Petition To Disqualify Atty. de Vera

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On May 26, 2003, after the IBP national convention

IN RE: PETITION TO DISQUALIFY ATTY. LEONARD had been adjourned, the petitioners filed
DE VERA, ON LEGAL AND MORAL GROUNDS, a Petition[5] dated before the IBP Board seeking (1) the
FROM BEING ELECTED IBP GOVERNOR FOR postponement of the election for Regional Governors to
EASTERN MINDANAO IN THE MAY 31, IBP the second or third week of June 2003; and (2) the
ELECTIONS disqualification of respondent De Vera from being
OLIVER OWEN L. GARCIA, EMMANUEL RAVANERA elected Regional Governor for Eastern Mindanao
and TONY VELEZ, petitioners, vs. ATTY. LEONARD Region.
DE VERA And IBP BOARD OF This petition was also denied by the IBP Board
GOVERNORS, respondents. since (1) it found no compelling justification for the
postponement of the elections especially considering
that preparations and notices had already been
FACTS: completed; (2) with regards to the disqualification of Atty.
Leonard de Vera, it also found the petition to be
premature considering no nomination has yet been
This is a Petition[1] filed by Attys. Oliver Owen L. made for the election of IBP regional governor.
Garcia, Emmanuel Ravanera and Tony Velez, mainly
Thinking that the IBP Board had not yet acted on
seeking the disqualification of respondent Atty. Leonard
their Petition, the petitioners also filed a Petition to the
De Vera from being elected Governor of Eastern
Supreme Court seeking the same reliefs as those sought
Mindanao in the 16th Intergrated Bar of the Philippines
in their Petition before the IBP.
(IBP) Regional Governors elections. Petitioner Garcia is
the Vice-President of the Bukidnon IBP Chapter, while Hence the following day, the Court issued a
petitioners Ravanera and Velez are the past President Temporary Restraining Order (TRO), which directed the
and the incumbent President, respectively, of the IBP Board, its agents, representatives or persons acting
Misamis Oriental IBP Chapter. in their place and stead to cease and desist from
proceeding with the election for the IBP Regional
Governor in Eastern Mindanao.[7]
The election for the 16th IBP Board of Governors
The petitioners stated that following the rotation rule
(IBP Board) was set on April 26, 2003, a month before
of the IBP, whoever will be elected Regional Governor
the IBP National Convention scheduled on May 22-24,
for Eastern Mindanao Region in the 16th Regional
2003 which was in compliance with Section 39, Article VI
Governors elections will automatically become the EVP
of the IBP By Laws, which provided that:
for the term July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2005 and in turn
would automatically assume the post of IBP National
“At least one month before the national convention, the President in the next term of July 1, 2005 to June 20,
delegates from each region shall elect the governor of 2007. Following these circumstances, petitioners alleged
their region, the choice of which shall as much as that respondent De Vera had transferred his IBP
possible be rotated among the chapters in the region.” membership from the Pasay, Paranaque, Las Pinas and
Muntinlupa (PPLM) Chapter to the Agusan del Sur
However, the outgoing IBP Board reset the Chapter, as he covets the IBP presidency.[8] Petitoners
elections after the IBP National Convention to May 31, contended that the transfer of IBP membership of
2003. respondent is a brazen abuse and misuse of the rotation
rule, a mockery of the domicile rule and a great insult to
Respondent De Vera, who was a member of the
lawyers from Eastern Mindanao for it implies that there is
Board of Directors of the Agusan del Sur IBP Chapter in
no lawyer from the region qualified and willing to serve
Eastern Mindanao, along with Atty. Santiago, President the IBP.[9]
of the IBP Rizal Chapter, sent a letter[3] on March 28,
2003, requesting the IBP Board to reconsider its With regards to the moral fitness required of a
resolution of resetting the election of the IBP Governor candidate for the offices of regional governor, executive
on two grounds viz. (1) that adhering to the mandate of vice-president and national president, the petitioners
Section 39 of the IBP By Laws to hold the election of also argued that respondent De Vera lacks the requisite
Regional Governors at least one month prior to the moral aptitude for the following reasons (1) he was
national convention of the IBP will prevent it from being sanctioned by the Supreme Court for irresponsibly
politicized since post-convention elections may attacking the integrity of the SC Justices during the
otherwise lure the candidates into engaging in deliberations on the constitutionality of the plunder law.
unacceptable political practices, and; (2) holding the (2) he could have also been disbarred in the United
election on May 31, 2003 will render it impossible for the States for misappropriating his clients funds had he not
outgoing IBP Board from resolving protests in the surrendered his California license to practice law and
election for governors not later than May 31, 2003, as finally, (3) they accuse him of having actively
expressed in Section 40 of the IBP By Laws, that: campaigned for the position of Eastern Mindanao
Governor during the IBP National Convention held on
“Any nominee desiring to contest an election shall, within May 22-24, 2003, which is prohibited under IBP By-
two days after the announcement of the results of the Laws.[10]
elections, file with the President of the Integrated Bar a
In his defense, respondent De Vera argued that the
written protest setting forth the grounds therefor. Upon
Court had no jurisdiction over the present controversy,
receipt of such petition, the President shall forthwith call
contending that the election of the Officers of the IBP,
a special meeting of the outgoing Board of Governors to
including the determination of the qualification of those
consider and hear the protest, with due notice to the
who want to serve the organization, is purely an internal
contending parties. The decision of the Board shall be
matter, governed by the IBP By-Laws and exclusively
announced not later than the following May 31, and shall
regulated and administered by the IBP. He also assailed
be final and conclusive.
the legal standing of petitioners, pointing out that the IBP
By-Laws does not have a provision for the
However, on April 26, 2003, the IBP Board denied disqualification of IBP members aspiring for the position
the request for reconsideration of respondent. of Regional governors, for instead all that it provides for
is only an election protest under Article IV, Section 40, jurisdiction of the IBP, the Court declared it as
pursuant to which only a qualified nominee can validly untenable. Section 5, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution
lodge an election protest which is to be made after, not confers on the Supreme Court the power to promulgate
before, the election. He further posits that following the rules affecting the IBP. As stated in Section 5, the
rotation rule, only members from the Surigao del Norte Supreme Court shall:
and Agusan del Sur IBP chapters are qualified to run for
Governor for the Eastern Mindanao Region for the term (5) Promulgate rules concerning the
2003-2005. The petitioners being from Bukidnon and protection and enforcement of
Misamis Oriental are not thus qualified to be nominees. constitutional rights, pleading, practice,
The respondent further argued that an IBP member and procedure in all courts, the admission
is entitled to select, change or transfer his chapter to the practice of law, the Integrated
membership according to Section 19, Article II and Bar, and the legal assistance to the
Section 29-2, Article IV of the IBP By-Laws and also underprivileged. Such rules shall provide a
recognized in Section 4, Rule 139-A of the Rules of simplified and inexpensive procedure for the
Court. He also added that it was upon the invitation of speedy disposition of cases, shall be uniform
the officers and members of the Agusan del Sur IBP for all courts of the same grade, and shall not
Chapter that he transferred his IBP membership, and diminish, increase, or modify substantive
that it is unfair and unkind for the petitioners to state that rights. Rules of procedure of special courts
his membership transfer was done for convenience and and quasi-judicial bodies shall remain effective
as a mere subterfuge to qualify him for the Eastern unless disapproved by the Supreme Court.
Mindanao governorship.[14] (Emphasis supplied)

On the moral integrity question, respondent De Implied in this constitutional grant is the power to
Vera denied exhibiting disrespect to the Court or to any supervise all the activities of the IBP, including the
of its members during its deliberations on the election of its officers.
constitutionality of the plunder law. He also added that
the administrative complaint filed against him by one of The IBP By-Laws also recognizes the full range of
his clients when he was practicing law in California, the power of supervision of the Supreme Court over the
which in turn compelled him to surrender his California IBP. Section 77[25] of the IBP By-Laws vests on the Court
license to practice law, cannot serve as basis for the power to amend, modify or repeal the IBP By-Laws,
determining his moral qualification (or lack of it) to run for either motu propio or upon recommendation of the Board
the position he is aspiring for. He further explained that of Governors of the IBP. In Section 15,[26] the Court is
there had also been no final judgment yet finding him authorized to send observers in IBP elections, whether
guilty of the administrative charge and that the local or national while Section 44[27] also empowers the
complainant in this case has already retracted the Court to have the final decision on the removal of the
accusation but unfortunately was not considered by the members of the Board of Governors.
investigating officer. Lastly, he argued that the
In the 1989 elections of the IBP National Officers,
accusation of politicking during the IBP National the Supreme invalidated the elections and directed the
Convention is baseless as petitioners did not present conduct of special elections, as well as explicitly
any evidence to substantiate their claim.
disqualified the IBP members who were found involved
in the irregularities from running. The Court also
amended several provisions of the IBP By-Laws.
Hence, these foregoing considerations
(1) Whether or not this Court has jurisdiction demonstrate the power of the Supreme Court over
over the present controversy; the IBP and establish without doubt its jurisdiction
to hear and decide the present controversy.
(2) Whether or not petitioners have a cause
of action against respondent De Vera, the
determination of which in turn requires the
resolution of two sub-issues, namely: (2) On the second issue, respondent argued that the
petitioners do not have a cause of action since
(a) whether the petition to disqualify under Section 40 of the IBP By-Laws, it does not
respondent De Vera is the proper allow petitions to disqualify candidates for Regional
remedy under the IBP By-Laws; Governors since what it authorizes only are election
and protests or post-election cases.
(b) whether the petitioners are the The Supreme Court ruled that applying Section 40
proper parties to bring this suit; of the IBP By-Laws to the present petition, petitioners
are not the proper parties to bring the suit. Since as
(3) Whether the present Petition is premature;
provided in the aforesaid section, only nominees can file
(4) Assuming that petitioners have a cause of with the President of the IBP a written protest setting
action and that the present petition is not forth the grounds therefor. As also claimed by
premature, whether respondent De Vera is respondent De Vera, which is not disputed by
qualified to run for Governor of the IBP petitioners, only IBP members from Agusan del Sur and
Eastern Mindanao Region; Surigao del Norte are qualified to be nominated and
elected at the election for the 16th Regional Governor of
Eastern Mindanao. Pursuant to the rotation rule adopted
RULINGS: in the IBP By-Laws, petitioners Garcia, Ravanera and
Velez, are from other places and are therefore not even
qualified to be nominated at the forthcoming election.
(1) As to the contention of respondent that the
Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over the case as the
election of the Officers of the IBP, including the (3) On the third issue relating to the ripeness or
determination of the qualification is exclusively within the prematurity of the present petition, the Court agreed
with the position of the IBP Board that it is premature As to the contention of petitioners that respondent
for the petitioners to seek the disqualification of De Vera is disqualified as he is not morally fit to occupy
respondent De Vera from being elected IBP the position of IBP governor of Eastern Mindanao, the
Governor for the Eastern Mindanao Region. Since Supreme Court was not convinced. It held that as long
before a member is elected governor, he has to be as an aspiring member meets the basic requirements
nominated first for the post. However in this case, provided in the IBP By-Laws, he cannot be barred. The
respondent De Vera has not been nominated for the basic qualifications for one who wishes to be elected
post. And no nomination of candidates has been governor for a particular region are: (1) he is a member
made yet by the members of the House of in good standing of the IBP;37 2) he is included in the
Delegates from Eastern Mindanao. Furthermore, voters list of his chapter or he is not disqualified by the
assuming that respondent De Vera gets nominated, Integration Rule, by the By-Laws of the Integrated Bar,
he can also always opt to decline the nomination. or by the By-Laws of the Chapter to which he
belongs;38 (3) he does not belong to a chapter from
which a regional governor has already been
(4) As to the issue of whether respondent is elected, unless the election is the start of a new season
qualified to run for Governor of the IBP Eastern or cycle;39 and (4) he is not in the government service.40
Mindanao Region, petitioners contend that There is nothing in the By-Laws which explicitly
respondent de Vera is disqualified for violating the provides that one must be morally fit before he can run
domicile rule since his place of residence is in for IBP governorship. This is so because the
Paranaque and that he only changed his IBP determination of moral fitness of a candidate lies in the
chapter membership to pave way for his goal of individual judgment of the members of the House of
becoming the IBP President. However, the Delegates. Based on each member’s standard of
Supreme Court ruled that this contention has no morality, he is free to nominate and elect any member,
merit. Under the last paragraph of Section 19 Article so long as the latter possesses the basic requirements
II, a lawyer included in the Roll of Attorneys of the under the law. Another reason is that the disqualification
Supreme Court can register with the particular IBP of a candidate involving lack of moral fitness should
Chapter of his preference or choice. emanate from his disbarment or suspension from the
Section 19. states that practice of law by the Supreme Court, or conviction by
final judgment of an offense which involves moral
Unless he otherwise registers his preference
for a particular Chapter, a lawyer shall be As to the sanction imposed by the Supreme Court
considered a member of the Chapter of the to De Vera, the SC held that the ruling cannot serve as a
province, city, political subdivision or area basis to consider respondent De Vera immoral since the
where his office or, in the absence thereof, his act for which he was found guilty of indirect contempt
residence is located. does not involve moral turpitude.

From the provisions of Section 19, it is clearly In this case, it cannot be said that the act of
stated in the By-Laws that it is not automatic that a expressing ones opinion on a public interest issue can
lawyer will become a member of the chapter where be considered as an act of baseness, vileness or
his place of residence or work is located. He has the depravity. Respondent De Vera did not bring suffering
discretion to choose the particular chapter where he nor cause undue injury or harm to the public when he
wishes to gain membership. Only when he does not voiced his views on the Plunder Law.50
register his preference that he will become a On the administrative complaint that was filed
member of the Chapter of the place where he resides against respondent De Vera while he was still practicing
or maintains his office. The only proscription in law in California, the Supreme Court found his
registering ones preference is that a lawyer cannot explanations satisfactory in the absence of contrary
be a member of more than one chapter at the same proof. He explained that no final judgment was rendered
time. by the California Supreme Court finding him guilty of the
Under Section 29-2 of the IBP By-Laws, the transfer charge and that the reason he surrendered his license
of IBP membership is also allowed as long as the lawyer was to protest the discrimination he suffered at the
hands of the investigator and also found it impractical to
complies with the conditions it sets forth.
pursue the case to the end. It is a basic rule on evidence
that he who alleges a fact has the burden to prove the
This Section provides that:“Each member shall maintain same.51 In this case, the petitioners have not shown how
his membership until the same is terminated on any of the administrative complaint affects respondent De
the grounds set forth in the By-Laws of the Integrated Vera’s moral fitness to run for governor.
Bar, or he transfers his membership to another
Chapter as certified by the Secretary of the latter, Finally, on the allegation that respondent de Vera or
provided that the transfer is made not less than his handlers had housed the delegates from Eastern
three months immediately preceding any Chapter Mindanao in the Century Park Hotel to get their support
election. for his candidacy, petitioners again did not present any
proof to substantiate the same. And according to the
Under this section, the only condition required is Rule of Court, bare allegations, unsubstantiated by
that the transfer must be made not less than three evidence, are not equivalent to proof.
months prior to the election of officers in the chapter to Hence, the SC dismissed the petition to disqualify
which the lawyer wishes to transfer. respondent to run for the position of IBP Governor for
In this case, respondent De Vera complied with the Eastern Mindanao in the 16th election of the IBP Board
condition because his transfer was made effective of Governors and the Temporary Restraining
sometime between August 1, 2001 and September 3, Order issued by this Court which enjoined the conduct of
2001, and the elections of the IBP Chapter Offices were the election for the IBP Regional Governor in Eastern
on February 27, 2003. Hence, respondent De Vera’s Mindanao is hereby LIFTED.
transfer was valid as it was done more than three SO ORDERED.
months ahead of the chapter elections.

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