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Lights, camera,
State of the Internal
Audit Profession
Scripting internal audit
July 2011 for a changed world-
Territory report for India

The heart of the matter 04

Growth and risk are in the spotlight

An in-depth discussion 05
Scripting internal audit for a changed world

New growths, new risks 05

Merger and acquisition activity
Innovation and new product development
New geographic markets

Ups and downs of emerging technologies 07

Social media and e-mobility
Cloud computing
ERP upgrades and implementations

Navigating the regulatory labyrinth 11

Sustainability: Attaining the societal goal 12
Fraud : The enemy within 13
Adapt and align 15
Communication and relationship management
A strong relation between audit committee and internal audit is essential
Bridging the skills gap

What this means for your business 20

The curtain is rising. Are you ready?

The respondents to PwC’s annual Global CEO Survey displayed

a gratifying level of confidence in the country. Most CEOs
consider India one of the most important countries for future
growth. A need to grow the business in emerging markets, adopt
innovative technologies and respond to a rapidly changing
regulatory environment is key to succeeding in today’s business
environment. These also underpin the critical risks facing
today’s businesses.
As companies and their CEOs step onto a larger stage, internal
auditors should be taking a similar approach by preparing
for a best supporting actor role. And as their companies focus
outward, internal auditors would be wise to expand their
reach to encompass a more diverse set of risks and engage
stakeholders on the need for support in non-traditional areas.
Internal audit leaders can help their audit committees and
management understand an extraordinarily dynamic and
complex risk environment and make it easier to adapt to a
rapidly changing world. Those who succeed in this endeavour
will add tremendous value. Those who do not seize this
opportunity risk losing relevance within their organisations.
If your internal audit function is not involved in significant
organisation initiatives, ask why. Is it because your team lacks
the required knowledge or skills to contribute? Or, is it because
your internal audit function hasn’t earned a seat at the table?
To dwell on some of these issues, we are happy to bring to
you this seventh annual State of the Internal Audit Profession
Study. This survey captures responses from across 45 countries
covering more than 2500 participants including over 70
participants from within India.

Satyavati Berera
Leader, Internal Audit Services, India
The heart of the matter
Growth and risk are in the spotlight

Confidence returns Internal audit responds

Only half the world is growing
at a robust rate. Although the The 14th Annual Global CEO As internal audit functions strive to
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Survey results reflect confidence, transition from financial controls
forecasts global growth at 4.2% innovation and the need to bridge oversight to advising on a wide
for 2011, developed countries— skills gaps to meet emerging growth range of strategic, business and
which make up 52% of the world opportunities. The prospect of compliance risks, it’s imperative
economy—are growing at half that robust growth in emerging markets that they establish credibility
pace. In contrast, emerging markets is the primary reason why 84% of with organisation leaders by
are booming, with Indonesia, India the CEOs who participated in our demonstrating their skills and
and China all forecast to grow faster survey say they’ve changed their capabilities in these areas.
than six per cent. organisation strategy. Of those, a If you understand those risk
third described these changes as areas, develop and demonstrate
In addition, the balance of
‘fundamental’. However, many felt capabilities to address them and
corporate power continues to shift.
growth prospects would be uneven then ask for a seat at the table, you’ll
Shareholders and regulators demand
and would vary. be invited as long as you deliver
transparency, accountability and
more input on issues once reserved Because of this, companies continue value. What follows is an analysis of
for management and the board to invest in technology to enhance how our 2011 State of the Internal
of directors. New rules, further internal efficiency and employ Audit Profession Study participants
disclosures and strict enforcement emerging applications such as social are preparing for a changed world
are causing dramatic changes media, mobile devices and cloud and how their actions compare
for businesses around the globe, computing. with what leading internal audit
including banking and capital These opportunities also represent professionals are doing to meet those
markets, health- care, private equity heightened risks associated with very challenges.
and nearly every other industry. reputation and brand damage, data
leakage and security. However,
if these risks are well managed,
opportunities for reduced costs and
access to new revenue streams can
be great.

4 PwC
An in-depth discussion
Scripting internal audit for a changed world

New growth, new Merger and acquisition (M&A) activity

“Internal audit must Inorganic growth through mergers
risks concentrate on inherent and acquisitions can accelerate
When asked specifically about and residual high risks growth. Alongside, it involves
internal audit’s involvement in and remove low-risk, an array of risks. Internal audit
the leading growth opportunities can help management identify
low-impact audits off our
identified in our CEO surveys, and assess these risks. Moreover,
growth in newer geographic annual plans. Also, we internal audit can play an important
markets (an area with arguably should remove low-risk, role after the deal is consummated
the greatest risk) was the lowest low-impact audit steps from by helping management realise
priority among the 2011 State of our audit programmes.” synergies and reduce costs.
the Internal Audit Profession Study Leading internal audit functions
participants. Joel Kramer managing
become involved in the M&A
The most striking aspect was that director, process from the pre-acquisition
only six to 24% of the participants MIS Training Institute due diligence phase to the post-deal
from India and 10 to 17% globally, integration by taking the following
indicated ‘significant involvement’ ( One of the international leaders actions:
in any of the growth initiatives. in audit and information security
• Conducting pre-acquisition
assessments of the governance,
risk and control environment.

Rate your Internal Audit function’s level of involvement in the following area.

Lights, camera, action... Scripting internal audit for a changed world. 5

• Assessing opportunities and know about product development? where it has become a new and
developing plans for the In our view, and in the opinion of significant component of the
integration of internal audit, other leading chief audit executives organisation’s innovation strategy.
Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, (CAEs), internal audit can play • Becoming knowledgeable about
risk management and other a substantial role in supporting emerging business models and
compliance functions. strategic initiatives without communicating associated risks
• Becoming an advisor to post-deal venturing into strategy development to management and the audit
integration teams with respect or second-guessing strategic committee.
to process and control design; decisions. Virtually all strategic
IT system integration; data initiatives have projects, processes,
migration, quality and security; controls, and metrics to ensure their
validation and tracking of benefits successful execution. Only six per cent of
and cost savings; and project Internal audit plays an important
management assurance.
the audit project time
role in evaluating execution is envisaged to be
• Conducting audits within a short risks and providing assurance
time after closing the deal for to management and the audit
devoted to strategic
routine acquisitions. For large committee that such risks are initiatives and
acquisitions in new geographies, appropriately communicated and programmes. However
internal audit should become part managed. the respondents, (both
of the integration team to make For example, internal audit is playing global and Indian)
sure control standards are met a role by doing the following:
from day one and prior control
believe that the focus will
weaknesses are remediated. • Evaluating project management increase by over 75%
structure, governance procedures, over the next three years.
Innovation and new product project risk assessments and issue
development resolution processes.
As companies notice signs of • Assessing processes for tracking
economic recovery, they are striving and reporting key project data
to be the first to get back in the game and performing tests for data
and asking how they will do it. integrity.
The answer is innovation and new • Participating in the steering
product development. Alongside, committees of significant strategic
achieving efficiencies need to initiatives to provide an objective
cut and sustain costs, improve and transparent view of project
performance and compete in an risks, status reporting and
increasingly automated business benefits realisation.
environment. • Auditing and monitoring
Traditionally, internal audit business innovation execution
functions have been reluctant to risks by auditing the research
venture into strategic initiatives and development roadmap,
such as these, believing strategic engineering processes, finance
risks should remain in the domain of authorisations and new product
senior management. After all, what development gating processes.
qualifies internal audit to question • Developing an approach for auditing
organisation strategy? What do they third-party product development

6 PwC
New geographic market
The prospect of growth in new Given the extensive
geographic markets is enticing and globalised
businesses to invest and grow their economy, 76% of
footprint into emerging markets.
Indian respondents
To help their companies address plan to support their
the risks associated with emerging
market expansion, leading internal
CEOs and senior
audit functions are taking the management by
following actions : increasing coverage
• Getting involved early in the at international
development stage to establish a locations.
strong system of internal controls.
• Using detailed data analytics to
remotely plan location audits
thereby sharpening audit focus,
shortening their duration and
making it possible for more audits
to be performed.
• Working with management to
develop targets and recommended
actions to achieve acceptable
control environments for
operations in emerging markets.
• Building local or regional satellite
functions and partnering with
other risk and compliance
functions to develop local
knowledge of business practices,
regulatory standards and culture.
• Playing a primary role in monitoring
risks through site visits; reviews of
significant financial and operating
metrics and participating in
training delivery.
• Primary areas of focus within
these high-risk locations
included order-to-cash,
treasury, procurement, capital
expenditures and regulatory

Lights, camera, action... Scripting internal audit for a changed world. 7

Ups and downs
of emerging
Close to 70% of the CEOs who
participated in our survey are
investing in IT to reduce costs and
become more efficient, while 54%
are channelising money toward
growth initiatives, including
emerging technologies in mobile
devices, social media and data
analytics. As emerging media and
communications technologies
grow more popular, brand
protection, security and privacy
risks are on the rise.
When asked about specific
areas of technology risk that
will receive audit attention,
our survey participants almost
universally planned involvement
in traditional areas such as
security, data integrity, system
implementations and business
The CAEs we talked to about
technology were unanimous
in saying that the risk lies in
the speed in which advances
are made. Who could have
predicted just three years ago the
predominance of social media in
today’s business world or that an
entire IT department could be
outsourced to the cloud?
Within the realm of technology,
the greatest areas of concern
for leading internal audit
professionals include
organisation plans for new or
upgrades to existing ERP systems
and the pervasive use of social
media, e-mobility devices and
cloud computing.

8 PwC
To what extent are you devoting audit effort to the following areas of technology risk?

Lights, camera, action... Scripting internal audit for a changed world. 9

Social media and e-mobility available and secure in the cloud as
Social media and networking “For us, the focus on it was when directly controlled by
technology refers to a range of social media is very the organisation. Also, data storage
and protection requirements will
software programs that are often heavy. We want to stop
web-based and allow users to need to be defined in accordance
inappropriate use and with the data type (e.g., financial
interact and share data with other
at the same time we’re or operational) and regulatory
users. This computer-mediated
communication has become popular pushing social media for requirements and standards.
with websites such as Facebook, recruiting. We need to Less than half of the respondents
Twitter and MySpace,as well as find a balance.” to our State of the Internal Audit
media sites such as Flickr and Profession Study indicated that they
YouTube and commercial sites such A leading CAE will be involved in auditing risks
as and eBay. associated with cloud computing or
For businesses, social networking social media. Although over 45%
and e-mobility can be a of the Indian respondents expect
transformational phenomenon, to be involved in addressing risks
introducing new ways of engaging associated with mobile applications,
consumers to build brand loyalty we noticed that nearly 60% of the
and easily share ideas and also global respondents were addressing
introduce new ways to empower and Cloud computing these risks.
engage employees and stakeholders. A PwC report found that cloud
However, with this opportunity computing is poised to be the most
comes increased risk: transformative, technology-driven
• Damage to brand: Social development in business since “When you think about
networking provides customers the emergence of the Internet. the differences between
with an outlet to share comments Leading companies are beginning
to recognise and capitalise on the
technology changes and
about an organisation, its
products and services. This can be cloud’s cost effectiveness, flexibility accounting standards
valuable if constructive. However, and speed to enable increased changes, you’re talking
if done maliciously, this can taint innovation and new business night and day. Think
an organisation’s brand image. opportunities. Costs can be reduced about cloud computing;
by more effectively using the IT
• Data loss: With employees having
infrastructure, whether owned by
it’s changing at the speed
a direct connection with so many of light compared to
the organisation or a third party,
people, there is an increased
risk of proprietary information
across multiple business units or changes to accounting
companies. standards. Think about
accidentally or intentionally
leaking to the public. These However, the sharing of how quickly a virus can
multiple connections can also infrastructure and platform infect your systems. These
lead to customer data loss due to service resources introduces are things you have to
hacking. new risks resulting from a shift
in responsibility for system deal with right now.”
• Distribution of malware: Due to
support, access and maintenance. A leading CAE
increased connectivity with social
Stakeholders will likely seek
networking, even a minor system
assurance that their data will
hack can spread quickly.
continue to be as accessible,

10 PwC
ERP upgrades and implementations The vast majority of our survey
Companies who postponed respondents indicated that they
or delayed ERP system will concentrate on technology
implementations and upgrades as risks in the next three years,
a result of the financial crisis, are with over 90%, both globally
now moving ahead with the plan. and in India, saying they will
Management is looking not only for increase focus on new system
help in ensuring that these systems implementations. At the same
are secure and well-controlled but time, survey respondents said
also that they are getting the most specialised technology expertise
from their ERP investment. is one of the areas where new
skills and capabilities are most
Although many internal audit needed.
functions have had some level
of involvement in IT system
implementation projects, the
breadth and depth of that
involvement varies widely. Leading
functions are being integrated into
the implementation project teams
and are viewed as key advisors in Over 90% of CAEs
managing a broad range of technical, (globally and in
business process and project risks. India) expect to
Leading internal audit functions are increase audit focus
delivering value throughout a variety on new information
of pre- and post-implementation technology systems
being introduced in
• Evaluation of manual and
their organisation.
automated control designs in new
business processes.
• Assessment of modifications to
business processes, including
development of documentation
and optimisation of the control
• Evaluation and monitoring
of project risk and project
management protocols.
• Evaluation of the benefits
framework and measurement
• Evaluation of system security and
segregation of duty models.
• Assessment of data migration
strategies and testing of data
quality and integrity.
Navigating the Sixty per cent of our State of the
Internal Audit Profession Study
regulatory labyrinth respondents expect an increase in For Indian as well as
Through good and bad economic attention to regulatory compliance global respondents,
times, over-regulation ranks among programmes in their audit plans. in the next three
CEOs’ top concerns, according to the years, the focus on
The complexity, diversity and
results in our 2011 CEO survey.
global reach of regulatory change regulatory compliance
In today’s changed business have caused internal audit programmes is
environment, there is an abundance organisations to think creatively
expected to increase by
of regulation as government policy- about how they address these risks
makers around the globe attempt and how they assess the response over 60%.
to constrain risky activities, restore by management to the changing
consumer and investor confidence environment.
and change how governments are
Leading internal audit functions
engaging the business community.
use internal legal and compliance
The added responsibility of staying resources as well as specific
ahead of new regulation as it is industry and global regulatory
enacted may challenge internal audit expertise from third parties.
organisations’ capacity.

Indicate which activities best characterise your internal audit function’s role in the following
regulatory compliance issues.

12 PwC
Sustainability: internal audit functions are
actively engaging in the business
Attaining the to better understand risks and
societal goal exposures.
For participants in many industries, Approaches include the
much of this recent regulatory following:
movement has focused on a • Compiling an inventory of
variety of sustainability concerns. regulatory reports and public
Although still an emerging area statements and assessing the
for many companies, the pace of potential brand risks.
regulatory developments and the
• Performing data-mapping
breadth of social issues they are
exercises and assessing the
intended to address show no sign
processes and controls to
of subsiding. Regulatory changes
ensure accuracy.
may have a profound effect on the
environment, employee health and • Assisting in the development
workplace safety. of policies and procedures
for review and approval of
As a result, companies are
public statements about social
developing more robust processes
to comply with these regulations
and many are proactively using the • Assisting in the development
sustainability movement to achieve of regulatory compliance
a competitive advantage. programmes.
Corporate social responsibility
reports are becoming
commonplace and sales and
marketing groups are making
social responsibility statements Internal audit
in advertising and promotion should play an
materials. Companies should look important assurance
closely at their ability to collect
and report data to both regulatory role in the design,
agencies and the public to ensure implementation
that these assertions are plausible. and monitoring of
Our State of the Internal Audit processes and controls
Profession Study indicates that around corporate
corporate social responsibility and social responsibility
sustainability are growing areas of and sustainability.
internal audit interest, with 22% of
the Indian respondents and 35%
from around the globe, indicating
that their audit plans explicitly
address these issues.
Our discussions with leading CAEs
also indicated increasing focus in
these areas. While audit approaches
are continuing to evolve, leading

Lights, camera, action... Scripting internal audit for a changed world. 13

Fraud: The enemy When we asked the CAEs how their In our view, fraud detection,
internal audit function addresses fraud risk assessments and fraud
within the risk of fraud in its programme, investigations are three key aspects
Fraud continues to be a prominent over 20% chose evaluating of a comprehensive anti-fraud
issue and has become increasingly operational and financial controls as programme and internal auditors
important in the eyes of regulators– a measure. This clearly shows that play an imminent role in ensuring
both in India and around the world. the respondents view these areas as that an organisation has the right
Given the nature of fraud and its fraud threats. control framework to identify and
cross-border implications, it is Identifying and responding to respond to these threats.
not surprising that enforcement incidents of fraud continues to They undertake the following:
of fraud penalty is increasingly be a challenge for even the most
global in its nature and regulators • Identify the potential inherent
sophisticated organisations. fraud risks.
are cooperating with each other
to prosecute fraud perpetrators • Assess the likelihood and
including senior executives. significance of the occurrence of
identified fraud risks.
• Evaluate the people and
departments most likely to commit
How does internal audit address the risk of fraud? fraud and their likely methods.
• Identify and map existing
preventive and detective controls
to relevant fraud risks.
• Evaluate whether identified
controls are operating effectively
and efficiently.
• Identify and evaluate residual
fraud risks resulting from
ineffective or non-existent
• Respond to residual fraud risks.

14 PwC
“How to audit is simple,
the question is ‘what to
audit?’ You have to audit
risk. There are four levels—
risk that is unique to the
process, to the organisation,
to the industry and to the
environment. Whether you
are an eight-person or an
80-person department,
Adapt and align But leaders in the profession also every audit you do should
recognise that these attributes are reconcile to one of these
In this constantly changing world,
often the result of a sustained focus
leaders of successful companies are risks. Every internal
on other enabling attributes.
continually evolving their strategies, auditor needs to know what
organisations and capabilities. These include, engaging and
managing stakeholder relationships can bring the organisation
Just as organisations leadership
and enabling a client service culture to its knees.”
is pursuing new approaches in a
to maintain and improve internal
changing world, internal audit Joel Kramer,
audit’s stature in the organisation.
leaders must also adapt to a
dynamic external environment and Our experience tells us that the ‘softer’ Managing Director,
align internally with organisation attributes of audit performance are MIS Training Institute
leadership, their strategies and increasingly critical to the success of
priorities. New and innovative internal audit functions.
approaches to risk assessment, the
use of technology and cost-effective
audit methodologies will continue to
be important. Internal audit’s attributes of excellence
In 2010, PwC introduced the concept
of eight attributes shared by high-
performing internal audit functions,
regardless of their scope of work.
In our 2011 survey, we again asked
participants to rate these attributes
in order of importance. We also
asked participants to identify those
attributes where they plan to focus
improvement efforts.
Once again, focusing on critical risks
and issues and aligning internal
audit’s activities with stakeholder
expectations were identified as the
most important attributes of a high-
performing internal audit function.
These attributes were also among
the most cited for improvement
efforts in the coming years. Most IA
professionals would acknowledge,
and we would agree, that these are
critical factors in internal audit’s
ability to deliver value.

Lights, camera, action... Scripting internal audit for a changed world. 15

Communication and relationship relevant and aligned with the needs
management and expectations of important
stakeholders and the most critical risks Leading internal
Our discussions with leading CAEs
and our experience in working with of the organisation. audit functions look
high-performing internal audit As such, these softer skills are vitally beyond the confines
functions have consistently pointed important to internal audit leaders’ of their department
to the importance of communication, ability to stay close to organisation and seek partners both
relationship management and leadership and aligned with the within and outside
establishing a ‘client service’ culture key strategies and priorities of the
and approach. organisation.
the business. Audit
teams of every size can
Today’s dynamic risk environment
demands that internal audit plans
benefit from some form
and activities remain adaptive, of co-sourcing and
an active interaction
with the business and
compliance functions
to identify and manage
Softer skills vital to remaining aligned with key priorities of significant risks. That’s
the company our most significant
takeaway from
speaking with leaders in
the profession.

16 PwC
Our survey does indicate, however, financial risks to more operational
a broadening of the interactions and strategic risks. “I meet with the audit
internal auditors are having with Gone are the days when an annual committee chair regardless
organisation leaders. While the risk assessment and a five-year
highest level of interaction remains of whether there is a formal
rotational audit plan was a standard
with traditional finance and practice in the profession. In order for
meeting coming up and
accounting leaders, our survey also internal audit to return real value to wouldn’t hesitate to pick
shows a considerable level of contact the organisation, today’s audit plans up the phone and call the
with an organisation’s operations have to be flexible, responsive and audit committee chair if I
leaders, such as business unit aligned with organisation strategy.
leaders, the COO and the CIO. needed to.”
Many CAEs have developed
Such relationships with operational formal relationship management A leading CAE
leaders will be critical to internal programmes that align their
auditors’ ability to identify and departments with the business units
respond to a broader range of risks of the organisation.
and continue the migration from

Apart from audit committee meetings, how much contact do you have with the
following individuals?

Lights, camera, action... Scripting internal audit for a changed world. 17

Those that have been able to engrain Establishing a good working
this into their department’s culture relationship with the audit committee
often find that their audit plans cannot be over-emphasised. Because
The audit committee can
are more demand-driven by the internal audit is positioned well to see rely on internal audit’s
business, as opposed to a supply across the entire enterprise, it has the work and findings only
of resources imposed upon the perspective and objectivity to help the if the function fulfills its
business. They often find themselves audit committee understand significant responsibilities. And so it’s
with a ‘seat at the table’ for challenges and risks. Those who
important strategic initiatives. Above invest in relationships and leverage
important the committee
all, these CAEs are viewed as leaders knowledge across the business will periodically discuss the
in the organisation and an integral be best positioned to serve the audit function’s effectiveness.
part of the senior management team. committee in this capacity.

A strong relationship between the The audit committee relies heavily

audit committee and internal audit is on internal audit to provide
essential an objective view on how the
organisation is handling a number of meeting. These private sessions
Leading CAEs also consider key risks, including those relating to should be scheduled as part of the
the audit committee as a main financial reporting and compliance. agenda, and astute committee chairs
component of their relationship to preserve time for the sessions,
management programmes, The audit committee should hold
even when other agenda items run
interacting with them frequently regular private meetings with the
over. Although it is more typical for
outside of scheduled meetings. internal audit director, ideally at
the session to be held at the end
each in-person audit committee
of the meeting, some committees
schedule them at the beginning so
the committee can be alert to issues
What level of involvement does the audit committee have in assessing when the discussion arises.
the performance and compensation of the chief internal auditor? These private sessions allow more
open and candid discussions
than might otherwise occur with
management present.
Some in the profession see
a potential conflict between
active relationship-building and
maintaining auditor objectivity and
Our belief is that meaningful and
sustainable relationships are built
on trust. For internal auditors, that
trust is built through transparent and
candid dialogue with stakeholders,
and sharing a point of view that is
not only fact-based but also reflects
an understanding of the business, its
strategies and risks.

18 PwC
Bridging the skills gap agility, flexibility and sharp business One of the CAEs we interviewed put
Against the backdrop of heightened acumen to succeed. Another striking it this way:
governance awareness and growing aspect of the survey results for this What we need are people in IT who can
stakeholder expectations, the question is the breadth and depth also be project manager thinkers and
right skills are vital in order to of the skills deemed necessary for challenge what’s going on within the
respond effectively within this more success. organisation.
challenging environment. For all 11 capabilities surveyed, a Do we have some of those people? Yes.
Participants rated the soft skills majority of respondents said the
need for those skills would increase Do we have enough of them? No.
of critical thinking and analysis
along with leadership as the most over the next three years.
important skills needed over the next These skills cover a broad range
three years. These were followed of technical and softer people Seventy-eight per cent of
closely by a mixed blend of soft skills. Therein lies one of the more the Indian participants
and technical skills that will be significant challenges facing internal say that internal audit
critical for success in this dynamic audit functions.
expenditure is going to
environment: understanding the The technical skill needs are
strategy and business model and increase over the year.
becoming more specialised. The
specific technology experience. Forty-one per cent of them
risks are more diverse. Management
The relative importance of these expectations are expanding at a believe the increase will be
skills underscores the notion that rapid pace. between 10 to 25%.
the auditor of the future will require

Indicate whether the need for the following capabilities and depth of knowledge will increase,
stay the same, or decrease over the next 3 years.

Lights, camera, action... Scripting internal audit for a changed world. 19

How does internal audit overcome Although these times demand
this challenge? Are there a sufficient creative approaches to skill When Indian CAEs were
number of people who possess this development and talent
asked their reliance on
diverse set of capabilities? Can you management, leading organisations
train and develop it? The CAEs have found that the most effective third-party internal
interviewed use a number of varied and lasting training and personal audit service providers
approaches to fix this: development occurs on the job. to bring experienced
• Delivering training programmes As one CAE put it, “Being an internal expertise to the table:
that balance technical and auditor is like getting a paid MBA.”
professional development courses, But the internal audit MBA does not • Thirty per cent of
with an increasing emphasis on come from sitting in a classroom. the participants said
interpersonal and leadership skills, Rather, it is only achieved by those they relied greater
including communication and who get out into the business, forge
than 75%.
presentation skills, coaching and relationships with leaders across
people development capabilities, the organisation, and develop a • Nearly 50% of the
management and leadership thorough understanding of the participants said
approaches, negotiation skills and strategy, risks, and operating model
they relied greater
specific industry training. of the organisation.
than 40%.
• Sourcing specialised expertise For that reason, many of the CAEs
from external service providers, interviewed have implemented
either on a recurring basis or in formal relationship management
a transitional mode. Even larger programmes for their teams, from
organisations that seek to build a the newest staff members to the
particular skill may team with a most experienced directors. For
third party to deliver audits jointly some, relationship-building has been
and provide on-the-job training in built into their staff’s performance
the process. expectations and personal
• Recruiting leaders from the development plans.
business into internal audit, either Through this form of on-the-job
on a permanent or ‘guest’ basis. training, internal auditors can
• Establishing hiring strategies develop the business acumen,
that shift focus away from strategic thinking, interpersonal
solely accounting and technical communication and leadership skills
backgrounds to those with a better that are vital to delivering value and
business experience. As audit staying relevant.
plans broaden in scope, some
are looking to non-traditional
backgrounds such as engineering
and manufacturing.

20 PwC
What this means for your business
The curtain is rising. Are you ready?

A year ago, PwC introduced the

concept of an internal audit 2.0 to
get organisations thinking about
change. We also said, “The time
to act is now, while internal audit
has management’s attention.”
“If we come in every day
We believe internal audit is still and do our jobs as we
in the spotlight, but the pace of think we know how to do
change has accelerated once again. them, we’ll be obsolete
Now, companies are poised to very quickly.”
move quickly to seize the growth
opportunities that lie ahead. In A leading CAE
addition to dealing with a more
intense regulatory environment and
reputational risks stemming from
the use of technology, internal audit
must be razor-sharp if the profession
is to maintain the stature it earned in
the last decade.
So the primary questions for an
internal audit leader to reflect upon
• Are you keeping pace?
• Are you taking the right steps and
making the right adjustments to
stay relevant?
• Are you helping your company
play both offense and defense?
• Are you creating a client service
culture that is founded on strong
Internal audit leaders should
be asking themselves these and
other questions about the value
they are delivering. We also
suggested questions that executive
management and audit committees
should be asking themselves
about internal audit. We hope
these questions will encourage a
productive dialogue about internal
audit organisations.

Lights, camera, action... Scripting internal audit for a changed world. 21

Questions to ask about internal audit
Chief audit executive Executive management Audit committee
Relevance and value
Have I engaged and worked with Is the cost versus value of my internal audit Does internal audit have a clear point
management and the audit committee department appropriate? of view about risk and the control
to frame expectations? environment?
Have I acted to adjust capabilities Do I look to internal audit to sort through Is internal audit forward looking when it
and approached to today’s business the toughest issues and initiatives? comes to risk?
Do I really have a seat at the table? If I Do I view internal audit as an integral part Have we defined clear performance
don’t , what would it take to get one? of my executive leadership team? expectations and compensation criteria for
internal audit?
Do we have relevant performance criteria
and expectations that are commensurate
with relevant peers?

Business alignment
Am I leveraging my unique vantage Of my 10 risks and issues, how many is How is internal audit providing a clear
point within the organisation to internal audit actively involved in? point of view on our top 10 critical risks
provide a clear point of view on the and issues?
risks associated with the changing
business environment?
Do I have the capabilities to provide Do I view internal audit as an enable in Is internal audit providing insight into
relevant insight and advice to the executing our business strategy? emerging risks and trends?
stakeholder group?
Am I taking steps to prepare my people Am I leveraging internal audit for talent
for what they will be doing two or three development?
years from now?

Client service culture

Am I continually improving the content Am I getting pragmatic business insights Do I trust internal audit to make the really
and format of executive reports? and advice from internal audit? tough calls?
Do my training plans include improving Are we, as a organisation, committed to Is internal audit making a concerted effort
business acumen and leadership skills? internal audit excellence? to engage me?

Am I focused on systematically building Are audit committee reports relevant,

relationships? concise and insightful?

22 PwC
About PwC

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At PwC, we push ourselves - and our clients - to think Email:
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In India, PwC ( offers a Email:
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Executive Director, Internal Audit Services
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also provide services in Assurance as per the relevant
Phone: +91 124 330 6012
rules and regulations in India. Email:
Complementing our depth of industry expertise and Neeraj Gupta
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business environment in India. We are committed to Phone: +91 124 330 6010
working with our clients in India and beyond to deliver Email:
the solutions that help them take on the challenges of the
ever-changing business environment. Sanjay Dhawan
Executive Director, Internal Audit Services
The Indian firm has offices in Ahmedabad, Bangalore,
Phone: +91 80 4079 7003
Bhubaneshwar, Chennai, Delhi NCR, Hyderabad, Kolkata,
Mumbai and Pune.
Email: sanjay
Tapan Ray
Executive Director, Internal Audit Services
Phone: +91 22 6669 1204

Lights, camera, action... Scripting internal audit for a changed world. 23

This report does not constitute professional advice. The information in this report has been obtained or derived from sources believed
by PricewaterhouseCoopers Private Limited (PwCPL) to be reliable but PwCPL does not represent that this information is accurate or
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