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Wire Modelling, Cross-talk &

by signoff-scribe ( | Feb
24, 2018 | Weekly-Training-Sessions
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Blog Views: 6,166

Author : Abhishek Kumar (,

Physical Design Engineer, SignOff Semiconductors


Wire appears as a simple line in schematic diagrams, connecting two

components. But they are equally important as transistors because they
affect speed, power dissipation and reliability of the circuit.

Wire Model

Generally we think of wire to be ideal with no resistance, no capacitance, no

inductance and an equipotential region . But such a wire is not realizable
Lumped Wire Model

Wires have parasitic capacitance, resistance and inductance distributed along

its length.

But it is useful to lump the distributed fractions into a single circuit element
when only a single parasitic component is dominant. In the lumped RC model,
resistance and capacitance of each wire segment is lumped into single
effective resistance R and capacitance C respectively.

Figure 1: Lumped RC


1. This model is simple and makes the circuit analysis easier as voltage and
current can be expressed using ordinary differential equations.
2. It gives reasonable approximation of distributed circuit using simple RC


1. This model is inaccurate for longer wires.

2. The delay calculated using this model is almost double of the actual value.
Distributed Wire Model
This model is used for adequately representing longer interconnect wires.
Here the entire resistance and capacitance of wire is distributed along the
entire length of the net.

Figure 2: Distributed RC


Provides accurate model of behaviour of wire used in the circuit.


This model is complex and partial differential equations have to be solved for
getting voltage values.

Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is proportional to the area of overlap
between the conductors and inversely proportional to their separation.

Fringing Capacitance

It is the capacitance between the side-walls of the wires and the substrate.
Fringing means bending of the electric field lines near the edges of the
parallel plate capacitor. In a parallel plate capacitor, electric field lines are
parallel to each other. But these field lines do not end abrruptly at the edge
and are rather bent at the edges because of non-uniform charge distribution.
Because of this effect, capacitance is more than calculated using the formula
for parallel plate capacitance. If the area is doubled, the capacitance will not
be double but less than that because fringing effect will not be doubled.

Figure 3: Fringing Capacitance

Coupling Capacitance

Coupling is desirable or undesirable transfer of energy from one conductor to

another. When two nets of same metal layer run parallel and close to each
other for long distance, the coupling capacitance is very large and it couples
significant energy from one net, called an aggressor, to another net, called a
victim. This gives rise to cross talk noise and cross talk delay in the circuit.

Figure 4: Coupling Capacitance

It occurs when there are parallel running nets of same metal layer for long
distance. When a signal on a net switches very fast then, the wires in its
surroundings tends to switch too and their logical values or transition can be
affected. This is called cross talk. It causes noise bumps in non-switching nets
and advancing/delaying of transition in switching nets.

Figure 5: Cross-talk Analysis

Cross-talk Noise

It is undesired change in the logical values of victim due to switching in the

input of aggressor. If one net is switching and other is at a constant value , the
switching net may cause voltage spikes on other net. This is called as cross
talk noise. Cross talk noise is evolving as a key source in degrading
performance and reliability of high speed integrated circuits.
Figure 6: Cross-talk Noise Waveform

Cross-talk Delay

When there is some delay or advancement in output transition of victim due

to input transition of aggressor, it is called as cross talk delay. It occurs when
some transition is happening in both the nets. Cross talk delay depends on the
switching direction of the aggressor and victim nets .

Cross-talk in data path: If aggressor and victim both switch in same direction,
victim transition becomes fast resulting data to arrive early, which may cause
hold violation. This scenario is good for setup and bad for hold.

Other way, if both switch in opposite direction, victim transition slows down
which increases the delay and may result in setup violation. This scenario is
bad for setup and good for hold.

Cross-talk in clock path: Cross-talk in clock path is exactly opposite to that in

data path. If aggressor and victim both switch in same direction, victim will
see improved transition and makes the clock to arrive early which may result
in setup violation. This scenario is bad for setup and good for hold.

If both aggressor and victim both switch in opposite direction, clock will arrive
late because of bad degraded transition which may lead to hold violation. This
scenario is good for setup and bad for hold.
Figure 7: Cross-talk Delay Waveform

How cross-talk effects can be reduced?

1. Assign Non default routing (NDR) rules – Increase spacing.

2. Insert buffer to split the long nets.
3. Jump to different metal layers.
4. Shielding – Ground lines run in between the signal lines so that they form
coupling capacitance with ground.
5. By up-sizing the driver of victim net or downsizing driver of aggressor net.

Double Switching:
When the driver is of lower drive strength and coupling capacitance between
adjacent nets is very high, then aggressor transition induces voltage bump in
signal present on victim net. If this voltage bump crosses threshold value then
the glitch propagates through combinational logic and makes output to
switch twice. If this happens in clock net, it can cause double clocking of the
flop where the clock switches twice on an active edge or false clocking
because of which the voltage bump on the non-sensitive edge can actually
capture a data.
As shown below, because of the low drive strength of BUF1, which is the
driver of victim net, and the capacitive load of the net, the transition at the
input of buffer BUF2 is slow. Because of crosstalk, an aggressor transition
causes a voltage bump in signal at the input of buffer BUF2. This causes the
output of the buffer to switch twice.
Figure 8: Double-switching analysis

Figure 9: Double-switching waveform

Double switching error: The functional error because of cross-talk effects on

victim net which can cause incorrect circuit operation due to glitch
propagation through combinational logic, by double clocking on the active
edge of a clock signal or by false clocking on non-sensitive edge of clock is
known as double switching error.

To fix double-switching violations:

1. Decrease the coupling capacitance by
• Increasing the spacing or
• Shielding the adjacent nets.
2. Increase the drive strength of victim net driver to reduce the transition

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