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November Monthly Review +$34.


General Overview:

November was tricky. Well, that’s not exactly true, I just made it hard on myself by getting off to another poor
start, which killed my confidence and momentum. The killer was a dumb trade fading NWH on the second day of
the month. This loss was one of my biggest single trade losses ever (-$12k), however I was more upset with the
fact it was caused by old habits (fading) and because it happened so early in the month after I put in a solid
October. Anyway, the loss drilled home a few things:
1. Don’t get big in non-A+ trades
2. Getting off to a solid start each month is more important for my psychology and confidence than I might
want to give credit for
3. Confidence built up over a long period of time can be rocked in an instant.

Once I got back to square for the month, I noticed my confidence returned, and I started to trade better (weight
of potentially losing for the month was off my shoulders). However, one thing that I failed to do this month was
nailing a true A+ setup - in my view TNE on day 1 was the big miss for me. I got size on short very early at a
good price, but chickened out and scratched the trade, when I should’ve made close enough to $15k without too
much sweat. If I am taking positives from the month, I am glad I was able to show resilience after the early hits I
took, I’m happy that I was able to just grind it out to get back square, and then push for profit. Overall, I would
probably give myself a C+/B- for my efforts the month

From the perspective of some of the trade stats above, it was decent enough from the perspective of winning
days to losing days. However average losing days in dollar terms was way too high, although if you exclude the
“one-off” NWH loss from this (lol non-GAAP earnings) it’s nowhere near as bad, coming in much lower at
approximately -$1,300. My average winning days in dollar terms was a bit lower this month versus the previous
3 months, which I put down to a little bit lower confidence after the NWH blow up.

Interesting Developments!

As you will see below, I barely made any money this month on the short side, this is a huge anomaly for me. I
think not making money short is a huge outlier, so this to me is progress. It shows I am adjusting in terms of how
frequent I am willing to get long, but also my profitability on that side is improving. Typically, moving forward I
should revert to being more successful on the short side, and if my long side improvement continues, this could
be a real breakthrough. It also seems as though I’ve been wasting money late in the day (afternoon) due to
boredom and or overtrading, so this is something I need to watch closely moving forward – no need to press if
it’s not there!

Some Stats:

Goals For December:

Get off to a stronger start to the month! Plan is to take it very easy early on in December, and only take
what the market is giving me. Just need to settle into the month and not do anything stupid early, especially
since it will likely be quiet post AGM season and approaching the holidays. Aim is to reduce size, and just
be patient and wait for those A+ moments.

Anyway, I hope this was worthwhile, peace out!

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