Perchlorate Contamination

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Technical Fact Sheet –

January 2014


At a Glance This fact sheet, developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office (FFRRO),
 White crystalline solid or colorless provides a summary of the contaminant perchlorate, including physical
and chemical properties; environmental and health impacts; existing
liquid. federal and state guidelines; detection and treatment methods; and
 Both naturally occurring and man- additional sources of information. This fact sheet provides basic
made anion. information on perchlorate to site managers and other field personnel
who are addressing perchlorate contamination at cleanup sites or in
 Sampling at current federal sites as drinking water supplies.
well as at Formerly Used Defense Perchlorate is a persistent contaminant of concern that has presented a
Sites detected perchlorate primarily number of issues to the government, the private sector and other
in association with sites historically organizations and interested parties. These issues include health effects
involved in the manufacture, and risks, regulatory standards and cleanup levels, degradation
processes and treatment technologies (EPA FFRRO 2005).
maintenance, use and disposal of
ammunition and rocket fuel.
What is perchlorate?
 Highly soluble in water; migrates
 Perchlorate is a naturally occurring and man-made anion that
quickly from soil to groundwater. -
consists of one chlorine atom bonded to four oxygen atoms (ClO4 )
 Primary pathways for human (EPA FFRRO 2005; ITRC 2005).
exposure include ingestion of  Perchlorate may occur naturally, particularly in arid regions such as
contaminated food and drinking the southwestern United States (Rao and others 2007).
water.  Manufactured forms of perchlorate include perchloric acid and salts
 Short-term exposure to high doses such as ammonium perchlorate, sodium perchlorate and potassium
perchlorate (EPA FFRRO 2005; ITRC 2005).
may cause eye and skin irritation,
coughing, nausea, vomiting and  Perchlorate is found as a natural impurity in nitrate salts from Chile,
which are imported and used to produce nitrate fertilizers and other
diarrhea. products (EPA FFRRO 2005; ITRC 2005).
 Health-based goals or drinking  Perchlorate is commonly used as an oxidizer in solid propellants,
water standards developed by munitions, fireworks, airbag initiators for vehicles, matches and
various states. signal flares (EPA FFRRO 2005; ITRC 2005). It is also used in some
electroplating operations and found in some disinfectants and
 Various detection methods herbicides (ATSDR 2008; ITRC 2005).
available include ion
chromatography, liquid
chromatography, mass
spectroscopy and electrospray
ionization. Disclaimer: The U.S. EPA prepared this fact sheet from publically-available
 Common treatment technologies sources; additional information can be obtained from the source documents. This
fact sheet is not intended to be used as a primary source of information and is not
include ion exchange, bioreactors intended, nor can it be relied upon, to create any rights enforceable by any party
and in situ bioremediation. in litigation with the United States. Mention of trade names or commercial
products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

United States Office of Solid Waste and EPA 505-F-14-003

Environmental Protection Agency Emergency Response (5106P) January 2014
Technical Fact Sheet – Perchlorate

What is perchlorate? (continued)

 Of the domestically produced (high grade)  Perchlorate has been used by the U.S.
perchlorate, 90 percent is manufactured for use Department of Defense (DoD) as an oxidizer in
in the defense and aerospace industries, munitions and missiles since the 1940s (EPA
primarily in the form of ammonium perchlorate FFRRO 2005; ITRC 2005).
(GAO 2005; ITRC 2005).

Exhibit 1: Physical and Chemical Properties of Perchlorate Compounds

(ATSDR 2008; EPA FFRRO 2005; ITRC 2005; NIH 2013; NIOSH 2013)

Ammonium Sodium Potassium

Property Perchloric Acid
Perchlorate Perchlorate Perchlorate
Chemical Abstracts
7790-98-9 7601-89-0 7778-74-7 7601-90-3
Service (CAS) Numbers
Physical Description
White orthorhombic White orthorhombic orthorhombic crystal
(physical state at room Colorless, oily liquid
crystal deliquescent crystal or white crystalline
Molecular weight
117.49 122.44 138.55 100.47
Water solubility (g/L at
o 200 2,096 15 Miscible in cold water
25 C)
Melting / Boiling point* Melting Point: > 200 Melting Point: 471 to Melting Point: 400 to Melting Point: -112
( C) (Decomposes) 482 525 Boiling Point: 19
Vapor pressure at 25 C
Very low Very low Very low 6.8
(mm Hg)
Specific gravity (g/cm ) 1.95 2.52 2.53 1.77
Octanol-water partition
-5.84 -7.18 -7.18 -4.63
coefficient (log Kow)
*Different melting point temperatures are identified in literature.
Abbreviations: g/mol – grams per mole; g/L – grams per liter; oC – degrees Celsius; mm Hg – millimeters of mercury; g/cm3 – grams per cubic

What are the environmental impacts of perchlorate?

 Perchlorate is highly soluble in water, and perchlorate is manufactured or used as a reagent
relatively stable and mobile in surface and during operations (ATSDR 2008; ITRC 2005).
subsurface aqueous systems. As a result,  Types of military and defense-related facilities with
perchlorate plumes in groundwater can be known releases include missile ranges and missile
extensive. For example, the perchlorate plume at and rocket manufacturing facilities. However,
a former safety flare site (the Olin Flare Facility) in since site-specific documentation may not be
Morgan Hill, California, extends more than 9 miles available and based on historical uncertainties, it
(EPA 2011; ITRC 2005). is generally difficult to identify specific military sites
 Because of their low vapor pressure, perchlorate with known perchlorate releases. From 1997 to
compounds and the perchlorate anion do not 2009, the Department of Defense reported
volatilize from water or soil surfaces to air (ATSDR perchlorate detections at 284 (almost 70 percent)
2008; ITRC 2005). of its installations sampled (GAO 2010; ITRC
 Perchlorate released directly to the atmosphere is 2005).
expected to readily settle through wet or dry  In addition, the past disposal of munitions in either
deposition (ATSDR 2008). burial pits or by open burning and open detonation
 High concentrations of perchlorate have been may have resulted in releases to the environment.
detected primarily at current and Formerly Used The amount of perchlorate released can vary
Defense Sites historically involved in the depending on the length of time the disposal area
manufacture, testing and disposal of ammunition was used and the types of munitions disposed of
and rocket fuel or at industrial sites where in the area (ITRC 2005).

Technical Fact Sheet – Perchlorate

What are the environmental impacts of perchlorate? (continued)

 Studies have shown perchlorate accumulates in private and federal facilities in 45 states, three
some food crop leaves, tobacco plants and in U.S. territories and Washington D.C. The
broad-leaf plants (ATSDR 2008). maximum concentrations reported in any media
 Surveys conducted by the U.S. Food and Drug ranged from less than 4 parts per billion (ppb) to
Administration have detected perchlorate in food more than 500,000 ppb (ASTSWMO 2011; GAO
crops and milk (FDA 2008). 2010).
 As of October 2009, perchlorate had been  EPA reported perchlorate detections at more than
detected at varying levels in drinking water, 40 hazardous waste sites on the EPA National
groundwater, surface water, soil or sediment at Priorities List as of June 2010 (GAO 2010).

What are the routes of exposure and the health effects of perchlorate?
 Primary pathways for human exposure to and thyroperoxidase (TPO), which are involved in
perchlorate are ingestion of contaminated food the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones (Wu and
and drinking water (ATSDR 2008; EPA FFRRO others 2012).
2005).  Potassium perchlorate was historically used to
 Perchlorate is readily adsorbed after oral exposure treat hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease (an
and can migrate from the stomach and intestines autoimmune disorder) because of its ability to
to the bloodstream (ATSDR 2008). inhibit thyroid iodide uptake (ATSDR 2008; NAS
 The thyroid gland is the primary target of 2005).
perchlorate toxicity in humans. Thyroid hormones  Studies conducted on rodents showed that
play an important role in regulating metabolism perchlorate concentrations below that required to
and are critical for normal growth and alter thyroid hormone equilibrium are unlikely to
development in fetuses, infants and young cause thyroid cancer in human beings (ATSDR
children. Perchlorate can interfere with iodide 2008; EPA IRIS 2005).
uptake into the thyroid gland at high enough  Short-term exposure to high doses of ammonium,
exposures, disrupting the functions of the thyroid sodium or potassium perchlorate may cause eye,
and potentially leading to a reduction in the skin and respiratory tract irritation, coughing,
production of thyroid hormones (ATSDR 2008; nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Perchloric acid is
Cal/EPA 2012; NAS 2005). corrosive to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract,
 Study results indicate that exposure to high doses and short-term exposure to high doses may cause
of perchlorate can result in the decrease of body sore throat, coughing, labored breathing, deep
weight, cause hypertrophy of the thyroid gland and burns, loss of vision, abdominal pain, vomiting or
decrease gene expression of thyroglobulin (Tg) diarrhea (NIOSH 2013).

Are there any federal and state guidelines and health standards
for perchlorate?
 The EPA assigned perchlorate a chronic oral adverse noncarcinogenic effects for a lifetime of
reference dose (RfD) of 0.0007 milligrams per exposure (EPA 2009, 2012a).
kilogram per day (mg/kg/day) (EPA IRIS 2005).  EPA has calculated a residential soil screening
 The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease level (SSL) of 55 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg)
Registry (ATSDR) has established a minimal risk and an industrial SSL of 720 mg/kg for perchlorate
level (MRL) of 0.0007 mg/kg/day for chronic- and perchlorate salts (ammonium, potassium,
duration oral exposure (365 days or more) to sodium and lithium) (EPA 2013).
perchlorate (ATSDR 2008, 2013).
 EPA has decided to regulate perchlorate under the
Safe Drinking Water Act. EPA has initiated the
process of proposing a national primary drinking
water regulation (EPA 2012b). 1
Screening Levels are developed using risk assessment guidance
 The EPA established an Interim Lifetime Drinking from the EPA Superfund program. These risk-based concentrations
Water Health Advisory of 15 micrograms per liter are derived from standardized equations combining exposure
information assumptions with EPA toxicity data. These calculated
(µg/L), which is a concentration of a perchlorate in
screening levels are generic and not enforceable cleanup standards
drinking water that is not expected to cause any but provide a useful gauge of relative toxicity.
Technical Fact Sheet – Perchlorate

Are there any federal and state guidelines and health standards
for perchlorate? (continued)
 EPA calculated a tap water screening level of 11 perchlorate in drinking water (CDPH 2012;
µg/L for perchlorate and perchlorate salts (EPA Massachusetts DEP 2006).
 California EPA released Draft California Human
 The EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Health Screening Levels (CHHSLs) for
Response (OSWER) recommended a preliminary perchlorate. The draft CHHSLs for perchlorate in
remediation goal (PRG) of 15 µg/L at Superfund soil are 28 mg/kg for residential property and 350
sites (where there is an actual or potential drinking mg/kg for commercial/industrial property (Cal/EPA
water exposure pathway), where no federal or 2010).
state applicable or relevant and appropriate  In 2012, California EPA’s Office of Environmental
requirements exist under federal or state laws. Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) proposed to
PRGs are developed based on readily available revise the existing Public Health Goal for
information and are modified, as necessary, perchlorate in drinking water from 6 µg/L to 1 µg/L
before final cleanup goals are established, based (Cal/EPA 2012).
on information that becomes available during the
 At least 10 other states have also developed
remedial investigation/feasibility study (EPA 2009).
advisory levels or health-based goals for
 Numerous states have promulgated enforceable perchlorate, ranging from 1 to 18 µg/L for drinking
standards for perchlorate in drinking water. For water and 1 to 72 µg/L for groundwater (GAO
example, Massachusetts (2 µg/L) and California (6 2010).
µg/L) have established enforceable standards for

What detection and site characterization methods are available

for perchlorate?
 The following methods can be used to analyze  The following methods can be used to analyze
perchlorate in drinking water, groundwater, perchlorate in surface water, groundwater,
surface water and irrigation water: wastewater, salt water and soil:
 EPA Method 314.0 - Ion Chromatography (EPA  EPA SW-846 Method 6850 - High Performance
OGWDW 2012). Liquid Chromatography/Electrospray
 EPA Method 314.1 Rev 1.0 - Inline Column Ionization/Mass Spectrometry (EPA 2007a).
Concentration/Matrix Elimination Ion  EPA SW-846 Method 6860 - Ion
Chromatography with Suppressed Conductivity Chromatography/Electrospray Ionization/Mass
Detection (EPA OGWDW 2012). Spectrometry (EPA 2007b).
 EPA Method 314.2 - Two-Dimensional Ion  The presence of high amounts of other anions,
Chromatography with Suppressed Conductivity such as chloride, sulfate or carbonate, may
Detection (EPA OGWDW 2012). interfere with the analysis of perchlorate (EPA
 EPA Method 331.0 Rev. 1.0 - Liquid 1999).
Chromatography/Electrospray Ionization/ Mass  Researchers have demonstrated the ability to
Spectrometry (EPA OGWDW 2012). distinguish man-made and natural sources of
 EPA Method 332.0 - Ion Chromatography with perchlorate in water samples using chlorine and
Suppressed Conductivity and Electrospray oxygen stable isotope ratio analysis (Bŏhlke and
Ionization/Mass Spectrometry (EPA FFRRO others 2005; ITRC 2005).

What technologies are being used to treat perchlorate?

 Ex Situ Treatment electrically switched ion exchange system using
 Ion exchange using perchlorate-selective or a conductive carbon nanotube nanocomposite
nitrite-specific resins is a proven method for material could be used for the large-scale
removal of perchlorate from drinking water, treatment of wastewater (ITRC 2008; DoD
groundwater, surface water and other media. SERDP 2011).
Laboratory-study results indicate that an

Technical Fact Sheet – Perchlorate

What technologies are being used to treat perchlorate? (continued)

 A recent field study demonstrated the effective study demonstration results indicate that a
reduction of perchlorate to below detection limits horizontal flow treatment well system can
in groundwater using a large-scale weak base effectively deliver electron donor and promote
anion resin ion exchange system (DoD ESTCP the in situ biological reduction of perchlorate in
2012b). groundwater (DoD ESTCP 2009c).
 A fluidized bed biological reactor (FBR)  A field study evaluated the use of gaseous
treatment train successfully treated low and high electron donor injection technology for the
concentration levels of perchlorate in anaerobic biodegradation of perchlorate in
groundwater to meet the California drinking vadose zone soil. Results showed an average
water standards (6 µg/L) in a field study (DoD perchlorate destruction of more than 90 percent
ESTCP 2009b). within the targeted 10-foot radius of influence
 Membrane technologies including within five months (DoD ESTCP 2009d).
electrodialysis, reverse osmosis and  A field study evaluated the use of an emulsified
nanofiltration/ultrafiltration have been used to oil biobarrier to enhance the in situ anaerobic
remove perchlorate from groundwater, surface biodegradation of perchlorate in groundwater.
water and wastewater; however, these all Within 5 days of injection, perchlorate was
require subsequent disposal of the perchlorate degraded from an initial concentration range of
removed (EPA FFRRO 2005; ITRC 2008). 3,100 to 20,000 µg/L to below detection limits
 Liquid phase carbon adsorption using granular (less than 4 µg/L) in the injection and nearby
activated carbon (GAC) is used to remove low monitoring wells (DoD SERDP 2008).
levels of perchlorate from groundwater and  A field study demonstrated the effective use of
surface water. The adsorptive capacity of GAC an active biobarrier approach involving on-going
may be increased through the addition of a groundwater recirculation and delivery of an
surface-active coating to produce a modified or electron donor and a semi-passive approach
tailored GAC (Hou and others 2013; ITRC involving the periodic delivery of electron donor
2008). to create a biobarrier and promote perchlorate
 Laboratory study results indicate that ultraviolet biodegradation in groundwater (DoD ESTCP
laser reduction can be used to decompose low 2009a, 2012a).
levels of perchlorate (below 100 µg/L) dissolved  Laboratory and field studies have demonstrated
in water. This technology is currently undergoing the potential for using monitored natural
laboratory testing and has not yet been attenuation to treat perchlorate in groundwater
commercialized or used in full-scale systems (DoD ESTCP 2010).
(ITRC 2008; Vellanki and others 2013).  Several bench-scale tests have demonstrated
 In Situ Treatment the potential effectiveness of phytoremediation
 Enhanced in situ bioremediation using and constructed wetlands to treat perchlorate-
perchlorate-selective microbes can be an contaminated media; limited field study
effective method for degrading perchlorate in demonstrations have been implemented. Recent
groundwater and soil. Study results indicate that laboratory study results indicate that the wetland
acetate and hydrogen addition as electron donor plant, Eichhornia crassipes, may be an effective
can increase perchlorate removal efficiency plant for constructing a wetland to remediate
(ITRC 2008; Wang and others 2013). high levels of perchlorate in water based on its
high tolerance and accumulation ability (He and
 Recent field studies have evaluated in situ
others 2013; ITRC 2008).
bioremediation of perchlorate in groundwater
and soil using gaseous electron donors. Field

Where can I find more information about perchlorate?

 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease  Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste
Registry (ATSDR). 2008. “Toxicological Profile Management Officials (ASTSWMO). 2011.
for Perchlorates.” “Perchlorate Policy Update.”
 ATSDR. 2013. “Minimal Risk Levels (MRL)” List. ns/Federal_Facilities/2011.04_FINAL_Perchlorat e_Policy_Update.pdf

Technical Fact Sheet – Perchlorate
Where can I find more information about perchlorate? (continued)
 Bŏhlke, J. K., Sturchio, N.C., Gu, B., Horita, J., Safety Cards (ICSC).
Brown, G.M., Jackson, W.A., Batista, J., and
P.B. Hatzinger. 2005. “Perchlorate Isotope  Rao, B., Anderson, T.A., Orris, G.J., Rainwater,
Forensics.” Analytical Chemistry. Volume 77. K.A., Rajagopalan, S., Sandvig, R.M., Scanlon,
Pages 7838 to 7842. B.R., Stonestrom, D.A., Walvoord, M.A, and W.A.
upload/BOHLKE2005_0.pdf Jackson. 2007. “Widespread Natural Perchlorate
 California Department of Public Health (CDPH). in Unsaturated Zones of the Southwest United
2012. Perchlorate in Drinking Water. States.” Environmental Science & Technology. Volume 41 (13). Pages 4522 to 4528.
rchlorate.aspx  U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Environmental
 California Environmental Protection Agency Security Technology Certification Program
(Cal/EPA). 2010. “California Human Health (ESTCP). 2009a. “Comparative Demonstration of
Screening Levels for Perchlorate.” http://oehha. Active and Semi-Passive In-Situ Bioremediation Approaches for Perchlorate Impacted
 Cal/EPA. 2012. “Draft Public Health Goal for Groundwater (Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant).”
Perchlorate in Drinking Water.” ER-0219.
gov/water/phg/pdf/120612Perchloratedraft.pdf  DoD. ESTCP. 2009b. “Demonstration of a Full-
 He, H., Gao, H., Chen, G., Li, H., Lin, H. and Z. Scale Fluidized Bed Bioreactor for the Treatment
Shu. 2013. “Effects of Perchlorate on Growth of of Perchlorate at Low Concentration in
Four Wetland Plants and its Accumulation in Groundwater.” ER-0543.
Plant Tissues.” Environmental Science and  DoD ESTCP. 2009c. “In Situ Bioremediation of
Pollution Research. Volume 20 (10). Pages Perchlorate in Groundwater.” ER-0224.
7301 to 7308.
 Hou, P., Cannon, F.S., Brown, N.R., Byrne, T., rate/ER-0224-C&P-1.pdf
Gu, X., and C.N. Delgado. 2013. “Granular  DoD ESTCP. 2009d. “In Situ Bioremediation of
Activated Carbon Anchored with Quaternary Perchlorate in Vadose Zone Soil Using Gaseous
Ammonium/Epoxide-Forming Compounds to Electron Donors.” ER-0511.
Enhance Perchlorate Removal from
Groundwater.” Carbon. Volume 53. Pages 197 perchlorate/ER-0511-FR-1.pdf
to 207.  DoD ESTCP. 2010. “Evaluation of Potential for
 Interstate Technology Regulatory Council Monitored Natural Attenuation of Perchlorate in
(ITRC). 2005. “Perchlorate: Overview of Issues, Groundwater (Indian Head).” ER-200428.
Status, and Remedial Options.” Restoration/Contaminated-Groundwater/
 ITRC. 2008. “Remediation Technologies for Emerging-Issues/ER-200428
Perchlorate Contamination in Water and Soil.”  DoD ESTCP. 2012a. “Comparative Demonstration of Active and Semi-Passive In-Situ Bioremediation
mentID=61 Approaches for Perchlorate Impacted
 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Groundwater: Active In Situ Bioremediation
Protection (DEP). 2006. Water Resources: Demonstration (Aeroject Facility).” ER-200219.
Perchlorate Information.  DoD ESTCP. 2012b. “Demonstration of Regenerable, Large-Scale Ion Exchange System
nking/perchlorate-information.html Using WBA Resin in Rialto, Ca.” ER-201168.
 National Institute of Health (NIH). 2013. Haz-  DoD Strategic Environmental Research and
Map: Information on Hazardous Chemicals and Development Program (SERDP). 2008.
Occupational Diseases. “Development of Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB) Using Edible Oils.” ER-1205.
 National Research Council of the National  DoD SERDP. 2011. “Novel Electrochemical
Academies (NAS). 2005. “Health Implications of Process for Treatment of Perchlorate in Waste
Perchlorate Ingestion.” Water.” ER-1433. Areas/Environmental-Restoration/Contaminants-
 National Institute for Occupational Safety and on-Ranges/ER-1433
Health (NIOSH). 2013. International Chemical

Technical Fact Sheet – Perchlorate

Where can I find more information about perchlorate? (continued)

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  EPA. Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS).
1999. “Method 314.0 Determination of 2005. “Perchlorate and Perchlorate Salts.”
Perchlorate in Drinking Water Using Ion
Chromatography.” Revision 1.0.
 EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
(OGWDW). 2012. “Analytical Methods
 EPA. 2007a. Method 6850. “Perchlorate in Developed by the Office of Ground Water and
Water, Soils and Solid Wastes Using High Drinking Water.”
Performance Liquid Chromatography/ methods/analyticalmethods_ogwdw.html
Electrospray Ionization/Mass Spectrometry.”
 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 2008.
“US Food and Drug Administration’s Total Diet
Study: Dietary Intake of Perchlorate and
 EPA. 2007b. Method 6860. “Perchlorate in Iodine.”
Water, Soils and Solid Wastes Using Ion pdf/7500648a.pdf
Chromatography/Electrospray Ionization/Mass
 U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO).
2005. “Perchlorate: A System to Track
Sampling and Cleanup Results is Needed.”
 EPA. 2009. “Revised Assessment Guidance for GAO-05-462.
 U.S. GAO. 2010. “Perchlorate: Occurrence is
 EPA. 2011. Region 9. Perchlorate in the Pacific Widespread but at Varying Levels; Federal
Southwest. Agencies Have Taken Some Actions to
perchlorate/per_ca.html#olin Respond to and Lessen Releases.” GAO -10-
 EPA. 2012a. “2012 Edition of the Drinking Water 769.
Standards and Health Advisories.” EPA 822-S-12-  Vellanki, B.P., Batchelor, B., and A. Abdel-
001. Wahab. 2013. “Advanced Reduction Processes:
 EPA. 2012b. Drinking Water Contaminants. A New Class of Treatment Processes.”
Unregulated. Perchlorate. Environmental Engineering Science. Volume 30
contaminants/unregulated/perchlorate.cfm (5). Pages 264 to 271.
 EPA. 2013. Regional Screening Level (RSL)  Wang, R., Chen, M., Zhang, J.W., Liu, F., H.H.
Summary Table. Chen. 2013. “Microbial Perchlorate Reduction in Groundwater with Different Electron Donors.”
concentration_table/Generic_Tables/index.htm Applied Mechanics and Materials. Volume 295
 EPA Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse to 298. Pages 1402 to 1407.
Office (FFRRO). 2005. “Perchlorate Treatment  Wu, F., Zhou, X., Zhang, R., Pan, M., and K.L.
Technology Update – Federal Facilities Forum Peng. 2012. “The Effects of Ammonium
Issue Paper.” EPA 542-R-05-015. Perchlorate on Thyroid Homeostasis and Thyroid-Specific Gene Expression in Rat.”
015.pdf Environmental Toxicology. Volume 27 (8).
Pages 445 to 452.
Additional information on perchlorate can be found at EPA’s

Contact Information
If you have any questions or comments on this fact sheet, please contact: Mary Cooke, FFRRO, by phone at (703) 603-8712
or by email at

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