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Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Ds. Sitoluama,

Kec. Laguboti, Kab. Toba Samosir, 22381

Session Date : 14 March 2019

Semester : Even
Subject : ISS4003 – Data Mining
Week/Session : 6/2
Topic : Association Analysis
Activity : Practicum
Duration : 100 minutes
Rules : Personal
Deliverable : Softcopy
Deadline : 14 March 2019; 22:00 WIB
Place to deliver :
Objective : Students are able to use RapidMiner to do association analysis
Lecturer : SGS

The following are references used in the material:
1. RapidMiner, “RapidMiner Documentation,” (diakses 27 Februari 2019).
2. RapidMiner, “RapidIVideos,” (diakses 27 Februari 2019)
3. V. Kotu dan B. Deshpande, Predictive Analytics and Data Mining Concepts and Practice with RapidMiner,
Elsevier, 2019

In working on this practicum, you must pay attention to the following points:
1. This practice is individual work. You are required to do it by yourself.
2. You can use your own laptop or PC in the laboratory.

A Report with file extension pdf need to be uploaded to with consideration of
this following points:
1. The filename should follow the following format: Praktikum3_NIM.pdf (e.g. Praktikum3_31S15002.pdf)
2. Praktikum 3, NIM, and Nama should be written at the upper left corner of your report document.

To be able to complete this practicum module, you need the following things:
 RapidMiner 8.1

 Datasets: tdb.xlsx.

In this lab, you will demonstrate one of association analysis with using RapidMiner in a simple case study..

Exercise 1 | Adding Weka Extension
RapidMiner doesn’t have Apriori function so we need to use Apriori from Weka Extension.

1. Download Weka Extension from RapidMiner Marketplace or you can use the one that provided with
this modul: rmx_weka-ANY-7.3.0.jar.

2. Copy rmx_weka-ANY-7.3.0.jar to ..\RapidMiner\RapidMiner Studio\lib\plugins.

Exercise 2 | Apriori
The file we are using is called ‘tdb.xlsx’.
1. Association rule mining datasets can be in two type of formats, i.e., transactional or tabular. In this
practicum, we make use of tabular format. The tabular format data has binominal data type for each
attribute except for transaction id, which is integer.

2. Read excel file into RapidMiner.

3. Select Numerical to Binomial operator.

4. Select W-Apriori operator.

5. Get the result.

Exercise 3 | FP-Growth (Optional)

The file we are using is called ‘tdb.xlsx’.
1. RapidMiner itself provide FP-Growth operator. This operator is used in conjunction with Create
Association Rule operator. We first place FP-Growth operator to generate frequent itemsets.

2. The frequent item set port output is provided as input to Create Association Rule operator.

3. Association rules generated.

1. [10 points] Copy and paste the Association Analysis with Apriori result screenshot on your report document.
2. [15 points] Write down your opinion about the Association Analysis with Apriori process and the result on
your report document.
3. [75 points] Write down the process and result of Apriori using the same data (tdb.xlsx) without RapidMiner.
Use 𝑚𝑖𝑛_𝑠𝑢𝑝 = 35% dan 𝑚𝑖𝑛_𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓 = 100%.


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