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Birthdays signify another year of life, and each birthday is special in its own way, especially to children.

"Good day to everyone! To all the guests, thank you for coming here today to celebrate the 7th birthday of
______________________________________. Before we start, let's all take some time to thank the Lord
and ask for His grace for this event."
Prayer/Doxology: "May we call on Ms. /Mr. _______________________to lead the prayer/doxology?"

Introduction by Parents of the Celebrant: A 7th Birthday Celebration is unforgettable in a young girl's life.
She will remember this day in her life as she grows older. The people who are most proud of at this moment
are the parents of our beautiful celebrant. May we call on the parents to give a message to the guests?"
Welcome Remarks of the Parents

7 Cupcakes
Cupcake symbolizes love and happiness to the celebrant. It is sweet have fluffy and smooth icing on it. The
celebrant surely love it.
So ladies and gentlemen please welcome our 7 cupcakes starting off with________________________.

7 Balloons
Seven balloons represent seven years of life. A balloon will be given to the celebrant as they share their
wishes too.
So ladies and gentlemen please welcome our 7 balloons starting off with________________________.
7 Symbolic Gifts/Treasures
Birthdays signify another year of life, and each birthday is special in its own way, especially to children. Gifts
symbolize ever flowing love, caring and admiration. Seven gifts that will be given to the celebrant with
meaning of each.
Let’s start with ___________________________________________.
7 Bills
The bills helps the celebrant to buy stuffs that she really want on her/his birthday or it helps for school
Let’s welcome our generous members of the 7 bills ______________________________________.

7 Wishes
Seven little wishes represent 7 meaningful wishes & stories of wonderful moments with the celebrant.
Candles will be lighted as they share their wishes & stories.
Let’s have _________________________________________________________.

7 Flowers
It symbolizes happiness and abundance to the celebrant it also symbolizes the joyfulness and purity.

Let’s have _____________________________________________.

7 Candles
Each candle is used to represent a year passed since birth. Blowing out the candles symbolizes the
completion of the years, and the cake is the good fortune ahead
Let’s have_______________________________________________.


Happy Birthday Song/Blowing of the Candle/Cutting of Cake: "Let's give our celebrant again a round of
applause. At this moment, she will be blowing the cake.

I'm sure you've really enjoyed all the activities and now ready to fill our stomach. So I would like to request
everyone to please rise as we Pray before meals to be led by ________________________________.
Let's dine and partake in the food prepared for us.

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