Possessive Nouns

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Possessive nouns or case

 We normally use –‘s for people and animals

e.g. the girl’s name Sara’s eyes

the boy’s hat

 For ideas, things etc. we normally use of .

e.g. the roof of the garage the owner of the restaurant

the legs of the table

 Sometimes you can use the structure noun+noun

e.g. the garage door the restaurant owner

You can usually use –‘s or of for an organization. So you can say:

e.g. the government’s decision or the decision of the company

the company’s success or the success of the company

 It is also possible to say:

the world’s population Italy’s largest city

 When we have a plural noun , we just add apostrophe at the end of the noun

e.g. my sisters’ children

the Carters’ house

 If a plural noun doesn’t end in –s, like men, women or children , we use –‘s

e.g the men’s changing room

the children’s classes

 We can say next week’s, tomorrow’s yesterday’s this evening’s , Monday’s,

ten minutes’ walk, three weeks’ holiday

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