PT Chapter 1

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Chemical Process Calculations

Prof. AK Golder
Chemical Engg Department
Room no. 101;

Dr. Pankaj Tiwari

Chemical Engg Department

Prof. VS Moholkar
Chemical Engg Department
Class Time
• Monday :10:00-10:55
• Tuesday :11:00-11:55
• Friday :9:00-9:55 (Tutorial)
Text and Reference Books
Chemical Process Calculations
CL 201 (2-1-0): 6 Credits
Text books:
• R. M. Felder and RW Rousseau, Elementary Principles of
Chemical Processes, 3rd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Asia,
• D. M. Himmelblau, Basic Principles and Calculations in
Chemical Engineering, 6/7th Ed., Prentice Hall of India,
• Class notes

Reference books:
• N. Chopey, Handbook of Chemical Engineering Calculations, 3rd
Ed., Mc Graw Hill, 2004
• A. Olaf, K.M. Watson and R.A.R. Hougen, Chemical Process
Principles, Part 1: Material and Energy Balances, John Wiley &
Sons, 1968
Syllabus/Course Structure
Chemical Process Calculations

Engineering Material
Energy Balances
Problem Analysis Balances
• Introduction and History of • Fundamentals of Material • Energy and Energy Balances
Chemical Engineering (Ch 1) Balances (Ch 4) (Ch 7)

• Introduction to Engineering • Single-Phase Systems (Ch 5) • Balances on Nonreactive

Calculations (Ch 2) Processes (Ch 8)
• Multiphase Systems (Ch 6)
• Processes and Process Variables • Balances on Reactive
(Ch 3) Processes (Ch 9)

• Balances on Transient
Processes (Ch 11)
Evaluation and Grading Policy
Components Weight Date and Timing Venue Remarks

Mid Semester Exam 30% Refer to academic Refer to academic Closed

calendar calendar book and
End Semester Exam 30% Refer to academic Refer to academic
calendar calendar
Tutorials 30% Class Class room Open book
announcement and open
Class attendance 10% Will be taken during Class room --
(No weightage for lecture hour
tutorial class and for
attendance <75%)

Typical Grading Policy (normalized marks):

100-90: AA 89-80: AB 79-70: BB 69-60: BC
59-50: CC 49-40: CD 39-30: DD Below 30: F

Minimum attendance to write END SEMESTER examinations is 75%

CL 201 Chemical Process Calculations (2-1-0-6)
Lecture No Date Day Remark
L-0 26-Jul-19 Friday Introduction
L-1 29-Jul-19 Monday
W-1 L-2 30-Jul-19 Tuesday
L-3 2--Aug-19 Friday
L-4 5-Aug-19 Monday
W-2 L-5 6-Aug-19 Tuesday
L-6 9-Aug-19 Friday Tutorial-1
12-Aug-19 Monday No Class (Holiday)
L-7 13-Aug-19 Tuesday
L-8 14-Aug-19 Classes with Monday Time Table
L-9 16-Aug-19 Friday Tutorial-2
L-10 19-Aug-19 Monday
W-4 L-11 20-Aug-19 Tuesday
L-12 23-Aug-19 Friday Tutorial-3
L-13 26-Aug-19 Monday
W-5 L-14 27-Aug-19 Tuesday
30-Aug-19 Friday No Class (Techniche)
L-15 2-Sep-19 Monday
W-6 L-16 3-Sep-19 Tuesday
L-17 6-Sep-19 Friday Tutorial-4
L-18 9-Sep-19 Monday
W-7 10-Sep-19 Tuesday No Class (Holiday)
L-19 13-Sep-19 Friday
W-8 Mid Semester Exam
L-20 23-Sep-19 Monday
W-9 L-21 24-Sep-19 Tuesday
L-22 27-Sep-19 Friday Tutorial-5
L-23 30-Sep-19 Monday
W-10 L-24 1-Oct-19 Tuesday
L-25 4-Oct-19 Friday Tutorial-6
W-11 Mid Semester Break
L-26 14-Oct-19 Classes with Tuesday Time Table
W-12 L-27 15-Oct-19 Tuesday
L-28 18-Oct-19 Friday Tutorial-7
L-29 21-Oct-19 Monday
W-13 L-30 22-Oct-19 Tuesday
L-31 25-Oct-19 Friday Tutorial-8
L-32 28-Oct-19 Monday
W-14 L-33 29-Oct-19 Tuesday
L-34 1-Nov-19 Friday Tutorial-9
L-35 4-Nov-19 Monday
W-15 L-36 5-Nov-19 Tuesday
L-37 8-Nov-19 Friday
L-38 11-Nov-19 Monday
W-16 12-Nov-19 Tuesday No Class (Holiday)
L-39 15-Nov-19 Friday Tutorial-10
L-40 18-Nov-19 Monday
W-17 L-41 19-Nov-19 Tuesday
20-Nov-19 END Semester Exam
Overall Course Objectives
• Primary objectives of this course are to introduce the fundamentals of
• (i) chemical engineering problem analysis,
• (ii) material balances, and
• (iii) energy balances

• With an emphasis on the basic principles of the laws of conservation of

mass and energy, the course will deal with various chemical process
calculations for both single and multiphase systems with and without
phase change, and with and without a chemical reaction for steady
state and transient processes
Chemical Engineering-Definition
Chemical engineering is the designing and constructing of machines that are
needed for industrial chemical processes
As per Definition from different sources:
o “A branch of engineering which involves the design and operation of large-scale chemical
plants, petrochemical refineries and the like.”

Information highway:
o “Chemical engineering is concerned with processes that cause substances to undergo
required changes in their chemical or physical composition, structure, energy content or
physical state.”

Constitution of A.I.Ch.E:
o “Branch of engineering which deals with the application of the principles of the physical
sciences, together with the principles of economics and human relations, to fields that
pertain directly to processes and process equipment in which matter is treated to effect a
change in state, energy content and composition.”

Chemical means involving or resulting from a reaction between

two or more substances, or relating to the substances that
something consists of…
The Story of Early Industrial Chemistry with
Chemical Engineering Process
• Sulfuric Acid Production:
Lead-Chamber Method (developed in England in 1749 to make sulfuric acid. During the final stage
of the process, expensive nitrate (in the form of nitric oxide) was lost to the atmosphere thereby
necessitating a make-up stream of fresh nitrate.
In 1859, John Glover helped solve this problem by introducing a mass transfer tower to recover
some of this lost nitrate

• Alkali & the Le Blanc Process:

Another very competitive (and ancient) chemical industry involved the manufacture of soda ash
(Na2CO3) and potash (K2CO3). In 1789 A Frenchman named Nicholas Le Blanc invented a process
for converting common salt into soda ash using sulfuric acid, limestone and coal as feedstocks
(raw materials) and thereby creating hydrochloric acid as a byproduct.

• Soda Ash & The Solvay Process:

In 1873, replacing Le Blanc's method for producing Alkali which is called Solvay process. The
process was perfected in 1863 by a Belgian chemist named Ernest Solvay. The chemistry was
based upon a half century old discovery by A. J. Fresnel who in 1811 had shown that Sodium
Bicarbonate could be precipitated from a salt solution containing ammonium bicarbonate. This
chemistry was far simpler than that devised by Le Blanc. Solvay's contribution was one of chemical
The Pioneer and the Salute
George E. Davis (1850 - 1906)
An industrial Alkali inspector from Manchester England. In 1880 he
proposed the unsuccessful formation of a "Society of Chemical Engineers
in London" (F6).
• In 1887 he presented a series of 12 lectures on the operation of
chemical processes (now called "unit operations") at the Manchester
Technical School.
• In 1901 he published a first book in chemical Engineering "Handbook
Courtesy: wikipedia
of Chemical Engineering"

Henry E. Armstrong (1848-1937)

• In 1885, he offered a course in "chemical engineering" at Central
College (later Imperial College, London).
Lewis Mills Norton (1855 - 1893)
• A Professor of Organic and Industrial Chemistry at MIT taught the first
four year course in chemical engineering entitled "Course X" (P2) from
William Page Bryant
• In 1891 he was the first of seven students to graduate from "Course X"
and thereby became the world's first formal chemical engineer
Starting of Chemical Engineering Profession

• Chemical engineering profession began in 1888

• While, the term "chemical engineer" had been floating around technical
circles throughout the 1880's,

• An effort in 1880, by George Davis, to unite varied professionals through a

"Society of Chemical Engineers" proved unsuccessful

• In 1888, Professor Lewis Norton of the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology introduced "Course X" (ten), thereby uniting chemical
engineers through a formal degree

• Other schools, such as the University of Pennsylvania and Tulane

University, quickly followed suit adding their own four year chemical
engineering programs in 1892 and 1894, respectively
Greatest Achievement of Chemical Engineering
1.Role in Atomic field: Chemical engineers played a prominent role in biology, medicine,
metallurgy, and power generation; they have revolutionized by the ability to split the atom
and isolate isotopes.
2.Role in Plastic field: It required the insights of chemical engineers during the 20th Century to
make mass production of polymers.
3.Role in complex chemical process: Chemical engineers have long studied complex chemical
processes by breaking them up into smaller "unit operations." Such operations might consist
of heat exchangers, filters, chemical reactors and the like.
4.Wonder drugs for the masses: Today's low price, high volume, drugs owe their existence to
the work of chemical engineers.
5.Synthetic Fibers: Chemical engineer play an important role in this field to derive the
synthetic fibers by different modified methods.
6.Liquefied Air: Chemical engineers can then separate out the different components.
7.Role in Environment: Chemical engineers provide economical answers to clean up
yesterday's waste and prevent tomorrow's pollution.
8.Food: Chemical fertilizers can help provide nutrients to crops, which in turn provide us with
a bountiful and balanced diet.
9.Petrochemicals: Chemical engineers have helped develop processes like catalytic cracking to
break down the complex organic molecules found in crude oil into much simpler species.
10.Running on Synthetic Rubber: Chemical engineers played a prominent role in developing
today's synthetic rubber industry.
What does Chemical Engineer do?
• More typically, chemical engineers concern themselves with the chemical
processes that turn raw materials into valuable products.

• The necessary skills encompass all aspects of design, testing, scale-up,

operation, control, and optimization, and require a detailed understanding of
the various "unit operations", such as distillation, mixing, drying and biological
processes, more which make these conversions possible.

• Chemical engineering science utilizes mass, momentum, and energy transfer

along with thermodynamics and chemical kinetics to analyze and improve on
these "unit operations."

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