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2.5.3 Overview of Metabolism

Gabriel Molina
II. What do Metabolic Pathways Accomplish?

OUTLINE  They accomplish a few things, among of which are:

I. Introduction 1. Generation of Energy
II. What do Metabolic Pathways Accomplish? 2. Degradation or Catabolism of Organic
III. General Principles Common to Metabolic Molecules
Pathways 3. Synthesis of Cellular Building Blocks and
IV. What is the best way to comprehend and retain Precursors of Molecules
a working knowledge of intermediary 4. Storage of Energy
5. Excretion of Potentially Harmful Substances
REFERENCES 6. Generation of Regulatory Substances
• Rodwell VW, Bender DA, Botham KM, Kennelly PJ, Weil PA.
Generation of Energy
Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 30/e. McGraw Hill Education
• Rosenthal MD. Glew RH. 2009. Medical Biochemistry –  The primary dietary fuels for human beings are
Human Metabolism in Health and Disease. John Wiley & Sons carbohydrates and fats.
 The human body also obtains energy from dietary
I. Introduction proteins and – for some people – ethanol.
 Intermediary metabolism is the name given to the  Metabolism of these fuels generates energy, much
sequence of biochemical reactions that degrade, of which is captured as high-energy molecule
synthesize, or interconvert small molecules inside adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
the living cells.  Uses of ATP include:
 Knowledge of the core metabolic pathways and • Biosynthetic processes
their interrelations is critical to understanding both • Muscle contraction
normal function and the metabolic basis of most • Active transport of ions and other solutes
human diseases. across a membrane
Metabolic Pathways
 Metabolism occurs in small discrete steps, each of
which is catalyzed by an enzyme.
 The term metabolic pathway refer to a particular
set of reactions that carries out a certain function or

Metabolic Intermediates
 Biochemical pathways are comprised of organic
compounds called metabolic intermediates, all of
which contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Figure 1: Structure of ATP
 Some metabolic intermediates also contain
As a review:
nitrogen or sulfur.
Which of the following is high in energy?
A. The phosphates
 Homeostasis refers to an organism’s tendency or B. The phosphate bonds
drive to maintain the normalcy of its internal
environment, including maintaining the C. The ester bonds
concentration of nutrients and metabolites within D. None of the above
relatively strict limits.
Why does FADH2 generate less ATP than NADH during
• Blood glucose metabolism oxidative phosphorylation?
• Calcium homeostasis
A. FADH2 skips complex I
B. FADH2 enters complex II which does not pump any protons
C. NADH enters complex I, which pumps 4 H+
D. All of the above

Lecture Title: Overview of Metabolism

Module: 2.5.3
Transcribed by: Mahiwagang Tokwa 😊 1
Imagine a condition in which the inner mitochondrial membrane Amino Acid Catabolism
is more permeable to H+ allowing H+ from the intermembrane
space to diffuse into the mitochondrial matrix, what is the effect  Breakdown of most of the 20 common amino acids
of this condition? is initiated by removal of the α-amino group of the
A. Decreased ATP because less H+ passes through complex V amino acid via transamination.
• The resulting carbon skeletons are further
B. Increased Pi because there is decreased ATP synthesis
catabolized to generate energy or are used in
C. Increased ADP/ATP ratio the synthesis of other molecules (e.g.,
D. All of the above glucose, ketones).
• The nitrogen atoms of amino acids can be
Degradation or Catabolism of Organic Molecules
utilized for the synthesis of other nitrogenous
 Catabolic pathways (Figure 2) are involved in the compounds, such as heme, purines and
• breakdown of larger molecules; pyrimidines. Excess nitrogen is excreted as
• commonly involving oxidative reactions; urea.
• they are exothermic and usually exergonic; Fatty Acid Oxidation
• they produce reducing equivalents
(hydrogen atoms or NAD+ or FAD), and;  The major route of fatty acid degradation is β-
• mainly via the respiratory chain oxidation, which accomplishes stepwise two-
 Catabolic pathways usually involve cleavage of carbon cleavage of fatty acids into acetyl-CoA.
• C-O Review:
• C-N
A reaction is said to be catabolic, what do you expect of its ∆G
• C-C value?
A. ∆G < 0
B. ∆G > 0
C. ∆G = 0
D. ∆G is infinite

Anabolism – Synthesis of Cellular Building Blocks and

Precursors of Macromolecules
 Anabolic pathways are involved in the synthesis
of larger and more complex molecules
• Synthesis of larger molecules;
• Involves reductive reactions;
• They are usually endothermic and are also
Gluconeogenesis: Synthesis of Glucose

 Produces glucose from glycerol, pyruvate, lactate,

and the carbon skeletons of glucogenic amino
Figure 2: Outline of the pathways for the catabolism of
carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
 Gluconeogenesis is crucial in maintaining an
adequate supply of glucose to the brain during
Digestion fasting and starvation.

 Before dietary fuels can be absorbed into the body, Blast from the past… all amino acids are glucogenic except for
they must be broken down into simpler molecules. LY = Leucine and Lysine
Thus, starch is hydrolyzed to yield glucose, and
What are your ketogenic amino acids?
proteins are hydrolyzed to their constituent amino
acids. WIFY L = Tryptophan, Isoleucine, Phenylalanine, Tyrosine,
Lipogenesis: Synthesis of Fatty Acids
 Glycolysis is the oxidation of 6-carbon glucose
into 3-carbon pyruvate  Excess dietary carbohydrates and the carbon
skeletons of ketogenic amino acids are catabolized
to acetyl-CoA

Lecture Title: Overview of Metabolism 2

Module: 2.5.3
Transcribed by: MOLINA GASE
 Acetyl-CoA is then utilized to synthesize long-chain Review:
fatty acids. Accumulation of which of the following metabolites of glycolysis
 Storage of these fatty acids as adipocyte will directly result in the shift to the storage pathway?
triacylglycerols provides the major fuel source
A. G6P
during the fasted state.
B. Glucose
Synthesis of Heme
C. Pyruvate
 Heme is a component of hemoglobin and D. Lactate
 Also functions as part of cytochromes, both in the Excretion of Potentially Harmful Substances
mitochondrial ETC involved in oxidative Urea Cycle
phosphorylation and in certain oxidation-reduction
enzymes.  Takes place in the liver and synthesizes urea from
ammonia (ammonium ions) derived from the
 Although most heme synthesis occurs in
catabolism of amino acids and pyrimidines.
hemopoietic tissues, nearly all cells of the body
synthesize heme for their own cytochromes and  Urea synthesis is one of the body’s major
heme-containing enzymes. mechanisms for detoxifying and excreting
Storage of Energy
Bile Acid Synthesis
Creatine Phosphate
 Metabolism of cholesterol to bile acids in the liver
 Most cells, especially muscle, can store a limited serves two purposes:
amount of energy in the form of creatine • Provides the intestine with bile salts, whose
phosphate. emulsifying properties facilitate fat digestion
 This is accomplished by a reversible process and absorption
catalyzed by creatine kinase: • Mechanism for disposing excess cholesterol.
Cholesterol is excreted as cholesterol per se
ATP + creatine ↔ creatine phosphate + ADP and as bile salts.

 Energy need is low, reaction shifts toward the right Heme Catabolism
 Energy need is high, reaction shifts to the left,  When heme-containing proteins and enzymes are
thereby making ATP available turned over, the heme moiety is oxidized to
Glycogen bilirubin, which after conjugation with glucuronic
acid is excreted via the hepatobiliary system.
 Glycogen is the storage form of glucose.
Generation of Regulatory Substances
 Glycogen serves two very different functions in the
muscle and liver:  Metabolic pathways generate molecules that play
• Liver glycogen is utilized to maintain a key regulatory roles.
constant supply of glucose in the blood. • Citric acid – modulates glycolysis and
• Muscle glycogen does not serve as a reservoir gluconeogenesis
for blood glucose. Instead, muscle glycogen is • 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate – modulates affinity
broken down when that tissue requires energy, of hemoglobin for oxygen
releasing glucose, which is subsequently
III. General Principles Common to Metabolic
oxidized to provide energy for muscle work. Pathways
Fat or Triacylglycerol ATP Provides Energy for Synthesis

 After a meal, excess dietary carbohydrates are  ATP is needed during anabolic pathways, which is
metabolized to fatty acids in the liver. generated during catabolic reactions, substrate-
• Some fatty acids are used directly as fuel by level phosphorylation or during oxidative
peripheral tissues phosphorylation.
• Most are stored as in adipocytes as
triacylglycerols (TAGs) Paano mag-emote sa Biochem…
 When additional metabolic fuel is required during
GAGs = glycosaminoglycans!
periods of fasting or exercise, the TAGs stores in
adipose are mobilized and fatty acids are made Nakakainis ka! = Kinase ka!!!
available to tissues such as muscle and liver

Lecture Title: Overview of Metabolism 3

Module: 2.5.3
Transcribed by: MOLINA GASE
Many Metabolic Reactions Involve Oxidation or Metabolic Pathways are Localized to Specific
Reduction Compartments Within the Cell
 During catalysis, oxidative reactions transfer  Many metabolic pathways occur in the
equivalents (hydrogen atoms) to cofactors such mitochondria
as NAD+ or FAD. • B-oxidation
 Reduced NADH and FADH2 can be used to • TCA cycle
generate ATP through oxidative phosphorylation in • Oxidative phosphorylation
the mitochondria.  Other pathways are cytosolic
• NADPH is the reduced molecule used in in • Glycolysis
fatty acids and cholesterol oxidation • Pentose phosphate pathway
Only Certain Metabolic Reactions Occur in Human • Fatty acid synthesis
Metabolism  Both mitochondrial and cytosolic
• Urea cycle
 Although humans posses the machinery to
• Heme synthesis
interconvert many dietary compounds, not all
interconversions are possible.
• Humans can convert glucose into LCFA, but
they cannot convert LCFA into glucose

Some Organic Molecules Are Essential to Human

 Certain key cellular components cannot be
synthesized in the body and must therefore be
provided preformed in the diet and are therefore
designated essential.
• Linoleic and α-linoleic acid
• Some amino acids
 Some cellular components are synthesized by the
body, and are therefore not needed in the diet and
are named non-essential.

Essential amino acids = IFLWHKMTV
Figure 3: Localization of metabolic pathways in a cell.
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A Different Repertoire of Pathways Occur in Different
Some Metabolic Pathways are Irreversible or Contain Organs
Irreversible Steps
 All cells are capable of glycolysis but RBCs cannot
 Metabolic pathways contain a rate-limiting step that further oxidize pyruvate to CO2 and water via
is controlled for by physiologic factors such as pyruvate dehydrogenase and the TCA cycle.
insulin/glucagon ratio; ATP/ADP ratio, etc.  Most cells and organs can also utilize fatty acids as
 For example, although glycolysis and fuels. Although neural cells do contain
gluconeogenesis share many enzymes, specific mitochondria, they do not oxidize fatty acids. The
gluconeogenic enzymes are required to bypass the brain is therefore dependent on constant supply of
steps in glycolysis that are irreversible under glucose to provide energy.
physiologic conditions.  Gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver.
Metabolic Pathways are Interconnected Different Metabolic Processes Occur in the Fed State
 Good example here is glycolysis to PDH complex Than During Fasting
to TCA cycle to ETC (refer to appendix figure).  After a meal, glucose is plentiful and utilized both
Metabolic Pathways are not Neccesarily Linear for energy generation and to replenish glycogen
stores. Excess glucose is metabolized to fatty acids
 TCA cycle and urea cycle are circular pathways. in liver and fat cells and the resulting
 In each case the pathway is initiated by addition of triacylglycerols are stored in adipocytes.
a small molecule to a key metabolic intermediate.  When a person is fasting, there is a need to
At the end of one cycle, the key intermediate is generate energy from stored fuel. During a fast,
regenerated and available to participate in another most of the body’s energy needs are sustained by
turn of the cycle. oxidation of fatty acids.
Lecture Title: Overview of Metabolism 4
Module: 2.5.3
Transcribed by: MOLINA GASE
Metabolic Pathways are Regulated V. Appendix
 Several levels of regulation Table 2: Major organs involved in integration of fuel metabolism
Organ Major Fuel Fuel Exported When
• Gene transcription and translation, which Store Exported
determines which enzymes are actually Adipocytes TAG Free fatty acids and Fasting,
present within the cell glycerol moderate-
• Substrate-level regulation, whereby intensity
concentrations of key metabolites activate or Liver Glycogen Glucose Fasting,
inhibit enzymatic reactions exercise
• Hormones – act to coordinate processes Ketones Fasting
VLDL-TAG Fed state
between the organs of complex, multicellular
Skeletal Glycogen Lactate Intense
organisms Muscle exercise
Protein Alanine, glutamine Fasting
IV. What is the Best way to Comprehend and Retain a
Working Knowledge of Intermediary Metabolism?
 When encountering a metabolic pathway, ask Table 3: Preferred fuels in the well-fed and fasting states.
Organ Well-Fed Fasting
yourself the following questions: Liver Glucose and amino Fatty acids
• Why does the pathway exist? What are its acids
functions? Resting skeletal Glucose Fatty acids, ketones
• Where does the pathway take place (e.g., what Cardiac muscle Fatty acids Fatty acids, ketones
organ, tissue, cell, subcellular compartment, or Adipose tissue Glucose Fatty acids
Brain Glucose Glucose (ketones in
organelle)? prolonged fast)
• When is it up-regulated, when is it down- Red blood cells Glucose Glucose
regulated? During the fasted state? During the
fed state? During exercise? During a particular
stage of development (e.g., puberty, neonatal,
old age, etc.)?
• What are the actual steps of the pathway, and
what cofactors does it require?
• Whet regulates it? What are the enzymes?
Substrates? Hormones?
• What can go wrong?

Table 1: Summary of fed vs fasted state metabolism

Lecture Title: Overview of Metabolism 5

Module: 2.5.3
Transcribed by: MOLINA GASE
Figure 4: Important reactions of intermediary metabolism. Curved reaction arrows indicate forward and reverse reactions that are catalyzed
by different enzymes. The straight arrows indicate forward and reverse reactions that are catalyzed by the same enzyme. BLUE text =
intermediates of carbohydrate metabolism; BROWN text = intermediates of lipid metabolism; GREEN text = intermediates of protein

Lecture Title: Overview of Metabolism 6

Module: 2.5.3
Transcribed by: MOLINA GASE
Lecture Title: Overview of Metabolism 7
Module: 2.5.3
Transcribed by: MOLINA GASE

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