.
The precast slab panel work including Precast panels, 7V2 in. (190 mm) thick
delivery and installation, was con- and 5 ft 2 in. (1.6 m) long, of two differ-
tracted. The balance of the work was ent widths were used. For each struc-
completed by the NYSTA. The spans are ture, 42 ft (13 in) wide panels were



Epoxy Mortar
Deck Slob

* - - i .i:
f is
lie K 6" Stud

Epoxy Mortar


Fig. 19. Plan and section of welded stud connection (NYSTA).

PCI JOURNALIMarch-April 1986 57

Fig. 20. Placement of 42 ft (13 m) wide panel, Krum Kill Road Bridge, NYSTA.

Fig. 21, Placement of 21 It (6 m) wide panel, and longitudinal joint, Krum Kill Road

Fig. 22. Harriman Interchange Ramp Bridge, NYSTA.

placed over six stringers and 21 ft (6.5 m) ramp carrying AADT 9000. Each span is
wide panels were placed over three 75 ft (23 m) long. The roadway is on an
stringers. A 3 11 (0.91 m) wide longitudi- 800 ft (244 m) radius horizontal curve.
nal joint at the crown line was cast in The roadway is also on a vertical curve
place over continuity reinforcing bars and is superelevated. Individual spans
extending from two adjacent panels. are markedly skewed. Fig. 22 shows a
Fig. 20 shows the placement of 42 II (13 view of the bridge. The NYSTA let a
m) wide panels. Fig. 21 shows the contract on the complete rehabilitation
placement of 21 ft (6.4 m) wide panels of this bridge. The connection details of
and the longitudinal joint. this structure are similar to those shown
During construction, cracks over the in Figs. 18 and 19.
reinforcing bars were detected in the Based on available drawings of the
precast panels. The cracks were treated existing structure and an actual field
with a penetrating epoxy sealer. Dur- survey, a computer program was writ-
ability of the deck has not been affected ten to generate numerical tables of each
any further 3 7 The performance of the precast concrete slab panel and plot
bridge has been satisfactory although out their geometries for verification.
several joints have shown signs of leak- This information was incorporated in
age where construction debris was the contract drawings and the slab
found in the keyway. This problem in- panels were fabricated accordingly.
dicates the need for a thorough inspec- Full width panels, 8 in. (203 mm)
tion of all joints prior to placing epoxy thick by 4 x 54 ft (1.2 x 16.5 m) covered
mortar. about 9000 sq ft (840 m l ) of deck area.
Harriman Interchange Ramp Traffic was maintained using a detour
(1979)—This is a three-span, two-lane ramp.

PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1986 59

Although NYSTA had similar con- but cracking and some leakage through
stniction experience behind it, this was the panel joints has been detected.37
the first such project for the contractor. The design and construction of this
Perhaps for this reason, the epoxy mor- bridge were admittedly very complex.
tar was found to be of unsatisfactory The problems encountered emphasize
quality at some places with evidence of the need for careful inspection of mate-
improper proportioning. Structural rials and components in this type of con-
weakness of the spans is not suspected struction.

Fig. 23. Clark Summit Bridge, Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission.

Fig. 24. Placement of new precast panel deck and deteriorated condition of old deck
(Clark Summit Bridge).

Pennsylvania Turnpike scribed next.
Commission Quakertown Interchange Bridge
(1981)—Fig. 26 shows the two-lane di-
Clark Summit Bridge (1980)—This vided interchange overpass and Fig. 27
1627 ft (496 in) long bridge consists of (top) shows a schematic elevation of the
two parallel structures carrying two structure. This is a suspended cantilever
lanes each way.35 -40 Its peak point is system with composite deck in the sus-
about 140 ft (43 m) high. pended span and noncomposite deck in
Fig. 23 shows a view of the bridge. the cantilever span.
Fig. 24 shows placement of panels at Precast panels, 6'/a in. (165 mm) thick
one of the structures while two-way with varying haunch thickness, are 7 ft
traffic was maintained using the parallel 71/4 in. (2.3 rn) long and 17 ft 6 in. (5.3 m)
structure. The figure also shows the se- wide (see Fig. 27 (bottom) I and cover
verely deteriorated condition of the one-half the width of the structure. A
deck at the time of rehabilitation_ cast-in-place concrete median barrier
Typically, 6% in. (171 mm) thick slab was installed between two half-width
panels were 7 ft (2.1 m) long with a full precast panels. Figs. 27 (bottom) and 28
roadway width of 29 ft (8.8 m) weighing show the slab panel sizes and connec-
18,000 Ibs (8165 kg) each. tion detail, respectively.
Elastomeric strips and epoxy mortar Existing bulb angle shear connectors
grout were used for bedding over exist- were left in place as the old slab was
ing stringers. Non-shrink cement grout removed. The slab panels with shear
was placed at the transverse joints and pockets were cast with sufficient preci-
nominal longitudinal post-tensioning sion that the precast slab fitted well
was used. Fig. 25 shows manual longi- when set in place. EIastomeric strips
tudinal tensioning. The deck structure were glued to the top of the flanges to
was noncomposite. contain the epoxy mortar which pro-
Similar details were used in the re- vided uniform bedding of the precast
decking of another bridge which is de- panels.

Fig. 25. Longitudinal post-tensioning (Clark Summit Bridge).

PCI JOURNALMarch-April 1986 61


Fig. 26. Quakertown Interchange Bridge, Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission.


Composite with Shear Connections






_____ 17'-6"


Fig. 27. Schematic elevation and panel dimensions, Quakertown Interchange Bridge.

Latex Concrete Grout —^
Existing Bulb Angle
7 Conduit For
Longifudino Post Tension
Latex Concrete

I"x 1 3/8 1 Elostome

Epoxy Morter


Latex Concret(

1 X 1 3/8 Elastomer

Bridge Tie Anchor

Epoxy Morter Bed

Cover Plate

Fig. 28. Connection details, Quakertown Interchange Bridge.

This method allowed the precast Massachusetts Turnpike

panels to ride over the existing cover
plates in the negative bending moment Authority
region. Latex modified concrete was Connecticut River Bridge between
used in both the shear pockets and West Springfield and Chicopee —Fig. 29
transverse panel joints. The transverse shows an overview of this 1224 ft (373 m)
joints were pulled together by using long, four-lane divided highway. A typi-
nominal longitudinal post-tensioning. cal interior span is 224 ft (68 m) long.
Latex modified concrete was also used Figs. 30(a) and 30(b) show the elevation
as the riding surface overlay. of a typical span together with the cross
In addition to providing rapid erec- section of the bridge.
tion, the construction of the two bridges Separate twin east and west bound
described above has proven to be cost roadway decks are supported on corn-
effective compared to conventional deck mon floor beams. Traffic was main-
replacement methods. These two tained by restricting construction to one
bridges have also performed extremely side of the bridge which allowed two-
well. way traffic on the other side. The reha-

PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1986 63

Fig. 29. Connecticut River Bridge, Massachusetts Turnpike Authority.

Typical Interior Span 224'-O° (Max.)

Total Bridge Length 1224 `-0 Overall


Eastbound Westbound



Fig. 30. Schematic elevation and section of typical span, Connecticut

River Bridge.

bilitation of the east bound roadway was pretensioned and longitudinally post-
completed and opened to traffic before tensioned. To reduce the dead load,
the target date. The west hound road- lightweight aggregate concrete [115 lb/
way was completed in 1982. ft (1842 kg/m') ] withf, = 5000 psi (34.5
The precast slabs were transversely MPa) was used for the precast concrete

ti - runve rC• U' :9

5-270 K Strands
for Pre Tension 1' 5- '-I ½ 8'-1 1/2 !=8
(!2 Total)---- I

f II

a Threaded
t Sncket far
Oblong Holes for Conduit for Post' Stringer (Typ) Leveling
Shear Studs Tension (t9 Total)

Waterproof Membrane
Bituminous Overlay rNor—Shrink Grout

\ J..:


. w.

C) I/2 3/4




6 x 6 —W4n W4 Welded 1/8 I/2" Dia- ETHAFOAM Backer Rod

Wire Fabric


Fig. 31. Typical panel dimensions and transverse joint detail, Connecticut River Bridge.

PCI JOURNAL/March -April 1986 65


4- Existing Stringer





Fig. 32. Slab and stringer connection details, Connecticut River Bridge.

200' -- ---- 100 -- - f- - - 200,

Fig. 33. Bridge No. 1 over Rondout Creek, New York State Department of Transportation


III !'ft
20 4
Prestressed l" Conduit
Strand for 2 " d Tie Rod
®l -IO.0 tot ea. Stringer Line (TYP)
P a a
. 6 a

F r '

211 X6 1 'x8'3 11 H 4 x4 2 long
Elast. Pads Stud bolt
on Strinaers.

Floor Beam

Fig. 34. Connection details, Rondout Creek Bridge.

slabs and the cast-in-place parapets. Chicopee River Bridge between

Fig. 31 shows the plan of a typical full Ludlow and Wilbraham—Encouraged
roadway width slab panel and the de- by the success of the Connecticut River
tails of the transverse slab joints. For Bridge deck rehabilitation project, the
drainage purposes, the cross slope of the Turnpike Authority proceeded to re-
roadway was provided by detaching the habilitate this bridge by using essen-
existing stringers and resetting them tially the same technique.
with varying elevations. Precast panels The bridge is on the same four-lane,
were set in proper elevation by using a divided highway and has twin separate
system of leveling bolts. east and west bound roadway structures.
Non-shrink cement grout was used as Each has five spans resulting in a total
bedding, in the stud pockets, and in length of 837 ft (255 m).
the transverse joints. The deck was The superstructure consists of con-
not composite. Welded studs in crete deck on stringers supported by
grouted pockets were used to hold floor beams and welded plate deck
down the slab to prevent buckling girders of uniform depth. Precast
during post-tensioning. Fig. 32 deck slabs covered the full width
shows details of the leveling bolts of each of the roadways. To expedite
and stud connectors. construction, the stringers were not
The protective system of a membrane reset. The cross slope of the road-
overlaid with asphalt concrete was em- way was obtained by integrally pre-
ployed. Epoxy mortar was used for set- casting haunches at the bottom of the
ting granite curbs which are tradition- precast deck panels.
ally used in Massachusetts highway The east bound roadway was com-
bridges. pleted in 1983 and the west bound

PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1986 67

Fig, 35. Bridge No. 6 over Delaware River, NYSDOT.

2, 9
23 6'-6" 6`-6" _6" 6-6'


Blockout for Studs

Stringer 4"x4
, Top
(Typ.) Keyway
/– 3"x 3° Bottom


15, 4"
0 13-10 V2


Fig. 36. Typical bridge section and panel dimensions, Bridge No. 6, NYSDOT.

roadway was finished by the target date New York State Department of
of July 4, 1984. To further expedite re- Transportation (NYSDOT)
habilitation of the west hound roadway,
precast parapets were used. These were NYSDOT probably enjoys the distinc-
bolted down to the precast deck panels. tion of having built the largest number
Traditionally used granite curbs were of bridges as well as the most different
preset in the precast parapets. types of bridges using full depth precast
The Turnpike Authority engineers concrete deck panels. At least four
believe that besides allowing rapid re- bridges have been built over a period of
habilitation of an existing bridge under 8 years. During this time the NYSDOT
traffic, superior quality decks have been has developed different details to suit
installed with cost effectiveness using the needs of specific projects. Signifi-
precast concrete. cant details are described in the fol-

Membrane Non-Shrink Grout

Asphalt Concrete r 6" Stud

N ` ,

cast Slab

Non-Shrink Grout



Epoxy —Non-Shrink Grout

—^ a o 1.

N a e


Fig. 37. Connection details, Bridge No. 6, NYSDOT.

PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1986 69

H F Roadway
5! x 5 Z ,I e 0 End Welded

Block4 i
Threaded stud,
14° long
O 6 S •^ .4 4 • 4

2x2x4 LS -4x8 "X18' -0"

3'-0 4e Long set to develop
Alt. Side onr
Non-Shrink Cross Slope
Grout 4 -Z' . Thick
10" ^ Existing
Added I0
Stringer Stringer

Fig. 38. Connection details, Southwestern Boulevard Bridge over Cattaraugus

Creek, NYSDOT.

lowing projects. (1978)—This is a three-span, two-lane

Bridge No. 1 over Rondout Creek, truss bridge with a total length of 675 ft
Kingston (1974)—This is a nearly 1100 ft (206 m)_ Fig. 35 shows an overview of
(335 m) long, two-lane suspension the bridge.
bridge with a 700 ft (213 m) long main Typically, 7' in. (190 mm) thick
suspended span. Fig. 33 shows an ele- panels are 7 ft 6 in. (2.3 m) long and
vation of the bridge. about half of the roadway width, result-
Typically, about 9 ft (2.7 m) long ing in a longitudinal joint. Fig. 36 shows
panels have full roadway widths of a typical cross section and plan of slab
about 24 ft (7.3 m). Panel thickness var- panels. Fig_ 37 shows the details of a
ies from 7 in. (178 mm) at the crown to 6 slab stringer connection, and details of
in. (152 mm) at the edges. In addition to slab transverse and longitudinal joints.
allowing rapid construction, the use of Epoxy mortar grout was used in the
precast panels was chosen to control transverse and longitudinal joints of ad-
dead weight effects by selective se- jacent slab panels. Non-shrink cement
quential placement. The slab panels grout was used as the bedding between
were transversely prestressed to ac- slab and stringer and in the stud pocket.
commodate handling stresses. Welded stud shear connectors were
Reinforced Vee-groove transverse used. Traffic was maintained by way of
joints and longitudinal tie rods across staged construction.
the joints were used." A 1/2 in. (12 mm) Reflected cracks appeared along
thick elastomeric bearing pad was used the longitudinal joint and were later
at the interface between the bottom of patched. This was of no structural sig-
the slab and top of the stringer. These nificance. The bridge has reportedly
details are shown in Fig. 34. performed well otherwise.
Bridge No. 6 Over Delaware River Southwestern Blvd. Bridge Over Cat-


Fig. 39. Batchellerville Bridge, NYSDOT.

150. -0"

Fig. 40. Schematic Elevation, Batchellerville Bridge.

taraugus Creek (1979)—This is a two- (2.4 m) long panels are about 21 ft (6.4
lane, 550 ft (168 m) long, three-span m) wide. Trapezoidal slab panels are
truss bridge, with span lengths of 180 ft used to accommodate the skewed span
(55 m) each. The spans have a skew of ends. The transverse and longitudinal
about 22 deg. slab joints are similar to those used for
Typically, T/s in. (190 mm) thick, 8 ft Bridge No. 6. The detail of the slab

PCI JOURNAVMarch-April 1986 71

13'-0" 1 13-0° .I

2 Asphalt Concrete
5 Spaces at 4'-0" — 3/4 Dio. Stud Shear Connectors

Ne w W16x45 Floor Beam

3" Parabolic Crown\

I Y ' /2
r I
(Top 8r Bottom)
Material 13'-6" Trusses Existing


W 18x45

12'-6° (T .) 8 I/t2 Precast



Fig. 41. Typical sections, Batchellerville Bridge.

stringer connection, however, is differ- April 15 through October 15, 1982. Op-
ent and is shown in Fig. 38. tions for cast-in-place as well as precast
Batchellerville Bridge (1982)—The slab were given. The successful low
general view of the bridge is shown in bidder opted for precast construction.
Fig. 39 and Fig. 40 shows a schematic This was unique because the selection
elevation. This bridge is significant in of precast slab was the contractor's
many ways. It is a very long bridge with choice and not required by the owner.
a span of 3075 ft (938 m). The roadway Fig. 41 shows the cross section and
provides the only direct route to a re- the longitudinal section of the rehabili-
mote community. tated structure. The roadway was wid-
The user community was given the ened. The design called for full width
option of a staged construction with a precast panels placed over newly in-
long total construction time or closing stalled floor beams. The crown of the
the bridge completely for 6 months. The roadway was built into the panels by
community opted for the 6-month using curved panels.
bridge closing, with a provision for ferry Transverse slab joints were located
service during this time. over the floor beams, and the panel
The contract provided for a field con- length varied from about 11 ft 8 in, to 13
struction schedule of 6 months from ft (3.6 to 4.0 m) depending on the spac-


4x4 Pocket at stud

4d x6° Location
22 I Sp. between sic
: d 4


m a —IN — 1^ e

5oft rubber
T -^ grout seal
Cement Floor beam Hard rubber
grout shim


Conn. F£
Recess 6
3x 1 x9 2
4--x * 55'

d 3
4 ° Weld R
- a 4x Sx^^
0 8 x 6u
° u Stud
Floor beam


Fig. 42. Transverse joint connection details, Batchellerville Bridge.

ing of the floor beams. Fig. 42 shows

details of connections at the transverse
joints. Cement-based grout and welded
stud shear connectors were used along
with elastomeric pads to dam the grout
The contractor had most of the panels
precast during the previous warm con- TRANSPORTATION
struction season. The panels were ti3 t— TO SITE
stored in a covered area under insulated
conditions for the winter and then Fig. 43. Casting, storage and
transported to the site during con- transportation of crowned precast
struction as needed (see Fig. 43). panels, Batchellerville Bridge.

PCI JOURNALJMarch-April 1986 73

Due to an extended winter, the actual 30 to 76 ft (9.1 to 23.2 m). Portions of the
bridge closing and construction started roadways were on horizontal curve, and
on April 30, 1982. Whole sections of some of the spans had pronounced
slabs were removed, along with the old, skew.
short floor beams. Installation of new, The conventionally reinforced con-
longer floor beams, and precast slabs crete panels were precast near the site
progressed rapidly. Traffic was and included concrete barriers. Typi-
reopened on October 8, 1982, a week cally, 6 ► in. (164 mm) thick slabs were
ahead of schedule. 30 to 40 ft (9.1 to 12.2 m) long and about
This project demonstrated the com- 14 ft 2 in. (4.3 m) wide, spanning over
bined cost and time effectiveness which two steel I-beam girders 8 ft (2.4 m) on
is achievable through the application of center, with 3 ft (0.91 m) overhangs on
precast concrete slabs in large scale both sides.
bridge deck replacement. The levels of slabs had to be main-
tained precisely. Fig. 45 shows details of
two-headed bolts and threaded inserts
California Department of
which were used to adjust the precast
Transportation panels. Leveling devices were placed
CA-17 High Street Overhead, Oak- on girder lines at 8 ft (2.4 m) maximum
land (1978)—The nearly 1750 ft (534 m) spacing.
long structure consists of twin (left and Fig. 46 shows the panel dimensions
right) bridges on an extremely busy and details of shear connections con-
urban freeway (AADT 170,000).89 -42 sisting of four 7/e in. (23 mm) diameter 6
Fig. 44 shows the structure. in. (152 mm) long welded studs placed
Precast concrete panels were used to in 4 in. (102 mm) long and 12 in. (305
rehabilitate only the outside south mm) wide oblong shear pockets. The
bound lane of the "left bridge." By pockets were located at 2 ft (0.61 m) on
using precast panels, it was possible to center. Fast hardening, high strength
maintain full peak period traffic during and sulphate resistant, calcium alumi-
the evening rush hours. The structure nate cement mortar and concrete were
had 32 spans with lengths ranging from used at the joints.

Fig. 44, CA-17 High Street Overhead, California Department of Transportation


High Alumina
cement concrete
l"Ox 10 Bolt with nut 4x4- W4xW4WWF
a 8 ! - 0" max.

Hex nut I Grout after 4_r,, in 0 studs

sleeve removing
vw bolt /

- I 7

. t ! . . .

I' ! 1

High Alumina
Cement Mortar
Existing WF Girder

Fig. 45. Details of temporary support and levelling (CALTRAN).

Maryland State Highway deck panels and Fig. 48 shows details of

Administration and Federal the connections.
Rehabilitation of the project was com-
Highway Administration
pleted 8 months ahead of schedule, $6
Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge, million under budget, and without dis-
Washington, D.C. (1983)—This is a 5900 rupting the flow of traffic.''
ft (1800 m) long bridge over the Potomac
River. It comprises a girder, floor beam
Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge
and stringer deck support system.43
Typically, 8 to 10 ft (2.4 to 3 m) long Commission
lightweight precast concrete panels Milford-Montague Toll Bridge
were about 47 ft (14 m) wide and 8 in. (1982)----This is a 1150 ft (351 m) long,
(203 mm) thick. An additional 5 in. (127 four-span, continuous deck truss two-
mm) haunch over the fascia girders was lane bridge." ' Fig. 49 shows an aerial
used to accommodate negative bending view of the structure. The four span
moment due to overhang required by lengths are 275, 300, 300, and 275 ft (84,
widening of the roadway. 91, 91, and 84 m).
The panels were post-tensioned both The existing 24 ft (7.3 m) wide "cart-
transversely and longitudinally, so that way" was widened to a 27 ft 6 in. (8.4 m)
sliding bearing surfaces had to be pro- roadway between parapets. This re-
vided. Methylmethacrylate polymer quired the addition of a new stringer
concrete and mortar were used at the and relocation of four existing stringers,
joints. Welded stud shear connectors changing the stringer spacing from 7 ft 4
were used- Fig. 47 shows details of the in. to 6 ft 3 in. (2.2 to 1.9 m).

?CI JOURNAL/March-April 1986 75

C) 14' -2" Wide Precast Rehabilitation
8 1_ 0" 2'-II Lu CIP Deck

12', Shear Pocket

4T r Leveling and
A 0 Temporary •-
^Suppart a A

PLAN rL Bent
Precast High pie ar x6
in Studs
Parapet Alumina 4 ea. shear pocket
a '6y2 Fill
p. o
^1 v 6 p

Alumina 7*
Fig. 46. Panel dimensions and shear connection details (CALTRAN).

Traffic was maintained during con- The bare top surface of the precast
struction by staged construction of one- slab was designed to be used as a riding
half of the bridge and allowing alternate surface, without the benefit of any
one-way traffic on the other half, Typi- overlay. Hence, the panels were set on
cally, 7' in, (190 mm) thick precast the stringers to precise finish grade
slabs were 12 ft 6 in. (3.8 m) long and using temporary leveling bolts and
about 15 ft (4,5 in) wide. Panels covered threaded inserts. Next to it, a hold-down
one-half the width of the new roadway, bolt through a sleeve insert was used.
and resulted in a construction joint Fig. 50 shows the leveling and hold-
down the longitudinal centerline and down bolt details.
crown of the roadway. Polypropylene tubes were placed as

L Bridge and
46'-7'4' Wide Lightweight Precast Concrete
(Non-prestressed re-bars not shown )
Transverse ILongitudinal
Post- tensioning Post - tensioning
Shop Applied Field Applied


Long!. Duct for

0.5 '0 Strands
4 -060 Strands
Top &Bott.
Total 13 Ducts
Pairs a 12^^o.c. II per Slab Panel
- .1/— -

QgQ $ II FAQ 4r o-eO

O&oaceo a

a O^^ II OeO QUO


Transverse LlGrout Pour Hole LHold down

Joint 13 per Stringer Block out (Typ.)


Fig. 47. Panel dimensions, Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge, Maryland State
Highway Administration and Federal Highway Administration.

PCI JOURNAUMarch-April 1986 77

Asphalt Overlay Temporary Sand-Epoxy Overlay

Transverse Longitudinal
0.5 in 0 Strands 0.6 in ef Strands
Top ^ Bott. 4 per duct
= (W12 0.c-
—^N Polymer Concrete
— ° a ° G o a

oa A-----

Cty r^ 4

a V 4.^.
Epoxy Coated I "
Rebars T.&B. 4 j" Calking
ea. way II a


Pour- hole Hold-Down Block-out

Filled with Poly. Grout

^n p a 4 ` '

v°.^ ^,
o o j: v ^, C

Shear Stud Polymer Mortar

Bearing i. Bearing Pad
Retainer 4-.


Fig. 48. Joint details, Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge.

seals and flowable epoxy mortar was the detail which was designed to pro-
used to fill the space between the top of vide a tight transverse joint.
stringers and the bottom of slabs. The Slab panels were match cast in series,
leveling bolts were later removed and 13 units at a time, and were longitudi-
replaced by a second set of hold-down nally pretensioned using threaded rods.
bolts. The holes on top of the bolts were Reverse threaded couplings were
filled with epoxy mortar. Fig. 51 shows placed in the blockouts at the slab in-

Fig. 49. Milford -Montague Toll Bridge, Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission.

terfaces at the time of pretensioning. tures for the rehabilitation of this struc-
The couplings were removed prior to ture.4'
removal of the slabs from the casting Steel, cast-in-place concrete, and pre-
beds and transportation to the site. The cast prestressed concrete competed as
same couplings were used to post- possible replacement structural compo-
tension the transverse joint after the nents. After careful evaluation, precast
slabs were installed in place. prestressed concrete was selected as the
This method provided positive com- most suitable material for this project.
pressive stress at the transverse joints Slab panels were typically 10 in. (254
and in the slab, and eliminated the need mm) thick, 6 ft 8½ in. (2.0 m) wide, and
for any post- tensioning ducts or grout- 30 ft (9.1 in) long spanning over two
ing. The slabs were "buttered" with spans between floor beams at 15 ft (4.6
neat epoxy at the transverse butt joint m). No stringers were used.
interface prior to post-tensioning. Ten slab panels, placed side by side,
constituted the full deck width. The
longitudinal joints between slabs were
Pennsylvania Department of filled with polymer mortar and trans-
Transportation versely post-tensioned. Combinations of
Freemont Street Bridge, Bellevue leveling bolts, neoprene pads, flexible
(1984)—This is a four-lane, 300 ft (92 m) tubing grout barriers, dowel rods, and
long reinforced concrete supported polymer mortar were used between the
bridge on twin concrete arches spanniig slabs and floor beams,
180 ft (55 in)_ Smyers has described the The replacement floor beams also
significant design and construction fea- were precast elements. Traffic was

PCI JOURNALMarch-April 1986 79

2 110
Ir Recess
-s.2 x3'x81I 5
Top&Botti? _ I ^__^_^

11 L _ 11
I 0 Threaded ! I° I.D. Pipe
SLeeve 2 Sleeve

Polymer Mortar fill

7 .1
I$ Threaded bolt used g Bolt with slotted
for leveling slab Hex Head 8€ Washer

6 • U .' •

G p
U^^ ° s a
n . b Q

–Inj I k

n fl
* c liU j°
11 p

4^ 4 L

Remove 1
leveling bolt Q U Polypropylene
(after mortar has set up
Drill top fig. for 0 Bolt
° y
H Mortar
Tubing Seal



Fig. 50. Levelling and hold-down bolt details, Milford-Montague Toll Bridge.

maintained on this bridge by way of

Illinois Department of
phased construction of one-half of the
bridge at a time. This required a two- Transportation
piece set for each floor beam element. US-24 Mississippi River Bridge,
Epoxy adhesive was used at the shear- Quincy—This structure is a two-lane,
keyed butt joint of the two pieces which nearly 2200 ft (671 m) long, cable-stayed
were post-tensioned. Post-tensioning bridge. Fig. 52 shows an elevation of the
was also used as a connection between structure." A 900 ft (275 m) main span is
the floor beams and the cast-in-place flanked by 440 ft (134 m) side spans on
concrete arch columns. each end, which in turn are flanked by


_____ 4 Hex. Sleeve


( Transverse PLAN
Filled with
Polymer Modified
No Overlay Concrete
Used Torqued to
50 ft. lbs.
- /
Prestressed Rod with
° q ° left 8, right threads

y e ° ° p L

Fig. 51. Transverse joint details, Milford-Montague Toll Bridge.

Fig. 52. US-24 Mississippi River Bridge, Quincy, Illinois Department of Transportation.

200 ft (61 m) transition spans. There are girders. Fig. 53 shows a section of the
several thousand feet of approach spans, precast deck. The curb-to-curb roadway
Full width, full depth, precast deck width is 32 ft (9.8 m) and the full width
panels are supported on a system of of the panel is 46 ft 6 in. (14.2 m). The
steel stringers, floor beams and welded lengths of the panels varied from 9 to 11

PCI JOURNAUMarch -April 1986 81

32'-0" ROADWAY


'0 T —9"S GROUT
a o a o o o o 0;. o; 0 0 0 0 000oa o a o a



Fig. 53. Precast deck section, US-24 Mississippi River Bridge.

ft(2.7 to 3.4 m). Rehabilitation programs have been

The panels are designed to take com- carried out on bridges on mainline,
pressive forces by composite action. double-track sections, and also single-
Three to five panels are post-tensioned track sections. In the case of double-
to form a group. Each group is sub- track sections, traffic was maintained by
sequently connected to the adjacent taking one track out of service at a time
group by splicing the post-tensioning for a few days, and replacing up to 48 ft
tendons and grouting the intervening (15 m) length of track per day. In the
space. Placement of individual panels is case of the single-track section, traffic
sequenced to control dead load bending was rescheduled, and the track was
moments. taken out of service only a few hours at a
Vertical location of panel is controlled time, replacing about 30 ft (9 m) length
by using a leveling device. Composite of track per day. In all cases, traffic was
action is achieved by the use of welded maintained without interruption.
studs placed in shear pockets in the
panels. The shear pockets and the space
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa
between the top of the steel and under-
side of the stab is filled with polymer Fe Railway Company
grout. Precast prestressed panels have been
successfully used to rehabilitate old
RAILWAY APPLICATIONS timber-ballasted decks over steel deck-
girder spans. Many of these bridges
Several railway companies in North were originally built about 90 years ago
America have used precast concrete with open decks. Later, the bridges
deck panels for the rehabilitation of were converted to timber-ballasted
bridges. Canadian Pacific rehabilitated decks. Typically, the steel girders have
a 400 ft (122 m) long bridge. Amtrak riveted flange and cover plates and lat-
used precast decks with monolithic eral bracing systems.
ballast curb to rehabilitate an existing Over the years, the tops of the girder
single-track, concrete deck bridge." top flange and cover plates, and the lat-
Santa Fe initiated an experimental pro- eral bracing systems have severely cor-
ject in 1974 and its success has led to roded away, resulting in significant loss
the rehabilitation of a number of their of sections. Deck replacement was im-
bridges. The Santa Fe experience is de- perative. Inconvenient and expensive
scribed here in further detail. 4 ° flange plate and bracing replacement

Fig. 54. A Santa Fe Railway Bridge.

Fig. 55. Deteriorated condition of bridge girder top flange, Santa Fe Railway.

and/or strengthening would be required ings. Fig. 55 shows a typical deterio-

if the use of the timber deck was con- rated condition of the top flange. The
tinued_ top flange was sand blasted to white
Fig. 54 shows a typical Santa Fe metal prior to the placement of precast
Bridge, one without walkways and rail- panels. Fig, 56 shows a section of a deck,

PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1986 83

and Fig. 57 shows a detail at the inter- inforcement details.
face of the slab panel and girder. Plywood strips, % in. (16 mm) thick
Typically, 8 in. (203 mm) thick panels and ^ in. (19 min) wide, were bonded at
are 14 ft (4.2 m) wide and 8 ft (2.4 m) both sides of the top flange by using
long. In addition, 5 and 6 ft (1.5 and 1.8 epoxy paste. The top flange was then
m) panels are used as needed. topped with trowellable epoxy mortar
Panels are transversely prestressed covering the rivet heads. The level of
with thirty-two '/2 in. (12 mm) diameter, expoxy was slightly higher than the top
270 K strands. Nonprestressed rein- of the plywood screed, to ensure com-
forcement is used in both longitudinal plete contact with the bottom of the pre-
and transverse directions. The use of cast panels.
transverse prestressing provided a rela- Fig. 59 shows a typical slab placement
tively thin and watertight slab. Fig. 58 operation. The transverse joints be-
shows typical slab dimensions and re- tween the slabs were tight at the bottom

13'- 10" Wide 0 too slab

Timber Curb Prestressed Galvanized
Concrete slab Boiled Angles,
8 ft. long (TYP) three per panel
each side

6 n , a C n 8 .. .. • . ^ o

Existin q Ri veta d
Spring Clip
Girder with
L- Cover Plates lateral stay,
two per panel
each side

Fig. 56. Typical deck section, Santa Fe Railway.

Epoxy Mortar

^e o i^ l u d • ^ o
a] p
Q A 1 •
• p 1 1a ,

Epoxy Paste
;wide X% high
Plywood Strip

Fig. 57. Slab and girder connection detail, Santa Fe Railway.

and open by '/4 in. (6 mm) at the top. The heads. The development of composite
bottom and sides of the transverse joint action was verified by instrumentation
were first sealed by epoxy gel and later and testing. Strength reduction due to
filled with pourable epoxy mortar. All the loss of flange plate thickness was
epoxy used was water-compatible and augmented by the development of com-
silica sand was used as the aggregate. positc action. However, composite ac-
Composite action develops due to ad- tion was not used to increase the load
hesion of the epoxy mortar and due to rating of the bridges.
mechanical action of the existing rivet It was not necessary to replace the top

3 holes for
curb angles

—+—-j -+

2 holes for
spring clips


Under-side N

Grooved and rn

& Bridge

8 ft. nominal

++++ +++ + + +++ + +

+ +++ ++++ ++++ +; .f

Pattern ( Straight)
32 - ''2 0, 270 ksi

Mild Steel Reinf.

Fig. 58. Typical slab dimensions and details, Santa Fe Railway.

PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1986 85

part of the lateral bracings because of joints resulted in a watertight deck. This
the lateral stiffness provided by the con- protects the steel girders and thereby
crete slab. The spring clips shown in substantially increases the time period
Fig. 57 provide lateral restraint should of the painting and maintenance cycle.
the epoxy bond ever fail. The concrete deck also has resulted in
The prestressed slab with epoxied better riding quality,

Fig. 59. Precast slab placement, Santa Fe Railway.

Fig. 60. Setup for one-third scale model tests.

The system has been used for decks assured by prior research and investiga-
with or without walkways and handrails. tion. An excellent example of this is the
In recent applications, new ties and current application of partial depth pre-
ballast are preplaced on the panel and cast panels, which was developed by
treated timber ballast curbs, steel walks several laboratory and field investiga-
and handrails are prefastened. With tions 2°
these techniques, along with use of fast Because of the urgency and realities
setting epoxy, even greater speed of of bridge deck rehabilitation, the appli-
construction has been achieved. cation of full depth precast deck had to
The actual material cost of a precast go ahead of research. In effect, the
concrete system is about 25 percent bridge engineers have taken their exper-
higher when compared to in-kind-re- iments directly to the field.
placement of timber-ballast deck. Other With the application of this technol-
costs being equal and considering all ogy a number of uncertainties have been
the other values gained, the precast con- identified. These concern the structural
crete system is deemed more cost effec- systems, components and materials.
tive in the long run. Several research projects have recently
Santa Fe has also successfully used attempted to address some of the issues.
twin-box sections and inverted-channel Kao and Ballinger reported on static
sections for the rehabilitation of many and fatigue load tests on precast ribbed
short span trestles. bridge deck panels s' The panels were
polymer-impregnated and post-
tensioned. The test model used full-
RESEARCH sized components, and up to three pre-
cast panels were used together. The test
The responsibility of the bridge engi- results confirmed the excellent behavior
neer in providing public safety and in of the modular system, the transverse
obtaining the best value for the expen- joints and the shear pocket joints.
diture dictates that new technology be Biswas et al., reported on design and

Fig. 61. Setup for repeated load tests on epoxy mortar sandwich specimen.

PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1986 87

> 30

0 20

0 30 60 90 120 150


Fig. 62. Resistance of epoxy mortar to repeated loads at different


test results of one-third scale model of a construction. Biswas, et al., recently re-
60 ft (18 m) span bridge of modular con- ported on the strength and durability of
struction using precast concrete a typical polymer mortar (silica-sand
panels 52 Fig. 60 shows the setup of the epoxy) 53
one-third scale model at the Texas Fig. 61 shows the setup for repeated
Transportation Institute. Test results load test on a sandwich specimen. Fig.
confirm the predicted behavior of the 62 indicates the varying resistance of the
composite deck structure. Subsequent material at different temperatures. Fig.
tests on the same model have demon- 63 shows specimens for freeze-thaw
strated satisfactory performance under testing with varying amounts of mois-
fatigue loads. ture in the silica sand, Fig. 64 depicts
Polymer-based structural mortars are the degradation of material property
often used as the joint material for pre- with increasing moisture content. Re-
cast elements. Satisfactory short-term sults indicate that the resistance of such
and long-term performance of this mate- material may be affected by severe re-
rial is a key to the success of modular peated loads, extreme temperature cy-

Fig. 63. Freeze-thaw test specimens of epoxy mortar with different moisture content.


LI Lj 8C

x J 6C
w Q
LL i-
t' z 4C

0 `r 2C

0 60 120

Fig. 64, Degradation of epoxy mortar with freeze-thaw cycles.

ties and the presence of moisture in its because this type of construction was
components. prevalent for the older bridges which
Currently, several investigations are now need rehabilitation. Recently,
being conducted on the behavior and however, the feasibility of using precast
practical aspects of precast decks at panels for replacing decks built with
Duke University, Transportation and AASHTO-PCI standard prestressed
Infrastructure Research Centre, the concrete I girders has been discussed.
FHWA and Texas Transportation Insti- Some of these earlier bridges are ap-
tute, and other research laboratories. proaching ages when they may need
Most applications of full depth precast deck replacement. In 1983, Martin re-
deck have been on steel girder bridges ported on designs and results of labora-

PCI JOURNAL'March-April 1986 89

tory tests on connections for modular Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway
concrete bridge decks 91 Company.
Recent studies of Berger42 and One engineer at NYSDOT stated that
Kempf- have shown the structural and "The Department would not hesitate to
cost effectiveness of using full depth use the system in the future even if time
precast concrete decks. The ever-in- and maintenance considerations were
creasing demand for new bridges and not critical."
bridge deck rehabilitation will make Another engineer at the Pennsylvania
this construction method even more im- Turnpike Commission reported that
portant in the future. "The Commission is very pleased with
the performance and costs of their
bridge decks. Plans are complete for an-
CONCLUDING COMMENTS other precast slab bridge deck, and it is
certain that the Commission will use
Full depth precast concrete decks more precast slab bridge redecking in
have been used for rehabilitation and the future."
construction of numerous bridges since The use of full depth precast panels
the late sixties. This construction expedites the installation of a new deck
method has been used successfully for whereas the removal of the old deck and
both highway and railway bridges. All deteriorated shear connectors, prepara-
types of bridge superstructure, e.g., tion of the top flange plus other proce-
common deck over girder bridges, truss dures are extremely time consuming
bridges, steel box girder bridges, sus- operations. Appropriate material and
pensions bridges and cable-stayed application methods for riding surface
bridges, have been built using precast overlays, and types of ancillary struc-
decks. Designs have included skew, su- tures, i.e., median barriers, curbs, rail-
perelevation and crowned profile. ings and parapets should be chosen to
The primary objective in the use of fully capitalize on the construction time
full depth precast concrete deck panels gained by using precast panels.
has been rapid construction, especially Mortars used at various joints in mod-
for the rehabilitation of bridges situated ular construction are critical compo-
in heavily congested areas. The purpose nents of the complete system. In their
of some of the earlier projects was to capacity as interface media in precast
determine the feasibility of using this construction, they are subject to the same
construction method. Subsequently, a set of load effects as the principal con-
number of major bridges were success- crete and steel structural components,
fully completed within very restrictive and should be considered as structural
schedules and under severe operational materials.
constraints. In many of the projects, Fast-setting non-shrink cement in ad-
traffic was maintained without inter- dition to various polymer components
ruption on the bridge during construc- such as epoxies, acrylics and latexes
tion. The system has also proved to be have been used as binders for the mor-
cost competitive compared to alterna- tar. Occasionally, cement has been mod-
tive construction methods, ified, i.e., combined with a polymer, for
In practice, short term and/or long mortar. These materials are commonly
term cost effectiveness has been considered as grout, filler or patching
achieved in major bridge rehabilitation material. Data on quality control proce-
projects by several transportation orga- dures and long term material strength
nizations, e.g., the Pennsylvania Turn- and durability properties that are avail-
pike Commission, New York State De- able for conventional structural mate-
partment of Transportation, and the rials are not usually available for these

materials. University. Much of the information
Both pretensioning and post-ten- presented here is based on physical site
sioning are often used in conjunction inspection of the bridges, reviews of
with the application of precast slabs. drawings and specifications, and per-
Under some circumstances, however, sonal discussions with engineers repre-
reinforced concrete precast slabs may be senting the owners. Many of the draw-
used without any prestressing. ings and photographs of bridges shown
The application of full depth precast in this report were provided by the re-
concrete deck for the construction of spective transportation agencies.
new bridges in addition to the rehahili- The author extends sincere thanks
tation of deteriorated bridge structures to the following gentlemen: Rob-
has progressed steadily. The practical ert C. Donnaruma, Leonard J. Dc-
experience gained from such applica- Prima and Howard J. Meinekar of New
tions combined with the knowledge York State Thruway Authority; Thomas
being learned from ongoing research J. Moon and David B. Beal of New York
will undoubtedly give this construction State Department of Transportation;
method a promising future. John N. Grim of Massachusetts Turn-
pike Authority; Neal E. Wood of Penn-
sylvania Turnpike Commission; D. R.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Higgins of California Department of
Transportation; Paul C. Peterson of
The work reported herein was par- Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Com-
tially supported by the New York State mission; and C. E. Gilley and Peter
Thruway Authority, and by the Texas Haven of the Atchison, Topeka and
Transportation Institute of Texas A & M Santa Fe Railway Company.

NOTE: Discussion of this report is invited. Please submit your

comments to PCI Headquarters by November 1, 1986.

PCI JOURNALIMarch-April 1986 91

1. Anderson, A. R., "Systems Concepts for 11. Ward, D. J., "An Overview of Prestressed
Precast and Prestressed Concrete Bridge Segmental Concrete Bridges," PCI
Construction," Special Report 132, Sys- JOURNAL, V. 28, No. 2, March-April
tems Building for Bridges, Highway Re- 1983, pp. 120-131.
search Board, Washington, D.C., 1972, 12. Matt, P., "Status of Segmental Bridge
pp. 9-21. Construction in Europe," PCI JOUR-
2. Tang, M. C., "System Construction of NAL, V. 28, No. 3, May-June 1983, pp.
Medium-Span Bridges in Prestressed 104-125.
Concrete," Transpo rt ation Research Re- 13. McClure, R. M., West, H. H., and
cord B71, Segmental and Systems Bridge Hoffman, P. C., "Observations From
Construction; Concrete Box Girder and Tests on a Segmental Bridge," Trans-
Steel Design, Transportation Research portation Research Record 950, V. 2,
Board, Washington, D.C., 1982, pp. Transportation Research Board,
12-17. Washington, D.C., 1984, pp. 60-67.
3. Hill, J. J., and Shirole, A. M., "Current 14. Wium, D. J, W., and Buyukorturk, 0.,
Practices in Systems Construction of "Problems in Designing Prestressed
Concrete Bridge Structures," Transpor- Segmental Concrete Bridges," Trans-
tation Research Record 87I, Segmental portation Research Record 950, V. 2,
and Systems Bridge Construction; Con- Transportation Research Board,
crete Box Girder and Steel Design, Washington, D.C., 1984, pp. 68-75.
Transportation Research Board, 15. Rabbat, B. G., and Russel, H. G., "Pro-
Washington, D.C., 1982, pp. 9-12. posed Replacement of AASHTO Girders
4. Muller J., "Ten Years of Experience in With New Optimized Sections," Trans-
Precast Segmental Construction," PCI portation Research Record 950, V. 2,
JOURNAL, V. 20, No. 1, January- Transportation Research Board,
February 1975, pp. 281. Washington, D.C., 1984, pp. 85-92.
5. Bender, B., and Libby, J. R., Discussions 16. Hurlbut, R., "146-Ft Long Precast Pre-
of "Ten Years of Experience in Precast stressed Bridge Girders in Washington
Segmental Construction" by J. Muller; State," PCI JOURNAL, V. 24, No. 1,
and closure, PCI JOURNAL, V. 20, January-February 1979, pp. 88-92.
No. 5, September-October 1975, pp. 17. Standard Specifications for Highway
81-85. B ri dges, 13th Edition, American Associ-
6. Bender, B. F., "Provisions for Possible ation of State Highway and Transporta-
Reconstruction of Decks on Segmental tion Officials, Washington, D.C., 1983,
Box Girder Bridges," PCI JOURNAL, pp. 91, 99, 264 and 265.
V. 22, No. 4, July-August 1977, pp. 80-84. 18, Buth, E., Furr, H. L., Jones, H. L., But-
7. NCHRP Synthesis of Highway Practice ler, H. D., and Toprac, A. A., "Use of
53, Precast Concrete Elements for Prestressed, Precast Concrete Panels in
Transportation Facilities, Transporta- Highway Bridge Construction," TRB
tion Research Board, Washington, D.C., Special Report 148, Innovations in Con-
1978, 48 p. struction and Maintenance of Trans-
8. Podolny, W., Jr., "An Overview of Pre- portation Facilities, Transportation Re-
cast Prestressed Segmental Bridges," search Board, Washington, D.C., 1974,
PCI JOURNAL, V. 24, No. 1, January- pp. 122-135.
February 1979, pp. 56-87. 19. Kluge, R. W., and Sawyer, H. A., "In-
9. Podolny, W., Jr., (Compiler), Prestressed teracting Pretensioned Concrete Form
Concrete Segmental Bridges, U.S. DOT, Panels for Bridge Decks," PCI JOUR-
FHWA, Structural Engineering Series NAL, V. 20, No. 3, May-June 1975, pp.
No. 6, Washington, D.C., August 1979, 34-61.
212 p. 20. Barker J. M., "Research, Application and
10. Podolny, W., Jr., and Muller, J. M., Con- Experience With Precast Prestressed
struction and Design of Prestressed Bridge Deck Panels," PCI JOURNAL,
Concrete Segmental Bridges, John Wiley V. 20, No. 6, November-December 1975,
& Sons, N.Y., 1982, 561 p. pp. 66-85.

21. Barker, J. M., and McCabe, J. M., Jr., Research Board, Washington, D.C.,
Disc. of "Interacting Pretensioned Con- 1971, pp. 30-41.
crete Form Panels for Bridge Decks," by 33. Scholer, C. F., "Eleven-Year Perfor-
Kluge and Sawyer; and closure, PCI mance of Two Precast, Prestressed Con-
JOURNAL, V. 21, No, 1, January- crete Bridge Decks," Transportation Re-
February 1976, pp. 90-92. search Record 871, Segmental and S ys-
22. Sawyer, H. A., Disc. of"Research, Appli- tems Bridge Construction; Concrete Box
cation and Experience With Precast Pre- Girder and Steel Design, Transportation
stressed Bridge Deck Panels," by Barker; Research Board, Washington, D.C.,
and closure, PCI JOURNAL, V. 21, No. 1982, pp. 34-37.
4, July-August 1976, pp. 112-113, 34. Kavanagh, T. C., "Box Girder Bridge De-
23. Barnoff, R. M., et al., "Full Scale Test of a sign," Engineering journal, American
Prestressed Bridge With Precast Deck Institute of Steel Construction, V. 4, No.
Planks," PCI JOURNAL, V. 22, No. 5, 3, July 1967, pp. 100-106.
September-October 1977, pp. 66-83. 35. Biswas, M., Iffland, J.S.B., Schofield,
24. Kelly, J. B., "Applications of Stay-in- R. E., and Gregory, A. E., "Precast
Place Prestressed Bridge Deck Panels," Bridge Deck Replacement Appli-
PCI JOURNAL, V. 24, No. 6, Novem- cations,' TRB Special Report I48, Inno-
ber-December 1979, pp. 20-26. vations in Construction and Mainte-
25. Tokerud R., "Precast Prestressed Con- nance of Transportation Facilities,
crete Bridges for Low-Volume Roads," Transportation Research Board,
PCI JOURNAL, V. 24, No. 4, July-Au- Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 136-148.
gust 1979, pp. 42-56. 36. Donnaruma, R. C., "A Review of the De-
26. Tokerud, R., "Economical Structures for velopment of Systems for Precast Deck
Low-Volume Roads," Transportation Replacement for Composite I-Beam
Research Record 665, Bridge Engineer- Bridges," Report presented to the Re-
ing, V. 2, Transportation Research Board, search Committee, International Bridge,
Washington, D.C., 1972, pp. 214-221. Tunnel and Turnpike Association,
27. Precast Prestressed Concrete Short Span Chicago, Illinois, August 1974, 20 pp.
Bridges, Prestressed Concrete Institute, 37. Donnaruma, R. C., ''Performance of Pre-
Chicago, Illinois, 1980, 47 pp. cast Concrete Bridge Deck Panels on the
28. Design Supplement to; Precast Pre- New York Thruway," Report presented
stressed Concrete Short Span Bridges, at Session 187, 62nd Annual Meeting,
Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago Transportation Research Board,
Illinois, 1984, 74 pp. Washington, D.C., January, 1983, 6 pp.
29. Hays, C. 0., and Lybas, J. M., "Full-Span 38. Knudsen, C. V., "Re-decking of a Bridge
Form Panels for Highway Bridges," With Precast Concrete," Civil En-
Transportation Research Record 87I, gineering, American Society of Civil En-
Segmental and Systems Bridge Con- gineers, New York, V. 50, No. 4, April
struction, Concrete Box Girder and Steel 1980, pp. 75-77.
Design, Transportation Research Board, 39. Slavis, C., "Precast Concrete Deck Mod-
Washington, D.C., 1982, pp. 23-29. ules for Bridge Deck Reconstruction,"
30. NCHRP Synthesis of Highway Practice Transportation Research Record 871,
57, Durability of Concrete Bridge Decks, Segmental and System Bridge Con-
Transportation Research Board, struction; Concrete Box Girder and Steel
Washington, D.C., 1979, 61 pp. Design, Transportation Research Board,
31. URS/Madigan Praeger, Inc., Feasibility Washington, D.C., 1982, pp. 30-33.
Study to Replace a Deteriorated Bridge 40. Slavis, C., "Precast Concrete Deck Mod-
Deck With Precast Concrete Deck, New ules for Bridge Deck Reconstruction,"
York State Thruway Authority, Albany, PCI JOURNAL, V. 28, No. 4., July-
N.Y., 1973, 67 pp. August 1983, pp. 120-135.
32. Gutzwiller, M. J., Lee, R. H., and 41. Martin, L. D., et al., Connections for
Seholer, C. F,, "Precast, Prestressed Modular Concrete Bridge Decks,
Concrete for Bridge Decks," HRB Spe- FHWA/RD-821106, NTIS document
cial Report 116, Improving Pavement PB84-118058, Consulting Engineers
and Bridge Deck Performance, Highway Group, Inc., Glenview, Illinois, August

PCI JOURNAUMarch-April 1986 93

1983, 120 pp. Concrete Slabs are Bonded to Steel
42. Berger, R. H., "Full-Depth Modular Pre- Bridges,"Ruihcart Track and Structures,
cast, Prestressed Bridge Decks," Trans- V. 71, No. 10, October 1975, pp. 29-31.
portation Research Retard 903, RKdges 49. Hyena, W. R., "Replacing Timber Decks
and Culverts, Transportation Research on Railway Bridges With Prestressed
Board, Washington, D.C., 1983, pp. Concrete Slabs," Concrete Interna-
52-59. tional, V. 1, No. 5, May 1979, pp. 18-21.
43. Lutz, J. G., and Scalia, D. J., "Deck 50- Haven, P., 'On the Santa Fe, Missouri
Widening and Replacement of Woodrow River Bridge Gets Epoxy-Bonded Pre-
Wilson Memorial Bridge," PCI JOUR- stressed Slab Deck," Railway Track and
NAL, V. 29, No. 3, May-June 1984, pp. Structures, V. 74, No. 9, September 1978,
74-93. pp. 40-42.
44. Peterson, P. C., "Milford-Montague Toll 51. Kao, A. M., and Ballinger, C., "Static and
Bridge—Deck Replacement With Pre- Fatigue Tests on PIC Precast Prestressed
cast Concrete—Delaware River Joint Ribbed Bridge Deck Panels," PCI
Toll Bridge Commission," Presenta- JOURNAL, V. 27, No. 3, May-June 1982,
tion—Transcript, International Bridge pp. 76-91.
Tunnel and Turnpike Association, 52. Biswas, M., Osegueda, R. A., and Noel,
Spring Workshop, Houston, Texas, April J. S., "Scale Model Tests for Full-Depth
1983, 12 pp. Precast Concrete Panel-Decked Com-
45. Kempf, F. J., "Experience in Precast posite Bridge Span," Transportation Re-
Concrete Bridge Decks,"A Bridge to the search Record 950, V. 1, Transportation
Future, Proceedings of the National Research Board, Washington, D.C., 1984,
Bridge Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- pp. 163-173.
vania, June, 1983, pp. 37-48. 53. Biswas, M., Ghattas, O. N., and Vla-
46. Smyers, W. L., "Rehabilitation of the dimirou. H., "Fatigue and Freeze-Thaw
Fremont Street Bridge," PCI JOURNAL, Resistance of Epoxy Mortar," Transcript
V. 29, No. 5, September-October 1984, of paper presented at 64th Annual
pp. 34-51. Transporation Research Board Meeting,
47. Kulicki, J. M., Waldner, H. E., and Pric- Washington, D.C., January 14-17, 1985.
kett, J. E., "Design of the Cable-Stayed 54. Organization for Economic Co-operation
Mississippi River Bridge at Quincy, Il- and Development, B ridge Rehabilitation
linois," Transportation Research Record and Strengthening, Road Transport Re-
950, V.2, Transportation Research Board, search, Report Prepared by An OECD
Washington, D.C., 1984, pp. 34-50. Scientific Expert Group, Paris, France,
48. Hyma, W. R., "On the Santa Fe, Precast 1983, 103 pp.


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