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Applying Structural Equation Model to Study of the Relationship Model among
leadership style, satisfaction, Organization commitment and Performance in
hospital industry

Chung-Hsiung Fang, Sue-Ting Chang, Guan-Li Chen

Graduate Institute of Industrial Technology Education, National Taiwan Normal University,,

Abstract Medical care is a kind of service industry that is

different from other service industries on its work
The main purpose of the study is to determine the characteristics and high specialization; it is composed of
effect of different leadership styles on staff work many talents with various expertise and coordination and
satisfaction, organizational commitment and work cooperation of the professionals can allow the hospitals
performance and establish a causality model among them. to operate with high efficiency. The average dimission
Main results of the study based on the empirical analysis rate of all regular staff in American large medical
are as following: 1. Effect of leadership style on work institutions is 32.06% in 2001 and the separation cost
satisfaction, organizational commitment and work accounts for 3.4%-5.8% in the available master budget of
performance: (1) Work satisfaction has a significant, medical institutions, which is quite high; on the other
positive and direct effect on organizational commitment side, the staff turnover rate in our domestic medical
and work performance. (2) Leadership has a significant, industry especially for private medical institutions has
positive and direct effect on work satisfaction and can kept on the high side in these years, these figures suggest
affect organizational commitment and work performance talent can't be retained only by high salary or good
indirectly through work satisfaction. (3) Organizational training and it is a very important topic how to reduce
commitment can affect work performance positively. 2. staff turnover rate, increase staff loyalty and promote
Effect of leadership style on work satisfaction, their work performance, which is the purpose of this
organizational commitment and work performance on study.
the basis of grouping model: (1) Leadership style has a A leader plays an important role to allow the staff to
significant, positive and direct effect on work satisfaction identify with the organizational goal and value, to enjoy
and can affect work performance through work the work satisfaction and dedicate to their work further
satisfaction for administrative and nursing staff. (2) besides to affect the organizational performance for
Leadership has a significant, positive and direct effect on development and creation of the organization. Many
work satisfaction and can affect work performance literatures have showed leadership style can affect work
through work satisfaction and organizational satisfaction, productivity and organizational commitment
commitment for medical technicians. of employees [1]. Porter et al. [2] considered
organizational commitment referred to the acceptance
Keywords: Structural Equation Model, Relationship tendency for organizational goal and value of individual;
Model, Hospital industry that is the identity and devotion degree to a specific
organization and the strong willing of working for an
organization and becoming one of its members. And
1. Introduction employees’ organizational commitment has been a topic
concerned by scholars on management and organization
as well as a problem cared by leaders who hope to
In knowledge economy of the 21st Century, enhance employees’ organizational commitment to retain
competitiveness advantage of an organization lies in employees and improve their work performance. And
whether the organization can possess intellectual capital, work satisfaction is an important efficiency index for
source of which is exactly the employees. Peter. Drucker studying organization as satisfaction can affect
once mentioned the mainstream worker in the 21st employees’ behavior and work attitude indirectly. The
Century is “Intellectual Worker” and the most important study will apply Linear Structural Equation Model (SEM)
challenge is how to increase intellectual worker’s to discuss whether leadership style and organizational
productivity, especially for “technical worker” who commitment can have influence on work performance by
possesses both knowledge and labor component. The intermediation of work satisfaction.
primary goal for any organization is to let its employees
be willing to go all out for their work, so that the
organization can realize a continuous growth and
2. Literature Review
perpetual operation.

978-1-4244-4589-9/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE

2.1 Leadership behavior maintenance factor, such as working environment,
Leadership behavior can affect trust and satisfaction leadership style, salary, interpersonal relationship etc.;
of employees to organization and organizational they are the basic conditions to maintain employees’
citizenship behavior, further enhance the relationship work, although their completion doesn’t make employees
between leadership style and organizational commitment satisfied, their insufficiency can cause dissatisfaction of
directly [3]. So we can consider subordinates would employees.
accept the effect of a leader because the leader is
accepted, trusted or respected by them and he is in the 2.3 Organizational commitment and Job
position with formal authority at the same time. performance
According to some domestic studies, leadership style of Some studies have showed organizational
pharmacy directors is significantly positively related to commitment is related to work performance [2],
work satisfaction of pharmacists, and McNeese-Smith [1] employees with high organizational commitment will
found leadership behavior of hospital directors is have more work devotion (Steer,1977;Ke Ji-Yun, 1995;
significantly positively related to productivity, work Chen Meng-Xiu, 1998) and employees with high
satisfaction and organizational commitment of staff. organizational commitment will have a better work
Organizational commitment and work satisfaction are performance than employees with low organization
different with different leadership styles [1]. Thus we can commitment [8]; most of the relevant studies indicated
see from the concerned literatures, leadership style is employees with high commitment degree will have a
related to organizational commitment and work better adaptation, less sabotage and low dimission rate as
satisfaction; leadership styles can affect organizational well as high work satisfaction and productivity [1, 9].
commitment positively and leadership style has the most Randall suggested organizational commitment with
effect on organizational commitment among all different degrees will have different effects on individual
concerned factors. However some studies also mentioned and organization, also be likely to have some influence
the interactions with employees’ work satisfaction of on work performance [10]. Previous researches about
institutional leadership and consideration-oriented work performance mostly laid emphasis on
leadership of hospital directors are not significant organizational performance, later some studies showed
different. employees with high organizational commitment would
The leadership model proposed by American Ohio bring a better work performance, so researchers began to
State University in its study on leader behavior focus on the importance of organizational commitment
dimension in 1940s is most broadly used and cited, further.
which divided leader behavior into two behavior
dimensions – consideration and institution, and then Two
Dimension Theory was brought up. Institutional factor
3. Research Design
The present study aims to discuss effect of leadership
and consideration factor of leadership style could be
style, organizational commitment and work satisfaction
significantly positively correlated with organizational
on employees’ work performance.
commitment and leadership is probably the most
dynamically influential factor in the process when
individuals integrate with an organization. 3.1 Research hypotheses
The study proposed the following 6 hypotheses based
on the structure:
2.2 Job satisfaction and Organizational commitment H1: Leadership style has a significantly positive
Many studies have suggested work satisfaction is influence on work performance;
highly correlated with organizational commitment [2, 4] H2: Leadership style has a significantly positive
and has a positive influence on organizational influence on organizational commitment;
commitment. Williams et al. [5] indicated individual will H3: High work satisfaction has a significantly positive
feel satisfied with some kind of exchange procedure of effect on work performance;
an organization before deciding his commitment degree H4: High work satisfaction has a significantly positive
to the organization; therefore there is causality between effect on organizational commitment;
work satisfaction and organizational commitment [5]. H5: High organizational commitment has a significantly
There are many theories about work satisfaction, one of positive effect on work performance;
which was brought up by Herzberg et al. who claimed H6: Leadership style has a significantly positive
satisfaction and dissatisfaction were two independent influence on work satisfaction.
events [6], including two dimensions – Motivational
Factor and Hygiene Factor and there is no relative 3.2 Measurement
relation between the both. Motivational Factor is also The measurement scale adopted by the study is a
called satisfaction factor, referring to the factors that can revised structural questionnaire after referring to relevant
increase work satisfaction and is part of the internal literatures, including two main parts – personal
rewards, such as duty, work, achievement sense, characteristics (duty class, service seniority, education,
promotion & development etc.; these factors are the core marriage status and age) and organization measurement
to motivate employees to work hard and their existence scale. Measurement scale type contains: Director
can induce employees’ satisfaction, however their Leadership Behavior Measurement Scale: the study
inexistence doesn’t cause employees’ dissatisfaction. adopted Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire
Hygiene Factor is part of external rewards, also called (LBDQ) to measure the leadership manner perceived by
subordinates, which falls into consideration and nursing persons (48.5%), 85 medical technicians (21.4%)
institutional dimensions in terms of leader and 120 administrative persons (30.2%) in total.
behavior.Work Satisfaction Measurement Scale: as the
study stresses on putting Motivation-Hygiene Theory 4.2 Research Tool Reliability & Validity Analysis
into practice, Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire The study measurement scale is developed by
(MSQ) proposed by Weiss et al. [11] was used to referring to measurement scales of foreign scholars, and
measure the whole work satisfaction of employees from the structural questionnaire is also revised by referring to
the view of internal and external concerned literatures as well as comments of relevant
satisfaction.Organizational Commitment Measurement experts and scholars, so the questionnaire has some
Scale: the study defines organizational commitment as extent of content validity. As for reliability and validity
the attitude and behavior that individual indentifies with analysis, Cronbach’s α reliability coefficient and
organizational goal and is willing to work for the confirmatory factor analysis were respectively used to
organizational goal and to keep to be one of the describe the reliability and validity of measurement
organization’s members with loyalty and identity to the scales of main constructs in the study. At first
organization. So the study revised the measurement scale Cronbach’s α coefficient was applied to analyze the
put forward by Mowday et al. [12] and developed a reliability of each measurement scale, and the analysis
three-dimension measurement scale that contains results of leadership style measurement reliability,
emotional, continuous and normative commitments organizational commitment, work performance and work
based on the three-dimension measurement proposed by satisfaction are 0.956, 0.910, 0.807 and 0.9524 separately.
Meyer et al. [13] to be the organizational commitment On the whole, reliability of each measurement scale has
measurement method.Work Performance Measurement exceeded 0.7 that was suggested by [15] as an acceptable
Scale: the study defined work performance as individual level. From values of composite reliability and extracted
performance, that is to say individual’s performance on variance of each construct, we can see composite
quality and quantity of organizational task achievement reliability of each dimension has exceeded the acceptable
and the study took three dimensions proposed by [14] to level 0.7, and all extracted variances have exceeded 0.5
evaluate individual performance objectively and evaluate except efficiency and effectiveness of work performance,
work performance by employees’ self-assessment. which means the internal consistency of the indexes is
3.2 Subjects
Study object of the questionnaire is 1100 medical & 4.3 Measurement for Model
nursing persons (excluding physicians) of a teaching The study conducted analysis with Structural Equation
hospital of some region in Middle of Taiwan and 50% of Modeling (SEM) in order to validate and test the whole
staff of each department was chosen by simple random theory model; at first all measurement question points on
sampling according to the staff list provided by the leadership style, work satisfaction, organizational
hospital; the researcher went to the hospital to deliver commitment and work performance were summed up for
and recover the questionnaires and at last 458 average that was regarded as the measurement point of
questionnaires were distributed and 397 effective the dimension in the first order, next the first-order
questionnaires were returned with an effective return rate dimension was regarded as the multiple measurement
of 88%. index for the second-order construct; that is leadership
style construct includes consideration and institutional
3.3 Data Collection & Analysis dimensions; work satisfaction contains work,
Collection of investigated data was conducted with professional development and leadership environment
SPSS and AMOS 3.6 and SEM was used to analyze and dimensions; organizational commitment is composed of
discuss the relationship among “Leadership Style”, endeavor, retaining in the position and value three
Organizational Commitment”, “Work Satisfaction” and dimensions; and the question point was regarded as the
“Work Performance”. observation variable for measurement model of
dimension of work performance.
4. Data Analysis
4.3.1Model Fitness
RMSEA Value of the investigated hospital was 0.098
4.1 Sample Description and didn’t reach the ideal level 0.08, but the above
In the study samples, persons of 26-30 were dominant values were still in the acceptable range. Chi-square
in the aspect of age with a proportion of 37.6%, and value and degree of freedom of the study are not good as
persons of 25 years old were in the secondary place the whole model sample number is 397, which are
(29.7%); as for “education”, persons with junior college related to the sample size. Increment fitness is good and
background were in the majority, accounting for 51% in in the acceptable range. As for parsimonious fitness, all
the overall samples and persons with university values are acceptable except for CN value that is over
background were in the next place (36.9%); with regard 200. Effect analysis for each construct in the study
to marriage status, married persons were the most with a includes direct effect, indirect effect and whole effect
proportion of 65.2%; and most persons have worked for analyses and Figure 2 shows the whole theory model
1-3 years, taking up a proportion of 31.5% for service revised in accordance with the final effect dimension.
seniority and the next is persons with less than 1 year Firstly we would like to discuss the effect of each
seniority (19.4%); as for duty class, there were 193 dimension of the studied hospital on work performance.
From Figure 2, we can see organizational commitment commitment is significantly positively correlated with
and work satisfaction have a direct, significant and work performance in the studies of [16].
positive effect on work performance, of which path
coefficients are β12=0.21 and γ12=0.38; that is 5.1 Management Implication
organizational commitment and work satisfaction both The study has an active meaning both on academe and
have a direct effect on work performance, and work practice according to the above findings. From the view
satisfaction has a more significant effect between the of final whole effect of the study, leadership style and
both; from the point of view of whole effect, leadership work satisfaction can affect work performance and
style construct acquired values of 0.21, 0.018 and 0.075 organizational commitment of hospital staff; that means
through β11γ12, γ21β12 and γ22β11β12 the three paths with a good directors who can establish a relationship full of
total positive effect of 0.303; on the other hand, trust and friendliness with staff and can give
organizational commitment only has a direct effect and encouragement and appreciation to staff when they show
work satisfaction can produce effect through γ22β21 path good performance are necessary for enhancing staff
with value of 0.132 besides producing a direct effect, and morality in medical industry. And suggestions to hospital
the total positive effect is 0.5123. management and department directors are stated
4.3.2 Path analysis 1. It is suggested leaders of each level in various
The model analysis based on duty classification of departments change their leadership style flexibly along
nursing, administrative and medical technical duties is with time’s change; that is it would be better the
described hereunder. high-level and department directors be equipped with
Firstly we would like to discuss the effect of each connective leadership because employees in medical
dimension of the administrative group on work industry are the professionals who have accepted
performance. Leadership style has a significant, positive high-level or special education and training and they
and direct effect on organizational commitment and work expect their directors can be friendly, respectable and
satisfaction, of which path coefficients are γ21=0.27 and easy to close, moreover they are long for being highly
β11=0.65; that is to say leadership style and work evaluated and effective communications with directors.
satisfaction have a direct effect on organizational Therefore leaders should adopt not the past invariable
commitment; work satisfaction has a significant, positive leadership style but multiple leadership styles and use
and direct effect on work performance and organizational different strategies according to various situations so as
commitment, of which path coefficients are γ12=0.29 and to stimulate different employees to exert their greatest
γ22=0.54 respectively. potential.
2. Strengthen chance and channel of training and
5. Conclusion and Suggestion development to meet demand of professional
development of employees. The researcher also thinks
leadership style can affect organizational commitment
According to the theory model established by referring and work performance through work satisfaction, since
to concerned literatures and test of fitness of SEM, medical professionals have high expectation and
leadership style can affect organizational commitment long-term planning for their self-improvement, they hope
and work satisfaction positively and work satisfaction to meet the professional requirements on expertise, skill
can affect organizational commitment and work and attitude and further to promote their development
performance positively. Thereby conclusion of the study and self-realization by active participation in all kinds of
is as following: learning activities for enhancing their expertise and
Generally, although leadership style can’t affect work review processes in their work. If directors can care for
performance directly, staff of the hospital can show a and pay attention to career development of subordinates
good work performance through acquirement of work and help them to develop actively, the employees not
satisfaction (professional development > leadership only will produce sense of identity to the organizational
environment > work); additionally organizational goal and value, but also will improve their work
commitment (value commitment > devotion commitment performance.
> retention commitment) also has its due effect on work 3. Establish a Proper Performance Evaluation
performance. According to further measurement analysis Mechanism One of the features of medical industry is
of duty grouping model, work satisfaction has no direct person serving person and it is hard to quantify and
or indirect effect on work performance of medical measure the work performance, particularly for nursing
technicians, however organizational commitment has a work that is complicated and multifarious, requiring a
direct effect on work performance, especially “Value scrupulous and continuous nursing process and various
Commitment” has the biggest contribution; and work nursing time with different diseases, so it is different
satisfaction especially “Professional development” with work of medical technicians which is finished after
produces a major effect on work performance of nursing the technicians provide necessary services to patients,
staff, on the contrary, organizational commitment has no and it is suggested the performance evaluation system of
significant effect on their work performance, which balanced score card of each department be adopted to
means nursing staff don’t care for organizational allow the employees to take part in the establishment of
commitment, but consideration and care of their directors performance measurement criteria and effectiveness
can affect their work performance. Conclusion of the measurement method and application of evaluation result,
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