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PHOTOSYNTHESIS Is the process by which green plants and autotrophic organisms synthesize food. Is the combination of carbon dioxide with water to form carbohydrates. eCOp + raHhO = CoH;2Os + oOo + oH0 Differences between autotrophs and heterotrophs Protouaophs _—_Hetctophs sy Siig ret ren meen 208) " oyrnatplanisCanplee past plants + Sunlight maintains orderliness of life by ~ Direct: photosynthesis ~ Indiect : respiration PHOTOSYNTHESIS + Endergonic rns, driven by ATP + Required electrons carried by NADPH + ATP and NADPH must be formed in highly ‘endergonic rxns driven by light captured by pigments + Pigments are large mol, immoblie cant enter membranes, cant be controlled + Carriers- smaller, can move, carry energy to endergonic rxns (ATP, GTP) PHOTOSYNTHESIS + ATP is recycled and reused repeatedly ADP + P, but P can be reattached by rns either photosynthesis! respiration + ATP- energy carrier, + 3 methods: ADP—> ATP. 1. Photophosphorylation — light energy, in pian parts with chloroplast 2. Substrate level phosphorylation — respiration of high energy compds, prod ATP, prs don't involved oxygen; ‘curs in cytosol 3. Oxidative phosphonyation — last stages of respiration; with oxygen, in mitochondrion Reducing Power AAblty to force electrons into compds Imptin plants bec thay take CO2 and H20 (highly oxidized) + Oxidized atom don't carry many electrons as they could. Ex CO2, C at oxidized form (+4) Reduction : addtn of electron to atom + Hydrogen more stable than oxygen, give up electrons + Reduced compds = has H Anatomy ofthe Plant Coll Chloroplast Protosynnets pigments rane bsorbesight energy to camerstich Pees eee eee eee eee er cree ‘Wavelength tlata snesay 1. The nature of fight 360. TO0rm —raaton ade photon techy lr + Chlorophyll a- absorbs some red and blue light + Upon absorption of light by pigment = Electron is activated, molecule is converted to excited state — Excited state is unstable to stabilized itself, ‘emit energy ( fluoresce) to return to ground state — FIGUFESEBAGE — release of light by a pigment. Itis produced immediately by an excited electron as it goes back to its ground state = Orelectron can be moved to stable orbital on diff atom (critical process in photosynthesis) ‘Acton specrum ant of rotosnnestscamiedout at certan Accessory pigments — mol wic absorb wavelength not absorbed by chlorophyll a; the absorbed energy is passed on to chlorophyll a. + This transfer is called resonance + Chlorophyll b, carotenoids + Types of carotenoids (AC6SSS6ry BIGmenIs)) =Carotenes — lack oxygen —Xanthophyl — w! oxygen ex. Lutein —Are usually present in leaves but are masked by “Sean we al) pigments and carersworceegemer Se STR BWI inttoinererane avlengns core 25 nm, more poteeynens at cchiorophyfl ‘he Phtonneunt Photosystem | Photosynthesis I ramen ‘ite eeropyt ‘with most of extorophy ‘Photosystern it ‘Ez0g PesD Photosyntatc uns hte pa of apecal nll cei Shenae sents Electron carriers + NAD+, NADP+ (Oxidizing Agent) = pick up pair of electrons and H+ ( proton) to become NADH, NADPH (Reducing Agent) * Cell recycles NADH, NADPH as these molecules shuttles between electron producing and electron consuming rxns. Other electron carriers + Cytochrome Small protein w/ cofactor, heme wic holds Fe ~ Integral part of chloroplasts thylakoid memb — Carry electrons to near sites win memb + Plastoquinones —Transport electrons over short distances w/in memb like cytochrome; picks 2 e, binds 2H+ Process in Photosystem | + Light strikes chlorophyll a + Energy is transferred to reaction center * Then to electron acceptor (X) or Fe4S4 + Then energy is transferred to FemredOxin (thylakoid mem), strong Reducing agent + Then to Ferredoxin-NADP* reductase which reduces NADP+ to form + NADPH production Photosystem II + H2O donates e- to P680 then to phaeophytin then e- is transferred to Q then to plastoquinone + e- will be transferred then to cytochrome bé/f complex then to plastocyanin then to P700 of photosystem | + Plastocyanin (w/Cu) donates e- to chloro A of Pl reaction center + Protons are added to NADP+ and electrons are received fr ETC of Pll not from water ETC I Eereduced ts wart pest o Je-watbe donated by astocyanin NADP < A Photosystem Wl Model Pll + Lumen of thylakoid ( water splitting, H+ prod rxn) + Plastoquinone picks up e- and protons fr stroma + Protons are deposited in lumen + NADPH and plastoquinone pick up H+ fr stroma ( leads to def of H+ in stroma) + Protons return to stroma by passing thru ATP synthetases ( exergonic), causing phosphorylation of ADP—ATP 1. Produce the reducing agent NADPH 2. Synthesis of ATP (chemiosmotic phosphorylation) 3. Breakdown of water into Ht, O2 (discarded thru stomata -02) 3.CO2= 1 glucose Citric acid = 2 ATP 1 glycolysis = 2 ATP NADH = 3 ATP. Stroma reactions + Conversion of CO2 to CHO + Calvin Benson/ C3 cycle + Mediated by enzymes not bound to thylakoid membrane + Highly endergonic, req ATP (fr light rxns) 300; 1 gcose + One of the largest and most complex enzymes known + Agiant complex of two protein subunits + Low substrate specificity + Mediates all photosyn wic prod 02 + All photosyn plants use C3 nis mediated by RUBP carboxylase ‘S-phosphoglyeeraldehyde + Coverted to large molecules ‘Several types of storage compound C4 metabolism + Mesophyil cells surrounds chlorophyllous bundle sheath + Mesophyil contains PEP carboxylase ( has affinity wi Co2) + Adjunct to C3 met, Nota replacement, PEP carboxylase has higher affinty for CO2 + PEP carboxylase — don't pick up 02, don't form 3-PGAL + CO2 diffuses rapidly inward whenever stomata is open C4 Metabolism Mechanism by wie C02 is absorbed, transported and concentrated in leaf where 2s 02s kept way from RUBP carboxyiase In leaves w/ KESaIanatOM; in wic mesophyll is not distinguished inlopalisace end spongy parenchyma but ‘With vascular bundle w! chlorophyllous sheath of ces Bundle sheath cary out cyclic ETC RuBP carboxylase in buncle sheath carries C3 stroma rans, wi tow prodtn 0g PGAL A plans ~ ite photoespiration Photoresp increases with Temp Indy het conditions, C4 met has adv over C3 met CA species - monocots of high climate (comm, sugarcane, sorghum) An Illustration of the C4 Photosynthesis Pathway Carbon Fixation inc, Plants TABLE 106 Tperaf arbor Dime Pocasing CyPhats Cy Plas Uiindecrglee ABPabayke ABP cbeylae ‘Nj eon Nie cee lind cahaye Nae Fats Pweniae Be lw Sumas Dey Respiration + Is a process that breaks down complex carbon ‘compounds into simpler molecules and simultaneously generates ATP. + As source of ATP when plant cant photosyn esp at night + Reverse of photosyn. (where NADPH carries. electron to C, reducing it) + ATPS are used to power other metabolic processes. + Starch —glucose ~-ATP +NADH + H+ + Carbon is [0] (04) as electrons are removed by NAD+ --NADH + NADH ~ good RA in respiration + NADPH —is used as RA in photosynthesis Types of respiration Aerobic respiration - requires oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor;prod H20_ Anaerobic — respiration without oxygen, often called fermentation. the breakdown of ATP is exergonic, while the production of ATP is endergonic. Organism types + Strictly aerobes or obligate aerobes — + Obligate anaerobes — wlo oxygen + Facultative anaerobes or aerobes —wi or wiout oxygen Three stages of aerobic respiration constitutes the major portion of, SRAETOIE respiration and is also the first Part of aerobic respiration. ~ In Byt6sol - Prod ATP (2) and NADH (2) when Oxygen is present - wlo NAD+ glycolysis stops, no ATP is formed + Pyruvate as final prod of EM pathway is moved to mitochondrion, where it is [0] and decarboxylated + Electrons are transferred from 1 carrier to another * CO2 is liberated, NADH is produced + Acetic acid as end product + Acetic acid + Coenzyme A= acetyl CoA ( enters Kreb cycle) . Also called the citric acid cycle — ‘one of the intermediates is citrate, anion of citric acid + Kreb’s oycle- was carried out by Hans Krebs + Tricarboxylic acis cycle - several intermediates are tricarboxylic acids aie . yo . =m ita = eee jue : oa + Chemiosmatic Phosphoryation ‘Tho slope that transpot proton fom the mate othe sta lumen, estabishig a protontiyéroryl chemiosmatic oradent At matic sde of existe mem’ of mitachandion (yc ETC - prod ATP wlo syn of NADPH no prodth of ow ‘Oxygen simple ight powered proton pump Noneyelc ETO- prodn of ATP and NADPH, but ATP amtis not ‘sullen fer etrama ran rom EGM@BARIMot PSI, e- are vanserred to plastoqunone of PSII instead of being Used to make NADPH Ten Steps of Glycolysis—Steps 1-5 Ten Steps of eh ‘Seer || Meee oe eevee "er = Ea “ *o ie mmsctonaion ‘ASummary of Gs, Respiration in ini Te | Ger. Pane os Wo sje ‘Accounting of eneray yield per glucose molecule breakdown Photosynthesis and Respiration

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