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Jakarta, Oktober 28 1019


Head HRD PT. Bumi Management

Jl. Merdeka Barat No. 17


With Respect,

Based on the information l received from the Daily Jakarta on Oktober 25, 2019, PT. Bumi
Management job opening as finance Staff. In connection with that, l want to apply in the
company Mr/Mrs lead to fill the position.

Here is my brief bio

 Name : Kiki Adianto

 Type Kelamani : Male
 Point, Date Of Birth: Jakarta 16 Oktober 1994
 Education : S1- Management
 Phone Number : 081296860126
 Email :
 Address : Jl Duri Mas 1Ujung Duri Kepa

I can also speak English Both oral and verbal. I also mempu to operate software for office that
would be able to assist in the work.

For your consideration, Mr. / Ms I also attach multiple files as berkut:

1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Copy of transcript Value one sheet
3. Photocopy of Diploma recenty one sheet
4. Copy of the Yellow on sheet
5. Latest 3x4 photograph two sheets

I hope to get the chance to follow the next test to be able to explain the capabilities and
competences that I have. Had Mr/Ms can give confidence to me to embark on a career as a
fresh graduate in the field of Finance Staff.

Similary, letters of job application I submit, for the attention of Mr / Ms I thank you

Best regards

Kiki Adianto

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