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(Assignment Work)

From Middle Plantagenet to Carolino Age (1350 A. D. to 1660 A. D.)

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[k.M v & vfr y?kqmRRkjh; iz'u ¼1 ls 8½ dqy 08 iz'u gS] lHkh iz'u vfuok;ZA izfr iz'u 0-5 vad
mŸkj 'kCn lhek 1&2 'kCn ;k ,d okD;A
[k.M c & vfr y?kqmRRkjh; iz'u ¼9 ls 14½ dqy 06 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 04 iz'u gy djsaA izfr
iz'u 01 vad dk gksxkA mŸkj 'kCn lhek 75 ;k vk/kk istA
[k.M l & y?kqmÙkjh; iz'u ¼15 ls 18½ dqy 04 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 03 iz'u gy djsaA izfr iz'u 02
vad dk gksxkA mŸkj 'kCn lhek 150 ;k ,d istA
[k.M n & v)Z nh?kZ mRrjh; iz'u ¼19 ls 22½ dqy 04 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 02 iz'u gy djsaA izfr
iz'u 04 vad dk gksxkA 'kCn lhek 300 ;k nks istA
[k.M bZ & nh?kZ mRrjh; iz'u ¼23 ls 24½ dqy 02 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 01 iz'u gy djsaA izfr iz'u
08 vad dk gksxkA mŸkj dh 'kCn lhek 600&750 ;k 4&5 istA
1. Whose story is the first in sequence in Canterbury Tale : The Prologue ?
2. Name the saint whose relics are kept in Canterbury for the devout.
3. Who is the author of ‘Paradise Lost’ ?
4. What was the subject of ‘Paradise Lost’.
5. Shakespeare was baptised on ........... .
6. How many plays has Shakespeare written in all ?
7. Who wrote ‘The White Devil’ ?
8. Who is Jonson’s masterpiece in comic character in the play ‘Every Man in His Humour’ ?
9. Write a character sketch of ‘The Wife of Bath’.
10. Give an idea about Miltonic Verse; briefly.
11. Describe the life in Shakespeare’s England.
12. Write a brief note on Ben Jonson’s humourous characters.
13. Write a short note on Webster’s deep moral sense.
14. What makes the Pardoner so offensive ?
Explain any three of the following passages with reference to the context :
15. Thus swyved was this carpenteris wyf,
For all his kepyng and his jalousye;
And Absolon hath kist hir nether ye;
And Nicholas is scalded in the towte
This tale is doon, and God save al the route !
16. In fernal world ! and thou, profoundest Hell,
Receive thy new possessor-one who brings
A mind not to be changed by place or time.
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of heaven
.............. and, in my choice.
To region is worth ambition, though in Hell
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.
17. Give thy thoughts no tongue,
Nor any unproportion’d thought his act
Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar.
Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,
Grapple them unto thy soul with hoops of steel;
But do not dull thy palm with entertainment
Of each new-hatch’d, unfledg’d comrade.
18. You see my lord that goodly fruit she seems,
Yet like those apple travellers report,
To grow there Sodom and Gomorral stood :
I will but touch her and yet straight shall see
She’ll fall to soot and ashes.
19. Compare the Miller’s Tale with either the Reeve’s Tale or the Summoner’s tale. What are
the different characteristics that make each Tale a fablian ?
20. Discuss with reference to Book I of Paradise Lost, the various elements which combine to
form the grand style of Milton.
21. Write a short note on William Shakespeare’s dramatic in sight and imagination.
22. Show how ‘Every Man In His Humour’ illustrates Jonson’s theory of comedy.
23. Bring out the comic and satirical elements in ‘The White Devil’.
24. Discuss the merits of the Prologue to Book I of the ‘Paradise Lost’.

(Assignment Work)

From Restoration to Middle Georgian age

ijh{kkFkhZ gsrq funsZ’k %

[k.M v & vfr y?kqmRRkjh; iz'u ¼1 ls 8½ dqy 08 iz'u gS] lHkh iz'u vfuok;ZA izfr iz'u 0-5 vad
mŸkj 'kCn lhek 1&2 'kCn ;k ,d okD;A
[k.M c & vfr y?kqmRRkjh; iz'u ¼9 ls 14½ dqy 06 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 04 iz'u gy djsaA izfr
iz'u 01 vad dk gksxkA mŸkj 'kCn lhek 75 ;k vk/kk istA
[k.M l & y?kqmÙkjh; iz'u ¼15 ls 18½ dqy 04 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 03 iz'u gy djsaA izfr iz'u 02
vad dk gksxkA mŸkj 'kCn lhek 150 ;k ,d istA
[k.M n & v)Z nh?kZ mRrjh; iz'u ¼ 19 ls 22½ dqy 04 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 02 iz'u gy djsaA izfr
iz'u 04 vad dk gksxkA 'kCn lhek 300 ;k nks istA
[k.M bZ & nh?kZ mRrjh; iz'u ¼23 ls 24½ dqy 02 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 01 iz'u gy djsaA izfr iz'u
08 vad dk gksxkA mŸkj dh 'kCn lhek 600&750 ;k 4&5 istA
1. Who is the heroine of ‘The Rape of the Lock’ ?
2. Name the author of ‘An Essay on Criticism’.
3. What type of writing is ‘Mac Flecknoe’ ?
4. When was ‘Mac Flecknoe’ written ?
5. ‘Progress of Poesy’ and ‘The Bard’ are the best .......... odes ever written.
6. ............ is a satiric poem which becomes the corner-stone of Dryden’s success in his poetic
7. ........... was Sheridan’s second commercially produced play.
8. Joseph Addison was born at .......... .
9. Explain the main idea of the poem, “The Progress of Poesy”.
10. Discuss ‘The Rape of the Lock’ as a piece of Satire.
11. Explain Dryden’s use of the couplets in Mac Flecknoe.
12. Write the summary of the poem, ‘The Bard’.
13. Discuss Sheridan as a Dramatist.
14. Give the character sketch of Jack Absolute.
15. Write a critical note on Pope’s style and diction.
16. Write about the biographical sketch of Thomas Grey.
17. Introduce the characters of the play, “The Rival”.
18. Write a short note on Joseph Addison as a Magazine Founder.
19. Give the character sketch of ‘Belinda’.
20. Give an analysis of the poem ‘Mac Flecknoe’.
21. Analyse the poem ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard’.
22. Write about ‘Sir Roger at Church’ briefly.
23. What moral lesson do you find in ‘The Rape of the Lock’ ?
24. Write about Joseph Addison’s contribution to literature.

(Assignment Work)

From Later Georgian to Victorian Age

(1798 A. D. to 1914 A. D.)

ijh{kkFkhZ gsrq funsZ’k %

[k.M v & vfr y?kqmRRkjh; iz'u ¼1 ls 8½ dqy 08 iz'u gS] lHkh iz'u vfuok;ZA izfr iz'u 0-5 vad
mŸkj 'kCn lhek 1&2 'kCn ;k ,d okD;A
[k.M c & vfr y?kqmRRkjh; iz'u ¼9 ls 14½ dqy 06 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 04 iz'u gy djsaA izfr
iz'u 01 vad dk gksxkA mŸkj 'kCn lhek 75 ;k vk/kk istA
[k.M l & y?kqmÙkjh; iz'u ¼15 ls 18½ dqy 04 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 03 iz'u gy djsaA izfr iz'u 02
vad dk gksxkA mŸkj 'kCn lhek 150 ;k ,d istA
[k.M n & v)Z nh?kZ mRrjh; iz'u ¼19 ls 22½ dqy 04 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 02 iz'u gy djsaA izfr
iz'u 04 vad dk gksxkA 'kCn lhek 300 ;k nks istA
[k.M bZ & nh?kZ mRrjh; iz'u ¼23 ls 24½ dqy 02 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 01 iz'u gy djsaA izfr iz'u
08 vad dk gksxkA mŸkj dh 'kCn lhek 600&750 ;k 4&5 istA
1. William Wordsworth is which kind of poet ?
2. What is the full name of Coleridge ?
3. ‘Adonais’ a ........... elegy.
4. Who died at the age of 29 ?
5. Tennyson was representative of which age ?
6. Arnold was famous for ........... method.
7. Who has written “The Indian Jugglers” ?
8. Who has written “Tales from Shakespeare” ?
9. Comment upon the theme of the poem ‘Tintern Abbey’.
10. Are there moments where it feels like Coleridge is describing something real, or does this
seem like a hallucination to you ?
11. How can you call ‘Adonais’ a pastoral elegy ? Discuss.
12. What are the common features that Keats uses in all his poems ?
13. Write a short note on the Literary context of Ulysses.
14. Write a note on Arnold’s poetry.
15. Write a review of the poem ‘Immortality Ode’.
16. Many of the images and the words in the poem Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner get pretty
fancy, and the setting jump around a lot. Do you find yourself getting caught up in the
excitement, or do you wish Coleridge would dial it down a notch ?
17. Discuss William Hazlitt as an essayist.
18. Write down a very short note on Keat’s early life.
19. Write a critical appreciation of the poem ‘Dover Beach’.
20. How does nature reflect the change in the mariner ?
21. Write a note on John Keats as a poet.
22. Write how you rate Shalley as a poet.
23. Comment on the diction and style of the poem ‘Ulysses’ and also tell the theme of the poem.
24. How do you rate Charles Lamb as an essayist ? Discuss.

(Assignment Work)

The Present Age (1914 AD to 2000 AD)

ijh{kkFkhZ gsrq funsZ’k %

[k.M v & vfr y?kqmRRkjh; iz'u ¼1 ls 8½ dqy 08 iz'u gS] lHkh iz'u vfuok;ZA izfr iz'u 0-5 vad
mŸkj 'kCn lhek 1&2 'kCn ;k ,d okD;A
[k.M c & vfr y?kqmRRkjh; iz'u ¼9 ls 14½ dqy 06 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 04 iz'u gy djsaA izfr
iz'u 01 vad dk gksxkA mŸkj 'kCn lhek 75 ;k vk/kk istA
[k.M l & y?kqmÙkjh; iz'u ¼15 ls 18½ dqy 04 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 03 iz'u gy djsaA izfr iz'u 02
vad dk gksxkA mŸkj 'kCn lhek 150 ;k ,d istA
[k.M n & v)Z nh?kZ mRrjh; iz'u ¼19 ls 22½ dqy 04 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 02 iz'u gy djsaA izfr
iz'u 04 vad dk gksxkA 'kCn lhek 300 ;k nks istA
[k.M bZ & nh?kZ mRrjh; iz'u ¼23 ls 24½ dqy 02 iz'u gS ftlesa ls dksbZ 01 iz'u gy djsaA izfr iz'u
08 vad dk gksxkA mŸkj dh 'kCn lhek 600&750 ;k 4&5 istA
1. The October 1922, Eliot published ‘The Waste Land’ in ........... .
2. Yeats was born and educated in ......... .
3. ‘Sailing to Byzantium’ by W. B. Yeats was first published in .......... .
4. The poem, ‘The Second Coming’ uses ......... imagery regarding the Apocalypse.
5. ‘Look Back in Anger’ was a strongly autobiographical piece based on Osborne’s unhappy
marriage to .......... .
6. The novel ‘Brave New World’ opens in ........... in the ‘Year of One Ford 632’.
7. At the age of .......... , Eric Blair was sent as a day-boy to the convent school in Henley-on-
Thames which Marjorie attended.
8. Pen name of George Orwell is ........... .
Explain with reference to the context :
9. Where the hermit-thrush sings in the pine trees
Drip drop drip drop drop drop
But there is no water
Who is the third who walles always beside you ?
10. O sages standing in God’s holy fire
As in the gold mosaic of a wall,
Come from the holy fire, perne in a gyre,
And be the singing-masters of my soul.
11. Miracle, bird or golden handiwork,
More miracle than bird or handiwork,
Planted on the star-lit golden bough,
Can like the cocks of Hades crow,
Or, by the meen embittered, scorn aloud
In glory of changeless metal
Common bird or petal
And all complexities of mire or blood.
12. It’s no good fooling about with love you know. You can’t fall into it like a soft job without
dirtying up your hands. It takes muscles and guts. If you can’t beat the thought of messing
up your nice, tidy soul, you better give up the whole idea of life and become a saint, because
you’ll never make it as a human being. It’s either this world .......... or the next.
13. But what is this ‘divinity’ ? How shall we define a ‘god’ ? Expressed in psychological terms
(which are primary—there is no getting behind them), a god is something that gives us the
peculiar kind of feeling which Professor Otto has called ‘numinous’ (from the Latin numen,
a supernatural being).
14. “Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they
cannot become conscious”.
15. Write a short note on ‘Sailing to Byzantium’.
16. Comment on the structure and style of the poem, “The Waste Land”.
17. Comment on the figures of speech used in the poem ‘Byzantium’.
18. What are the ‘gyres’ that Yeats refers to in the poem, ‘The Second Coming’.
19. Write the summary of the play “Look Back in Anger”.
20. Write a biographical sketch of John Osborne.
21. Write the critical appreciation of the essay ‘Meditations on Moon’.
22. Write the theme of the novel ‘1984.’
23. What aspects of the play ‘Look Back in Anger’ touch you the most and why ?
24. Comment on the plot and style of the novel, ‘Brave New World’.

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