Action Plan 2011

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Te Manawa o te Wai Pounamu ICTPD Cluster Action Plan 2011

Who is
Cluster Goal Actions When responsible Success Indicators Review T4
Goal ?
1. students to Students understand and use Inquiry  The work done by Lane Clark, Pam Hook T2 PLC Schools will develop their own personalised
become approaches appropriate to their needs. [SOLO] and Kath Murdoch will be looked at Inquiry model. For Secondary School Staff
successful further. this may be an adapted Inquiry model in
digital citizen Students use Web 2 tools appropriate  ITC planners used by staff, ideas/strategies Ongoing MA their specific subject area. Staff and
to their needs. shared first 10 mins ICTPD staff meetings. children use and understand the language
 AMCS to share their inquiry model. T2 BW and stages of these models and use them
Students try use of tools that enhance  Combined Visit to Otago schools, ICT and T3 CMG confidently.
reflection on learning. Inquiry Models.
 PLC working on Inquiry models. Refine T2 PLC
A common understanding of what it these into 2-3 generic types of model to use
means to be a successful digital citizen within the cluster.
will be developed with students and  Guest speaker [inquiry] to be booked for T3 MA BF There will be web based evidence of
the wider school community using Teacher Only Day students using Web 2 tools - a range of
Netsafe’s Learn:Guide: Protect classroom wikis/blogs
website:  Whole school Digital Technology curriculum drafted and shared with staff. T3/4 BF MC Digital citizenship will be evident in the way
igitalcitizenship-  Cyber-citizenship policy reviewed and students are using web 2.0 applications
definition/ shared with staff. and managing their online presence.

Students will be aware of and E portfolios will be trialed in 3 learning

 E-portfolios setup and developed for senior
practicing accepted cyber-citizenship Ongoing PLC AG levels

2. principals Develop and revise ICT Strategic plans.  Strategic plan and action plan 2011 drafted T1 CMG Cluster ICT plan on Google Docs, PD
to lead the and shared with cluster management team. programme will be carried out
integration of Make provision for PD opportunities  Release time for staff to prepare strategic
e-learning in that enhance learning through ICT. plans, sharing via Google Docs, Facilitator to T2 MA
their schools work alongside if requested.
(strategic and Make provision to support schools in  Action Plan for Cluster schedule reviewed bi- T2/T4 CMG
operational) the use of web 2.0 tools by running termly at Cluster Leadership team meetings.
workshops to communicate their
Inquiry understanding and thinking to  Plan ICTPD and PLC cycle meetings in 2011 Schools arrange to meet for staff meetings
others. to work on teacher selected tools in small Ongoing CMG PLC and professional development times to
groups, to try these tools with their classes share resources, planning and assessment
and report on their experience, Wiki used as ideas.
resource to share expertise eg How to…,

 Termly ICTPD sharing of new tools across PLC CMG

cluster. Anna and Bu to attend TAS PLC’s or Termly
try to conference?
 Compile Cluster list of experts, release time Individual teachers use release time to
available for sharing of expertise. T2 MA observe teaching in specific areas of ICT
 Work towards in-house workshops, also and Inquiry.
guest facilitators eg e-time Ongoing BF MA

Te Manawa o te Wai Pounamu ICTPD Cluster Action Plan 2011

Who is
Cluster Goal Actions When responsible Success Indicators Review T4
Goal ?
 Fortnightly drop-in workshops at TAS, Ongoing MA
focussed on specific skills.
 Delicious account added to and used by staff Ongoing All
to share websites, web 2.0 tools.
 Termly cluster schools face to face with T1/4 BF MA
pupils, workshops/staff expert or outside
3. Teachers to Investigate the use of the most  SMS trainers booked for use of school T1/2 KP BF Staff trained in use of SMS and classroom
integrate appropriate tools for assessment in the intranet and MUSAC for assessment/record- SMS applications developed to track
elearning schools of our cluster keeping. student progress
effectively Begin implementation of these.  Cluster activities, documentation and
into their planning on Google Docs when appropriate. Ongoing MA BF
practice To develop, through workshops and
creating an school visits, understandings in Inquiry,  Rolling programme of release time within Ongoing MA all staff Teachers use ICT applications, thinking
innovative thinking strategies, Web 2.0 tools and cluster schools, week 1 release with strategies and web 2.0 tools (as a
and exciting ICT applications that enhance teaching facilitator, planning, learning tools/skills, collaboration tool) to enhance Inquiry use
learning and learning. follow up week—team teaching/observation in the classrooms. Web 2.0 tools allow
environment with facilitator. schools to communicate and share with the
for all  Class blogs setup and contributed to. Rolling T2/T3 All staff MA wider community.
students programme of release alongside facilitator
to support staff. Schools use the cluster database so experts
 Expert database used by staff for own PD, T3 All staff can be contacted and used in schools in
release time available. areas of curriculum delivery, Inquiry,
 Improve usability of Internet School Zone— thinking strategies, web 2.0 tools, school
review filtering. T1 BF MA management systems and ICT applications.
 Regular sharing of ICT use during staff
meetings and via Wiki/class blogs. Ongoing MA all staff
4. Family and Ensure that schools communicate to  Use of Web2.0 tools for cooperative T2 MA all staff Schools use wikispaces, blogs and e-
whanau to their BOT and school community about projects between schools. portfolios to carry the message of
actively ICT and Inquiry development.  Sharing of ideas via blogs and Wikis, children’s learning home.
participate in enabling pupils to comment and respond to T1 All staff
their the work of other schools. Eg comments on Schools share the developments in school
child’s Youtube/Voicethread. newsletters and open days or evenings.
learning  Monthly e-newsletter highlighting work of
schools within cluster, staff submissions. T3 MA All staff Parents/whanau are seen to interact with
 Regular ICT slot in school newsletters. [see web based tools.
AMCS as example] Ongoing MA All staff
 Build in parent participation at cluster
student workshops or presentations/sharing
following these.
 Web 2.0 tools used to allow parent Ongoing All staff
comments on pupils learning via class
blogs/Wikis/ web 2.0 tools eg. Collaborize.

Te Manawa o te Wai Pounamu ICTPD Cluster Action Plan 2011

Who is
Cluster Goal Actions When responsible Success Indicators Review T4
Goal ?
5. Sharing The cluster will share developing  Staff PD goals—1 related to progress in T2 BF MA All Google docs for Cluster organization eg,
online practice on the appropriate online ICT—use of reflective blogs/eportfolio. staff Strategic plans, calendars, updated at least
professional forums.  Staff workshop on use of VLN following T2 BF MA monthly
reflections to liason with National facilitator.
inform The cluster will maintain a Wiki  All schools and staff contribute to online CMG All Delicious for cluster links updated at least
colleagues of presence where collaboration is forums to share good practise. Ongoing staff fortnightly.
the practiced and students work shown
challenges  Twice yearly cluster leadership team Cluster Wiki updated at least weekly.
and Principals and key personnel will meet meetings to ensure maintained T2/T4 CMG
opportunities to reflect on ICT PD progress and to communication and direction. Review and Personal reflection on meeting goals
afforded by e- develop professional reflection to reflect against action plan. uploaded to the VLN twice yearly at
learning share in the VLN milestone reporting time.

Staff Responsible Key:

CMG Cluster Management Group – Bill Feasey, Anna Roseingrave, Bu Windsor, Mike Allerston

PLC Professional Learning Community

BF Bill Feasey [TAS Director]

MA Mike Allerston [TAS Facilitator]

KP Kay Potter [TAS AP]

AG Allan Grant [TAS]


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