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Thesis Submitted to Raajdhani Engineering College,Bhubaneswar in Partial

Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Technology


Mechanical Engineering


Debasish Dash

Regd. No:1301294094

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Ashis Tripathi

Mechanical Engineering Department
Raajdhani Engineering College

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Raajdhani Engineering College
Bhubaneswar – 751030, Odisha


Thesis Submitted to Raajdhani Engineering College,Bhubaneswar in Partial

Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Technology


Mechanical Engineering


Debasish Dash

Regd. No:1301294094

Under the Guidance of

Prof Ashis Tripathy

Mechanical Engineering Department

Raajdhani Engineering College

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Raajdhani Engineering College
Bhubaneswar – 751017, Odisha
SESSION 2015-17

This is to certify that the thesis entitled “CENTRIFUGAL PUMP” submitted by
DEBASISH DASH (Registration Number:1301294094) to the Raajdhani Engineering College,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Tecnology, in Engineering, is
an authentic record of research work carried out by him under my guidance and supervision. To
the best of my knowledge, the work incorporated in this thesis has not been submitted to any
other University or Institute for the award of a degree or diploma.


Signature of project guide Signature of HOD Signature of External

Dept of Mech. Engg. Dept of Mech. Engg.


I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and where
others’ ideas or words have been included, I have adequately cited and referenced the original
sources. I also declare that I have adhered to all principles of academic honesty and integrity
and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea/ data/ fact/ source in my
submission. I understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action
by the Institute and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been
properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.

Debasish Dash
Regd. No:1301294094

It is a great pleasure to express my gratitude and indebtedness to my supervisor Prof.

Ashis Tripathy for his guidance, encouragement, moral support and affection through the

course of my work.

I am also grateful to Prof. (Dr.) Kailash Mohapatra, Head of Mechanical Engineering

Department, for providing all kind of necessary facilities in the department to carry out the

project work.


The foregoing thesis is hereby accepted as a credible study of an engineering subject

carried out & presented in a manner satisfactory to warrant its acceptance as a prerequisite to
the degree for which it has been submitted. It is understood that by this approval the
undersigned do not necessarily endorse or approve any statement made, opinion expressed or
conclusion drawn therein, but approve the thesis for the purpose for which it is submitted.



(Signature of Examiners)

The purpose of this paper is to describe a new project-based experiment
on centrifugal pump performance and operation. A low-cost modular, table-top
centrifugal pump system was designed and constructed for use by
undergraduate chemical engineering students. The use of the pump system
resulted in an increased hands-on experience. Laboratory activities included
generating pump performance curves as a function of impeller speed, graphing
pump characteristic curves, determining the best efficient point (BEP) of
operation, and applying experimental results to a simple industrial problem. The
overall result of this experiential learning activity was favorable to the students
and additional advances in the lab were suggested by the students. In particular,
a relatively higher number of students appreciated the practical value and
hands-on learning experience. Suggestions were made to add more features,
such as different size pumps.

List of figures
List of tables
List of symbols and abbreviations

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Literature Review
Chapter 3 Numerical Analysis and Experimental Setup
Chapter 4 Result & Discussion
Chapter 5 Conclusion



A centrifugal pump is a rotodynamic pump that uses a rotating impeller to increase

the pressure of a fluid. Centrifugal pumps are commonly used to move liquids through a
piping system. The fluid enters the pump impeller along or near to the rotating axis and is
accelerated by the impeller, flowing radially outward into a diffuser or volute chamber
(casing), from where it exits into the downstream piping system. Centrifugal pumps are used
for large discharge through smaller heads.

According to Reti, the Brazilian soldier and historian of science, the first machine that
could be characterized as a centrifugal pump was a mud lifting machine which appeared as
early as 1475 in a treatise by the Italian Renaissance engineer Francesco di Giorgio
Martini.[1] True centrifugal pumps were not developed until the late 17th century, when
Denis Papin made one with straight vanes. The curved vane was introduced by British
inventor John Appold in 1851.

How it works

Like most pumps, a centrifugal pumps converts mechanical energy from a motor to
energy of a moving fluid; some of the energy goes into kinetic energy of fluid motion, and
some into potential energy, represented by a fluid pressure or by lifting the fluid against
gravity to a higher level. The transfer of energy from the mechanical rotation of the impeller
to the motion and pressure of the fluid is usually described in terms of centrifugal force,
especially in older sources written before the modern concept of centrifugal force as a
fictitious force in a rotating reference frame was well articulated. The concept of centrifugal
force is not actually required to describe the action of the centrifugal pump.

In the modern centrifugal pump, most of the energy conversion is due to the outward
force that curved impeller blades impart on the fluid. Invariably, some of the energy also
pushes the fluid into a circular motion, and this circular motion can also convey some energy
and increase the pressure at the outlet. The relationship between these mechanisms was
described, with the typical mixed conception of centrifugal force as known as that time, in an
1859 article on centrifugal pumps,

To arrive by a simpler method than that just given at a general idea of the mode of
action of the exterior whirlpool in improving the efficiency of the centrifugal pump, it is only
necessary to consider that the mass of water revolving in the whirlpool chamber, round the
circumference of the wheel, must necessarily exert a centrifugal force, and that this
centrifugal force may readily be supposed to add itself to the outward force generated within
the wheel; or, in other words, to go to increase the pumping power of the wheel.

The outward force generated within the wheel is to be understood as being produced
entirely by the medium of centrifugal force if the vanes of the wheel be straight and radial;
but if they be curved, as is more commonly the case, the outward force is partly produced
through the medium of centrifugal force, and partly applied by the vanes to the water as a
radial component of the oblique pressure, which, in consequence of their obliquity to the
radius, they apply to the water as it moves outwards along them. O this subject it is well to
observe that while the quantity of water made to pass through a given pump with curved
vanes is perfectly variable at pleasure, the smaller the quantity becomes the more nearly will
the force generated within the wheel for impelling the water outwards become purely
centrifugal force, and the more nearly will the pump become what the name ordinarily given
to it would seem to indicate—a purely centrifugal pump.

When, however, a centrifugal putnp with vanes curved backwards in such forms as
are ordinarily used in well-constructed examples of the machine, is driven at a speed
considerably above that requisite merely to overcome the pressure of the water, and cause
lifting or propulsion to commence, the radial component of the force applied to the water by
the vanes will become considerable, and the water leaving the circumference of the wheel
will have a velocity less than that of the circumference of the wheel in a degree having some
real importance iu practice.

The statement "the mass of water ... must necessarily exert a centrifugal force" is
interpretable in terms of the reactive centrifugal force—the force is not an outward force on
the water, but rather an outward force exerting by the water, on the pump housing (the volute)
and on the water in the outlet pipe. The outlet pressure is a reflection of the pressure that
applies the centripetal force that curves the path of the water to move circularly inside the
pump (in the space just outside the impeller, the exterior whirlpool as this author calls it).

On the other hand, the statement that the "outward force generated within the wheel is
to be understood as being produced entirely by the medium of centrifugal force" is best
understood in terms of centrifugal force as a fictional force in the frame of reference of the
rotating impeller; the actual forces on the water are inward, or centripetal, since that's the

direction of force need to make the water move in circles. This force is supplied by a pressure
gradient that is set up by the rotation, where the pressure at the outside, at the wall of the
volute, can be taken as a reactive centrifugal force. This is typical of 19th and early 20th
century writing, to mix these conceptions of centrifugal force in informal descriptions of
effects such as that in the centrifugal pump.

Differing conceptions and explanations of how a centrifugal pump works have long
engendered controversy and animadversion. For example, the American Expert Commission
sent to the Vienna Exposition in 1873 issued a report that included observations that "they are
misnamed centrifugal, because they do not operate by centrifugal force at all; they operate by
pressure the same as a turbine water wheel;

when people understand their method of operating we may expect much

improvement." John Richards, editor of the San Francisco-based journal Industry, in his in-
depth essay on centrifugal pumps, which also downplayed the signficance of centrifugal force
in the working of the pump, remarked. This extraordinary report stands printed in a
Government publication, signed by men who were, or are, eminent in mechanics, and we can
only deplore the stupidity, as well as presumption of the commission who thus disposed of a
subject that had twenty years before been carefully investigated.

Modern sources say things like that the fluid "flows radially under centrifugal force or
"centrifugal force flings the liquid outward". Others counter that "there is no force at all, and
a great deal of confused thinking." Some are more careful, attributing the outward force to the
impeller, not to centrifugal force: "the impellers throw the water to the outside of the impeller
case. This centrifugal action is what creates the pressure..." Even serious texts that explain the
working of the pump without mention of centrifugal force introduce the pump as one in
which "the\ mechanical energy is converted, into pressure energy by means of centrifugal
force acting on the fluid."

Vertical centrifugal pumps

Vertical centrifugal pumps are also referred to as cantilever pumps. They utilize a unique
shaft and bearing support configuration that allows the volute to hang in the sump while the
bearings are outside of the sump. This style of pump uses no stuffing box to seal the shaft but
instead utilizes a "throttle Bushing". A common application for this style of pump is in a parts

Multistage centrifugal pumps

A centrifugal pump containing two or more impellers is called a multistage

centrifugal pump. The impellers may be mounted on the same shaft or on different shafts. If
we need higher pressure at the outlet we can connect impellers in series. If we need a higher
flow output we can connect impellers in parallel.
All energy added to the fluid comes from the power of the electric or other motor
force driving the impeller.

Efficiency of large pumps:

Unless carefully designed, installed and monitored, pumps will be, or will become
inefficient, wasting a lot of energy. Pumps need to be regularly tested to determine efficiency.

Energy usage:

The energy usage in a pumping installation is determined by the flow required, the
height lifted and the length and friction characteristics of the pipeline. The power required to
drive a pump , is defined simply using SI units.

Problems of centrifugal pumps:

• Cavitation—the NPSH of the system is too low for the selected pump
• Wear of the Impeller—can be worsened by suspended solids
• Corrosion inside the pump caused by the fluid properties
• Overheating due to low flow
• Leakage along rotating shaft
• Lack of prime—centrifugal pumps must be filled (with the fluid to be pumped) in order to
• Surge

Centrifugal pumps for solids control:

An oilfield solids control system needs many centrifugal pumps to sit on or in mud
tanks. The types of centrifugal pumps used are sand pumps, submersible slurry pumps, shear
pumps, and charging pumps. They are defined for their different functions, but their working
principle is the same.

Magnetically coupled pumps:

Small centrifugal pumps (e.g. for garden fountains) may be magnetically coupled to
avoid leakage of water into the motor. The motor drives a rotor carrying a pair of permanent
magnets and these drag round a second pair of permanent magnets attached to the pump
impeller. There is no direct connection between the motor shaft and the impeller so no gland
is needed and, unless the casing is broken, there is no risk of leakage.


Most centrifugal pumps are not self-priming. In other words, the pump casing must be
filled with liquid before the pump is started, or the pump will not be able to function. If the
pump casing becomes filled with vapors or gases, the pump impeller becomes gas-bound and
incapable of pumping. To ensure that a centrifugal pump remains primed and does not
become gas-bound, most centrifugal pumps are located below the level of the source from
which the pump is to take its suction. The same effect can be gained by supplying liquid to
the pump suction under pressure supplied by another pump placed in the suction line.

Problem Specification

a. Description of the Challenge

The pumps that we were currently installing on their wells consist of a positive
displacement piston. In this style of pump the water enters the bottom of the cylinder through
a check valve. Once the water is drawn into the cylinder, on the next down-stroke of the
piston, this same water is pushed around the piston seals (leathers) to the top side of the
cylinder. Then as the piston is raised, this water is pushed upward with the piston and fresh

water is drawn into the bottom of the cylinder. This pumping cylinder can be located either at
the base of the well (at the bottom of the well casing close to the well screen) or at the

When the cylinder is located at the bottom of the well, the maximum well depth can
be on the order of several hundred feet. However, if this cylinder is located at the surface then
a vacuum is created in the water delivery pipe (drop pipe) and for practical purposes this
arrangement is limited to 32 feet of pumping head. When the seals wear in the pump cylinder
it is difficult to replace them, especially on the cylinders that are located at the bottom of the
well. We proposed replacing these with an air-lift pumping system.

b. Project Requirements

we would like the system to have no moving parts in the well itself. This would
reduce the complexity of maintenance when required. The system must be adaptable to
differing well depths up to the maximum of their current drill rigs (100 feet) but preferably up
to 300 feet. The system should be able to be implemented in current wells so the size of the
parts that are placed in the well must be less than 4 inches across.

The entire system must be powered by a human and provide an adequate pumping
rate. Parts should be designed out of materials that are relatively common or easily obtained
in a third world country and care should be taken so that common parts are not easily
removed and utilized for personal use.

The system must be adjustable to allow for differing user heights so that the required
power input can be matched to what can be provided by the average person who is given the
task of collecting water. The system must have a long operational life and be designed for
simple maintenance. Finally the entire pumping system must not introduce contaminates to
the well once installed and must be relatively safe to operate.

c. Prior Work

The air-lift pumping system, according to research, has been used for hundreds of
years as a method to de-water mines. In these situations air would already have been
available for ventilation purposes. Further research showed that these systems are currently
being sold on windmill platforms for aerating ponds as well as pumping water. There are
several companies that are currently producing wind-air systems for this use. However data
from the graphs they supplied proved to have errors.

IV. Proposed Solution

A. Project Management

i. Team Organization
Team 1 was successful because of the constant communication that took place within
the group. This allowed the team members to see the issues from several perspectives and
build off of each other’s ideas. This was particularly effective because of the different

abilities of each of the team members. Each member made contributions to the project where
they saw fit. This proved to be an important part of staying organized.

ii. Work Breakdown Structure

Another significant part of keeping the team organized involved the delegation of
work loads among members. Once individual tasks were completed the team would compile
the work together. This was effective because it kept all of the members involved with the
project and updated with all of the changes that were made. Throughout the year, the time
allotted to specific aspects of the project was recorded as shown in Appendix A. Keeping
track of hours helped the team stay on schedule and aware of what things had to be done and
This proved to be very helpful because it prevented the group from falling behind and
having to rush to get things done at the end. This was accomplished via frequent meetings
throughout the week. In addition to the planned meetings, email communication proved to be
vital when the team was separated.

iii. Schedule

The team had a set meeting time of 1:00 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
From there, specific meeting times were arranged as needed. The frequency of team meetings
and good communication ensured a met schedule, punctual deadlines, and therefore no
contingency plans were Required

b. Project Budget

i. Prototype
The prototype was designed with flexibility in mind so the system could be altered as
needed. It consists primarily of four components; a seated peddling apparatus, a compressor,
a well, and a water retrieval system. The seated peddler is constructed primarily from scrap
metal and parts of two bicycles. The primary purpose of the peddler is to provide support for
the gearing system that drives the compressor. It consists of a chair and a gearing system.

A chair is used instead of a saddle so it will be more culturally appropriate for women
with skirts. It also provides something to press your back against when peddling as the user
may be on the apparatus for a long period of time depending on how much water is needed.
The gearing system is the primary part where the bicycles are used. They provide support for
the gearing system. The first stage supports the crankand primary gears. The chain then leads
to the first gear increase which is mounted on the second bike tail. The cassette allows the
first chain to be mounted on the small gears and a second one to be mounted on the bigger
sprockets. This second chain leads to the compressor gears. The compressor is a single stroke
model directly connected to the gear system.

At this point the gear ratio can again be adjusted via a cassette mounted on the
compressor shaft. A flywheel is also mounted on the shaft to reduce vibration and carry the
momentum of the peddler to some extent. The compressor is mounted on a thick metal plate
and hinged to the I-beam so that its weight maintains tension on the chain. The screw support
thingy is adjusted to support much of the weight of the compressor. The air tank is attached to
the peddler frame and is fed compressed air directly from the compressor. It can directly feed
the well or accumulate air for controlled release. The third part of the prototype is the well. It

is a total of 28 feet tall and simulates a 28 foot well with 16 feet of water. The air comes up
the top of the well via a rubber hose. It is then directed to the bottom of the well through a ½
inch PVC pipe. When it gets to the bottom of the well it turns up into the 1 inch PVC drop

There is a perforated piece of pipe around the beginning section of drop pipe to allow
water from the bottom of the well to quickly replace the water expelled to the surface by the
pump. There is also a plexi-glass window on the bottom of the well casing so the bottom can
be observed. The drop pipe then rises 28 feet to the ceiling.

A hose is attached at the top and ends in a funnel that functions to vent the pressure
from the pump so that the suction does not skew the test results. A hose on the end of the
funnel leads to the final storage stage. The hose empties into a 55 gallon plastic barrel. It is
supported by a metal stand for ease of access. A tap is installed on the bottom so the water
can be easily released from the barrel and reintroduced to the well. Specifications for all
components can be found in Appendix B.1.

ii. Production

The cost for the prototype well totaled approximately $150. The cost for the seated
peddler and barrel stand including estimations for steel prices came to approximately $100.
The compressor we initially purchased cost $50. However with the change in design the new
compressor suggestedwould cost about $80. All labor would be done on a volunteer basis.
The primary costs in this prototype came from the construction of the simulated well. Very
little money was spent on parts for the seated peddler.

The steel for the pedaling apparatus was entirely from the metal shop with the bikes
being donated. It is expected that old bikes could be acquired for free forthis product. This
brings the estimated production cost to about $200. A more detailed production budget can be
found in Appendix B.2.

c. Preliminary Research

All of the components in this system must work together perfectly to provide the
desired result of water coming to the surface. These four main components include the power
system, compressor, air lift system, and water retrieval system. This means the system as a
whole must be optimized as well as operable. There are areas in all four components that
were researched so they could be used effectively. Additional information can be found in
Appendix G.

i. Power System

The source for harnessing human power to drive the compressor is a pedal-driven
device that requires a balance between human strength and optimum operating speed. If the
system was designed around a speed unattainable by an average person, the pump would be
useless. A typical bicycle has a gear ratio of 3:1, which meant multiple gears had to be
installed in series. Other power sources such as a lever and a hand crank were also

ii. Compressor

1. Pressure of Compressor: The compressor had to deliver air up to 200 feet under water
(corresponding to a 400 foot well), requiring a pressure capacity of about 100 psi. However,
since the compressor had to remain inexpensive, only the most cost effective compressors
were considered. Higher pressures in the system also amplified the pedaling resistance on
the up stroke of the compressor. The types of compressors considered included a piston
compressor, rotary scroll compressor, and a diaphragm compressor.

2. Air Flow Rate: The air flow rate is essential in delivering the optimal amount of water. If
the air flow rate is too low, insufficient air bubbles prevent continuous lift to the surface.
Testing was done to determine the effects of the air flow on the water output. A check valve
was used in the air line to prevent air flow in the opposite direction if pedalling stopped.

iii. Air-Lift System

1.Water Pipe Diameter: This diameter has a significant impact on water delivery rate.
Larger pipe diameters can obviously produce more water, but require more air flow to do so.
In shorter wells such as the prototype simulation, lower air flow-rates are needed to pump
water so larger pipe diameters can produce more water with additional air flow. Deeper wells
require so much air flow just to produce water, that energy spent on producing the additional
air flow required for a larger pipe, was not justified. The prototype system was constructed
with 1 in. pipe and thefull scale version used ½ in. pipe.

2. Submergence Ratio: The water delivery pipe goes down to the bottom of the well,
but water delivery depends on the submergence ratio; how much of the water pipe is
submerged versus the total well depth,. Preliminary testing proved that as the submergence
ratio increases, the water delivery increases. However, the depth attainable to install the
delivery pipe will be restricted by the equipment used to drill the well.

3. Buoyancy Forces: This is what drives the bubbles to the surface. The air bubbles
expand as they rise and take up more volume in the pipe. The air pockets continue to rise as
more bubbles are forced into the pipe, pushing the water and other bubbles trapped on top of
them to the surface. There are submergence variables that can be altered to increase these
forces, but they are dependant on the depth of the well.

iv. Water Retrieval System

Once the water reaches the top of the pipe, it is fed into a large plastic barrel that
stores and maintains the integrity of the water. It collects a substantial amount of water so
that the user may pump and retrieve water alone. The barrel has to be elevated enough to fit a
bucket under it for when the user retrieves the water from the valve tapped into the bottom of
the barrel.

d. Design

i. Design Considerations
The design must be limited in scope as to fit within the two semester requirement of
the class. Further the system must adhere to as many of the project requirements as can be
addressed in the following:

The responsibility of being stewards of God’s creation plays a significant role in the
approach to the design. Another important aspect of the design is the incorporation a new
method of pumping water that remains culturally appropriate. This entails coming up with a
design that is adaptable to a variety of wells, usable to everyone, and sustains the quality of
the drinking water. The parts needed for its assembly are to be locally available, such as
recycled materials that are generally affordable. It should be easily assembled to minimize
labor and ensures the safety of the operator and any by-standers.

Another cultural consideration is the concern with pilfering. Bicycles are a treasured
commodity in third world countries and with a bicycle as our power source; parts of it could
find themselves in the hands of needy residents.

Therefore, the design must consist of unwanted, unattainable, or unusable parts.

Stewardship and cultural appropriateness are only two of the many factors that must be taken
into consideration in the design. The compressor must be manually operated by a single
person and deliver up to 100 psi. The performance of the final design consists of its durability
and efficiency. The system is to remain durable by eliminating moving parts within the well
itself and making the necessary moving parts on the surface easily accessible and replaceable.

Any required non-replaceable parts must remain operational for more than 20 years.
The system efficiency must make it capable of delivering water at a rate that iscomparable to
that of existing systems. The effectiveness of the pump must also be sustained throughout its
entire life-time. Overall, we want to maximize the performance of the system while
minimizing maintenance requirements.

ii. Design Alternatives and Analysis

Initially a scroll style compressor was considered. It was thought that this would be
more efficient and, as opposed to the piston style, the rotary-like motion that this pump
incorporates would be more energy conservative the reciprocating pistons. This type of
compressor is used commercially in home oxygen equipment and is both smooth and quiet
when operating. However the scrolls themselves are quite complicated and the tolerances
between the two rotary-oscillating halves are tight.

Currently these scroll halves are made out of metal. However, the team investigated
the option of injection moulding them. The high temperatures encountered in the compressor
exceeded the glass transition temperature and so the design was altered to incorporate
thermosetting reinforced polymers (such as fiberglass reinforced epoxy). The complications
with manufacturing these scroll halves is the major foreseen disadvantage of this compressor

Another compressor style that was considered was a reciprocating piston diaphragm
compressor. This compressor would use a section of readily available rubber inner tube as the
seal between the piston and the cylinder. With this style, four of these piston and cylinder
assemblies would be situated around a master link on a crankshaft throw. This way for every
Revolution of the compressor crankshaft each piston would make a complete stroke.
Furthermore, each piston would be 90 degrees out of phase with the previous piston. This
would result in a smoother cycle because when one piston is on the upstroke the one exactly
opposite is on the downstroke while the ones immediately adjacent are in between the up and
the down cycles.
Another advantage of this type of pump is that all of the cylinder could be fed into a
manifold and the pump could be a four cylinder one-stage pump. However, if a deeper well
required a higher air flow rate, the first two cylinders could feed their air into the next two
providing a larger boost in the pressure. This would, in essence, be a two cylinder, two stage

If, however, even more pressure is required (at the cost of a lower air flow rate), the
first cylinder could supply its output to the second, the second would supply the third and the
third would supply the fourth allowing for a four stage, single cylinder design. This would be
a versatile design that could be readily adapted for differing well situations. The major
drawback to this system is the low (25 psi) boost possible per compression stage. For more
information about the design alternatives, refer to Appendix F.

iii. Decision

Initially our design settled on using a pedaling system to harness the human input
energy. We decided to go with this style of power procurement because a person can sustain
large power expenditures more readily. We also decided that we would use either a piston

style or a rotary pump and since both of these pumps require a rotary input, the pedalling
choice was the most feasible.

In our design we had anticipated building our own compressor from some of the ideas
listed in the alternative design section. However during our initial industrial consultant
meeting we were informed by an expert in the field that designing and building our own
compressor was beyond the scope of our time limit imposed on our design. Consequently, we
decided to ,purchase a commercially available reciprocating piston type compressor and
implement that with our pedaling design.

iv. Implementation

The approach to the problem was addresses in the four main areas of the system. A
drawing of the overall system can be found in Appendix D.1. Step by step instructions for
assembling the system can be found in Appendix C.
1. Power System:
Since the system is to remain human powered and large amounts of power are
required, having the operator use their stronger leg muscles was intuitive. A stationary pedal-
driven device seemed to agree with most of the design considerations related to the power
source. The seat is mounted on a post that can slide along the frame for varying user heights.
The most difficult challenge was transferring the manual power to the compressor.

Without exhausting the user too quickly. The gear ratios required for attainable
pedaling speeds are determined by the specific wel conditions. Figure 1 shows the
Preliminary design.

Figure 1. Gear Layout

2. Air Compressor: The main criterion for the compressor is that it supplies enough pressure
(approximately 25 psi) to lift the water. The 3 hp, 5.5 in.3 displacement compressor that was
chosen meets this requirement.
The motor and compressor were removed from the holding tank and the new air compressor
was installed forhuman powered
operation. An

inlet air filter is
used to prevent
contaminants in
the air from
being pumped
through the
compressor and
into the well.

Figure 2 showsthe preliminary design.

3. Air-Lift Pump System: 10 ft. and 30. ft simulation wells were constructed to demonstrate
the physics of the air-lift system. They were also used to test submergence ratios, air flow
rates, pressures, and drop pipe diameters
A diffuser was proven to be ineffective in producing more water. A complete list of
variables and how they are related can be seen in Figure 3.

4. Water Retrieval System: The last part of the design is the water retrieval system. This is the
storage tank that the water drop pipe feeds into. A plastic 55 gallon barrel was used instead of
a metal one to prevent rust from forming. The barrel will be mounted 2-5 feet above the
ground and have a hose valve in the bottom for accessing the water. This is useful because
the user can pump the water, store it in the barrel, and then fill their buckets using the valve
on the barrel. Figure 4 shows a preliminary design of the storage barrel.

Figure 4. Storage Barrel

e. Test Results
i. Experimental Apparatus

Several experiments were preformed on our experimental apparatus in order to

determine the relationships between inserted air pressures, inserted air flow, the submergence
ratio, water pipe diameter, and output water flow. For the experiments, certain variables
remained constant while the variables being tested were allowed to change. The compressed
air was controlled and supplied by the constant source air supply. The water being pumped
was collected in a 5 gallon bucket while being timed to determine an output water flow rate.

The first variable tested was input pressure. Varying the amount of pressure in the air-
line directly affects the amount of water pumped to the surface. The submergence ratio was
kept constant at 55% and water pipe diameter at ¾”. Figure 5 shows our results. However,
input air pressure is not sufficient for explaining the entire process. Input pressure, along with
air-flow, provides a more accurate way for expressing the situation. Hence an air-flow meter
was attained to allow for the measurement of input airflow

Figure 5: Input Air Pressure Testing on the Experimental Apparatus

The second variable tested was input air-flow. An air-flowmeter was attained and
used for this experiment. The flowmeter measured the input pressure in the air supply line,
and a mercury manometer differential across an orifice. These two measurements can be
inputted into an equation and result in an air-flow. The variables kept constant were a 55%
submergence ratio and a 1 in. water pipe diameter. Figure 6 shows the results.

Figure 6 indicates that as the amount of air input into the system increases, the amount
of water output increases. It is a linear relationship up to a certain point, where it levels off
and becomes a constant water output no matter how much the air flow is increased. This
phenomenon is thought to occur due to excessive air bubbles entering the water pipe, and
instead of forming a large bubble, it forms a continuous stream of air that can only bring up a
limited amount of water with it. With this data, an efficiency graph can be created showing
the rising and falling nature of the efficiency of the system. This graph is shown in Figure 7.
Prototype Efficiency

Figure 7: Efficiency of Air Flow Testing on the Experimental Apparatus

The third variable tested was the submergence ratio. The submergence ratio is the
amount of water in the well versus the entire depth of the well. In this experiment, the pipe
diameter was ¾ in. and the pressure of air was kept constant at 40 psi. The test was conducted
before the air flowmeter was attained; therefore there is no correlating air flow rate along
with the pressure. As Figure 8 shows, there is a linear relationship between the submergence
ratio and the amount of water that can be pumped up. Therefore, the drop pipe should be
lowered into the well as deep as possible.

Figure 8: Submergence Ratio Testing on the Experimental Apparatus

The final variable tested was the water pipe diameter. 3 different size diameters were
used in the experimental apparatus to determine which size pipe can bring up the most water.
It was discovered that pipe diameter is a tradeoff with the necessary air supply. This is
because for the bigger pipe, more air is needed to form the air bubbles necessary to bring
water up.Smaller pipes require much less pressure and air flow to form the air bubbles, but
bring up less water. It was determined that in deeper wells, a smaller diameter pipe should be

ii. Full Scale Testing

On Saturday, April 8, the team made a field trip to Daniel Clark’s house. He had a
140 ft. well that could be used for testing purposes. The well had 40 ft. of water in it,
providing a submergence ratio of 28.5%. The team unpacked the gear and set up the
apparatus for proper testing. A ½ in. diameter water pipe was used due to the depth of the
well. Air hoses were provided by the metal shop and air was supplied at a constant rate by a
local compressor. The results can be seen in Figure 9 below.

Figure 9: Air Flow Testing on a Full Scale Model

An air diffuser was suggested to the team as a means of allowing a higher capacity of
water to be pumped to the surface. However as the graph illustrates, there was no significant
benefit or hindrance to adding an air diffuser to the bottom of the air pipe. The testing started
with air supplied at a low pressure of 10 psi and was incrementally increased until water flow
was attained. Water flow did not occur until 20 psi was administered to the bottom of the
well. However, as the graph illustrates, as air pressure was increased in the well, there was no
significant increase in water output. The system had already reached its maximum water
capacity at 20 psi, adding more air would only make the system less efficient. The efficiency
of the system is shown in Figure 10 below. Since the water out-flow was about the same for
every air input, the more efficient scenarios are with the lesser air inputs.

Figure 10: Efficiency of Air Flow Testing on a Full Scale Model

The final test consisted of each member of the team pedaling on the apparatus until 1
gallon had been pumped. This time was recorded and a\ correlation between pedaling time
and water flow could be established. On average, 1 gallon of water could be pumped for
every 1.25 minutes of

Discusions and comparisions:

Fabrication of the other pieces of the pump was performed manually using drilling
processes.Faculty supervision of these processes was deemed to be necessary for safety, but
not for specific individual instruction. To streamline the productivity of each student group, a
detailed PowerPoint presentation showing each step in the process was prepared and
distributed to the students. Each student group (groups of two students are used for the pump
project) had a laptop running PowerPoint and could reference the pump fabrication
presentation for guidance during the fabrication class period.

Student groups are expected to perform all material removal steps of the pump
fabrication during a single 1 hour and 50 minute class period. To “encourage” students to
carefully review the pump fabrication presentation BEFORE the fabrication class period, the
homework assignment due on the day of fabrication requires that students draw the pump
body and faceplate in Solid

Edge® and apply layout markings on the workpieces to streamline the fabrication
process. The kit containing all of the parts to construct the pump is provided to students prior
to beginning the project, as shown in Figure 4 and summarized in Table 1. In this way,
students enter class on the day of fabrication with the parts they need and with an
understanding of what to do.

We believe that a very important step of the experience is having students learn about
the sources of engineering parts and supplies. Students are required to locate each of the parts
listed in Table 1 either at a local vendor or online, providing the part numbers, costs and
specifications of the items that they locate as they estimate the cost of a single pump for
themselves. Laying this foundation early on in a student’s learning helps them to begin to see
the bigger picture of what many engineers do on a day-to-day basis and more importantly
gives them confidence that they can locate the parts they will need at the end of the freshman
year when they develop a their “innovative” product. Students also begin to learn that
“shopping” by scanning supply catalogs or browsing online is a form of brainstorming that
will help them to more successfully complete projects. We consider that we are sowing the
seeds required for innovation by planting latent knowledge in the mind of the student that
they can draw on when needed.

Other prerequisite activities include the fundamentals required to complete the

analytical portions of the pump project. The first half of the course is spent learning about
circuits though the use of a Parallax® Boe-Bot10 that each student purchases for themselves.
This robot serves as the overall platform for laboratory and design activities throughout the
freshman year and is really the backbone for the curriculum.

Its use is not discussed further here. However, it does provide an opportunity for
students to implement working circuits on a breadboard and to measure both current and
voltage well before they are required to compute the electrical energy usage of the pump
during the analysis stage of the project. Students also learn about linear regression and learn
to use Microsoft Excel® just before starting the pump project. The final thing that students do
is to review the operation of the milling/drilling machine and complete a safety quiz and
agreement stating that they will obey the rules and act responsibly.

Pump Fabrication: Drilling, Tapping and Assembly

When the day for pump fabrication arrives, half of the students in the class of 40 are
assigned to work on one of the ten milling/drilling machines, as shown in Figure 5. These
machines are equipped with a digital read out, and the z-direction readout allows students to
accurately monitor the depth of the holes they drill into the pump body. Even though students
are somewhat aware of the operation of the machine before coming into the class (based on
their review of the PowerPoint fabrication presentation), the instructor takes about five
minutes to have them move the x-, y-, and z-stages to get a feel for how the machine works.
Students also are required to load a drill bit, close the safety shield, turn on the spindle, and
change machine speed before beginning work.

Post Fabrication: Analyzing Pump Performance

For the remainder of the pump project, student groups of two are paired to form larger
groups of four students (or three students depending on the class size). This is necessary if ten
groups of students are to have time to present the results of their findings in a SINGLE class
period. Plus, this gives the students the experience of working cooperatively with a larger
group. The group of students must decide whose pump works best and use this pump for their
Students are required to determine the efficiency of the pump system by measuring the
electrical energy input to the motor and the potential and kinetic energy imparted to the fluid.
Figure 11 shows a schematic of the pump testing configuration. Student groups are required

to determine the efficiency of their pumps as a homework assignment. A slide from the pump
performance presentation is shown in Figure 12. A total of six pump testing stations are
provided for all freshman classes, and student groups sign up for 30 minute testing slots. The
testing process is monitored by student workers who are familiar with the experiment.
Finally, the groups are required to compile their work into a seven minute
PowerPoint® presentation where they communicate their project to the class. Students are
required to dress professionally, and all members of the presenting group are required to

Assessment of Project on Student Learning:

A survey was administered to a group of 30 students about 8 weeks after the pump
presentation during the subsequent engineering class. The survey was given to a single class
of students. The survey sought to measure how well the pump project motivated students to
use engineering tools

The students overwhelmingly felt that the skills gained in the first engineering course
would be useful to them in the future. The students also agreed in all cases that the project
motivated them to learn both the skills and the fundamentals that the faculty sought to build
in the students. Our general observation is that students really enjoyed the pump project and
appreciated the opportunity to build a working system. Since the freshman curriculum is
project driven, the pump project incorporated almost every skill and fundamental topic that
the students learned in the course, providing an opportunity for students to put their skills into

V. Conclusion
The air-lift pumping method as an alternative way to pumping water out of wells.
Specifications and dimensions of their current cylinder pumps were used to determine the
work necessary to pump the water up. This was compared with both the theoretical
calculations for pumping water up the well, and our results from the full scale well with the
apparatus. The results can be seen below in Figure 11.

[1] Ladislao Reti, “Francesco di Giorgio (Armani) Martini's Treatise on Engineering and Its
Plagiarists”, Technology and Culture, Vol. 4, No. 3.
(Summer, 1963), pp. 287-298 (290)
[2] James Thomson (Dec. 23, 1859). "Professor Thomson's Centrifugal Pump". The
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agricultural machinery, manufactures and shipbuilding (Robertson, Brooman, & Co.) II:
[3] John Richards (1894). Centrifugal pumps: an essay on their construction and operation,
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[4] Markus Reiner (14 April 1960). "A centripetal air pump" (http:/ / books. google. com/
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Scientist 7 (178): 946. .
[5] Charles F. Conaway (1999). The petroleum industry: a nontechnical guide (http:/ / books.
google. com/ books?id=sJ7BO1cCD20C&
pg=SA8-PA52). PennWell Books. p. 200. ISBN 9780878147632. .
[6] Pete Melby (1995). Simplified Irrigation Design (http:/ / books. google. com/
books?id=raxr9AbTgFwC& pg=PA145) (2nd ed.). John Wiley
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[7] R. K. Bansal (2005). A textbook of fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines (


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