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Where is it celebrated (country/city/town)

El Inty Raymi se celebra en Otavalo en Ecuador, es en sí el símbolo de la gratitud de los pueblos

andinos que ofrecen a la Paccha Mama (madre tierra)

When is it celebrated?

Este evento cultural se lleva a cabo todos los años, del 17 al 23 de Junio,

What is the purpose of the celebration?

El propósito del evento cultural es agradecer una buena producción y cosecha de productos
tradicionales, se celebra con la presencia de música y danza.

Are there any special foods, drinks, object, souvenirs that are part of the celebration?

Los alimentos típicos de la zona: el maíz, papa, melloco, oca, mashua, fréjol y calabazas, en
combinación con carne de res, chancho, borrego y cuy

What is the cultural importance of this celebration? (What s your opinion)

En Ecuador, se realizan diferentes formas de festejar y rendir tributo a esta fiesta

andina, que pervive en la ritualidad de muchos pueblos indígenas de toda la región
andina, y que de hecho, cada vez suma a más gente mestiza a sus celebraciones.
• Where is it celebrated (country / city / town)
The Inty Raymi is celebrated in Otavalo in
Ecuador, it is in itself the symbol of the gratitude
of the Andean peoples that offer Paccha Mama
(mother earth)
• When is celebrated?
This cultural event takes place every year, from
June 17 to 23,
• What is the purpose of the celebration?
The purpose of the cultural event is to thank a
good production and harvest of traditional
products, it is celebrated with the presence of
music and dance.
• Are there special foods, drinks, objects,
memories that are part of the celebration?
Typical foods of the area: corn, potatoes, melloco,
oca, mashua, beans and pumpkins, in
combination with beef, pork, lamb and guinea pig
• What is the cultural importance of this
celebration? (What is your opinion)
In Ecuador, different ways of celebrating and
paying tribute to this Andean festival are carried
out, which survives in the rituality of many
indigenous peoples throughout the Andean
region, and that in fact, every time it adds more
mestizo people to their celebrations.

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