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Elena Galeanu


Professor: Amy Riker

Assignment #2

1. What is workforce diversity, and why is managing it so important?

Workforce diversity can be defined by how people in an organization are different from
and similar to one another. From entry-level to executives, each person is unique and
uniting their best characteristics can lead to better performance for the company.
Managing workforce diversity is very important because discovering and developing each
diverse talent can conduct to organization’s success.
In a country like the U.S., which is in a continually growing, there are preconized to be
more immigrants by 2050. Managers need to be prepared to resolve the challenges that
are related to diversity: personal bias and glass ceiling. In an organization, people need to
be treated professionally, and remarks need to be made only about their professional

2. Describe the issues associated with each of the types of workforce diversity?
The more common types of workforce diversity are represented by age, gender, race,
ethnicity, disabilities/abilities, sexual orientation, and LGBT. The issues associated with
workforce diversity can be classified into two categories: personal bias and glass ceiling.
Bias refers to “one-side” perspective, our own opinion related to a person. It can be
classified in: prejudice (a preconceived opinion or judgment related to a person or a group
of persons), stereotyping (a decision based by a perception of a group to which that
person belongs), discrimination (an action out of prejudicial attitude related to people
who are the targets of the prejudice). The glass ceiling refers to that invisible barrier that
segregates woman and minorities from a high-level position.
In our days, people are protected by law from different types of discriminations. A lot of
organizations perform commitments to diversity. They provide mentoring, diversity skills
training, and employee resource group. All of this is made to improve communication
inside of the company, create a better relationship between coworkers and built a long
association with costumers. A better performance inside of the companies leads to be a
more significant success on the market. Diversity needs to make organizations find the
advantages of this and apply different strategies to grow faster and to attract more
customers from all over the world.

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