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PIPING ENGINEERING PLOT PLAN PROCEDURE AND PIPING LAYOUT GUIDE FOSTER WHEELER ENGINEERING STANDARD peoet oft [GENERAL NOTES [LEW LTD GRADE i 0.220M UTILITY STATIONS| 6" PAVING PLATFORM ro) ts NORTH BATTERY LIMIT _N.3536.000. S) | concrete et 4000 oeiz 734k 3000. "| oases UP [eT 10000 eozz-1 House FILTER z 3 eH | “Beate: auo0 Mg ve TMT 404 92909 3 vere aieze-a 2259280: 5089 00 .289},000 cs INST PANEL velec-3 (ze9e3}) ower} oves7ad | vieze-a oost73} ree HE eS BL0ze=3 1002 13> Hrozz~a ‘goae-1ap ovoce=3 | foooz 133 s10z2~3 esp 1013000. 209 2409 2309 2200 2204 2 0 3700 —sisead 99973 azoze 1s0p.990 Se py 8 atiite 0081139. . asees p 0081739 ppl, fa] > Se oR eg i . § A= He 9922733, ——, era _ tige-s HE = au e129750 EL31950 EL 40301 woiee=3 =e oy evens Gp e110000 010113 1/t "| N 3514700 ACCESSWAY. .N,9534.000, “t doz 13) groze-3 Stoze=a = = 49902739 aio22-3 = J 1} vioze-3 , BATTERY LIMIT N.3476.000 voee=r 3! ‘saat i ®): 2 Tete ACESS) Ca ae soot LINTY AWSLLVE nS TITLE BLOCK SOUTH N.2478,000, qAccessway ENGINEERING PROCEDURE MANUAL FOSTER WHEELER LTD III-2-5.100 Tesued by A, MATHIE. [date DEC. 1970. PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL PLOT PLAN PROCEDURE 1.0 DATRODUCTION ‘The Plot Plan shall be drawn with the Plant North Arrow pointing The preferred For projects which will be modelled Plot Elevation drawings will not ‘ve made. For projects which will not be modelled Plot Elevation Plot Elevation drawings shall be the ‘The distribution of Plot Plan issue shall be in accordance with Project Co-ordination Procedure. During the development of the Preliminary Plot Plan a sketch giving a standard cross section through the plant shall be drawn and shall be issued to all Design Departments. For typical see III-2-5.101. Thie sketch is for F.W. Limited internal use only. + Plot Layout, Preliminary Intermediate (Rey. ‘0') and Final (Released for Construction). 2.0 DEVELOPMENT Staged ‘The Plot Layout may be the Plot Layout used at the proposal stace, the Client's Plot Layout, or shall be developed from Process Flow ‘Diagrams. For the latter, guidance fron Process and Project Engineers will be required. For typical Plot Layout see III-2-5.102. ‘Stage IT ‘The Preliminary Plot Plan is a development of the Plot Layout using Preliminary Equipment List, PW. Ltd. and or sefety requirenents jenatics are The following shall be incor during this stage of development, porated on the Preliminary Plot Plan: ‘The Preliminary Plot Plan shall be issued to all Design Departments and to Process and Project Engineers for comment, after incorporating comments it shall be issued to the Client for comment. FHD.2016, + III-2-5.100 Piping Department Reference Manual | vou O] page? of 5 Plot Plan Procedure 2.0 DEVELORMmT (Cont'd) Stage III ‘The intermediate stage of the Plot Plan is the development of the liminary plot plan to the first issue of a firm plot plan Ger. ‘O'), This will entail Piping Layouts of critical and congested areas and schematics of other areas. This work will be carried out using Rev. '0' issue of Engineering Plowsheets, Line Liets, Equipment List and F.W.Ltd. vessel drawings; Fired Heater outline and terminal point drawings; Pump and Compressor catalogue information; Air cooled exchanger outline drawings and Shell end Tube exchanger requisitions. It is essential to determine the routing of critical lines (i.e. Heater transfer lines, Tower overhead lines and bottom 1ines to Isometric sketches of these lines shall be issued to Group, Stress and Pipe Support Group for conment as early ble. Where supporting of these lines entails structures frames they shall be located on the Plot Plan. ‘The Plot Plen shall be issued at Rev. '0' after a dimensional check and all items not firmly located listed and held. A reproducible of the Plot Plan shall be issued to the Civil and Electrical Groups enabling them to proceed with underground piping and cable routing and area classification drawings. Stage IV ‘he Final Plot Plan is a progressive development of the Rev. '0' issue. Piping layouts of all area shall be drawn during this stage finalising locations and elevations of equipment and with the receipt of Vendor's drawing enable Plot Flan to be checked. During this stage the Plot Plan shall be issued to all departments : advising then of revisions and changes and as early as possible shall be released for construction for the routing of underground piping and cables only. When all items of equipment have been finally located and Plot Plan checked it shall be approved and fully released for construction. 3.0 CONTENT OF PLOT PLAN ‘The Plot Plen shall include the following:- a. Location of all equiyment (including outline of "futures"). b. Dimensions, locations, and column numbers of all Structures and Buildings. c. Locations of all pipe rack pipe bents including basic elevations of lines in rack, and column numbers (FR Nos.). a. All pipe supports from grade where Iouding-ie-abeve 500 ke. a e. Location of all horizontal drums from tan line. £. Location~of a2 Shel mand" Tube "Exchangers "frow"channelenows 18. w| Piping Department Reference Manual TII-2-5.100 Plot Plan Procedure ren 0 Bot 3 3.0 CONTENTS OF PLOT FLAN & h, Je ke Le a a °. Pe a re 8, t. we. oa oo x Location-of-all-punps from centre line of discharge nozzle. Tocation of Air fins from centre line of supporting columns, Location of Fired Heaters from centre line of Heater. Extent (by dimensions) of all paved areas. ALM-Utility Stations to be indicated by symbol. 411 withdrawal and drop out areas to be indicated. Location of fire wall and curbed areas. 411 steirvays and ladders from grad Battexyand or Unit Limit Co-ordinate Control House, Switchgear House and Transformers and Analyser Buildings. Control Panels. Worth Arrov and direction of prevailing winds. General Notes and Reference Drawings. All Platforms that can be clearly shown. on plot plan to be listed, Specialities - Point of Support For typical Plot Plan see III-2-5.103. Reference Datum Level. (2) [ENERGY LIMITED L ENGINEERING PROCEDURE MANUAL Ww PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL FOSTER WHEELER INDEX OF LAYOUT GUIDE III-2-5. issued by R.A. SQUILLARIO 105 TITLE GLOSSARY OF TERMS SCOPE OF LAYOUT MANUAL PLOT PLAN LAYOUT PIPING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PIPING LAYOUT AT TOWERS & DRUMS : " "HEAT EXCHANGERS . " "PUMPS & TURBINES ” " "COMPRESSORS. : " "FIRED HEATERS " "PIPE RACKS “ " OFFSITES UTILITY PIPING PIPING STRESSING & FLEXIBILITY INSTRUMENTATION VALVES PIPING LAYOUT REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL , INSTRUMENT AND VESSEL DEPARTMENTS. PIPING LAYOUT REQUIREMENTS FOR CIVIL DEPT. FWLBOI6/A Rest PAGE NO. 1 “ 7 28 40 47 51 56 60 66 7 82 90 92 93 to to to to to, to to to to to to to to to to NO. 13 16 a7 39 46 50 55 59 65 70 81 89 2 95 ev. conooceeo eo coo o DATE UNE, UNE “UNE UNE UNE, UNE UNE, UNE UNE UNE UNE UNE OULY UNE, UNE, UNE, JUNE 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1981 1972 1972 1972 1972 v Ww) Piping Department Reference Manual seawenlee ot Layout Guide Glossary of Terns eno" laaetl ABSOLUTE PRESSURE ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE ABSORBER ACCUMULATOR AGITATOR APIS ANS.16 ASTM: AUTOMATIC CONTROL VALVE. BAROMETRIC LEG GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN THE PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY ‘The following list of terms and abbreviations is given as a guide. Pressured measured fron a perfect vacuum and expressed in bars (1 var = 10° War). Temperature measured above absolute zero (-273°C). A vessel (usually a tower) designe! to absorb gases by the use of Liquids as an agent. A vessel (drum) used to temporarily store or hold up Liquid. A revolving paddle like device used for mixing, normally motor driven. American Petroleum Institute. American National Standards Institute. American Society for Testing Materials. ‘A valve whose method of operation is controlled automatically, normally by an air motor (diaphragn). ‘A special kind of condenser used to maintain a vacum, This systen of condensing is comonly used in vacuum distillation, ‘A vertical pipe sealed off from the atmosphere normally by a water filled pit, and producing a vacuum above the water seal level. [ III-2-5.105 «0 page 2 Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide Glossary of Terns W BAMERY LDOT BELL AND SPIGOT JOINT BENT (STRUCTURAL OR PIPE RACK) BLIND FLANGE BLEED VALVE BLOW DOWN (STEAM PLANT) BLOWDOWN (HYDROCARBON PLAN) BLOWER ‘BOILER FEED BS. ‘BUND WALL ‘The boundry of a process or utility unit within a refinery or petro- chemical plant, A piping joint normally used on cast iron or concrete sewer piping and sealed with lead, hemp etc. A vertical plene of a steel structure, along a colum line, A plate type flange used to seal off ‘the end of a flanged pipe or vessel nozzle. \ A valve used to reliéve pressure in @ line after shut off (e.g. between @ double block valve assembly). A drain from the mud drum on a oiler which can be intermittent or continuous, Used to remove & percentage of highly concentrated minerals in boiler water. A collection system for hydrocarbon ‘iguids and/or vapours, vhich have deen discharged into headers by way of pressure relief valves or hand operated valves. - A machine used to pump or circulate gases Weter being fed into a boiler normally by a high pressure pump. British Standard 4n earth or concrete wall built around storage tanks or vessels to contain spillage in the event of a fracture or collapse of the tank or Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide Glossary of Terms TIT-2-5.105 a) if ‘BUDTERPLY VALVE CATALYST ! CATALYTIC CRACKING | CENTRIFUGE i CLAD PLATE CONTROL PANEL CONTROL: STATION DAMPENER DATUM A vane type valve, not normally a positive shut off, therefore used in lower pressure range lines. A substance used to cause or speed a chemical reaction without chemical or physical change to the catalyst. A process used to cause a chemical change in o41 vapours by the use of a catalyst. A machine to separate solids from liquids by the use of centrifugal force. Normally carbon steel plate which has & thin sheet of corrosion resistant motal rolled on one side, Usually used in vessel construction for economic reasons. A piece of equipment used for removing solide from liquids by settlement. A panel containing instruments and controls used to renotely control processes. A piping manifold normally containing a control valve with block valves and bypass. ~ A piece of equipment used to separate solids from gases or vapours. A omall vessel generally used with reciprocating compressors to reduce pulsation and vibration, The basic elevation reference point used for plant areas, normally equated to high or low point of paving and taken as 0.00M. For offeite areas, the datum at any point ie generally taken as local Ordnance Survey datum. FWL.2015/t, TIT~2-5.105 Piping Department Reference Manual ven. © | pagel, Layout Guide Glossary of Terns DEBUDANIZER = A process to renove tutané from the final product. DEPROPANTZER = A process to remove propane from the final product. DESALTER = A process to remove salts and other impurities from crude oil. DESUPERHEATER - A device for adding water to superh steam to remove the superheat. DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE - he pressure difference between tvo points in a system, such as on opposite sides of an orifice plate. DOWIHERN - A substance substituted for steam as & heat carrying medium, for high temperature applications. DeP. CELL ~ in instrument used to transmit @fferential pressure, usually from orifice taps. ; ECONOMIZER = Aheat exchanger on a boiler, in which the flue gases are used to heat the air entering the combustion chamber, BYECTOR ~ A -vacuum producing device for removing air, gases or vapoure from condensers and vacuum equipment, FIRE PROOFED STEEL - A coating of concrete 50 mm thick applied to stee] structures supporting equipment, in order to prevent buckling of steel, due to excessive heat caused dy fire. FLAME ARRESTOR = A flanged item of equiyment usually containing gauzes etc., located to prevent flame travel along a Pipe. FLASH DRUM - A vessel in which hot liquide under pressure are allowed to vapourize by pressure reduction. Ww Piping Department Reference Manual Ua Layout Guide Glossary of Terns FLASH POIET FRICTION LOSS GLITSCH TRAY UNITE INTERFACE KNEE BRACE MOMENT CONNECTION MONORATL. MULTIPASS NON CONDENSIBLE ORIFICE METER PIPE ANCHOR the temperature at vhich hydrocarbon will ignite under certain conditions. A oupply of air under pressure 04g. 85 supplied by an air blover, or when, fans roy A drop in pressure due to friction between a pipe wall and the flowing medium. ‘A type of distillation tray used in towers. Concrete applied by sprey, used for example inside vessel skirts for fireproofing, and lining of offaite drainage trenches. ‘A supply of air produced by creating & vacuum ¢.g. a8 supplied to air fin tubes The level of separation between two non- miscible liquids in a vessel. dn angle bracing used for support in structural steel design. | AAREMIEER og pep rien amen to meaonre,dieferentiad Fronmste ‘A rigid cantilivered connection used in structural steel design. A single overhead trolley beam. More than one pase through the shell or tube side of a heat exchanger. ‘A ges which cannot be condensed at the existing pressure and with the cooling mediun available. dn instrument which produces @ pressure differential for flow measurement. k pipe support item which prevents all novenent of a pipe at a fixed location. wut ona 4 [7 mrr25.105 rex 0 | page 6 Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide Glossary of Terms PIPE GUIDE PITO? TUBE PLENUM PURGE RASCHIG RINGS i REACTION REFLUX REGENERATOR RUPTURE DISC SLURRY SNUFFING STEAM STRIPPING STEAM - A pipe support item which only allows pipe movement in a fixed direction. - A flow measuring instrument. - A presoure chamber in a ventilation system. - Avapour, gas or Mauid injected into @ pipe or vessel or instrument to remove undesireable gas or liquids for safety or Process reasons, = Quick condensation of a vapour by liquid | BRray. - Type of packing used in a tower, usually ceramic rings. - The chemical change resulting from the mixture of chemicals or compounds under certain conditions. = Condensed product fed back into the top of a distillation colum, - A-vessei, equipment etc, used to revitalize a compound such es a catalyst by heating or washing. - Apiping item which generally consists of a @iaphragm placed between a pair of flanges. ‘This disphragn has a set bursting pressure, and vill rupture within the safety pressure eet for the piping or vessel. - Amixture of solids and liquids. - Steam used to blanket fires in fired heaters etc. - The steam used to atrip undesireable fractions| from a process strean, wut nse dn Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide Glossary of Terns ‘A Tank Storage area on refinery/petrochenical - ‘TANK FARM = plant. TRANSMITTER - Adevice for transmitting instrument signals for recording or controlling. ‘VACUUM TOWER = A tower in which the distillation process is operated under a vacuum. ‘viscosrty = The resistance of a liquid to flow. FWL, 2015/1, ITI-2-5.105 rev. 0 page 8 Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide - Scope of Manual 1.00 1,01 ‘SCOPE OF Layour MANUAL ‘This mammal has been primarily prepared for the guidance and information of piping designers and draughtsmen engaged at F.W, Ltd., as a reference manual. The piping layout ete., considered throughout ti manual ~ refers specifically to-oll refinery mits and esecciated Petro Ckomtoal~Plants, Vhen designing piping for other types of plant, special conditions, not covered by this manual may have to be considered. When a special type of plant is being designed, piping requirenents must be decided upon, in conjunction with the Project Engineering Dept. In any ease, at the start of a new contract, the Piping Section leader must chock that 4f this manuel is allowed to be used as a guide for the piping layout work on the Contract, that the designers are also conversant with the clients own basic practices and standards, and are avare that the clients requirements morally take preference, Piping layout dravings should be prepared to give sufficient information to model makers, strese engineers, piping @raughtemen and all interested specialist departments to perform end complete their part of the contract with maximum efficiency and minimum recycle work. ‘Time should not be spent in trying to give the layouts a "final drawing" finish or unecessary embellishments such as pump outlines etc. To save draughting tine, elbows, bends, valves and as many other details as possible should be drawn freehand. Sines" layout-drewings are prepared.early.on in a.contracty sone vondors equipment.sizes nay not be lmown,- Careful consideration must therefore be given, "to-allowing-adequate. spaceator"8uch eguipnent_on the layouts. This applies particularly to package units and special equipment, ‘Lifétmation.for-common "items such-as~punps,.ejeotors~etov-msy be obtained from catalogues on the advice of Specialist lngineers, wor anee so Ww Piping Dopartnont Reference Mazual XTT-2.5.105 Layout Guide - Plot Plan Layout Toco 2,00 PLOT PLAN LAYOUT 2.01 The following itens must always be considered when laying out plot plans and piping: Process a) Process Requirements b) Economics o) Safety 4) Operation and Maintenance e) Construction £) Aesthetics 2,02 Process Requirements ‘he -pre2iminary.plot plen arrengonent should firet-beconsidered from a process peint of view, since the efficiency of the plant operation is of the greatest priority. ‘The equiyment shouldbe. 1aid_outefromiprocessition~eheotsy, generally in-order-of-process”flow-sequence, consideration being given to piporuck routing, safety distances otc. Other conditions that should be taken into account process wise are, elevations -of-equipaeut noteduon:flowsheots® ( may neSseedtate-thewuse"oO'Seetires), minimizing lengths of crdkicaislow-pressuresdrop"linssiynon=pockst ines y-and~punp suction lines, 2.03 Economics Economy in plant layout involves maxinising saving in inter connecting and supporting materials i.e. piping, electric cables, steelwork, concrete eto. the plant should be laid out as compactely es possible, consistent with maintenance of safety clearances, operational accessways ete. wun..2045/4. rev. 0 [page 10, Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide - Plot Plan Layout Wi! 2.03 Economies (Cont'd)... Subject to process requirements, as_much equigent.asposeible- should be-located-at grade. to save the use.of-structurel material, and stacking of shell and tube heat exchangers. After an initial plot plan has been produced, the location of all equipment, and critical piping (transfer lines, pump suctions etc.) should be proved by the preparation of « piping schematic draving. ‘he use of concrete versus steel as & support material for structures, pipe bents etc. should be considered, based on the location of the site, availability of local materials, importation problems etc. 2.04 Safety In all cases in plant layout, safety is of utmost importance. Sufficient clearance” between-critical-or-high-tempers ture items of oquipment-must-be-allowed: for operator and maintenance safety. toxic areas, control rooms and switchgear houses, In sone processes, direct fired heaters may be required to be located near to reactors or heat exchangers, in order to economise on expensive alloy piping. Provisions for operator escape routes must be maintained e.g. escape ladders on structures and air fin exchangers. Access for fire fighting equipment must be carefully considered together with the supply and location of fixed Monitors, hydrants and hose reels. 2.05 Operation and Maintenance Road-access.-around_and-within=the~plant-srewaust-benadequete ‘Tor "HASBESHAECS, and operation equipment to be safely manoeuvred, without endangering plant equipment, structures etc. Sufficient access must be provided to areas where equipment must ‘be replaced, ove. compressor househ and gensrator stations or war..oms/2. Piping Departnent Reference Manual T11-2-5.105 Layout Guide - Plot Plen Layout regu panera 2.05 2406 2.07 Operation and Maintenance (Cont'd). Ample space should be provided for storage of catalyst and chemical drums when necessary. Withdrawal areas for shell and tubs exchangers, tower internals punpo and cosprossor porte ote. should be considered, sneluding sccens: to: thesevareasy) Paved areas should generally be provided ‘around such items as pumps, shell and tube exchangers including withdrawal areas, below fired heaters and other areas where spillage is likely to occur, ‘he total extent of paving must agree vith clients specification. ge tion Although construction probleme seldom dictate the plot layout, occasions nay arise where due to equipment being extra large, or of awkward shape, special consideration must be given to @ location which will minimise difficult lifting conditions etc. ‘These problems are more likely to ocour whon-new-equipment=-has, to be fitted into existing unite on revasp contracts, Tn a1] the Construction Department should be consulted. Aesthetics Consideration should be given to the general appearance of & plant, Equipment should be lined up when possible, e.g. comtre- lines of shell and tube exchangers, centrelines of Pump ttacherges, contrelines or faces of tovers and vertical drus, tangent Mnes of horizontal vessels. Main pipe racks and laterals should be run at set elevations. Where equipment sequences are for similar process requirements, then the piping configuration should be similar. Concrally a neatly laid out plot plan insofar se process requirements are concerned, tends to give an economic plant. our mac M1 - 2 = 6.105 PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL - PLOT PLAN LAYOUT rev. 0 [page 12 TYPICAL PLAN OF PLANT IN PROCESS AREA | 2Oto [exchanger i 4 | : : é a i oF) - = WO i za | _ zo) On flanged spools required for maintenance or dismantling of equipment (e.g. at shell and tube exchanger channel ends, pipe runs requiring cleaning). o) Piping which is lined, galvanised, stress 7 a) Piping on revamped unite which cannot be site welded, due to continuity of plant running, and hazardous location of pipe eved etc. run. Piping within units should be grouped wherever practicable et established olevations, i.e, specifieveisvations-fer-Linas mummeng~ East Sar Wests The-atTrareHieevetwoer™thone~elevations should” be"s minimun-of— Bem More are certain exceptions to this rule, for example, tover or drum suction lines having critical N.P.S.H. conditions may i have flat turns, also relief valve headers, which should not be trapped, should have turns without pocket: Generally vhen lines change direction, they should also chenge elevation. Piping at or around equipment, should be so arranged that the equipment nay be dismantled for inspection and maintenance the minimun interference and removal of piping. Particular attention should be paid to clearences required for the removal of pump and turbine casings and shafts, pump drivers, exchanger undies, air fin bundles, compressor end engine pistons, compressor arivere and casings. Piping should be kept clear of mezholee, access openings, inspection points, davits,clearance areas for i with instrument vithdraval, and tower drop out areas+ eer mae fe III-2-5.105 Piping Department Reference Manual eto) reset e Layout Guide - Piping General Requirenents 3.08 The Piping Iesigner is usually responsible for commenting on vendors and P.W. drawings. Care should be taken that all equipment is checked against flowsheets and requisitions and ‘that Flange ratings etc., are compatible. wut, onss/o Piping Department Reference Mamal IIT-2-5.105 Layout Guide - Piping Layout Towers & Drums aenee roe 0 [page 17 SECTION 4,00 - PIPING LAYOUT AT TOWERS & DRUMS 4.01 The basic design of prepared by the Process Engineer, tues length and diameter .of tower, number and spacing of ‘rave tn tover, the number, oie and relative locations of nossies and instrument connections ‘to trays otc. the vessel details, and shell thickne Yosuel Specialist Department, but the Piping Designer suet orientate all nossles and instrument connections, 68 voll 6° dockding platform sizes and elevations. The platform siring ‘the structural steol designers to locate and select types shell by vessel vendor. are developed by the enable of platform support clips to be velded to 4.02 ‘The minimum elevation of the vessels are normally governed by pump H.P.S.H, requizesents, relationship to reboiiers etc. and ‘this information Ja given on the enginsering flowsheet. When necessary, elevations of vessels may be increased to improve headroon under bottoms lines etc., but care, mat be taken to ensure that these elevations are not go excessive that they win ead 40 mneconomical structures, concrete supports oF extra lengths of tover skirts. ‘Tho location of towers plan wise, is pasically eo the preliminary plot plan, but fixing dimensions of tovera are finalised by the Piping Designer. Groupe of towers can be Lined up by their centrelines ox by_backa_of toxex%- tthe distance between colums is governed by platforming (1.06 common or separate, the latter should be checked for overlapping), foundation sizes, and whether « comon foundation can be used for nore then one colum, access requirenents-and space for ar0P out area, ‘the tover drop out areas at grade, should be located to give ossy access, Whore. possible towers located adjacent to structures should utilise the structure platforms for access to ae minimise the tover skirt ttain the correct manvays etc., thus economising on Generally it is more economical to length, and maximise the use of concrete to & tover elevation, ‘Tis of course is dependent on the particular contract requirements. war, onsets o IIT-2-5.105 pace 18 - = Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide - Piping Layout Towers & Drums 4.02 4005 (cont'a) Special consideration must be given to the location of small @iameter towers (i.0.'600mn diameter or smaller), Due to the difficulty in some circumstances of making these towers self supporting, partial support fron an adjacent tower, or structure should be considered, and for tall towers guy ropes may be required. Some small diameter towers may be fabricated in flanged sections for maintenance purposes, and for these towers, access for mobile equipment or permanent facilities for dismantling purpos¢ must be made available. When preparing piping layouts for tower areas, the piping designer should have the following basic information:- a) Tower Scantling drawing ») Flovsheet showing minimum process requirements for elevations, instruments and piping, c) Preliminary plot plan shoving relative position of towers to other equipsent and the pipe rack. The following procedure should generally be adopted when commencing the piping layout: Draw on the layout sheet an elevation of the tover/towers to a scale of 1+ 100 and show on this elevation, to scale, all nozzles, manholes and instrument connections, estimating the locations of the latter if not Imown at this atage. (See also note 4.08). From this elevation the appropriate location of platform levels can be determined, and lengths of ladder runs ascertained. When ‘tisfied with these locations, a plan draving at each platform level should be prepared, so that nozzle orientation, piping runs and platform extents can be decided. 4.04 4405 4.06 Piping Department Reference Manaul Layout Guide ~ Piping Layout Towers & Drums. AIL tower nozzles, manvays and instrunent connections, should be oriented to avoid interference with internal downcone: daffles, piping ete. ‘The use of internal piping inside towers, to allow simplification of external piping, should be kept to a minimum, since generally thie piping becomes an additional maintenance problem, and also piping supplied by a vessel vendor is generally nore expensive ‘then ordinary fabricated piping. F.W. Standard 10 B11.7 (London). shows preferred locations and alternatives for feed nozsles, draw off noszles, and manvays in towers, with single and double pass trays, In a packed column, nozzle orientation becomes « simpler task, since there are few obstructions these being mainly piping internals, Tray orientations must alvays be indicated on the layout draving s0 that the Vessel Department can check the validity of nozzle orientations, and that process flow is correctly maintained. For example when changing froma single pass to a double pass tray it 19 normal for the lover double pass trays to be rotated ‘through 90° for correct process flow. When doubts exist on tray orientation the Piping Designer should check with the contract Vessel Engineer. ‘The following tower process lines should not be pocketed:— a) Overhead Vapour Lines b) Heater Transfer Lines c) Side Stream Lines If in doubt about special process consideration in his aroa, ‘the Piping Designer should check with the Project Engineer before commencing the layout drawing. AlL pide strean drav-off lines from fractionating towers should drop imediately at the drav-off nozzle. ‘The shut off valve should be located as close to the dray-off nozzle as possible, and the line should drop at least = 1500 mm after the shut-off valve before changing direction. [ TLI-2-5.105 rev 9 page 20 Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide - Piping Layout Towers & Drunis. 4.06 4.07 (Cont'd)... Piping rune down tovers should be located where possible on one face of the tower to avoid penetration of platforms, and to simplify pipe supports, All safety valves mst be located so that they are accessible for maintenance fron a permanent platform, Generally all valves 2" and larger, blinds and spacers and control valves should be accessible from grade or a permanent platform, When nobile handling equimment cannot be used, large bore blinds and spacers should have permanent handling facilities such as davit or runway beam, as should all safety valves, Where possible valves and blinds should be located so as not to cause dead legs in piping. lines connecting towers and control valve minifolds at grade or a low platfom, should be flexible enough to absorb vertical expansion so as to avoid the use of spring supports at the manifold. 411 instruments points should be accessible from pernancnt platforms or ladders, Where possible level gauges and level controllers should be adjacent, and the gauge glass preferably be visible from the valve which controls the liquid level in the vessel. ‘Temperature instruments in towers should be so located in accordance with process requirements, i.6, the vapour space or liquid seal section, these locations should be confirmed by the contract instrument engineer before layout commencement, since platform and ladder access can be affected. Care should be taken when orienting temperature connections to make sure that thermocouples can be withdrayn without being obstructed by piping, steelwork, etc, Pressure instruments are normally located in the vapour epace. 4.12 Layout Guide - Piping Layout Towers @ Drums. III-2-5.105 rex 0 [page 21 Piping Department Reference Manual Tower Platforming Wossle orientation has a great effect on platforming, and poor orientation will create unecononicel platforms. Platforms on towers should be kept to a minimm consistent with adequate access to valves, mamvays etc, ‘The shape of platforms to be used on towers (i.e. octagonal or circular), maximum ladder runs, access spacing etc. must be in accordance with the job specification, using clients or F.W, Standards. Platform access must generally be provided for the following:— Manways, handholes, blinds and spacers, davit or runway trolley operation, control valves, valves 2" size and over, and safety valves. ladder access is generally acceptable for the operation of 14" valves and smaller, these valves normally being for instrumentation. Some clients insist on full access to all noseles, therefore this point should be checked before commencing layouts. Cenerally manvays and nozzles below 4500 mm elevation, do not require platform access, providing that access from & portable ladder is practicable and acceptable to the client. Vanway olovations above platform levels should be between 750 mn end 1220 mn _to facilitate reasonable access. Manway hinges/davits should be oriented so that the manway cover opens away from the ladder and instrument access, and clears all other obstructions. Manways should be located to give good access to tower drop out area, so that tover internals, removed through the manway, require minimum manhandling to davit lifting tackle. Where possible platform support brackets should be the moment connection type, unless circumstances require the use of mee braced supports (e.g. thin vessel shell or small dieneter tower), When in doubt regarding type of support bracket to vse, the designer should consult the Structural Steel Section. wor, onan le ‘THI-2-5-105 Piping Deoartment Reference Manaul 0 [pave 22 Layout Guide - Piping Layout Towers & Drums 4.12 (Cont'd)... Adequate clearance between platform levels must be maintained to give a minimum clear headroom of 2100 mm, For operation safety purposes, the use of split platforms should be avoided, Tower davits must be provided for handling safety valves, line blinds and spacers, and tover internals. Where excessive loads are involved oversize davits or runvay beam structures may have to be provided. 4.21 4.22 IT-2-5,.105 Piping Department Reference Mamal Layout Guide - Piping Layout Tovers & Drums ‘Tangent line or bottom elevations of drums, should’be in accordance with process requirements and as noted on the flovsheet. Where no pro levation is noted, the drum should generally be located at a minimum height,. Consideration should also be given to any slope requirements indicated on the flowsheets. Care should be excorcised when locating nozzle order to take account of process requirements, e.g- making sure that the water draw off sumps are located upstream of outlet nozzles. Some nozzle locations may sometined be changed to simplify piping runs, but these changes must be acceptable process wise. In all cases vhere changes are required, check | with the Vessel Department, Adeaquate space and lifting facilities (when mobile equipment cannot be used) must be provided for maintenance and withdrawal of Agitators, coils etc. on drums in Drum platforming should be kept to a minimum consistent with auitable access to nozzles, valves, safety valves, manways, instruments etc. Ladder access is generally permissible for the operation of 14" valves and smaller on level instruments. win. oni8 At W1-2-8.105 rou 0 — pave 24 PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE — TYPICAL TOWEL PIPING LAYOUT W Note: Do not obstruct access to ladders @ angles sve pages 61,82, Tomperatire instr’s in liquid or vapour space, Check befere locating platforming & Ladders. Locate LG and LC together — We Bracket Positions per F.W. or Clients Stds. Where possible avoid § holes through platforms Locate manways to giveclear ¢|3 Zz access on to tray area Se "2000 Max for Clewanee per FW. I B38 clearance oF Clieis Ste, Clearance per FM. BSB or Clients Std. Nol, ah —_ 7 ‘, ' 6 Y i nb ‘Arrange feed A piping to give Locate: vatvas at ox symmetrical Nozzles wien flow conditions| possible »¥ = 4 300 to back of pipes ms) * for dimensions 2 An s Bless as £58 i a2 28 - ag a : LL a/, Oa ~~ tae ‘Access from ladder : aig when necessary oe 2g8 te) \ [fk 380 Normally : Keep skirt accessways clear of piping C 1. Dimensions are in millimetres, ‘Pur..on48/>. s PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE — TYPICAL TOWERS PLATFORM REQUIREMENTS org fz Clearance to suit Fall. oF For access clients standard. to Nozzle Bolting Step through ladder if clients standard allows Provide addit area for large Dia. blinded nozzles Tray Drop Out Area Note: Locate Davit to provide ample eel i si g : g sere = : eae 00 Min, Headroom coverage of manway areas and relief valves Manway Flt 50 [iad Max ladders runs to suit FN. Skirt length to suit job specification requirements on foundation heights Cage required for all ladder run in [excess of 2440 above grade or platform elevation Dimensions are in nillinetres. Downcomer odd Trays Plat. EL 2700 PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE — TYPICAL TOWER PIPING LAYOUT ~_Plat. EL. Tan. Line ie e 09 © “.¢ C2) 2x0/ Xx = +4 © <- G ‘MaNc-c __ Grade EL. = 00 1M-2-5.105 rev. 0 [page 27 PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE — TYPICAL DRUM PIPING LAYOUT W ‘sozjouFTTTH UT ery suoTeuemT — one 5 dnosg 1a19 Aq pasinpe aq 01 9215. pue edi vonepunoy -seppe} wauewsed Aq ‘9q ew saa9e wou ‘smoj|® psepuers sivo) pus arisoddo tue), “epe6 anoge $59) 10 sseoaud 1uns 01 adoig be Lo L = “ange pue “B'N.9 Buldd wos, 201 8q ‘Aew put pus siya ie pasinbas 1 wan ‘wmug Burdoyg 103 aoe Piping Department Reference Manual 0 [page 26 layout Quide ~ Piping Layout at Heat Exchangers 5.00 HEAT EXCHANGERS The following list gives a description of the types of exchanger encountered in Refinery/Petro Chemical work. Exchanger. - Interchanges heat between one media and another, 4.e. cools one stream and heats the other, No heat loss or physical change occurs in the flowing media. Cooler ~ (Intercooler or Afterocaler) - oaseh or liquids are vater cooled without jcondensation occuring in gases, Subcooler ~ Vapour ia condensed by water cooling and the condensate is further cooled. Condenser - a) Vapour or Vapour mixture is water cooled ‘ith heat loss. >) Vapour or Vapour mixture is cooled by a cold process stream, which gives a direct interchange of heat, without heat loss. Chiller - A refrigerant is used to cool the process stroam below the freezing point of vater or below the prevailing cooling water temperature, - (Precheater) - te process strean ia generally heated up to its boiling point, but without Buch vapourization, ‘he heating nedia can be steam, dovthern or another process stream. - The bottoms process liquid in a tower is +. Febodled to provide vapour for the fractionation process, The heating media can be team or another process stream, Where large quantities of vapour are required a kettle type reboiler is used. IIT~2-5.105 WW Piping Department Reference Mamial Layout Guide ~ Piping Layout at Heat Exchangers ~ Waste Heat Boiler - Uses waste gas from other process equipment as _ steam generating media, Stean Generator, = Uses a process ges or liquid as a steam generating media. Vapourises a part of the process liquid stream by using steam or another hot Yapourizer (Evaporator) process media, 5.01 Shel) and chany All Exchangers should be located at grade where possible, with elevations kept to a minimum. ‘Theelevation of shell and tube exchangers 4s generally determined | by the lowest allowable bottom of pipe elevation of the largest dianeter pipe emanating fron a bottom nozzle. ‘The 3,0.P. elevation of these lines must include allowances for drain connections. : Groups of exchangers should generally be located on the plot plan ) by the alignment of the channel nozzles, Where tube bundle lengths i are the eame in a group of exchangers, the centrelines of the support feet, and hence the concrete piers should line up. On a | unit which hes piled foundations it is usually desireable to line up plore to simplify the underground support been erillage. ) Exchangers should not be stacked more than to high unless special provieion is made for maintenance purposes. 02 Where possible mobile equipment should be used for the handling of tube bundles, channel and shell head covers for exchangers located at grade, ‘The use of built in handling facilities should be kept to a minimum, Shell cover davite may be used when the shell heads are inaccessible to mobile equipuent. Where, for process or space saving reasons, it ia necessary to or concrete structure should be elevate exchangers, a ste provided. If a choice of structure material is dependent on economics, the Civil Depertment should be consulted. par, anac te ° 5.02 (Cont'd)... 5204 5.05 30 Layout Guide ~ Piping Layout at Heat Exchangers ——___— aeeeeoees Piping Department Reference Manual | When exchangers are supported in a structure, suitable trolley beans and lifting tackle for handling exchanger parts should be provided. Consideration must also be given to maintenance facilities for vertical shell and tube exchangers vhich are usually supported in a structure, and may have a runway beam built in, On fixed tube exchangers space must be allowed for tube replacement or cleaning in situ. The question of mobile equipment versus built in maintenance should be agreed with the Project Department and client at the commencenent of the contract. Spacing between exchangers is governed by the allowance of adequate clear access between all obstructions. Where no access is required, a minimm of 375 mm — should be allowed between channel or shell flanges whichever is the greater. Piping layout at exchangers should be simple, and this can sometimes be accomplished by making physical changes to the exchangers, but these changes should not change the duty or increase the cost of the equipment. She general rule for fluid flow through a shell and tube exchanger ia to achieve contreflow i.e, heated media flow up, cooled media flow down. Yo simplify piping the following changes may be considered:. a) Change the diréction of both the shell and tube sides. >) Relocate nozzles longitudinally on shell. c) Straight nozeles may be changed to elbowed or tangential nozzles to reduce elevations and stacking heights. ‘The piping should be routed in euch a manner as to leave both the shell cover and channel end free of overhead obstructions so that aintenance facilities will not be impaired. Complex valving at exchangers should vhere possible be manifolded at grede by the shell side to allow easy operation, ‘he use of chain operated handwheels should be kept to a minimum. ae ante dn | Layout Guide - Piping Layout at Heat Bxchangers Piping Department Reference Manual 5.5 (cont'd)... Valves should not be located directly on top of channel nozzles as thie would cause an obstruction when removing channel ends. Also to save additional piping connections, the thernowell connections supplied in all exchanger nozzles and normally plugged, may sometines be utilized for permanent instrument locations, subject to the approval of the Project Department, In order to take up thermal expansions, one support foot of & shell ania tube exchanger has slotted holding down bolt holes. ‘These are- normally located on the foot furthest fron channel end, ‘ut the final location mist be decided by the stress section, wir nna la Piping Departaent Reference Manual Layout Guide = Piping Layout at Heat Exchangers Air fins should be located after due consideration has been given to the provisions of mobile maintenance access for tube removal, and noise level restrictions, hen proce: and apace conditions allow, air fins should be located at grade. When this is not possible,air fins are generally located on top of structures or above pipe racks, 5:11" Sinee the air fin vendors allovable nozzle stresses must not be exoveded, all piping tieing into nozzles should be sufficiently supported and flexible. 411 air fin piping design must be confirmed by the stress section as being acceptable. Piping should not be routed in air fin areas in a way that would obstruct maintenance, i.e, tube bundle removal, tube redding out at header bores, motor and fan access, or platform access, On multiple noszle air fin units, the pipe configuration should be designed to allow for equal flow conditions at nozeles, 5-12 Platform requirements on air fins must be decided in conjunction with the Project Department and Vendor at the commencement of the contract. - 5-13 When air fins are supported on structures or pipe racks, the supporting legs of the air fin should coincide with stanchions of the pipe rack structure where possible, so that air fin loads oan be directly transmitted. ‘This may involve uneven spacing \ of pipe rack bents, but will save on expensive support tie beams between stanchions, In any ease, an economic study is advised, to check extra steel, foundations etc. weer, enact PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT & GUIDE — PIPING LAYOUT AND HEAT EXCHANGERS = M-2-8.105, rev. 0 [page 33 SECTION 1 Hoot Exchanger Nomenclature To be read in conjunction with exchanger requisition, STATIONARY HEAD TYPES REAR HEAD TYPES Ve js REMOVABLE CHANNEL& COVER ——TY ONE PASS SHELL Luxe ‘A’ STATIONARY HEAD + af BONNET (INTEGRAL COVER) wP fs _ S vd Peo WITH LONGITUDINAL BAFi sre Luke 'C” STATIONARY HEAD. pag Neosat NEF a Hi INTEGRAL WITH TUBE SHEET REMOVABLE COVER ‘OUTSIDE PACKED. FLOATING HEAD DOUBLE SPLIT FLOW ‘SPECIAL HIGH PRESSURE ‘CLOSURES. KETTLE TYPE AEBOIL: TUBE BUNDLE Ji m2. 2-618 PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE ~ HEAT EXCHANGERS THIS DRAWING PROVIDES STANDARD DIMENSIONS SUITABLE FOR LAYOUT OF THE MORE COMMON TYPES OF EXCHANGER. Lh Sube Length [less 610% - tO remove Min. to remove| cover) bundle) od u Nom. ‘4880 TUBES 6100 TUBES Shell ; mo [230 [430 | 420 | sai | 4265 6630 | 540s [ av [25s [so [430 | seas | at65 e705 _| 5305, vo _[ eo [60 [aes [ss00 | ans 670 | 5335 tiv |} 290 | 860 [sto [seis | as 6895 | 5305 sso_|| 05 [560 [506 | sees | ans sass | 5395 | s10_|{ 30s | sas | seo | se90 | sono sero | 5260 0] 358 | 660 | s60 | 5790 | a900 rovo [S210 [ 710 |] 380 | cas | ss | sao | 000 ‘7050 | 6210 + yo | ae0 | eas | 620 | sees | sa50 7oss_| 5180 us|} 3e0 | eas | 650 | sees” | seas 708s | 5155 es 405 | 710 | 605 | se20 | aero 736 5130 as [40s [m0 [0 | sais | sero mies | 5130 sss] 430 | 785 | 725 | 6020 | se35 rao | 5055 ros || ass | 765 | 760 | 6070 | 3635 ms0 | S65 (toss ass | sis | 705 | coos | sass 7315_| 505s { j sno_| aes | ors | rs [6120 | 035 7340_| 505s 170 | 405 _| e400 | e460 | ors | 3810 7265 _| 5030 rzzo | 405 | e40 | 065 [6200 | aero 7420 | 5030 Dimensions are in millimetres. PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE — HEAT EXCHANGER NOZZLE LAYOUT Alternat HEAT EXCHANGER DETAILS — FLOW CONDITIONS FOR SINGLE PASS SHELL piping arrgt. Cold streams always to be at bottom. "ull tubes in this direction SERIES FLOW PARALLEL FLOW e Preferred: Hot cooling Hot stream . = Hot heating Alternate =I ed medi preferred a Apemae | Hot steam preferred | fy L I >) te Ay ae ee t i {4 o stream | ZA! Cold cooling Cold hesting medium medium STACKED EXCHANGERS cooters HEAT EXCHANGERS lconnectod nozzles on stacked Outlet of stream being cooled Outlet of stream being heated angers to be on opposite to be at same end as Inlet of to be at same end as inlet, ds if possible to minimize of cooling medium of heating medium. feltect of unequal vertical and Horizontal expansion. ‘*NOTE:— These streams may be changed if neccessary for improved 11-2-6,105, PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE ~ TYPICAL EXCHANGER PIPING LAYOUT 150 Min clearance between pipe and Break flanges tobe fitted in Insulation i piping from channel nozzles when required by job spec. _7 Froterred Pipe_J Toute if flexibility Ss 159 Min clearance between ive and foundation, 150 Mi Exchanger centres are dependent on clearance requirements of valves and piping from nozzles giving Min. walkway. 150 Min clearance between pipe and exchanger davit. Access required at channel end for aL removal of exchanger 20'bin tube bundle ‘ Centerline elevation of =-ffr- exchangers is dependent fon clearance required between grade and bottom nozzle __and fittings Min, clearance required t L between 8.0.P. and “arade is 300 for ae uninsulated and 400 f 1g -Q_—_tor insulated pine. Generally valves may be fitted Elevation of mating directly on shell and bottom flange to be agreed ‘channel nozzles only. with U.G. Group Dimensions are in millimetres, owt ante in 1-2 -5.105 rex 0 [page 37 PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE — HEAT EXCHANGERS Wi Suonrdeuv03 moqy3 paibuy 1eo1dA1 9|220N pawoal J0 sn ayy Bulmoys s9jdwexg i } PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL W) LAYOUT GUIDE ~ TYPICAL EXCHANGER HANDLING EQUIPMENT Keep structure to a minimum size by utilising stanchion tie beams {8 supports and providing cantilevered platform. imum Clearances Per F.M or Clients, Elevation of lifting beams by Civil Group Stairway of ladder access dependent on size of structure & clients require= (@) rent Trolley bs extended to handle exchanger 7 2 Head removal. Type of Structure i.e, Stee! or Concrete to be decided ——>| by Civil Group Permanent Withdrawal Structure (If required). Dimensions are in millimetres. wr anse tn \W/ PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL M-2-5,105, LAYOUT GUIDE - TYPICAL AIR FIN PIPING rex 0 [page 39 PPiping should not be routed over the top of Air Fin bundles Plattonning at Ait Fn ructures er [eb Speci ation. ‘ Headers from and to Air Fin should be designed to give snifom flow tonoazies Minimum clearane] ‘of 2060 required between overhead] iping and nozzle| cess plat. When desiginin ee Air Fin piping Consul stress soup on pipe routing Air Fin Structures fare not to be used for pipe supports. ———*" |} jout vendors. permission. Dimensions are in millimetres. FHL,2015/1, III-2-5.105 Piping Departnent Reference Mamal | w) d xi0i | pereTa0 Layout Guide - Piping Layout at Pimps @ Turbines Pumps generally fall into two groups as follows:— @) Rotodynamic Pumps r >) Positive displacement pumps. a wheel or rotor of some kind. Some types of pumps in this group are: Centrifugal, Axial Flow and Mixed Flow. The centrifugal pump is the commonest in which the liquid moves 6.01 Rotedynamic Pumps - The essential element of these pumps is | through the impeller, generally in an outvard or radial direction. i | ‘The axial flow pump is a propeller type of pump in which the 1 general direction of the liquid is parallel with the shaft. In the mixed flow pump, as the name implies, the flow through the rotor is partially axial and partly radial, 6.02 Positive Diaplacenent Pume. ‘This type of pump when minning at a steady speed, positively displaces the liquid at almost a fixed rate, irrespective of the resistance the liquid encounters. ‘The main type of pumps are:- Reciprocating and Rotary. ~ I I I I A typical reciprocating pump has a ram, plunger, piston or other cylindrical elenent working backards’and forwards 1 within. a cylinder or pump barrel. ‘The motion is usually derived through a connecting rod to a erank revolving at a uniform speed. Automatic valves control the flow of liquid 1 into the cylinder and out again. I I l I Rotary pumpe can be of the following type:- Rotating cylinder, gear, vane, serev or lobe, each of vhich has one or more closely fitting element which revolve continuously vithin a fixed casing. Thie type of pump has no valves, and the liquid flows through the passages in a nearly uniform stream, wr mer on Piping Department Reference Manual TII-2. Layout Guide - Piping Layout at Pumps & Turbines aco Tea 6.03, its ip (UP ve 6.04 105 4 HAP.S, it Poss! on Head) Pumps do not suck in liquids, they reduce the pressure in the suction chamber and external pressure then pushes the liquid into the pump. For any given pump with a given suction arrangenent, the operation of that pump is governed by the nett positive suction head (NPSH) available. ‘This head is the pressure available at the entrance or impeller eye to move and accelerate the liquid entering the eye. The available NPSH is calculated from the pressure at the suction flange of the pump connected to the pump centreline, minus the vapour pressure of the liquid corresponding to the pumping temperature, plus the velocity head, a11 neasurenents being converted to metres of liquid. It must, be renenbered that the NPSH available is a fimetion of the eyaten, and is governed by the suction head or 1ift, friction and the vapour pressure of the Liquid being handled. Depending on the job conditions the available N.P.S.H. can be altered to suit that required by the pump for satisfactory operation providing thet changes can be made in the piping, level of liquid eupply eto. N.P.S.H. available must not be confused with N.P.S.E. required. NPSH required is a function of the pump design and varies from one make of pump to the next, thus while the available NPSH ie calculated, the required NPSH must be obteined from the pump manufacturer. When the NPSH required is in excess of the NPSH available, cavitation will occur, this being a physicel phenomenon which causes erosion of metallic surfaces. In the case of centrifugal Pumps this erosion occurs at the inlet tips of the impeller blades. Pumps are normally located in the open, but in sone instances, due to local weather conditions or at clients request, can be located in a shelter or covered-in building. WHL.2005/1. 111-225-105 Piping Department Reference Manual 6.04 6.05 Layout Guide - Piping Layout at Pumps & Turbines (Cont'a).. The normal location of pumps on petro chemical units is under ‘the pipe racks, where adequate access is generally available, together with ample electrical cable run space. Pumps handling very hot liquids should be separated from pumps handling volatile liquids by a wall, when located in the sane pump area, . ° The spacing of pumps should be arranged to provide a preferred clearance of 1000 mm between any projection i.e. piping, foundations of adjacent pumps, pipe rack stanchions ete. ‘the minimum clearance allowed is 760 mm, With normal optimum pipe rack bent spacing of 6000 m it will generally be found that only two pimps of average size will fit between the bents with enough clearance space. Therefore in pipe layout work, if space is not at a premium; do not allow for more than this mumber between bents especially if final pump base sizes are not known, Pumps are generally located planwise by lining up the centre lines of all top discharge nozzles, Centrifugal punp centre lines should be maintained at 760 mm elevation where possible, dependent on pump sizes, and foundation heights involved. In all cai the minimum foundation height set either by client or F.W, Ltd. standards must take All pump suction lines should be kept as short as possible Without pockets, When selecting nozzle locations for centrifugal Pumps, it is normal to have top suction nozsle for overhead suction lines, Overhead suction lines should slope towards the pump nozzle when possible, especially vhen the pumped Liquid is viscous. war. onan Jo. Piping Department Reference Manual III-2-5,105 Layout Guide - Piping Layout at Pumps & Turbines 6.05 6.06 6.07 (Conta). ‘Temporary or permanent pump strainers must be fitted in all pump suction lines downstream of the block valves, as called for on the flowsheet. The type of temporary strainer to be used i.e. plate or conical should be decided at the start of the contract and should be in accordance with the clients or F.W, Ltd standards. Block valves in suction and discharge lines, should be located as close to the pump nozzles as possible. All piping at pumps should be flexible enough and suitably supported to prevent over- stressing of pump nozzles. Since pump piping can be critical in many instances, and since some difficulty can be experienced in using the stress nomograph to solve high temperature piping configurations at pumps, these problens should be submitted to the Stress Section for solution as soon as possible, so that surrounding equipment and piping can be arranged to suit. Pumps operating at 315°C or above, must be provided with a 1" warm up cross over system, to allow for correct changeover conditions at spare pumps. 42" drain connection should be installed on all discharge lines fitted with check valves (1.0, normally roto dynamic pumps), downstream of the check valve. wor nae he III-2-5.105 _—_ Layout Guide - Piping Layout at Pmps & Turbines Piping Department Reference Mamal | Wi ie TURBINES 6,11 Turbines are an alternative pump or compressor driver to 4d electric motors. They are quick starting and have an easily controlled variable speed. Where possible piping at steam d turbines of the samo manufacture should be of similar 1 configuration. All piping at turbines should be designed to allow for sufficient support and flexibility to prevent over stressing of turbine nozzles. Block or control valves on the turbine inlet lines should be located in a horizontal position so that the line can be trapped y to prevent water slugging. Drain connections to remove this condensate must be located on the low point of the turbine inlet Jdne upstream of the block valve. For turbines on automatic start-up, steam traps should also be provided at the low point of the inlet line, and connected as close as possible to the automatic start up valve. The block valve on the exhaust line of the turbine should be located at the turbine in a horizontal or vertical position. No additional block valve should be provided at the exhaust steam header. for hand operation. Sxpansion joints for turbine exhaust steam lines, must not be used unless shown on the Engineering flowsheet. Where expansion Jednts are called for they should be located adjacent to the exhaust flange. Turbines are normally supplied with an integral strainer, but where these are not supplied, a 'Y! type atrainer should be fitted as noar to the turbine nozzle as possible. ALL regulating, throttling or control valves should be accessible I wor ante dn | PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE — PIPING LAYOUT PUMPS & TURBINES M1-2-5.108 rev. 0 [page 45 jg Accessway This distance to be kept to a minimum enabling utilisation ‘of pipe rack asa supporting ‘medium. When possible these piping elevations should correspond 10 normal lateral spacing, 760 Min re ! Pump piping to be designed to allow for sufficient support & flexibility to avoid overstressing pump nozzles. Dimensions are in millinetres, Drip Ring Lt. with dea 5 keep chain 28 nA operated bRa 5 rain conn. it Peeiveale : eed chuck valve minimum eae body for ere 8° size & above 25 & Pumps 760 Mi _ . - i Grade EL_0 - 1 i 1 £ t 111-248-105 Safety valve is fitted in exhaust steam line, only when specified Globe valve is not required on larger Turbines supplied with handwheels on governor valve for hand throttling (or shut off, PIPING DEPAI LAYOUT GUIDE PIPING LAYOUT & PUMPS & TURBINES. \RTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL Exhaust steam header \ ‘Check valve fitted in exhaust steam line, depending on job specification “Y" st (373 kW & larger turbines) Ste Trap Drain Expansion joint at nozzle only when specified on Flow Sheet. When turbine is arranged for automatic standby operation, block valve in exhaust steam line must be car sealed open. rte in Since reciprocating compressors create e considerable anount of vibrations due to imbalanced forces, pulsation ote., the routing of piping must be specially considered so that transmitted vibrations along the pipes can be quickly neutralized by adequate pipe supporting, : As with pumps all yiping must be designed to allow for sufficient support and flexibility to prevent overatressing of compressor nozzles. When poseible the piping should be run at grade oF floor level, so that a more positive means of anchoring, guiding and supporting can be attained. Changes in direction of compressor piping should be lept to an absolute minimum, Vhen jsompressor piping is uanifolded, avoid the use of configurations involving oprosed flox. Where pulsation danyeners are used, they should be located on, or very near to the compressor nozzles. 4 Wi Piping Department Reference Manual TTT-2-5.105 Layout Guide ~ Pij it at Ce you: le - Piping Layout at Compressors 0 ae aT 7.00 COMPRESSORS ‘wo types of compressor are commonly used on Refinery/Petro- chemical plant, these are:- a) Reciprocating Compressors: bd) Centrifugal Compressors Both types of compressor/compressors are normally located inside a permanent shelter or building for weather protection. The shelters can be fully sheeted to grade, or the sheeting can start from about 2100 mm above grade, to give all round open access. In any case the building design will depend on the contract specifications. The buildings should generally include built-in maintenance equipment, such as travelling gantries with overhead crane. A separate drop out bay may also be required within the building. 7.01 Reciprocating Compressors PHL. 2015/1. 7.05 7.04 7.05 Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide - Piping Layout at Compressors Piping should not be routed to attain support from any building frame, as thie will transmit compressor vibrations. Anchor and ‘pipe supports are notmally spaced unevenly to reduce harmonic motion in the piping. Al] questions concerning the routing, locations of anchors and supports, of compressor piping should be discussed with the Piping Stress Section. Centrifuge) Compressors. The problem of vibration in centrifugal compressors and piping ie minimal compared with reciprocating compressors, but since the size of suction and discharge piping on a centrifugal compressor tends to be of larger bore, the supporting of this piping becomes critical. Therefore the piping should be routed to allow for ample supporting, since virtually no load should be exerted on the compressor nozzles, oving to the relatively thin body casing, and the adverse effect this loading would have on the compressor operation. Sometimes the use of expansion bellows may be considered in order to wave on extensive flexible piping runs. Inbricating, seal and control o4] systems are usually supplied by the compressor vendor, but inter-connecting piping between the lube of] console and compressor may sonetimes have to be supplied and routed by FY, Ltd. Generally this piping should have no pockets, Feed piping to the compressor lube and seal oil systen is normally alley and return piping ie carbon steel. ‘All compressor suction lines should be fitted with temporary strainers, All lubricating seal and control piping systems should be pickled in accordance with FW. or clients standards, Other compressor piping should be pickled vhen specified. ee le le 1-2-6105 we 0 fae © ‘Compressor. PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL VIEW ON ‘A’ — ‘A’ LAYOUT GUIDE — PIPING LAYOUT & COMPRESSORS | | sauteng ‘dw, adAy ea, sesodind sa}0u 03 ‘ssoa0e ayenbepe molly ‘sousueyureU ‘wnsp yno x90uy —~ — Z say em bu1yo09 sepuyyAo Bers 1s) 201044 x 4 squawesinbor Ayyiqpxoy Ns 04 s3u1) sossasdwioo "@ wonein6 U0) 1d ooueueyureW 40} dwoo ¥ 2010W 0} PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE — PIPINT LavouT & COMPRESsCAS omy | aay ee] ee M-2-5.108, rex 0 [page 50 @| Piping Department Reference Manual T1I-2-5.105 Layout Guide - Piping Layout at Fired Heaters. [7.9 |page 51 8.00 8,01 8.02 EIRED BEATERS ‘two types of heater are normally used for refinery and petro— chemioal work:~ a) Vertical Cylindrical Heaters >) Box Type Heaters ‘the vertical heaters can be either of single coil type, or 6 nore complex arrangement of radiation and convection tube banks. The single coil heater is about 1600 mm — diameter with a single bumer, and is generally used as a preheater, reboiler or incinerator, the coil inlet being at the top of the heater to produce concurrent flow. ‘the shell diameter of a radiant/ conveetion type heater can be up to 6000 mm diameter, with a cluster of two or more bumers located in the floor. ‘The inlet connection to the heater 1s located at the top of the convection tube bank, and the outlet connection can be located either at the top or bottom of the radiation section. Aox heaters normally have horizontal coils for both the radiation and convection sections, and can provide more’ scope for heat application in that more area in the floor and walls is available for burner locations. This type of heater is usually nore expensive than cylinder type heaters and requires more plot space. Where possible all outlet nozzles (and inlet nozzles in the case of heaters without convection banks) should be located at the bottom of the heater, to allow for economy in piping and fittings, easy access to valves, ete., and low level support for the transfer line. ‘The distance between heaters and other process equipment can very with the type of unit, but generally a safety distance of approximately 15000 mn is required. ‘This should be checked ageinet clients etandarés if any, When locating heaters on plot plans, an allowance for the withdrawal of heater tubes, access for maintenance equipment, and fire fighting vehicles must be considered. ITT~2-5.105 Piping Department Reference Kamal Leyout Guide - Piping Layout at Fired Heaters 8.02 8.03 8.04 (cont'a),.. Whore a mmber of heaters are grouped, economics will decide whether the hosters require individual stacke or whether « common stack is necessary. : Heater inlet and outlet piping should have synetrical configuration to allow for equal flow to and from noszles, ‘Transfer lines should be routed in the shortest way possible, to keep the pressure drop in the line to a minimm, Since connections on the heater are subject to large movenents, due to the expansion of the heater tubes, and the acceptable nozzle loading is relatively small, all piping connected to the: nozzles must be carefully considered with reference to flexibility and support,in order to prevent overstressing of nozzles. Pipe trenches or pits must not be located under the heater because they constitute a fire harard. Separate sub headers from the main headers should supply each row of burners vith fuel oil, fuel gas, and atomizing stean. The control valve stations in the service lines to burners, should be located in groups at grade, adjacent to the heater. Sub headers at heaters should be provided with clean out flanges or spools per F.W. Standards, Separate leads to each burner should be taken from the tops of the sub headers. Shut-off valves at each burner must be located so that they are accessible fron a working level, usually a platform. Burner shut off valve manifolds, should be 80 located so thet the valves can be adjusted vhile the operator observes the flanes through the observation ports. In all cases, burner piping at heaters should be run overhead in a neat and orderly fashion, Care must be taken to avoid obstruction of header box doors or panels, observation ports, tube removal arees or any other features of the heater, necessary for its operation and maintenanc: Piping Department Reference Manual T11~2-5.105 Layout Guide ~ Piping Layout at Fired Heaters. [7.0 [page 53 8.05 Snuffing steam manifolds should be located at a minimum distance of 9000 om from heaters, the piping layout complying with FW, Ltd or clients standards, PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE — PIPING LAYOUT AT FIRED HEATERS — “91q1Ssod se Loys se ido M-2-6,105 rox. 0 [page 54 *so}2z00 '9q 0} su} 49)SUe1] —_ uy) s9jsuey ‘uy Yoyo0d oN, 9g 2Bed oos ‘vonenunuos 04 s19g jose << aw wer ose in 1-2-6.105, rex_0 [pages PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE — PIPING LAYOUT AT FIRED HEATERS ‘soxjouy;[TTu UF exe suopFUON TT “(pasn oq 04 you 51 asoy 9191x013) ‘eoueusiureU Jo osee 40) 9. apeut '9q 0} Burdid sawing “sapeoy “ung Gurysnug 204 ou\t 2 60} dua 8 eu, wears “sareay 0} wears Buryynuig s0peoy weaig II-2-5.105 Piping Departnent Reference’ Manual ren 0 [ase 56 Tayout Guide - Piping'Layout at Pipe Racks 9400 PIPERACES 9.01 202 9.03 Piperack layout work can commence early in the contract when the engineering flovsheets are issued, By using the proposed plot Plan, a schematic layout can be produced and the width, mumber of rack levels, and cross sections through critical areas of the piperack oan be produced. From this schenatic, and equiment area piping layouts, the final piping layout drawing can be made, The spacing of piping on racks should be in accordance vith the particular contract standards, Hot process and utility lines should be kept to one side of the pipe rack when possible, to alloy space for expansion loops. Large bore. lines should be located as near to the colum lines as possible in order to reduce eccentric loadings en the pipe bent stanchions. Om double tier racks, as a general rule, utility headers are located in the top level, and process lines together with lines containing corrosive liquids are located in the lower level. Where possible utility headers should be kept to the side of the Pipe rack which effects the most economical lengths of lateral take-offs, Piping laterals should be spaced, so that vhen pipe rack headers expand, there will be no interference between one lateral and another, In all cases, piping on racks should be arranged in a neat manner, allowing as much space as possible for future pipe runs. Spacing between pipe bents should be determined in accordance with equipment and plot size conditions, but should be « maximum of 6000 mm which is an optimm allovable span for piping 3” bore and over. Occasionally, where numerous runs of small bore piping are involved on pipe racks, intermediate support beams may ‘be required, Normally small bore headers should be supported, midway between pipe bent spens, by larger bore lines. When deciding spacing between bents consideration must be given to support locations for equipment located above the rack (e.g. air fins, drums etc.) and equipment located betveen. the bents at grade (e.g. pumps, drums). war ose sa w| 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 Par,.oni5/4. Piping Department Reference Manual 111-2-5.105 Layout Guide - Piping Layout at Pipe Racks Widths of pipe bents should be kept to a minimum of 6000 mm between stanchions where possible in order to keep steel/concrete beams to a reasonable size. Extra space may be obtained by either adding another rack level, or adding cantilevers. Where possible single level pipe racks should be provided, in order to simplify piping and facilitate easy construction and maintenance. ‘The following items are required before a final vidth of pipe rack can be considered :— : a) Actual space required by known'number of pipes (felon at most concentrated area). b) Future pipe and/or cable space requirenents. ©) Present space requirements for instrument and/or electricel cable runs. Item (a) can be obtained from the schematic layout as applicable for each pipe rack leg. Items (b) and (c) as obtained from the Project and Specialist Engineering Departments. ‘the type of construction material used for pipe rack tents and tie beans i.e, concrete or structural steel must be decided at the beginning of the contract by F.W, Ltd or the client. Where the steel is used, fireproofing may be involved, if equipment is supported ty the pipe rack, or if required by clients standards. Generally the minimum clearance between the underside of the lowest pipe rack steel or pipe, whichever ie lower, to the high point of grade or paving is as follows: a) In trucking areas ~ 3650 mm. b) 421 other areas - 2450 mm. c) Piping over railroad spurs - 6700 mm. fron top of rails ‘These minimum clearances are the F.W. Ltd standard, end must be checked against the clients standards at the beginning of the contract. PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE™ PIPING LAYOUT AT PIPERACKS PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE — PIPING LAYOUT AT PIPE RACKS w| Min. Head Room requirement for vehiclular clearance to suit F.W. or Clients Stds. ‘peg + (0008 uedg wnuspKeyy seoxjeuTTT TH UE exe suoTsuSNTG Jana|nueg See OSL *yoe! wontog ut Gurdid inyy entso03 sesere} enoge ssepeoy umopmoyq pue a1e\) 218207 =y9e1 dot vo seu Auinn Al ‘Suo|suayxe se\qny 20} SuojyouRss sano ageds @neey (ce “(p,be1 41) e0eds Bupyoes ASU) B 81G¢D 10,01 10,02 10.03 The overall plot layout for grass root refineries is usually decided upon, and agreed with the client at the bidding stage of acontract. This means that all process units, tanks, buildings etc. are located, if not dimensionally, at least geographically when the contract is awarded. The plot is divided into city type blocks, being numbered es streets and lettered as avenues. ‘The streets normally running North-South and avenues East-We The grading of offsites i.e, tankage, plant areas, roads, drainage ditches etc. is part of the Civil Department scope of work. TI-2-5.105 Piping Department Reference Mamial © [pave 60 Layout Guide - Piping Layout at Offeites 10.00 OFFSTTES ‘The crude oil or feedstock is normally delivered by tanker, which offloads at a jetty adjacent to the refinery, the oil being pumped to the crude/feedstock tanks. ‘The location of all refinery areas is based on logical and economical flow of materials, from basic feedstock, through the Process units, back to product tankage, to shipment rail oF via road, When the tankage is located, full advantage is taken of the natural topography of the area to obtain, for example, gravity feod froi tankage by utilizing the high points of the plot. The folloving items are located to suit the best prevailing conditions :~ process units, utility arees, administration building, service building, A.P.I. separators, road and rail loading areas, flare areas, jetties otc. Ample space is allowed for future expansion of tankage, process and utility areas, ‘Tanks are classified by the flash points of their contents as wer ae tn wi Piping Department Reference Mamal T11~2-5.105 10,03 10,04 var.ons AA. Layout Guide - Piping Layout at Offsites rev 0 [Page 61 | (cont'd). Clase ‘A! Products - Flash Point below 23°C Class BY" = "between 23°C and 66°C Cless 'c'" - "above 66°C By thie classification, tankege grouping and spacing is determined, Depending on tank sizes and contents, tanks may be sited in groups or singly. ‘The spacing of tanks or tank groups must be in accordance with the P.W. or clients standards, as should be caloulations for und wall heights, In all cases tankage layout mst satisfy Iocal Authorities Safety Coder mank blocks must have access on all sides so that fire fighting vehicles will not be hindered. ‘the various appurtenances for tanks, as required by process and size of tank, should generally be in accordance with A-P.T. Standard 650. A11 piping connected to storage tanks should have sufficient offset to provide for tank settlement. ‘the {iret pipe support should be at a sufficient distance from the tank to allow for settlement without overstressing the pipe or tank shell. Pump stations for transferring stored liquids, are never located within the tank bunded area due to fire and flooding hazards. Al offeite piping interconnecting tanks, and process areas otc. should generally be run in banks at grade, supported by concrete plera or sleepers. Where double pipe banks are required, steel colums and supports built up from the concrete piers and sleepers should be used. A minimm clearance of 1000 mm between the pipe banks should be provided. The minimus height of concrete piers should be 300 mm, Overhead pipe racks should be kept to a minimum, When piping at grade ie required to cross en access road, it should pass under the reed vith & minimum cover of 450 mm. When piping is insulated it should pase through pipe sleeves, using the minimum cover. TII-2+5.105 10,05 10,06 10.07 10.04 (Cont'd). Piping Department Reference Mamal [zo [owe 6 — | O [base 62 Layout Guide - Piping Layout at Offeites ‘If piping has to pase over access roads, the minimm clearance from the lowest overhead obstruction to the high point of the road should be 5500 mm, The minimum clearance quoted above may be superseded by clients standards. 4s with process plant overhead piperacks, the hot lines should be on the outside of the rack in order to accomodate expansion loops. When possible changes in direction of. piping should be made by using flat turns. . Normally offeite requirements for services such as electrical cables, sewer piping, firewater etc. are run on one side of an access road, and overground piping on the other, Refinery fire water piping is noimally supplied as a ring main around each block, either as above or below ground piping. Tappings are taken from these mains to serve monitors, hydrants and hose reels. Plant Cooling Water is generally supplied as sea or river water, the pump house for this service normally being located at the jetty. Where cooling vater is at a premium, a circulating system is usually supplied, i.e. returned cooling water is cooled by a cooling tover and returned to users. Other refinery services such as steam, instrument and plant air, electrical requirenents etc. are sometimes supplied from a separate utility block, The equipment supplying these needs can be provided in the shape of vendors packaged units, vhich hhave to be interconnected to the users by unit and offeite piperacks, Products from the process blocks are routed to product storage tankage, and after blending ete,, the products are loaded to tankears, railears or ships, for marketing. we sede 2 Piping Department Reference Manual T11-205 105 Layout Guide - Piping Layout at Offsites 10,08 Revamping of process and offsite areas, sometimes requires the running of extra offeite lines vith tie-ins into existing lines, tanls otc, Careful attention mst be given to attaining correct elevations of piping-and supporting steel in order to provide accurate information for detailing and construction purposes. Refer to the F.W. Ltd. Piping Department Reference Mamal (111-2-5,206) for details of tie-in methods. wm. onan PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL [ion 0 [oeoe 6s LAYOUT GUIDE ~ PIPING LAYOUT AT OFF- SITES ny PIPE TRACK ROADWAY Lovains tr wing 2 Pipes to be wrapped & sleeved as necessary. | i ; = M1-2-5.105, LAYOUT QUIDE— TYPICAL GROSS SECTION THROUGH REFINERY ACCESS ROAD [rev 0 [page PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL sopeoH1 “serge J2m9g reouisel3 oy 88805y ep inous | ud ‘sBeueig peoy *Seimeay punoBieng “saimeay puno.Bsepun, Block Limit Block Limit TIT-2-5.105 Piping Department Reference Manual a x OT pace 66 Layout Guide ~ Utility Piping. 11,00 URILITY PIPING 11.01 11,02 11,05 live Steam and exhaust steam mains should generally be located in overhead pipe racks, and should have block valves at or near the unit linits, in order to isolate the particular unit from the rest of the plant. Where possible the live and exhaust steam main headers should be kept to the outside edges of the pipe racks to allow space for expansion loops where necessary. In units requiring multilevel pipe racks all utility headers are normally located on the top level in order to simplify maintenance and give access to lateral header valves where used. Steam take off laterals and exhaust steam return laterals should ‘be connected to the top of the live and exhaust stean headers. Side connections in the headers should be avoided, unless clearance above the headers does not permit the use of top connections. Generally block valves should be provided in branch lines from steam headers, thie should be checked against clients standards. Exhaust steam lines from turbines normally have the block valve located adjacent to the turbine nozzle see Section 6.12. Where grouped equipment uses process steam, a sub header should be taken from the main rack header in order to economise on piping. All steam piping should be run to avoid pockets, and to save steam traps. Steam traps should be provided for all steam line low points, header drain pockets, steam separators etc, The valve hook ups around the steam traps should be in accordance with F.W. or clients standards, TIT-2-5,105 Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide - Utility Piping. 12.05 11,06 11.07 (Cont'a).. Condensate for steam traps should normally be connected to the top of condensate headers. Whore steam traps are to discharge to grade, the drain lines should be routed to a local drain hub or catch besin when possible. Condensate drip legs for ateam headers should be in accordance with P.W, or clients standards. Steam tracing should be provided for pipe lines, vessels and other equipment for the following purpos a) To prevent the freezing of fluids in lines or equipment >) To maintain viscous fluids in a fluid condition c) To preheat process lines to prevent solidifying of liquid in cold lines on start up. Bach individual stean tracer feed line should have @ separate take off for the stean tracing header or sub header, complete with block valve, and each take off its own individual steam trep. For full details of steam tracing refer to F.W, or clients standards. PHL. 2015/4. Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide - Utility Piping, 11.10 QOOLING WATER & UTILITY WATER 11.11 Cooling Water is either distributed to the various users as a: underground system or above ground on elevated pipe racks, the ‘type of system usually being decided at the commencenent of the contract. If the piping ie run underground, the piping designer is required to locate hub positions at grade to connect to equipment, or above ground piping. ‘The Civil Underground Section ill route all underground piping. When the piping is run above ground, the Piping Department is responsible for routing. Sometimes the cooling water ie of a corrosive nature, and the piping may have to be lined with rubber (ebonite), or concrete which means that the piping may require flanging or sleeving. 11.12 Cooling water inlet and return lines should have block valves at the unit limits, and if the system is underground, these valves should be located in conerete boxes. 11413 All valving at cooling water users should be above ground for easy accoss and where possible located at the equipment. Generally header valves on laterals are not provided. Deadlegs in water piping should be avoided to prevent the Possibility of freezing in cold climates. Vhere this possibility exists steam tracing may have to be applied (Winterization). 11.14 The utility water system can be a branch of a fresh vater cooling system, but if the cooling system is of salt water, a separate utility fresh water system may be require 11,15 411 branch connections from water headers should preferably ‘be taken from the bottom of the header, wre one ta 22,20 nat 1,22 Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide - Utility Piping. PLANT _AND IWS’ Plant and instrument air headers should normally be located on overhead pipe racks, with block valves positioned at or near unit Limits, Generally block valves on plant air line lsterals sre located at the equipment and not at the header. Block valves on instrument air line take-offs, should be located at the header. ‘All branch connections from air headers should be taken from the ‘tops of the header. Dead legs in all air piping should be avoided to prevent the possibility of collected water freesing in cold climates. wwr.. oA TIT-2-5.105 Piping Department Reference Manual ax. 0 [page 70 Layout Guide - Utility Piping, 11.30 12,31 121,32 ELLY starrows. For general plant maintenance and service, utility hose stations consisting of vater, steam and air points should be provided at convenient points at grede throughout the unit, These utility stations should be located so that all parts of the unit can be reached with a 15000 ma lengths of hose. For points above grade, utility hose stations for stean and air only should be provided as follows: a) At alternate levels on elevated structures so that all parts of the structure may be reached vith a 15000 mm ho: >) At alternate platform levels required for servicing at manholes in tovers or vessels. | PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL III-2-5.105 + LAYOUT GUIDE ~ PIPING FLEXIBILITY rex 2 [paae7iot nl i 12,0 PIPING FLEXIBILITY : | 12,01 At the commencement of work on a new project the Line Classification List will be reviewed by the Principal | Engineer (Stress), or his appointed Deputy, who will make a distinguishing mark against all lines which are considered to require a flexibility check by the Stress f | Eggineer assigned to the project. The remaining lines will be routed by the layout designer using simplified methods, including those referred to later in this guide, to ensure adequate piping flexibility. ih 12,02 Project Notes containing data with respect to pipe stressing - and supports will be issued to the Piping Design Supervisor | | by the Project Senior Stress Engineer at the commencement of the project. The Project Senior Stress Engineer is ultimately responsible for piping flexibility. 12.03 In segregating lines into categories the following criteria will be used. 1, Hor Lines" : (a) Carbon and low alloy steel lines, 3” nom. bore and larger at design temperature of 100°C and higher. (b) Stainless steel lines, 3" nom. bore and larger 2 design temperatures of 70°C and higher. "Hot Lines", as defined above, vill be routed by the layout designer in a manner which takes account of pipe expansion, fléxibility and proximity of supporting steel. Advice from the assigned stress engineer will be sought where necessary whilst the layout is being developed on the drawing board. The stress engineer will be responsible for advising the layout designer and for subsequent detailed analysis of the piping studies, general. arrangement drawings and isometrics. FWL.2015/1, III-2-5,105 fev. 2 198 7201 Layout Guide ~ Piping Flexibility Should a re-route be required by the stress engineer, he will propose an alternative practical route which the layout designer will incorporate into the study after first checking its suitability with regard to flow, clearances and other aspects of layout not within the stress engineers scope of work. ‘COLD LINES' (2) Carbon and low alloy steel lines, 3” nom. bore and larger at design temperatures minus 90°C and below. (>) Stainless steel lines, 3" nom. bore’ and larger at design temperatures minus 60°C and below. Responsibility for these lines and related calculations will be identical to that for ‘Hot Lines’. NON-CRITICAL LINES NON“CRITICAL LINES. (2) Carbon and low alloy steel lines at design Femperatures below 100°C and above minus 90°C. (e) Stainless steel lines at design temperatures below 70°C and above minus 60°C. () All lines 2" nom. bore and smaller. 'Non-Critical' Lines will be routed by the piping Layout designer who will ensure that; (i) Limes have adequate flexibility. (4i) Line expansion will not cause interference with other lines or steelwork and that Pipeshoes will not move off supports. Gia) Lines are routed close to supporting steelwork or items of equipment which can be used for Supporting purposes. A formal flexibility calculation will not normally be Produced. However, if a project specifically requires calculations, in these circumstances they will be Produced. ' Layout Guide - Piping Flexibility [rex 2 [poet 12.04 Non-Critical Lines Requiring Special Attention Clearly the segregation of lines into the stated categories at an early stage in the project mist be subject to review and modification as more information becomes available | during the course of the job. Lines which require special ! attention but which would otherwise be categorized as non-eritical,e:g. compressor lines, will be marked on the Line Classification List for the attention of the stress engineer. However, instances may occur where the location f. of a particular line and ite termination only become clear as the project develops and the layout designer will be eal expected to bring these to the attention of the stressman : who will assist in recommending suitable routes and will carry out any necessary analyses. Lines, 3" nom, bore and larger, which are subject to out or which are marked as. “traced” will stea } generally be placed in the ‘Wot Lines’ category. 12.05 A GUIDE TO PIPE STRESSING GENERAL The stiffness of a piping configuration depends upon the thickness of pipe wall, the diameter of the pipe and the radius of the bends. By reducing any one of these three characteristics the configuration is made more flexible, i.e., the forces generated when the pipe is restrained |! against free thermal expansion are diminished and the , stresses within the pipe and loads on the terminal connections are reduced. Normally the layout designer is not in a position to change the physical characteristics of the pipe. He can, however, design the piping configuration to provide more (or less) flexibility. Layouts should not be produced without the effect of thermal expansion being taken into consideration. FHL. 2015/1. 111-2-5, 105 w 1 page 7401 Layout Guide - Piping Flexibility TAKING CARE OF THERMAL EXPANSION TAKING CARE OF THERMAL EXPANSION 4 pipe run can be designed to cater for thermal expansion in any one of the following wa 1. By routing the pipe ina straight line and anchoring both ends. This is a method which can only be adopted for small temperature changes. Even then the anchors, whether equipment nozzles or structures, must be very strong to withstand the expansion forces 2, By incorporating expansion joints of some kind in the pipe run, This is to be avoided especially in hydrocarbon lines. Expansion joints are les. robust than pipe and are susceptible to damage which can have serious consequences. 3 + By allowing movement at one or both pipe end connections and thus partially removing the restraint which would otherwise be imposed on the pipe expansion. By routing the pipe in such a way that its configuration is inherently flexible. This is achieved by ensuring that the-expansion in each leg can be absorbed by a leg of sufficient. length in any Plane at right angles to it. Flexibility is also improved by the presence of pipe bends which behave rather like hinges in the pipe configuration. In a Piping arrangement which occupies a relatively small space with many changes of direction, the improvement in flexibility afforded by the elbows is considerable. Layout Guide - Piping Flexibility rex 2 _[page7sot 111+ 2-5.105 ANCHORS AND GUIDES The provision of anchors’ or guides in a pipe run has the effect of reducing flexibility. However it is a measure which can usefully be adopted to control expansion. Movement can be directed towards a comparatively unstressed part of the system and avay froma highly stressed part such as «pipe leg of reduced size, or the nozzle of machine or vessel which could be damaged by excessive pipe thrusts. CHECKING EXPANSION AND FLEXIBILITY In checking a pipe configuration for flexibility the following criteria should be used. Will the pipe be overstressed? Refer, in the first instance to the Stress Nomograph which can be used to provide a rough indication, (See notes below) Will the equipment nozzles be overloaded by the forces generated by the pipe expansion? At pumps which operate at temperatures in excess of 100°C provide loops in the suction and discharge piping as illustrated elsewhere in this guide. Consult Stress Section with regard to piping which connects to compressors, air fin coolers and heaters. 3. WiLL thermal expansion cause a clash between piping, steelwork etc., at changes of direction? Normally this is a problem most often encountered on piperacks and offsite runs but it may occur in vertical lines at tall vessels or structures. 4. Will thermal expansion cause pipe shoes to move off the supports? As an approximate guide, axial movement of insulated lines should be limited to 8Omq for piping up to 180°C and to 120mm for piping at higher temperatures, Pre-set pipe shoes should be avoided. Uninsulated pipe which is not supported on pipe shoes may be allowed greater movements. FHL. 2015/1, -————, 111-2-5, 105 few 1 [ege7éoi | ESYoUt Guide - Piping Flexibility However, other considerations may govern such as the movement of branches or the size of anchor which can be installed to cater for the friction force developed by the movement of a long length of piping over its supports, ESTIMATING THERMAL EXPANSION ‘ESTIMATING THERMAL EXPANSION Expansion of Equipment within the Piping System, In estimating expansions which are likely to occur in a piping system it is necessary to take account of extraneous movements which may be imposed on the Pipe terminals, For example, items of equipment which operate at elevated temperatures normally have a fixed point from which expansion originates. "Shell and tube’ type heat exchangera have one or other of their saddles bolted down whilst the other ie free to slide with the expansion of the shell. When checking the flexibility of exchanger inlet and outlet piping, the movement of the exchanger at the nozzle must be taken into account and added or deducted from the expansion in the pipe itself. Vertical vessels expand radially outwards from their axes and increase in height as a result of thermal expansion, Machinery such as turbines and compressors normally have one end fixed and expansion ie calculated from this point, 2. The Temperature Range Expansion is normally calculated on the basis of the temperature rise from the lowest ambient tenperature which is likely to occur during plant construction to the design temperature as indicated on the Line Classification List. The ambient temperature is assumed by the ANSI Piping Code and the F.W. Stress Nomograph to be 70°F (21°C) but clearly this must be modified to suit local conditions. For projects in the U.K. it is normal to use 0°, ying Flexibilic: SIMPLIFIED PIPE STRESSING ite Certain service conditions may occur from time to time which will give rise to temperatures higher than the line design temperatures. These must be taken into consideration when estimating expansion. Examples are, a) Steaming out. This is usually applied to hydrocarbon lines, Although the condition is relatively short term and limitations on stresses can be relaxed in this respect care must nevertheless be taken to ensure that movements are not excessive and that damage is not caused to equipment. Vessels also are occasionally steamed out and the top pipe connections on @ tower may rise by a large amount. As the pipes will probably remain at near ambient temperature their net upward movement may be more than that during normal operation, For steam out temperature consult the Stress Section. b) "Tracing". In the case of 'no flow’ in a section of traced pipe (e.g. the piping to and from a stand-by pump) the metal temperature may approach that of the tracing without the cooling effect of flow in the process fluid. Consult the Stress Section for details. Use of Nomograph. This is primarily intended for estimating the minimum length of pipe (Lz) which is required to absorb the expansion occurring in length (Ly). PHL. 2015/1. Layout Guide ping Flexibility The nomograph is a useful device within the limitations listed here. a) The effect of elbows is neglected. Generally this tends towards a conservative answer. b) The expansion is based upon an ambient temperature of 21°C. This can, be corrected, if necessary, by adding the difference between 21°C and the actual ambient temperature to the pipe design temperature. °) A constant pipe size is assumed. a) The piping configuration is an 'L' bend. Other configurations can be checked by inserting imaginary anchors as follows. bye 7 Note: In cases (a) and (c) the two legs Lz do not provide the same flexibility as a single leg having their combined length. 6) The material is assumed to be carbon steel or low chrome pipe. For stainless steel increase the expansion in column 5 by approximately 35% and proceed from there, Expansion Loop Charts. These can be used to estimate the size of expansion loops for pipes of predetermined size, temperature and distance between anchors. For long offsite runs the loops should, as far as possible, be positioned to Provide similar pipe lengths on either side of the FRL.2015/2, } | 111-2-5.105 Layout Guide - Piping Flexibilit) row 2_[oage79 ot intermediate anchor. By this means the net friction effect on the anchor is minimised. To estimate the friction force multiply the pipe weight between the anchor and the expansion loop by 0.4. PIPING FLEXIBILITY/PIPE SUPPORTS CHECK LIST FOR LAYOUT DESIGNER| 1 What is dimension over pipe ends in the plane of maximum expansion? (11). 2, What is design temperature of line? 3. Wil other temperature condition produce greater movements? e.g. Steam-out “Tracing” _ - no flow Line inoperative - equipment hot. 4 By how much will end connections be moved as a result of expansion of equipment? 3 (a) Use nomograph to determine, (4) Expansion. (ii)Minimum length of pipe lying in other planes which can absorb. expansion. (b) The required length of pipe determined from the nomograph must be increased in the case of a pipe size reduction near either terminal. For each size reduction increase the leg length by 75%. (c) At pumps, where the line temperature exceeds 100°C refer to previous illustrations in this Layout Guide and adopt a similar configuration. 6 Will expansion of pipe from the fixed point cause interference with either steelwork or other piping? Will shoes be likely to move off supports? warns /4_ la: 2-5.105 rex 2 page80ot last ude = isa tnsasy |) ae Expansion rates for carbon and low alloy steel piping (stainless steel in brackets) from 0°¢ may be asauned a, At 100°C 1.14 (1,68) nm/metre 200°C - 2.42 (3.43) 300°e - 3.83 (5.26) 400°c - 5.38 (7,16) 500°c - 7.03 (9.14) Can pipe, as routed, be economically supported from adjacent structures or equipment? Pipe spans should generally be limited to approximately 6 metres for piping 3" N.B. and larger. Smaller lines require Supporting at greater frequency, Has low level piping been routed with due regard to Proximity of pipe trenches and buried piping? Pipe supports when added must avoid standing on either of these features, —_ Piping Department Reference Manual TTT-2-5.105 | ‘Piping Stress omograph rox O [page 81 eee Loa od } 4 Eos bs : fos 8 500-) » Eos be For 7 Eos Ege E | 400-4 Ero ‘ E Er Ee E. | 3004 : be = Es Fo fas | } F 20 i bso | Fao 100-4 F-5° } Eco | 3 E10 woe Feo van | F g E Eto mE E200 ol Esco 0-| 7} : Eso 5 = F400 a 2500 so 8 ose 5800 F200 2 S Evoo hd = EE we ze S 8 3| 2 Fee E ud a yc E300 z 8 u| 3 3 z Ss a) 2 Bb400 a 8 g| € 5 il = =) 8 BE s00 1 @ @ @ oO } Temp ({) THROUGH EXP LENGTH @ = exransion G) 2, exe(@) THAOUGH PIPE SIZE (G) = REQUIRED uencrH t2 @) Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide - Instrumentation 13.01 13.02 13.05 devel Instrument Where possible level gauges should be located so that they are visible fron the level control instrument. 421 level instruments, i.e, gauges, controllers, alarms and switches should be located to give good accees to the instrments, shut off, vent and drain valves, from grade, platform or permanent ladder, Level gauges and controllers should not penetrate through tower or structure platforms. rature Ine. Al1 temperature instrument connections on vessels should be accessible from grade, platforms or ladders, but in the ‘case of connections on piping, portable ladder access from grede is usually acceptable, : Connections for diel thermoneters in piping should be located to suit type of dial (i.e. arial or vertical) and positioned for easy reading from grade or platform. In lino sizes below 3", a local enlargement of the pipe is required in order to accomodate the thermovell, although some clients standards call for enlargements in pipe sizes 4" and belox. This point should be checked at the beginning of a new contract. Ample clearances mst be allowed for withdraval of thernorells from pipes, vessels ete. Exessure Instruments All pressure instrument connections on vessels should be accessible from grade, platforms or ladders, but in the case of connections on piping portable ladder access fron grade is usually acceptable. Connections for local pressure geuges in piping should be located for easy reading from grade or platform, war.om6/9. Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide - Instrumentation 13.04 Control, Valves. 13.065 ‘FWL,2015/1. ‘All control valves must be accessible for operation and paintenance requirements, and should be located at grade or first platform level when' possible, for sccess convenience. Control valves operated in conjunction vith renote instruments should be located so that the gauge or transmitter is vieible fron the control valve station. Where vapour expansion takes place through & control valve, (this de normally insicated on a flowsheet, as a sudden large expansion dm line size, dowxstream of the control valve), the control valve should be located as close to the termination point of the line as possible, Control Valve manifolds should be so arranged to permit easy renoval of the complete control valve without excess springing of piping, this means the avoidance of block valves on a single plane. Ample space should be allowed for renoval of the top end totton works of control valv Orifice Flown ‘A11 orifice runa mst be in striet accordance with FW. or clients standards. ‘A11 run Iengths should be based on a d/D ration 0.7 for layout purposes unless advised otherwise. Orifice tap and locations are generally as follows:~ Steam and Liquid - Side Taps Vapour and Gas - Top Taps these locations to be in agreenent with contract requirements. ‘A minimum clearance of 610 mm should be allowed above ‘and to one side of orifice flanges to provide for location of seal pots, instrument piping ete. ‘jocoss to orifice flanges ia normally acceptable from a portable ladder from grade i.e. up to 6000 mm elevation above put where this condition does not exist, permanc) o flenges in vertical grade, nt access must be provided. Avoid locating orific Lines unless absolutely essential. Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide - instrusentation 13.05 Reliet Valves 411 relief valves must be accessible fron grade or permanent platform, and al] valves must have either mobile or fixed handling facilities for maintenance purposes, Relief valves discharging to s closed system should be installed #0 an to prevent liquid being trapped on the outlet side of the valve, All relief lines and headers must be designed to eliminate pockets, but if a relief line must be located at a lower elevation than the header, a manually operated drain valve should be installed at the valve outlet, piped to run toe catch basing : Yhere relief valves are located at a distance from the header or Yensel to be relieved, a check should be made with the Project Engineer to make sure that pressure drop incurred, will not necesnitate the inlet line being increased in size. Tail pipes on Relief Valves discharging to atmosphere, should terminate to an elevation of 3000 mm above all adjacent equipment, and shall have a weep hole at the low point of the line. he Piping Designer should check clients requirements on valves discharging to atmosphere, a8 some stringent conditions are sonetines involved. Relief valve headers to blow down drums ete, should alvays slope towards the drum at the rate of 1 in 400 minimm “ithout pockets, Where pockets are unavoidable some means of continuous draining of the header must be used. WL, 2015/2. r | i W | PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL ee LAYOUT GUIDE — ACCESS TO INSTRUMENTS FROM LADDERS rev. 0 [page 85 a F.M, Standard | } Ladder and cage ! a a : Vessel Instrument —— connection ! PLAN OF VESSEL ‘VESSEL DIAMETER IN METRES fos|t2 [am | 2.0] 3.0 | 3.5 | 4.0 |5.0 |5.5 [6.0 rwptpac [75 [46 | as | 25] 22 | 19] 16 [rs | 2 | | ¥ Ba lis leo |39 | 20 | 22] 18 | 15 | 19 Jr2 | 11 | 10 |" ~~ gs ge | nc . 5 & | is. sme we | 3 | evar switch we 1} | ANGLE 6 1 DEGRES NOTES: 2. For D/P type LAC, LC, LIC, Etc., use PRC valves, | 3, Angle varies alteration ffom Std. Conn. Sizes. 44, External displacement type LAC, LC, LIC, insts. should not rely on ladder access only. Consult instrument engineer for possible dispensation. Dimensions are in millimetres. Le 11-2-5.105, PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL LAYOUT GUIDE ~ INSTRUMENTATION LIQUID LEVEL CONTROLLERS Slelel | ili BlEIFIE 530, 530, Sele |elg|8/2 jo @lelolol wal rh le ale |s\3 8 = eee bat]! |e 8/2 |slelalelal Liquia| H tb a] 8 |2|8) 33) f Tevel @[olalal dal liad ET, 22/8) 8) 92 Teveif i a i lalel “Tao pee gaffe Controtter with Top & Controller with side _ | [BBge 8} 8) 48 side connections & Bottom connections Jo | FS - E alelsjas EY Slelelelalel 2/2 /2|6/5)85 £30, alelel dla erele (ip L | r ae Sbecle|a|al alelala| la 8 2/88] 18 aia at > : | (PBS 8] 8 3} 2/818] 8 Lovie | E 2] 12 |elele elelalelsls af 150, Level i E] |g |2/8}8) 88/8/2/ 812 —- Al gspo ___le S12 lelelelaial.|.| |: = Controller with Top & Controller with side stalel clelelelala bottom conection. Eis |e) Sie)g)g|88 BeleIS] 4] fff 100 sia. Soe Note 4 3 [ | 82 Dupiex ZB. 1]. /? BBS] 8) 8 £8) 8 18) 0/8 i 288 oat ec Ty se72 hie CL. PS sig] nl 258 406 ge 2375. 80 —_ = eels |8/5 S15 |8|2\8/8 <3 280 Duplex 74 5 FIle Std, 4.250 sta Al 7 $F 200 & s $2 lglelgiggisie| aie Fa00 at ay 3 PFS FFIRIS| S| Instrument Case Duplex (CROSBY -MASONEILON FISHER NOTE: 1. See vessel digs for connection centres & Liquid level. 2. See instrument requisition for type of controller which may have L.H. or RH. case. 3. All datails given are typical & dimensions based on flanged connections. 4, Additional electronic Pilot, (See instrument requisition.) Dimensions are in millimetres, FWL,2015/2. 11-2-6,105, PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL ( LAYOUT GUIDE - LAYOUT OF LEVEL SWITCHES & CONTROLLERS y Dimensions are in millimetres. LEVEL SWITCHES j 315 330 | >< | ‘conduit Entry Conduit Entry EXTERNAL TYPE INTERNAL TYPE LEVEL CONTROLLERS TOP VESSEL MOUNTING: | 1, Withdrawal Dimensic 1 is determined by float instrument dept. for | individual cases 2. For standout and case 1 imensions refer to plan 7 j viows on Page 82 } | 5 crosaY FISHER 7 MASONEILAN a, LEVEL CONTROLLERS } SIDE VESSEL MOUNTING 100, 90 = 40 Std, Bolen. tr Arfin =o) oS] slay _AirFin Extension B a - 4 & 3 Extension Inst. Case 240 38 Owes dy 250 Std, i BET fo 380 Duplex tT i =) crosey MASONEILAN Fisher 380 Vertival, Vessel REFLEX TRANSPARENT TPE TYPE ANTI -FROST BLOCK ILLUMINATOR ‘SHOWN DOTTED SHOWN DOTTED NoTEs:— 1, For dimension ‘A’ see vessel dwg. and/or instrument requisition. 2. Dimension ‘B” to be minimum, 3. For dimension ‘C* refer to instrument requisition. 4. Anti-frost perspex blocks may be specified on requisition. 5. Level gauges should be located where they can Dimensions are in millimetres. 380 REFLEX TYPE GAUGE PLAN VIEW be read in conjunction with associated equipment. 1a GAUGE SUPPLIED WITH FLANGED COCKS. | PLAN VIEW 355 ‘PWL.2015/2. PIPING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE MANUAL UL - 25.106. LAYOUT GUIDE - INSTRUMENTATION 2 [page 89 =| Dimensions are in millinetres Aton sace fr Locate Temp. Conn. i) Thermocouple VN witharawat 1 oF Conduit To suit co- Thermocouple Head. [= Q Angle 0 & size of "Blow Up’ to suit F.W. or Client Stds. Pied Allow ample . straight pipe for movement of float needle ‘Typical Pressure Instrument Connections. Cheek Contr. Valve 1 Rotameter Piping Hook -Up. Requisition for cooling fins or Ext. bonnet. Typical Control Valve Manifold. FRY 00 tn, “learance | Clearance. Check for clearance, Steam Cont Valve Manifols may rogue extra elevation to Soconaate rip tog & steam tap. Grade or Plat. EL. FLOW METER Allow Min, Clearance of Top Taps ~ Gas _& Vapour ‘600mm, for instrument piping. Side Taps ~ Liquid & Steam> NOTE: For Top Taps allow 600nim. clearance above orifice flanges. Typical Flowmeter Location. ‘THT=2-5.105 ‘Piping Departnont Reference Manual rx 0 Layout Guide = Valves page 90- 14.00 Valves. 14.01 ‘The maximum distance above operating level to the centreline 14.02 14.03 14.04 of valve handwheels without using chains should te 2200 mm, Chain lengths, if used, should clear the operating floor by 900 mma. ‘The use of theins and extension spindles should be kept to en absolute minimum, and valves requiring these items should be noted on the dravings. For special valves needing chains for operation, a check should be made on whether the existing handwheel can be fitted with a standard type chainwheel, or whether special provisions must be made, Valve handwheels should be located so they do not interfere with access or maintenance of equipment, and in all cases must be oriented so that they are in an operable position. Generally valve stems should be oriented in the following order of preferenc a) Vertically Upward >) Horizontal c) Upward at 45° 4) Downvard at 45° Note:- Vertically downward stens must be avoided unless required for process reasons. Generally valves on pipe racks do not require the use of chains or permanent access platforms, since the operation of these valves can be attained by the use of portable ladders. This condition should be checked at the conmencenent of the contract, specially in the case of block valves at battery limits. Swing type check valves should normally be located in horizontal ‘Mnes, except in the case of centrifugal pumps where they are located in the vertical, Small bore check valves may be located dn horizontal or vertical lines dependent on type, refer to contract piping specification. WL. 2015/2. Piping Department Reference Manual ‘Layout Guide - Valves 14,05 Where line blinds, are used, ample clearance must be allowed for removal or swinging these flanges. On larger bore pipes sone peruanent means of blind flenge handling may be required ; 4f mobile maintenance equipment cannot be used, thie may be | runvay beam and trolley, or a davit. } 14.06 High points of all lines must te vented and unless otherwise noted on flow sheets or contract specification the size of these vents should be 3". High point vents do not always require valving, this should be checked against contract 1 nozzles which are conditions, Where lines run to ve: blinded for hydrostatic test, a vent connection, without 4 aa valve, vill be required. ‘ 14.07 Low points of all lines should be drained, and unless noted on flowsheets or contract specifications should be 3". low } point drains are normally fitted with valves, and when required 7 these drain points should be piped to a sewer hub or catch basin. Care sl ould be taken in making sure that the line being drained 4s of sufficient elevation for the drain assembly to clear grade or platform. FWL.2015/t. 105 page 92 ‘Piping Department Reference Manual layout Guide — Requirements for Electrica: Instrument and Yossel Departuents. 15.00 15,01 15.02 15.05 ELEC: CEN 13 The Piping Designer is responsible in conjunction with hie Piping Section leader, for supplying basic information to and co-operating with Drawing Office departments as follow: Electrissl Locating switch houses in accordance with safety clearance: and advising on locations of lighting panels, svich racks etc. within the plant. Advising on suitable routes for underground cable runs, and location of draw pits to suit process equipment, structures ete. Allowing ample space on pipe racks, structures ete, for cables, when they are run above ground, in accordance with Electrical Departuents requirements. Angtruments ' Locating on layouts (but not dimensionally), all instrument connections on vessels and piping, orifice runs, control valves, flowmeters etc. Locating analyser houses, and any special instrunention requirenents, in co-operation with the Instrument Department. Allowing ample space 6n pipe racks, structures etc. for instrument cabling and piping, in accordance with Instrument Department requirements. Vessels Orienting all nozzles, manholes and instrument connections on vessels, Locating lifting davits, and selecting mark number if the davit requirements is non-standard. - Show orientation of trays in towers, and in co-operation with the Vessel Department, decide on use of internal piping when economics can be made on expensive external piping and fittings. Piping Department Reference Manual Layout Guide - Piping Layout Requirements for Civil 16,00 CIVIL the Piping Designer is responsible for supplying basic size, and Jocation information to the Civil Department as early as possible in the Contract, in order that Civil Design and detail work may proceed. The type of information required is generally es follows:~ Foundations, (a) (a4) (aaa) (av) (v) Final plan locations of all equipment, structures etc. requiring piling, this is normally presented as an issue of ‘the plot plan. Overall sizes of concrete structures showing locations of all equipment within the structure, withdrawal areas and openings, location of stairvays and ladders, extent of platforming or flooring, and proposed location of support beans and stanchions. ‘These latter two items would have to be decided in conjunction with the Civil Designers. Pinal elevations of equipment at grade i.e. contreline elevations of drums, exchangers, pumps etc., tangent line elevations of towers, reactors etc. In some cases vhere an early start has to be made on foundation design, estimated elevations may te required. When concrete pipe bents are specified, the piping designer must decide final widths, elevations and spacing. Locations and extent of paved areas. This information 4 normally shown on the plot plan, and should be decided in conjunction with the Project Engineering Department, ‘The Underground Section also require this information in order to prepare schematic layout drawings. Underground (a) location of special drain hubs or tundishes. FHL.2015/t. Underground (Cont'd).....006 (44) Sising and locating special drainage areas, ¢ areas. (444) Checking location of manholes and catch basins for fouling of piping when necessary. Structural Stee) (4) Overall sizes of steel structures, showing locations of all equipment within the structure, withdrawal areas end openings, location of atairvays and ladders, extent of platforming or flooring, location of runway beans and davits, and proposed locations of support beams and stanchions. (44) Sizes and elevations of platforms on towers, drums etc, and location of ladders. (444) Final widths, elevations and spacing of pipe rack bents and major pipe supports. Yote:~ The Structural Section will also require to now the full extent of all fireproofing for steel. Buildings (4) Overall sizes of buildings containing process or utility equipment including location of stanchions, floor elevations ete. Overall sizes of other types of building e.g. warehouses, storage buildings etc. (44) Layout of machine tools for workshops and arrangements of special purpose equipment when required. Strese loads on equipment or structures must be submitted to the Civil Department by the stress group, piping These loads are calculated from the Jayout, and should be checked out as early as possible. FHL. 2015/2. Piping Department Reference Manval TIT+2-5.105, cai. aed ree 0 [page 95 Layput Guide - Piping Layout Remuirenents for Buildings (Cont'd). . ‘mon engnged on layout of structures, if the piping deciguer is in doubt regarding sizes of beoma and stanchicns involved, he should check wth the Sivil Department to obtain approximate sizes. FWL,2015/1, : POL INFLATION ‘CONJUNTO DE DOBLE PASO CON VALVULA : FosTeR | ~~ DE CONTROL BRIDADA STO.No, 50B16.1M WHEELER CLASES 150* Y_300* (CONFIGURACION fore ¥01-97 ~— IBERIA | _OcUBLE PASS ASSEMBLY WITH FLANGED CONTROL | year VAUE CLASSES 150" AND 300" {CONFIGURATION D_| ence» ' op] REV. © Notas “wares! 1. DMENSIONES EN mm, EXCEPTO OIAMETROS é NOMINALES. 41 ONEWSIONS IW KI EXCEPT NOWWL DWETER 2. DMENSIONES DE LA VALVULA DE CONTROL SEGUN CATALOGO MASONEILAN SER 20.000 SERVOMOTOR DIRECTO (FA) (2 CONTROL VaWvE DIMENSIONS AS PER CAT MoGUE WASOHETLW SERIE’ 20000 DIRECT SERVONOTOR (FA) 3, ALTURA CON TAPA ALARGADA 1G. néscnr witty FLOODED CaP) 4. PARA TAMANOS DE 6" Y MAYORES LA VALVULA SERA OE COMPUERTA, (4 FOR SIZES 6° AND LARGER.THE VALE SHALL BE 4 Gare 176 5. VALVULAS DE BLOQUEO BRIDADAS, (5, FLANGED BLOCK VMVES) TERRENO GROUND), USAR CONFIGURACION i { USE CONFIGURATION 11 on. |varoe| A c cuase |ruscrin|Coutiotlemmanaar| 9 famyrael » | | - | oaservaciones iss |e" COMPO GERaY aR] = [BRIA Poe bree eourno.l'ne fers} | wr [ers] 3H zea 235] 00] 35] Tes] era| Ts] oo | 2"| ase] 267] 600 | ror] ez] en8] sso] 00 4" [2 | 254 267{ 600 ["a85 [923] 688] 330] 900 37} ass] sn [woo aso] s°3] ez ser] soo 6" 3 293| 3n|1400| neo [1209] 812] 381] 900 | 383] 365] 1200] i246 [1277 | ese] ser] 300 i rr [| 388) 5 woof wae [was] ese] 00 |! | #81] 464[ 1200 546 [1576 [ora sar] S00 41 8 | ssi tea oo bso reo hove axa] 900 8 02g ha 3" a" 235{ 248/1400| 783] 812] 672] 279] 300) 2] 26"| 263] woo] ers | ass] eset s30| 300 i [Lael z8s| 0032 | a6 o88] 320] 200 $s] 333] 100] oso] ioz=| ara] sar] 900 6 [S| | ss soo fiazo | ese ee ser s00 4] 369] 34] te00 2a [1322/30] sei | 00 8" 4" |"369| 324]1400[ 1401 [1498] 838] 381] 900 6 _[ #3] #a0| 200] 680 167" fore] 4a] 900 10" = '473| 489| 1800/1793] 1831] 079] #44] 900 300# USAR CONFIGURACION I 12" = USE CONFIGURATION 1 fod TAD OWG, FILET SOBTSIOTOGN oH A BO Foster ae ONTROL SRDADE VALVULA. STD.No.50B16.1M n Wi WHEELER CLASES i50* Y_300* (CONFIGURACION 1) Figen: 01-97 : Sr IBERIA DOUBLE P3SS_ASSEWBLY WITH FLANGED CONTROL Freya > 06 4 VALE CLASSES 150* AND 300" (CONFIGURATION 1D isneers 2 sri¥9] REV. © noras : ‘Wares! 4 . 1. OIVENSIONES EN mom. EXCEPTO DIAMETROS NOMINALES. NOTA 4 1 DIVEWSIONS MAI EXCEPT NoUWAL DLAWETERD Lure a 2. DMENSIONES DE LA VALVULA DE CONTROL a SEGUN CATALOGO MASONEWAN SERIE 20,000 SERVOMOTOR DIRECTO (FA ae «2, confor Valve DMEUSONS As PER CAT ocue| are Ss one Sch” ator cer semwouarah 5 ; CWE 3, ALTURA CON TABAALARGAOK _ 4 (3, meso mir #1000 CaP) ¢ = 4. PARA TAMANOS DE 6" Y MAYORES LA >| KFA) VALVULA,SERA OF COMPUERTA uf 2b 7A aa FOR Sizes GD Lamcen Tne VaVE Hue |! 5 ah more sy BP" cee rine SE uote g) q | 5. ta Diension “c* se caLcuLaRa en caso] | a 6, VALVULAS DE BLOQUEO GRIDADAS. 7 lz 15 Lace exocr vawvest TERRENO lerouny WIESE A 500. : on. [vavibe|__& c case [ricer Contac omrarae] q fame] 5 | ¢ | ¢ | oaseevaciones ausss | no. | ne. emia ret comer Ft REMARKS : pire Cournot) we [ts] [ar [Rts er [ee aaa aa of ws ea 900 — 2 25+] 26" [1800 [1080 [50 | 68a] 330] 200] ena 4" 258] 26°] 00] 1260 1320] 688] 350| 900 = 299|_1/[ 09] 3ar] 900 - 2 fe" 299] ar[ 00 3er] 900 5S 353] 365] 1700] 1: 381] 300 © [ge 355] 365) 400 381] 900 — 51] 464] 400 344] 300 10" 6" 451] 464[ 1400, 444] 900) _ = USAR CONFIGURACION Iv , 12" = USE. CONFIGURATION WY a 30 esl aaa co eof 7 2 267] 283] 1400/1240 | 1320 r Ae 2 [ae | ae3) cof wis [7s eae 330[ seo [ea =] sa] 333}100/ 651525] er) 361 - & [qe [2 [il sss [noo fo [ro [ora 30 7 ) O° 4 [35s] 384] 400 1800 [1890] 638] 61 - D [gn [ee fsal ase oo fo 200 ese er va) = _| +3] 89] 400 [710 [2200| 1073] +48] 300 ) 2330| 24101073 +44] 900 : 10" ep 2 USAR CONFIGURACION IV USE CONFIGURATION 1 FOSTER WHEELER IBERIA CONJUNTO DE DOBLE PASO CON VALVULA Chas Dou TAME CLASSES 150" Y_3 NTR A 'S_ASSEUBLY WITH Fi + (CONFIGURACION I) WT ROL ND 300° (CONFIGURATION 1) ST0D.No.50816.1M FECHA. toareys _V01-97 ray ra ‘encers > rr80] REV. 0 hotAs: WOTES) J. DIMENSIONES EN mm. EXCEPTO OMMETROS NOWNALES, 4, DUENSIONS W www EXCEPT NouwaL oUWETER) 2. DMENSIONES DE LA'VALWWLA DE CONTROL SEGUN CATALOGO MASONELAN. SERIE, 20.000 2.comn AOL VUE QUEMSIONS 1S PEA (CAT: teow IEE wie Saco “ Nota 4 [ 7 :ATURA CON TAA. Peart Atcha CRQYT ‘oove Bel NOTA §. rye TP OTe (TIPE 3 be CoveueRra 4 Pon SIZE 6 AO LARGER. THE VALVE SHA BE GATE TYPE) 'S OMitin ESTE ORENAIE EN Los CASOS OF VALVULA, ‘7 4. PARA TaMaSIOS DE 6° Y MAVORES LA VALVULA SERA GON'SeRvOMGTOR DRECTO tt. (5. raw Toe UITTED FoR VAlveS WITH OIRECT SERVOWOTOR «Fy 8: VALWULAS.O€ 'BLOQUEO BRIDADAS. (6. Flawed sock Vawwes) 780 Seevonoror peer! IM SERVOMOTOR VERSO” (FC), sprue 7 SUB Rec Sterne Sem iti oS at MISTA A-A. ee +a) CLASE cuass valde A c JcontRot NE. a | festa et Icowrroe| UAE. RF lets re [RTs |smo|sms OBSERVACIONES REWARKS, Ws 222] 235 1400] 755] 783] 672] 66 29 200] 254] 26" 1409) ai] 521) 668) 885) 330 '200| 254] 267 1400] 693] 923] 688) e85| 330 '200| 229] 3H sco] 950] 979] aiz|i0s4 33) '200| 209] 3H 200] neo |209| ar2fosa 3a ‘200| 353 365] 00 )i246 1079) 3a ‘200| 355) 365 jsoofts22 1079} 381 200] USAR TIPO oR USE TYPE +5 364] 300/130] 13291 35 464 r200}1820 13291 Fry] 543 556) 14002059] 1664 5q7| 543 556 400 ]2150| 16a 57] 626] 536 1400/2320] 1638] 52; USAR TIPO "B USE TYPE So 235) zag i800] 73] 866] za 300] 267| 283 aco] 819 555 330) 300) 283 roo] 921 355] 330) 200) 333] 1200) ‘990 1027] a12}i054 381 300) 333 1400) 1220/1257] a12|i0s4 381 900 384 1300|1285|1322| 63a) 1073 361 900] 300* 384 1400/1441] 1498] 638) 1079 38) 900] USAR TIPO USE TYPE ea 389 1400/1900] 1950]10-9| 1329 Pry) 489] 1400 2000|2059]1079|1329 ez] 364 sao [2205|2220) 1421 [1644 527 584 1550 [2305|2320) 921 644 527] _ i550 [2510 2560) 15 [i658 527] USAR TIPO USE TIPE DH AS BO ee TAD OWG, FILE” SOBTSTOS,0GN CONJUNTO DE DOBLE PASO CON VALVULA n FOSTER DECONTROL BRIDADA oe 50816.1M fi aaHEEL ER CLASES 150* Y_300* (CONFIGURACION IV) (se ay 01-97 ; IBERIA DOUBLE PASS ASSEMBLY WITH FLANGED CONTROL Frosq , 06 ch VALLE CLASSES I50* WO _300* (CONFIGURATION ) | veer * or] REV. © 4 NOTA VISTA A-Al (IEW aA) {nora Wh ate Mh wares LF repsewo TIPO "A" TIPO_"B" Xx Za (T/PE *¥) Sere rs ‘pana iis ot navons a YALA seme Samer ox om eee owvernos Sea tye BAA tos tic Be Gala IESE wun cert sama overen 3 Bl EWDNA CBG 2? wry omer semouar® ra SMa tat Tee Sata 8 Vic ie acs Sits ca UN PPR MEENA EM 88” Bia 2euaron once Irn Asta cow Hoa gon in Sbb Rae arise © DLN. vac ie eae ic CLASE | TUBERIA |CONTROL ma var. cont| Fata vey. cont ° eElelc OBSERVACIONES CLASS | NB. leon ocean fy jemeavare fe ‘REMARKS: nine OW 2 ee ara] [a [d Sosa 31 [ta | z2a[ 38 hsoo ona nso [ eral ase 800 : 25e[26"[woofono|rso[ seal ee5| 3501300] | sar tipo |] | 4" 2sa[ 26-[wo jas 1330|eas|ees| 330] 300 a 293] 31 [i400] 1310 [1370] 672/105) 361] S09] » fen zeo[ aifaofisofeno| safose| sail soo] | USE, T/PE & 353 1620 a0) 3e)0°o[ Se] 90 © [gu 353 8200] ae) or2| se 96 Hoe ra 52080 30 San TIPO | Gos os psso|z20 so USAR 543] Se woop 300 600 7 19" 543] 586|1400 [2460|2510| coo] (USE TYPE ) 626] 638|1400 [25302590] 700] eo [2 Pae*|aashccohesopioco USAR TIPO 4" 267| 283|1400) 1615 [1475] AM | Ssa| s35]woofwes|sa6 3 + Te sia 333}sc0|*s0[ a0 use T/PE ||: oO 4" | 368) 384}1400 1800 1890) i Sf ge [2 [es] ses} zovo]ar60 qi 5 Mm 6 473] 489|1400 [2100 [2200|10"9 |1329| 444] 500] USAR TIPO ? 10 6" | 4-3] 489[1400[2330]2410] [S09] B" i 8" _| 588] 584|1400/2425|2510 [S00] 2 7 8 [ se Se sso ese s0 5 coo] USE TYPE wor fasilefwso[e"sobeeelwspesa[ se] [00 OH Ae = DO! P. FOSTER |e TR SA | STD.No.S0B16.1M pHeEren CLASES 150° Y_300* (CONFIGURACION_V) FECHA, 1-01-97 IBERIA | QOUBLE PASS ASSEMBLY WITH FLANGED CONTROL yon 6 + : NIE CLASSES 150% AND 300" (CONFIGURATION 1} | esneer» © igr,tO| REV. © TERRENO GROUND. TERRENO GROUND. (FAD NOTAS: 7 mores 1. DIMENSIONES EN mm, EXCEPTO DIAMETROS 3.ALTURA CON TAPA_ALARGADA. NOMINALES. (3 HEIGHT WITH FLOODED CaP) 4. CUANDO LA VALVULA_DE CONTROL SE SUMINISTRE BRIDADA, SUPRIMR LAS UNIONES. (1 DMEUSENS WU EXCEPT NOUWAL DAETERD 2 ONENSIONES DE LA'VALVAA DE CONTROL GUN Cf O60 WAGONEL AN SRE FOG00 a Senvoworor OmECTO VPAaye NVERSO Woo Boer USE JIMONS WHEN THE CONTROL VALVE (2 CRUD LACE DNENSIONS 26 PEM CATMCHUE | 5. VALVULAS DE BLOQUEO ROSCADAS 0 Of AD ane ee, GT SERVONOTOR (FA) eucHUFE Y SOLOADURA. (5 THREADED OF SOCKET MELD BLOCH VAS) on [AN | oa | s cuase | Tua. | Yat alc |p| c |r | Rape per —losseavaciones| cuss | ng, | One. Giavane fre REWARKS Pipe lecurper| ea | Fe osc] re [avs " Ya 657| as1{1400] 600] 279] 325] 900| 210] 154 : I 1/.ui|_%_[ 657 951/400] 675] 279] 375] 900] 20] wal - all J eee eee & (I? 51] #00] 675] 279] 375] 200] 20] wes] 9? w 851|1400| 700] 279] 400] 900] 210] 184] 197 QM te"_| 672| 866 [1400| 725] 279| 25] 200| 251] 222] 255) I - | 1" ¥e"_|_657| 851]1400| oo] 279] 400] 900] 210] 194) 207| 3 2» hi" @=| a81| 1200] ~s0] 9} 75] s00] zo] we[ 20") 2 fa} 2 65-| a5i|1400| ~s0 210. fy Oo om asi] oo | 75 210 % be) 6-2] 866/400 | 800 248 g é CONJUNTO DE DOBLE PASO CON VALVULA | Sto No.SoBi6.M] FOSTER ‘DE CONTROL_BRIDADA aaa WHEELER | CLASES 150* Y_300* (CONFIGURACION vy | [garry 01-97 IBERIA DOUBLE PASS ASSEMBLY WITH FLANGED CONTROL Faw VALLE CLASSES 150* ND JOO (CONFIGURATION Vi) | isneers © rr /®)REV. 2 |) co c f wn > be nhs - = } \ neo. : NOTA SUOTE 5) <_-noTa sinore_ NOTA § x rn wore 5? ora 4 | Onn “y r TeRRENO TERRENO Eraund SpouND iROTEST L.DIMENSIONES EN mm. EXCEPTO DIAMETROS 3. ALTURA CON TAPA ALARGADA OES nu excerT noun oueTER: 7 SEGON eaTaLOGO WASONEILAN, SERIE. 20,000 SEeveucrow oecvo veae nvenso Wes Gow USE ONS UREN THE COWTAOL VAWE ce Sena are Msc usots Ag PER Es usoue TaeOiei dee Soc0d bikec SemCHOTOR «ray 5 VALVULAS DE BLOQUEO ROSCADKS © OF 15 THRENDED of SOCPET WELO BLOC VALVES) (3 HEIGHT wiTHs FLOODED CaP 4 4. CUANDO LA VALVULA DE CONTROL SE 'SUMINISTRE BRIDADA, SUPRIMIR. LAS” UNONES. on | vA] c c CLASE | TUB. | CONT! | “twin vay cow, | OBSERVACIONE S| cass | ue | Ph e oe) © | Savarar nae fire leottiad ra tec | [eal ec cose] er |RTo " ¥e_[ 657] 8si[iso0| a0] 925[ 279] 275] 900] 200] we] | “| i afi) =e fo es ra a aol ae 7 & [1Z2'' [i Pose] ssifwoo} arshozs] 279] 275] ooo] 20) wal 17 me ~ [| 657] esifia00| 950] 25] 273] 275| 200) a1] vee] 197 2" [ie [eral ecclieoo| 973[nsol 279] ool ooo) asi] 722 235 qe eels 300) 230] we) 207 s * hi ni_ve_[65-| ssifrso0| soafiors| 2°3| 275! 200) 210] 94] 207] 7] Oo 2 [|r _[os-| e51f1400] 200] 9 900 210| 19>] 210) a Eg oS uy [|__| 6s"[ s66]1400] 75 ‘3 275| 900| 210] 19-| 210) Fay ™_| 2" Fig Tora sssfiscofooohzo0| 2°a] 300] ooo| 25] 233 2a { | i I H DO CONJUNTO_DE DOBLE PASO CON VALVULA roe Ts = S10.No.50816.1M WHEELER CLASES 150% Y_300* (CONFIGURACION Vi). ioe)» 01-97 (SERIA | QQUBLE PASS ASSEMBLY WAH "CAVELEN CONTROL. [an > JAWE CLASSES 150* AND 300" (CONFIGURATION Vil) | isueeri 7 srl] REV. 0 Se + TeRRENO 36 5) ROU : a moresr 7 Z QUENSIONES EN men, EXCEPTO DIRMETROS 4. PARA TAMATIOS OE 6" Y MAYORES LA VALVULA, nou SERA 06. COMPUERTA. 1, BRIS Excer nuae eure (4 FOR SIZES AND LARGER.THE VANE SHU BE GATE TAPED * Baa MONT At ENTRE ERDAS RFS SRE 5; VALWULAS DE BLOQUED BROADAS. Je. gONRGR VE is couspeneD 70 6e ast axeo © a" Con seRvoUOT Senet at oS Ec MeT Eloy 8 FA Gon SeRvoUOTOR ORecTO 3. SOL HiSTA DN TUBERA Oy CAGE vaya FE “CON SERVOMOTOR net GE Control Bel REST Macc So O-ace esas Zl 2. Fon Pine” UP Fo Mé fr sD COnTROL UAve. & OM Fe sare were” ServouaTon) Ete" brim 70° on ON Longin cLase | TUB. ‘OBSERVACIONES aL3ss |e A |B] C | D_ fesrattacos & ) SsEyecre PIPE oe LENGTHS 3" wm _[wwo0 | e00 | 00 | 190 = 100 | —e50 | 800 | 230 8 4" 1400 | 980 | 900 | 250 | 100 050 | soo | 260 1 5 # " woo |" 1250 [sco | 260 |e | : 5 [6 woo 1300 | ~s00| 2018 16 [gH woo |" 1500 | 900 [200/85 1400 | 1600 [900 350 m5 10" 1400 | 1800 | 900 350 SSu sso [was | 675 [35078 9" woo | 2025 | 82 | 350 [0 a8 400 | 2125 10 | 8 3H woo [7 a2s [900 | 220 | 2.) woo | 850] 500 | 230128 4" soo [80 | soo [230 83a . woo | woo | 900 | 30s |< 5S 8 z 2 woo | 1300 | 300 [305 | 28S I oO ~ s400_| "4350 [300 305 |e = 2 S [gn vao0| “1525 | 900 [308 ]9 & 7 m & woo [25 | s00 [3508 5 10" v#00_| 1325 | 000 | 35013 Ee woo | woo | -s~ [+10 a. 3 12" 550 | 200 | 903] +10 3 5 10° ssso_[ 2150 266 430 é Daas TiO x “CONJUNTO DE DOBLE PASO CON VALVULA | sr} 1 ‘ FOSTER ee S10.No.50816.™M WHEELER CLASES 150% ¥ 300+ (CONFIGURACION vil) Ibgen, P0197 'BERIA DOUBLE PASS ASSEWBLY WITH “CAUFLEX* C1 WOR gO i VALE CLASSES 150" AND 300" (CONFIGURATION Vil) | isueerr ® we [REVO | hwy NOTA finare 9 Tefgeeno' OE aa pein ¥e' 1. DIMENSIONES EN mm, EXCEPTO DIAMETROS % — SUNCLNNAR LA VALVULA EN TAMANOS DE 8” Roma BRM 4 oy BREE ww exeeer nouns OUETER (3, MCUNE THE VANE FOR Sizes & ato Roem SRS Oe seals tracey Us Selon St SE ea CL en en caso (aan Fe oasanenen 70 ener seo) (6. THE "EGMENGGW SHALL BE CALCULATED WHEW 2 a AS PE ECE SEE Soy Tee 5 useos 3. S019 theta Ga Tage Ge Sa Be VAC 7, VALVULAS Br eLOQUED ARDAOKS Be Cottead el RESTS Nece Som aceEOA, 1 Reins butte Viner (3 Pon REGS £0 AB ti conte VE Coe axa (ecn lecmaucroa arene lay te 08 ore Fe: GN SERNRree ERS. 4+ EA igs OE" MAvORES 4 VALVOLA 1a Fk -wii oer sencucron (4, FOR SIZES 6 AND LARGER,THE VALVE SHALL BE GATE TYPE) ie on. | ay ToNgTuo cuase | tus. | Yény nd of - ass | ns ae} A |B) C | D | E | spams | F | ccnes rire |cauriao| WT ais LENGTHS REWARKS an Le ve | soo | mio | 900 | 535 faowenenl| ger 2°—[ za [soo | neo] 900 [535 | 230, 3 rt 2 | ee Poo [seo [300 | 525 [230 gS S| ws [00 | 1380 | 00 | 525 | 26013 | [Gr [aes [too Pom [soo | es [280 dg Oo vee | woo | w675 | 900] vas [200 | 8 : 0 fan vse | 1400 | 850 | 200 | aso | 200/435 - 229 | 00 | 160 | s00 | 850 350 v3 10" 220 [ woo [270 | soo | sao] 50 [88 - 243 | 00 | 2200 | 72 | 900 | 350 (we ! 12" 243_[ 1400 | 2350 |e | noo | 350 Jue 4 2. 1400_| 2500 776 410 288) 3H nm | s400| 1250 | 900 20/22.) e_[ 100 | 1270 | 900 230/38 i 4" 124 | 400 | 1395 | 900 230 (Sel ali ves | woo | 1525 | 900 305 fees \/5 * [en 15 | 400 | 60 | 900 | 305/53} 7 o v4 | 100 | 00 | s00 | aso] sos |< © a): S fg ‘ee 400 [-2000[ 200 | 2-0 [sos 18 & a ra) 229 | 1300 | 20 | 900 [ 9-0 | 350 3 wot 10" 329 | woo | 2300 | 200 | wo | sso (19 | = [10""| 243 [00 | 2100] 5 | oso | so |S le) 72" 243[ 550 | 2600 | 903 | nso_[ +0 3 a4! 2-3 [1950 [2650 | 266 | neo | +30 3 BN AE BI W FOSTER WHEELER IBERIA DOUBLE PASS ASSEMBLY WITH “CAUFL -CONJUNTO DE DOBLE PASO CON VALVULA STD.No.50816.1M ‘DE CONTROL _“CAMFLEX"” GH CLASES 150% ¥_300* (CONFIGURACION 1X) fare. 0197 wey % VANE CLASSES 150° AND 300" (CONFIGURATION IX) | isueer» ® sqn'O| REV. © c REDUCTOR y a 500 iN, TERRENO SROUND. SIRQOT Noras: ares 1. DIMENSIONES EN men. EXCEPTO DIAVETROS, NOMINALES, (1, DNEWSIONS Ww UM EXCEPT NoMa. DIAMETER) 2.LA VALVULA DE CONTROL ESTA CONSIDERADA, BARA MONTAR ENTRE SRIDAS. RF. (MASONEIL AN, SERIE 33000), 5 (2, CONTROL VALVE’ 1S CONSIDERED TO BE STALLED BETWEEW RF FLANGES IUASONEILAW SERIES 35000) 3. VALVULAS DE BLOQUEO ROSCADAS © DE ENCHUFE Y"'SOLBADURA (2. THREADED OR SOCFET WELD BLOCK VALVES) 5. FA - CON SERVoMOTOR ORECTO. FC = CON SERVOMOTOR VERSO, (6 FA-wiTH OWRECT Se RvOUOTOR FC ) wi WHEELER CLASES 150" 300+ (GonricuRaGion » = | FEC or97 WBERIA | DOUBLE PASS ASSEMBLY WITH “CAUFLEX* CONTROL Fresno oe LANE CLASSES 150" AND 300" (CONFIGURATION 0. | tneers ° nl] REV. 0 | c _¢ EDUCTOR y REDUCTOR ay, -eDuCTOR uy, -BEOUCTOR. | Nota 3 ‘a 3 TERRENO Eta Notas: I ores 1. DIMENSIONES EN avn, EXCEPTO DIAMETROS. ROMINALES. DIMENSIONS WW Mut EXCEPT NOWIVAL DIAUETER) 2.LA_VALVULA DE CONTROL ESTA CONSIDERADA BARA MONTAR ENTRE BRIDAS R'F. (MASONEIL AN SERIE "380000, (2, CONTROL VAIVE._ 5 CONSIDERED TO, BE _WSTALED : BETWEEN RF FLANGES IASONEILW SERIES 35000 7 5. VALVULAS DE BLOOUEO ROSCADAS O DE ENCHUFE : Y"SOLGADURA (3. THREADED OR SOCKET WELD BLOCK VALVES) 6. EA ~ CON SERVOMOTOR DRECTO. 1: Fe < CON Senvowaron VERSO, : (6, F3-WITW DIRECT SERCOUDTOR Fo

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