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FY1967 (01 July 1966 through 31 June 1967)

During FY1967 the DSA "contract number" is changed and designated the PII (Procurement Instrument Identification)
number. The PII number is broken down as follows: the first three characters (usually letters) are the identifier of the
agency that issues the instrument (or "contracting agency" - the agency that secures the contract). The next set of
three characters (usually numbers) identifies the "class" of item. The next two characters are the last two digits of the
Fiscal Year the instrument (or "contract") is awarded. The next character (always a letter) indicates the type of
instrument (or "contract") of which there are many (all corresponding to letters in the alphabet). The last four digits are
the serial number of the instrument (or the "contract number").

The DSA prefix (the normal contracting agency of clothing and individual equipment) of the PII number remains
unchanged from FY1967 through FY1977.


FY1967 contract with complete PII number:


FY1967 contract with complete PII number:

DSA - 100 - 67 - C - 2010


On 30 September 1974 the FSN system is amended by the DLSC to include two more digits to comply with the NATO
Stock Numbering STANAG. Because of this the FSN is renamed National Stock Number or NSN. The two additional
digits identify the country of origin, called the National Codification Bureau Code (NCB). The United States is assigned
the NCB 00 and 01. The NCB is placed directly after the FSC and before the seven-digit non-significant number

The two NCB codes assigned to the United States are further used to indicate when the item is standardized. Items
standardized prior to 1974 are assigned the NCB 00. Items standardized after 1974 are assigned the NCB 01.
According to the DLSC, at the time, the new NSN system (with the added NCB) "should provide sufficient
combinations of coded numbers to last another 150 years."

Early FY1974 (2nd quarter) contract label with eleven- Late FY1974 (4th quarter) contract label with thirteen-
digit Federal Stock Number (FSN). digit National Stock Number (NSN). Note that the NCB

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