Liquid Clutch

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Aug. 14, 1923.

Filed May 22, 1920 2. Sheets-Sheet 1

a 4






" (a-A. -á. (3A/

Aug. 14, 1923. 1464,714
Filed May 22, 1920 2 Sheets-Sheet 2

4-ft. 4.--fi/GA
"(.-4: a Cz
Patented Aug. 14, 1923.
Application filed May 22, 1920. Serial No. 883,497.
To all whom it may concern: Secured upon the exterior of the frame
Be it known that I, ART: ; UR AT WATER member or yoke Y by a screw b is the strip
RENT, a citizen of the United States, resid or plate of copper or other suitable con
ing in Ardmore, county of Montgomery, and ducting material c, between which and the 60
State of Pennsylvania, have invented cer member Y intervenes the member d of insu
tain new and useful Improvements in En lating material, the screw b being suitably
gine-Starting Apparatus, of which the fol insulated from the member 6. Suitably se
lowing is a specification: cured to or in electrical contact with the
My invention relates to apparatus for elec plate cis-the binding post B, with which is 65
gines. starting internal combustion en
trically adapted to connect any suitable conductor
It is the object of my invention to provide togizing
connect the plate a with the motor ener
for the electric motor employed for crank serves asbattery. One end of the plate a
ing or starting an internal combustion en ling Switch, the secondof switch
the terminal the motor control
terminal f, 0.
gine electro-magnetically controlled or op of copper or other suitable material, being
{rated switching mechanism directly upon suitably spaced from the plated and secured
the frame, field yoke or other stationary
to the member Y, but insulated therefrom
part of the electric motor. r by the member 9. Connecting with the sec
It is a further object of my invention to ond Switch terminal f is the conducting stud 75
provide switching mechanism of the char h extending through, but insulated from the
acter referred to whose electro-magnetic shell or yoke Y into communication with
winding shall be energized from the same the member or terminal i, with which may
battery or source of current which ener connect one terminal of the motor winding,
gizes the motor, the circuit of the winding
25 being controlled by push button or other for example, one terminal of the series field 80
switch preferably located adjacent the op winding thereof.
erator of a vehicle driven by the internal Adapted to bridge and electrically con
combustion engine. nect the switch terminals c and f is the mov
To these ends I have provided structure able metallic bridging member i, carried
of the character hereinafter described and by but insulated from the vertically mov 85.
claimed. able member k, preferably of magnetizable
For an illustration of some of the various material, extending freely through the mag
forms my toinvention may take, reference is netizable stationary core member m, and at
to be had the .accompanying drawings, in tached to the movable core member n. The
35 which : . . . . - movable core in has a bore o, through which 90
Fig. 1 is a sectional view, parts in eleva the aforesaid member k extends, the annu
tion, through a part of the electric motor lar space being occupied by a helical spring
and the electro-magnetic switching mecha p tending to raise the member in and the at
nism. . . . ." tached switch member i. Surrounding the
40 Fig. 2 is a diagrammatic view of a cir core members in and n is the coil or mag 95
cuit arrangement suitable for employment netizing winding q, in turn surrounded by
of my structure. . . . the jacket or housing r of magnetizable ma
Fig. 3 is a diagrammatic view of a modi- terial, and having the inwardly extending
upper flanges having an aperture- through
fied circuit arrangement. . . . " in ele. which extends the sleeves or spool t, within 00
Referring to Fig. 1, A represents which extend the aforesaid core members m,
vation part of the rotor or armature of an and n. The stationary core member m has
electric motor adapted to crank or operate an outwardly extending flange u making a
an internal combustion engine, such, for ex joint of low magnetic reluctance with the
ample, as employed upon a motor vehicle, jacket or housing r. Carried by the hous OS
for starting or bringing the engine to con ing r is the removable closure cap v.
dition to operate under its own power. The
armature A rotates with respect to suitable
number of field poles one of which is indi orSecured
housing torareorthe
EE flangeswith the jacket
or saddle mem
cated at P suitably secured, as by screws bers v having recesses or depressions con
a, o, to the field yoke Y, which may be a forming to the yoke or frame Y and, in 110
cylindrical member of steel or iron. the case of the E. hand flange ad, having
a notch for strad ling the members c and d,
2. 1,464,714

a member a of insulating material prevent With its

the switch (it closed, then start under
own power. Immediately upon release
ing contact between the flange and the coin of the push
tact plate c. Carried by the extension gy of be deemergizedbutton and
C the winding ( will
the spring p) will raise
the housing or jacket member 1 is the bind the contact i. thereby breaking the notor,
ing post 2, suitably insulated and connect energizing circuit.
ing with One terminal of the winding (7, the As shown in Fig. 3, the circuit arrange
other terminal of which, as in Fig. 2, Blay 2: ilave lastliified by co:::::cting (i.e. ter.
connect with one of the stationary switch nina (, : the push litto; C to the saille ter
, Vu

terminals, or, as in Fig. 3, may be grounded, inal of the battery S which conietts with
) as by connecting with the core hember n,
housing r or other suitable grounded ele the motor control switch. in this case, the
other tei"niinal of the windiig (, coil it:: 9 to
ment. -
Referring to Fig. 2, S is the so:lrce of the ground or return conductoi" (. The
operation, however, is the sale as that cle Sí)
current, as a storage battery, one terminal scribed in collection with Fig. 2.
of which is connected to the frame or ground By inc:)
G, or other suitable return conductor. Its described, isit isofpossible the structire herein before
(stile tel'}; inai cc, niject: {{ one C the still ton or manually operatedbySwith single lish bit
it energize
tionary switch terminals, as G. The other an electro-magnetic switch controlling tie
switch terminal, as f, connects with one ter
2: minal of the electric moto' M, as for ex engine starting motor.
It is further of advantage to 12::::::f $2
ample, with one terminal of its series field electro-magnetic
winding F, whose other terminal connects upon the starting control switch directly
with the armature A whose other terminal frame, field yoke oi' other suitableasstationary
motor unit, poll its
connects to ground or return conductor (i. in ember, the coninections fl:en betwee: the
One terminal of the winding () isS, connected
to one terminal of the batter yv it, while its starting switch and inotor being short and
other terminal connects with one eijnina. combined direct, with the further advantage that the
of the push button or switch C, whose other notor and electro-magnetic control
terminal connects to the ground ol' return switch therefor may be constructed and mar
conductor G. from one terminal of the keted as a unit; and with the further ad
battery S connection is made through switch vantage keted only
that when so constructed and mar
a relatively small conductor suit
at with one terminal of the pri: ) iry circuit able for conveying

the current for energizing

of the ignition apparatus comprising, for the
example, the resistance R. and the primary switch or push button,beasrun
winding 9 need to the control
w -

D of an induction coil, the timer or inter ning a conductor of large C,(lirrent in lieu of rin
rupter I, shunted as usual by condenser K, capacity to a switch suitably locatedcarrying
and actuated by the engine liven can l'. the reach of the foot, or hand of thewithin auto
The high tension secondary circuit winding mobile driver.
E has its one terminal grounded, as by What I claim is: 05
connecting with the primary circuit, and 1. The combination with an engi;he start
its other terminal connecting with the ro ing motor', of a fixed switch contact secured
tatable distributor element c diriyan in ini directly upon and insulated fron a st:-
son with the can b and co-acting succes tionary portion of said motor, a co-acting
sively. With the stationary distributor con
43 tacts d", each of which connects witi, i. movable contact, , an electro-magnet whose
spark pluge". movable member carries said novable co
The operation is as follows: tact, and a magnet housing secured to said
With the internal combustion engine at stationary net wilding
portion and enclosing the mag
and said movable contact.
rest, it may be started, without directly-as
manually or by foot-actuating the motor 2. The combination with an engine start
current controlling switch, by pressing the ingand motor', of a fixed switch contact secured
push button C, whereupon current will flow to tor, a
insulated from the frame of said mo
co-acting movable contact, an elec
from the battery S through the winding of tro-magnet \\hose inovable member carries
and the push button C. energizing the elec
5 tro-magnet or Solenoid, causing the core said movable contact, and a magnet housing
member n. Fig. 1 to be attracted down carried upon said frame and enclosing the
wardly in opposition to Spring p, causing magnet winding and said movable contact.
the movable contact i to engage and bridge said fixed contact extending to the exterior
of said housing and insulated there from.
the contacts G and f, whereupon current, 3. The coin bination with an engine start
(U) will flow from the battery S through con ing moto', of a fixed switch contact stered
tacts c, i and fin succession, through the to as it insulated from the field yoke of said
series field F of the electric motor, and motor, a co-acting movable contact, an elec
thence through the armature A, energizing tro-magnet, wh{}se movable incial:er carries:
the motor, which then cranks or actitiates 130
the internal combustion engine which will, said movable coifact, and a magnet housing
secured to said field yoke and enclosing the ing motor comprising field poles, an arma:
magnet Winding and said movable contact,
said fixed contact extending to the exterior ture and a frame member enclosing then, of
a starting switch comprising a fixed con
of said housing and insulated therefrom and tact secured directly upon and insulated
secured to said. . field. yoke
housing. . . .
outside of said from said frame member, a housing secured
. .. . . . .. . . upon said ii'aine membel' and comprising a
4. The combination with an engine start plurality of chambers, a magnet winding in
ing motor, of fixed contacts Secured upon a one of said chambers, a co-acting movable
stationary portion of said motor, electro
lo magnetic means comprising a winding and a magnetizable member, and a movable con
tact actuated by said magnetizable member
movable member, a movable contact movable
by said: movable member to engage and other and disposed with said fixed contact in an
of said chambers.
bridge said fixed contacts, a connection from 9. The combination with an engine start
one of said fixed contacts through said sta ing motor comprising field poles, an arma
tionary portion to a terminal of Said motor, ture and a frame member enclosing them, 80
and a housing enclosing said winding and of a starting switch comprising a fixed con
said fixed and movable contacts, said hous tact secured directly upon and insulated
ing secured to said stationary portion. . . . from said frame member, a housing secured
5. The combination with an engine start upon said frame member and comprising a
ing motor having a field winding. of a fixed plurality of chambers, a magnet winding in
contact secured to a stationary portion ol one of said chambers, a co-acting movable
said motor, a connection from said fixed magnetizable member, a movable contact
contact through said stationary portion to a actuated
terminal of the field winding of said mo disposed by said magnetizable member and
with said fixed contact in another
8 tor, a second fixed contact secured to said of said chambers, said fixed contact extend 90
stationary portion, a movable contact adapt
red to engage and bridge said fixed contacts, ing to the exterior of said housing, and a
circuit connection on said contact exterior to
electro-magnetic means comprising a wind said housing.
30 ing and a movable member, said movable. 10. The combination with an engine start 95
contact carried by said movable member, a ing motor comprising field poles. an arma
housing secured to said stationary portion ture and an enclosing frame member there
enclosing said winding and said switch con for, of a starting switch comprising fixed
tacts, one of said fixed contacts extending to contacts secured directly upon and insulated
the exterior of said housing, and a binding from said frame member, a conducting
post thereon exterior to said housing. . . member extending from the interior to the 100
6. The combination with an engine start exterior of said frame member through the
ing motor having a cylindrical field yoke, of same and insulated therefrom, said conduct
a starting switch comprising fixed contacts ing member connected to one of said fixed
directly secured upon and insulated from
40 said field yoke, a co-operating movable con contacts, one terminal of said motor con 105
nected to the inner end of said conducting
tact, a housing secured to said field yoke en member, a movable contact co-acting with
closing said movable contact and one of Said said fixed contacts, a housing secured di
fixed contacts, the other of said fixed contacts rectly to said frame member and enclosing
extending to the exterior of said housing, said one of said fixed contacts, said movable
45 connecting means on said portion of said contact and a portion of another of said 10
contact exterior to said housing, a connection fixed contacts, and electro-magnetic means
from said one of said fixed contacts through within said housing for actuating said mov
said field yoke to the inner side thereof, ana. able contact.
electro-magnetic means in said housing for 11. The combination with an engine start
actuating said movable contact. ing motor comprising field poles, an arma 15
7. The combination with an engine start ture and an enclosing frame member having
ing motor comprising an armature and field : a body portion, and an end closure, of start
poles and a frame member surrounding ing switch mechanism comprising an electro
them, of a starting switch comprising a magnet, a housing therefor, said housing
55 fixed contact insulated from said frame
having flanges secured to said body portion
member, a conducting member connecting. of the frame member independently of said 120
with said contact and extending through end closure and forming a chamber, fixed
said frame member and insulated therefrom contacts within said chamber and at least one
and securing said contact upon said frame of which is insulated from said frame mem
member, a co-operating movable contact,
electro-magnetic means carried by said ber, and a co-operating movable contact act 125
uated by said electro-magnet.
frame member for actuating said contact, 12. The combination with an engine start
and a connection from said conducting mem ing motor comprising field poles, an arma
ber to one terminal of said motor. ture and a cylindrical field yoke, of starting
8. The combination with an engine start switch mechanism comprising an electro 30
4. 1,464,714

magnet, a housing therefor having flange movable in a direction radial to said field
extensions reaching and secured to said field yoke, and a hember within said housing
yoke and io)'ming there with a chainaber, a through which said core structure moves
movable contact in said chamber actuated dividing said winding from said chamber.
by said electro-naghet, a co-acting fixed 15. The combination with an electric lino 3.
contact secured to and insulated from said tor provided with an enclosing frame hav
field yoke, one of Said flange extensions hav ing body and end portions, of an electro
ing an aperture through which said fixed magnet, a housing Secured to the body por
contact extends to the exterior, and circuit. tion of said frage independently of S:tid end
connecting lineans on said fixed contact ex portions and forming a chamber, a fixed
terior to said housing. contact within chamber, and a coacting mov
13. The combination with an engine start able contact therein actuated by said elec
ing motor comprising field poles, an a Fina tro-magnet.
ture and a cylindrical field yoke, of starting 16. The combination with an electric mo
switch mechanism coin prising a housing Se tor having a casing provided with body and
cured to said field yoke and forming a end portions, of switch mechanism for the
chamber, co-acting ovable and fixed con motor comprising an electro-magnet, a hous
tacts within said chamber, a movable core ing therefor detachably secured to the body
structure carrying the novable contact and portion of said casing independently of said
movable in a direction radial to said field end portions and forming a chamber, a sta
yoke, and a winding within said housing tionary contact within said chamber secured
Surrounding said core structure. to the motor casing and extending to the ex
14. The combination with an engine start terior of said chamber, and a movable con
ing motor comprising field poles, an arma tact also located within the chamber and
ture and a cylindrical field yoke, of starting actuated by the said electro-magnet.
Switch mechanism comprising a housing In testimony whereof I have hereunto af
Secured to said field yoke and forning a fixed my signature this 20th day of May,
chamber, co-acting movable, and fixed con 1920.
tacts within said chamber, a movable core
30 structure carrying the movable contact and ARTHUR ATWATER KENT.

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