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Business Class

Personal Insurance
Security on Business Trips

Summary of Cover
Sulzer AG – Policy Number CHBMNA03055

Overview of your travel protection

Chubb Business Class offers you comprehensive travel protection during business travel abroad. You will find all the insurance
benefits agreed for your security in the table below.

Have a secure business trip!

Important information

The insurance is covering business trips up to 365 days.

Accident protection for trips to crisis countries/areas is insured; unless they classified as "Extreme" by the International SOS
Travel Security Rating. All further coverages are valid without agreement.

Please send the details of a resp. travel including destination, purpose, duration and number of travellers to:

We will contact you as soon as possible.

Insured persons

All recent and future employees worldwide, freelancers, board and executive members as well as consultants of the policyholder
as well as guests and family members.

Guests are also covered in case of accidental death (10.000 CHF) and invalidity (15.000 CHF), as long as they are accompanied
by an employee of Sulzer.

Commencement and end of the insurance cover

The insurance cover for the business trip begins at the moment when the insured person leaves his/her place of residence or
place of work (company premises) and ends when he/she returns to one of the two places.

If insurance cover for individual benefits only applies abroad then insurance cover for business travel shall commence upon
crossing the border of the country of residence and shall end upon crossing the same border for the return journey.

Local validity

Insurance cover is provided for the above-mentioned insured persons during the period of validity of the contract during a
business trip abroad.

Domestic trips are also covered by business travel accident insurance, travel cancellation and luggage insurance for Australia,
Canada and the USA. In addition the tabel below indicates the benefits for medical emergencies:

For Business trips to a country with a Travel Risk Rating “Extreme” from International SOS, please refer to the insurer for
approval. Please see link:

Business trips to Cuba are insured. Leisure travel before and after the business trip are not insured. In addition there are further
restrictions for US citizens. US-Citizen are insured if they fulfil the obligations of OFAC.


General certificates for visa applications are available. In certain cases individual certificates are required. Please send your
request to the following email-address:

We will respond to your request usually within 2 working days.

Contact in case of emergency and/or claim

In case of a hospital treatment or any other emergency situation please always contact immediately.

International SOS, Phone: +41 (0)22 785 6464

Please tell agent the membership number 22AYCA775324, your name and the country you work for.

For all other claims, please go to our claims website:

You could also send a claims file to the following email address or to our company. Please fill out the claims form and send it to
your local unit if you have a local insurance policy or to:


Chubb Insurance (Switzerland) Limited

Claims BTA
Bärengasse 32
8001 Zurich

Overview of benefits

I. Business Travel Accident Insurance

3- times annual salary,
Accidental Death (AD)
max. 350.000 CHF
3- times annual salary,
Disablement benefit (PDCS)
max. 350.000 CHF
Improved schedule of compensation insured
Age-dependent progression (from 70% disablement) insured (max. 100.000 CHF)
Automatically included benefits:
Rehabilitation treatment benefit max. 3.500 CHF
Workplace adaptation costs max. 20.000 CHF
Residence and private car adaptation costs max. 20.000 CHF
Cosmetic operations max. 30.000 CHF
Immediate benefit in the event of serious injury 20.000 CHF
Insurance of accompanying partners/children PCDS 35.000 / 35.000 CHF
(no age-dependent progression) AD 35.000 / 5.000 CHF
Private trips (before, after and between business travels) up to 14 days
Hospital daily benefit in case of an accident abroad (from the 7th day, up to 365 days) 50 CHF
II. Business Travel Package
2. Emergency Medical Expenses plus Assistance Services
Emergency Medical Expenses abroad unlimited
Guarantee of meeting the hospital’s costs max. 50.000 CHF
Emergency dental treatment bis 400 CHF
In hospital treatment after return from business trip
bis 10.000 CHF
(up to max. 30 days after return)
Assistance benefits (onliy for accident):
Nomination of German-speaking or English-speaking doctors insured
Referral of doctors, specialist doctors and hospitals insured
Organising contact and transmitting information in case of emergency insured
Sending of alternative person in case of death, sickness, arrest or kidnapping max. 3.500 CHF
Shipment of medicines, technical equipment, a doctor unlimited
Patient transport costs Cost cover
Transfer of remains or funeral costs abroad max. 15.000 CHF
max. 300 CHF per day
Accompanying of the remains (return ticket and accommodation of a close relative)
(max. 3 days)
Search, rescue or recovery operations max. 30.000 CHF
Organising a journey of one person close to the hospital of insured person max. 3.500 CHF
Replacement of travel documents incurred costs
Cash advance and lawyer fees max. 10.000 CHF
Advancing punitive bail max. 30.000 CHF
Emergency assistance due to accident, illness and loss of
max. 3.500 CHF
travel funds (pay in advance)
organisation and
Repatriation in case of terror, sabotage or assault
cost cover
Sending of a doctor to a sick child at home if the insured person or its partner is on organisation and
a business trip abroad cost cover

Chubb Versicherungen (Schweiz) AG / Chubb Insurance (Switzerland) Limited / Chubb Assurances (Suisse) SA
Bärengasse 32, 8001 Zurich, T + 41 43 456 76 00,

Childcare for children under 16 years while the partner is in hospital to visit the organisation and cost cover up to
insured person 500 CHF
Return transport of the insured person's motor vehicle costs of trip to car
Psychological care in the event of death, disablement and criminal attacks of the
max. 2.500 CHF
insured person (therapy for remains)
3. Business Trip Cancellation and Curtailment Insurance**
Trip cancellation, curtailment, modification or delayed return as consequence of: max. 20.000 CHF
Death, serious accident, unexpected serious illness or pregnancy complication of the
max. the sum insured
insured person
Death, serious accident, unexpected serious illness or pregnancy complication of the
max. the sum insured
partner/spouse or children of the insured person
Damage to the property of the insured person as a result of fire/explosion/natural
max. the sum insured
perils or criminal offence of a third person at home
For business trips of decision makers:
Damage to the company as a result of fire/explosion/natural perils or criminal act max. the sum insured
of a third person, death or serious illness of a direct colleague
Unforeseen travel warning issued by ministry of foreign affairs max. the sum insured
Unknown vaccination intolerance of the insured person max. the sum insured
Flight delay (over 4 hours), flight cancellation max. 350 CHF
Missed transfer (more than 6 hours) max. 2.000 CHF
4. Baggage Insurance for Personal and Businee Luggage
Damage, theft, destruction of luggage (transportation accident etc.) max. 15.000 CHF
Theft/Break-in of cash money max. 1.500 CHF
Delayed luggage (4 hours) max. 1.500 CHF
Insurance of IT equipment max. 3.500 CHF
Loss and theft of bank cards (assault) max. 3.500 CHF
Loss of keys and papers max. 1.500 CHF
SIM-card misuse max. 1.500 CHF
Abandoning the journey due to the loss or destruction of samples/prototypes (trip
max. 3.500 CHF
Minimum claims amount CHF 50
5. Business Private Liability Insurance
Personal injuries and damages to properties during business journeys abroad up to 5.000.000 CHF
Damages to properties and their furnishing rented for the purposes of business
max. 5.000 CHF
Minimum claims amount CHF 50
6. Risk Prevention and Crisis Management (by International SOS)
Travel-Online-Portal with country-specific information such as political and
medical circumstances incl. risk evaluation, advice on measures for preparing for
Via International SOS
travel in relation to visa requirements, vaccinations, travel medicine and practical
tips for day-to-day life
Security Hotline (24/7) for decision makers Via International SOS
Organisation & assumption of
Evacuation/departure in case of political disturbances and natural disasters
150 CHF per day max. 1.500 CHF
Board and lodging costs abroad if the evacuation or departure cannot happen
p. p. max. 4.500 CHF for several
due to epidemic or natural disasters
insured persons
**the maximum benefit per insured person and insurance year is limited to the double of the agreed sum insured

Chubb Versicherungen (Schweiz) AG / Chubb Insurance (Switzerland) Limited / Chubb Assurances (Suisse) SA
Bärengasse 32, 8001 Zurich, T + 41 43 456 76 00,


Chubb Insurance (Switzerland) Limited

Bärengasse 32
CH-8001 Zürich
O + 41 43 456 76 00
F +41 43 456 76 01

Chubb Versicherungen (Schweiz) AG / Chubb Insurance (Switzerland) Limited / Chubb Assurances (Suisse) SA
Bärengasse 32, 8001 Zurich, T + 41 43 456 76 00,


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