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Module Name Display Name Driver Type Link Date

============ ====================== ============= ======================

1394ohci 1394 OHCI Compliant Ho Kernel
3ware 3ware Kernel 19/05/2015 5:28:03 SA
ACPI Microsoft ACPI Driver Kernel
AcpiDev ACPI Devices driver Kernel
acpiex Microsoft ACPIEx Drive Kernel
acpipagr ACPI Processor Aggrega Kernel
AcpiPmi ACPI Power Meter Drive Kernel
acpitime ACPI Wake Alarm Driver Kernel
ADP80XX ADP80XX Kernel 10/04/2015 3:49:48 SA
AFD Ancillary Function Dri Kernel
afunix afunix Kernel
ahcache Application Compatibil Kernel
amdgpio2 AMD GPIO Client Driver Kernel 07/02/2019 4:32:20 CH
amdi2c AMD I2C Controller Ser Kernel 13/06/2018 12:25:43 CH
AmdK8 AMD K8 Processor Drive Kernel
AmdPPM AMD Processor Driver Kernel
amdsata amdsata Kernel 14/05/2015 7:14:52 CH
amdsbs amdsbs Kernel 12/12/2012 4:21:44 SA
amdxata amdxata Kernel 01/05/2015 7:55:35 SA
aow_drv aow_drv Kernel 21/08/2019 4:58:47 CH
AppID AppID Driver Kernel
applockerflt Smartlocker Filter Dri Kernel
AppvStrm AppvStrm File System
AppvVemgr AppvVemgr File System
AppvVfs AppvVfs File System
arcsas Adaptec SAS/SATA-II RA Kernel 10/04/2015 2:12:07 SA
aswArDisk aswArDisk Kernel 06/09/2019 5:05:33 CH
aswArPot aswArPot Kernel 06/09/2019 5:05:43 CH
aswbidsdrive aswbidsdriver File System 06/09/2019 4:31:17 CH
aswbidsh aswbidsh File System 06/09/2019 4:31:15 CH
aswbuniv aswbuniv File System 06/09/2019 4:30:56 CH
aswElam aswElam Kernel 03/09/2019 3:45:04 CH
aswHdsKe aswHdsKe Kernel 06/09/2019 5:05:42 CH
aswKbd aswKbd Kernel 06/09/2019 5:05:42 CH
aswMonFlt aswMonFlt File System 06/09/2019 5:05:43 CH
aswRdr aswRdr Kernel 06/09/2019 5:05:43 CH
aswRvrt aswRvrt Kernel 06/09/2019 5:05:42 CH
aswSnx aswSnx File System 26/09/2019 6:43:54 CH
aswSP aswSP File System 26/09/2019 7:45:52 CH
aswStm aswStm Kernel 06/09/2019 5:05:46 CH
aswVmm aswVmm Kernel 06/09/2019 5:05:44 CH
AsyncMac RAS Asynchronous Media Kernel
atapi IDE Channel Kernel
athr Qualcomm Atheros Exten Kernel 28/01/2016 4:52:54 CH
b06bdrv QLogic Network Adapter Kernel 25/05/2016 2:03:08 CH
bam Background Activity Mo Kernel
BasicDisplay BasicDisplay Kernel
BasicRender BasicRender Kernel
bcmfn2 bcmfn2 Service Kernel 01/11/2016 9:09:15 SA
Beep Beep Kernel
bindflt Windows Bind Filter Dr File System
bowser Browser File System
BtFilter BtFilter Kernel 18/05/2016 1:19:52 CH
BthA2dp Microsoft Bluetooth A2 Kernel
BthEnum Bluetooth Enumerator S Kernel
BthHFEnum Microsoft Bluetooth Ha Kernel
BthLEEnum Bluetooth Low Energy D Kernel
BthMini Bluetooth Radio Driver Kernel
BTHMODEM Bluetooth Modem Commun Kernel
BTHPORT Bluetooth Port Driver Kernel
BTHUSB Bluetooth Radio USB Dr Kernel
bttflt Microsoft Hyper-V VHDP Kernel
buttonconver Service for Portable D Kernel
CAD Charge Arbitration Dri Kernel
cdfs CD/DVD File System Rea File System
cdrom CD-ROM Driver Kernel
cht4iscsi cht4iscsi Kernel 08/05/2018 8:27:04 CH
cht4vbd Chelsio Virtual Bus Dr Kernel 08/05/2018 8:23:38 CH
circlass Consumer IR Devices Kernel
CldFlt Windows Cloud Files Fi File System
CLFS Common Log (CLFS) Kernel
CmBatt Microsoft ACPI Control Kernel
CNG CNG Kernel
cnghwassist CNG Hardware Assist al Kernel
CompositeBus Composite Bus Enumerat Kernel
condrv Console Driver Kernel
CSC Offline Files Driver Kernel
dam Desktop Activity Moder Kernel
DellRbtn Airplane Mode Switch Kernel 04/08/2012 4:32:54 SA
Dfsc DFS Namespace Client D File System
disk Disk Driver Kernel
dmvsc dmvsc Kernel
drmkaud Microsoft Trusted Audi Kernel
DXGKrnl LDDM Graphics Subsyste Kernel
ebdrv QLogic 10 Gigabit Ethe Kernel 25/05/2016 2:01:05 CH
EhStorClass Enhanced Storage Filte Kernel
EhStorTcgDrv Microsoft driver for s Kernel
ErrDev Microsoft Hardware Err Kernel
exfat exFAT File System Driv File System
fastfat FAT12/16/32 File Syste File System
fdc Floppy Disk Controller Kernel
FileCrypt FileCrypt File System
FileInfo File Information FS Mi File System
Filetrace FileTrace File System
flpydisk Floppy Disk Driver Kernel
FltMgr FltMgr File System
FsDepends File System Dependency File System
fvevol BitLocker Drive Encryp Kernel
gencounter Microsoft Hyper-V Gene Kernel
genericusbfn Generic USB Function C Kernel
GPIOClx0101 Microsoft GPIO Class E Kernel
GpuEnergyDrv GPU Energy Driver Kernel
HdAudAddServ Microsoft 1.1 UAA Func Kernel
HDAudBus Microsoft UAA Bus Driv Kernel
HidBatt HID UPS Battery Driver Kernel
HidBth Microsoft Bluetooth HI Kernel
hidi2c Microsoft I2C HID Mini Kernel
hidinterrupt Common Driver for HID Kernel
HidIr Microsoft Infrared HID Kernel
hidspi Microsoft SPI HID Mini Kernel
HidUsb Microsoft HID Class Dr Kernel
HpSAMD HpSAMD Kernel 27/03/2013 4:36:54 SA
HTTP HTTP Service Kernel
hvcrash hvcrash Kernel
hvservice Hypervisor/Virtual Mac Kernel
HwNClx0101 Microsoft Hardware Not Kernel
hwpolicy Hardware Policy Driver Kernel
hyperkbd hyperkbd Kernel
HyperVideo HyperVideo Kernel
i8042prt PS/2 Keyboard and Mous Kernel
iagpio Intel Serial IO GPIO C Kernel 23/07/2018 4:04:46 CH
iai2c Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Kernel 23/07/2018 4:04:39 CH
iaLPSS2i_GPI Intel(R) Serial IO GPI Kernel 19/04/2018 2:53:24 CH
iaLPSS2i_GPI Intel(R) Serial IO GPI Kernel 17/04/2018 4:25:15 CH
iaLPSS2i_GPI Intel(R) Serial IO GPI Kernel 17/04/2018 2:07:03 CH
iaLPSS2i_GPI Intel(R) Serial IO GPI Kernel 16/05/2018 12:46:36 CH
iaLPSS2i_I2C Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Kernel 19/04/2018 2:52:58 CH
iaLPSS2i_I2C Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Kernel 17/04/2018 4:24:40 CH
iaLPSS2i_I2C Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Kernel 17/04/2018 2:06:22 CH
iaLPSS2i_I2C Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Kernel 16/05/2018 12:46:02 CH
iaLPSSi_GPIO Intel(R) Serial IO GPI Kernel 02/02/2015 4:00:09 CH
iaLPSSi_I2C Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Kernel 24/02/2015 10:52:07 CH
iaStorAVC Intel Chipset SATA RAI Kernel 07/02/2018 6:53:36 CH
iaStorV Intel RAID Controller Kernel 12/04/2011 1:48:16 SA
ibbus Mellanox InfiniBand Bu Kernel 25/04/2018 11:29:09 CH
IDMWFP IDMWFP Kernel 19/12/2018 9:52:11 CH
igfx igfx Kernel 29/09/2016 9:43:27 CH
IndirectKmd Indirect Displays Kern Kernel
IntcAzAudAdd Service for Realtek HD Kernel 24/06/2015 5:04:57 CH
IntcDAud Intel(R) Display Audio Kernel 10/05/2016 3:08:56 CH
intelide intelide Kernel
intelpep Intel(R) Power Engine Kernel
intelpmax Intel Power Limit Driv Kernel
intelppm Intel Processor Driver Kernel
iorate Disk I/O Rate Filter D Kernel
IpFilterDriv IP Traffic Filter Driv Kernel
IPNAT IP Network Address Tra Kernel
IPT IPT Kernel
isapnp isapnp Kernel
iScsiPrt iScsiPort Driver Kernel
ISODrive ISO DVD/CD-ROM Device File System 21/11/2013 8:22:28 SA
ItSas35i ItSas35i Kernel 03/05/2018 4:57:21 CH
kbdclass Keyboard Class Driver Kernel
kbdhid Keyboard HID Driver Kernel
kdnic Microsoft Kernel Debug Kernel
KSecDD KSecDD Kernel
KSecPkg KSecPkg Kernel
ksthunk Kernel Streaming Thunk Kernel
lltdio Link-Layer Topology Di Kernel
LSI_SAS LSI_SAS Kernel 26/03/2015 2:36:48 SA
LSI_SAS2i LSI_SAS2i Kernel 02/08/2017 8:29:59 CH
LSI_SAS3i LSI_SAS3i Kernel 02/05/2018 4:40:30 CH
LSI_SSS LSI_SSS Kernel 16/03/2013 6:39:38 SA
luafv UAC File Virtualizatio File System
mausbhost MA-USB Host Controller Kernel
mausbip MA-USB IP Filter Drive Kernel
MbbCx MBB Network Adapter Cl Kernel
megasas megasas Kernel 05/03/2015 9:36:29 SA
megasas2i megasas2i Kernel 24/07/2017 4:46:09 CH
megasas35i megasas35i Kernel 07/12/2018 12:45:11 SA
megasr megasr Kernel 04/06/2013 5:02:39 SA
MEIx64 Intel(R) Management En Kernel 03/10/2017 1:21:38 CH
Microsoft_Bl Microsoft Bluetooth Av Kernel
mlx4_bus Mellanox ConnectX Bus Kernel 25/04/2018 11:29:43 CH
MMCSS Multimedia Class Sched Kernel
Modem Modem Kernel
monitor Microsoft Monitor Clas Kernel
mouclass Mouse Class Driver Kernel
mouhid Mouse HID Driver Kernel
mountmgr Mount Point Manager Kernel
mpsdrv Windows Defender Firew Kernel
MRxDAV WebDav Client Redirect File System
mrxsmb SMB MiniRedirector Wra File System
mrxsmb10 SMB 1.x MiniRedirector File System
mrxsmb20 SMB 2.0 MiniRedirector File System
MsBridge Microsoft MAC Bridge Kernel
Msfs Msfs File System
msgpiowin32 Common Driver for Butt Kernel
mshidkmdf Pass-through HID to KM Kernel
mshidumdf Pass-through HID to UM Kernel
msisadrv msisadrv Kernel
MSKSSRV Microsoft Streaming Se Kernel
MSPCLOCK Microsoft Streaming Cl Kernel
MSPQM Microsoft Streaming Qu Kernel
MsRPC MsRPC Kernel
MsSecFlt Microsoft Security Eve Kernel
mssmbios Microsoft System Manag Kernel
MSTEE Microsoft Streaming Te Kernel
MTConfig Microsoft Input Config Kernel
Mup MUP File System
mvumis mvumis Kernel 24/05/2014 3:39:04 SA
NativeWifiP NativeWiFi Filter Kernel
ndfltr NetworkDirect Service Kernel 25/04/2018 11:28:08 CH
NDIS NDIS System Driver Kernel
NdisCap Microsoft NDIS Capture Kernel
NdisImPlatfo Microsoft Network Adap Kernel
NdisTapi Remote Access NDIS TAP Kernel
Ndisuio NDIS Usermode I/O Prot Kernel
NdisVirtualB Microsoft Virtual Netw Kernel
NdisWan Remote Access NDIS WAN Kernel
ndiswanlegac Remote Access LEGACY N Kernel
NDKPing NDKPing Driver Kernel
ndproxy NDIS Proxy Driver Kernel
Ndu Windows Network Data U Kernel
NetAdapterCx Network Adapter Wdf Cl Kernel
NetBIOS NetBIOS Interface File System
NetBT NETBT Kernel
netvsc netvsc Kernel
Npfs Npfs File System
npsvctrig Named pipe service tri Kernel
nsiproxy NSI Proxy Service Driv Kernel
Ntfs Ntfs File System
Null Null Kernel
nvdimm Microsoft NVDIMM devic Kernel
nvraid nvraid Kernel 22/04/2014 1:28:42 SA
nvstor nvstor Kernel 22/04/2014 1:34:03 SA
Parport Parallel port driver Kernel
partmgr Partition driver Kernel
pci PCI Bus Driver Kernel
pciide pciide Kernel
pcmcia pcmcia Kernel
pcw Performance Counters f Kernel
pdc PDC Kernel
percsas2i percsas2i Kernel 15/03/2016 7:50:11 SA
percsas3i percsas3i Kernel 02/06/2018 4:47:02 SA
PktMon Packet Monitor Driver Kernel
pmem Microsoft persistent m Kernel
PNPMEM Microsoft Memory Modul Kernel
portcfg portcfg Kernel
PptpMiniport WAN Miniport (PPTP) Kernel
Processor Processor Driver Kernel
Psched QoS Packet Scheduler Kernel
QWAVEdrv QWAVE driver Kernel
Ramdisk Windows RAM Disk Drive Kernel
RasAcd Remote Access Auto Con Kernel
RasAgileVpn WAN Miniport (IKEv2) Kernel
Rasl2tp WAN Miniport (L2TP) Kernel
RasPppoe Remote Access PPPOE Dr Kernel
RasSstp WAN Miniport (SSTP) Kernel
rdbss Redirected Buffering S File System
rdpbus Remote Desktop Device Kernel
RDPDR Remote Desktop Device Kernel
RdpVideoMini Remote Desktop Video M Kernel
rdyboost ReadyBoost Kernel
ReFS ReFS File System
ReFSv1 ReFSv1 File System
RFCOMM Bluetooth Device (RFCO Kernel
rhproxy Resource Hub proxy dri Kernel
rspndr Link-Layer Topology Di Kernel
rt640x64 Realtek RT640 NT Drive Kernel 05/05/2015 11:21:03 CH
RTSUER Realtek USB Card Reade Kernel 25/07/2018 4:21:27 CH
s3cap s3cap Kernel
sbp2port SBP-2 Transport/Protoc Kernel
scfilter Smart card PnP Class F Kernel
scmbus Microsoft Storage Clas Kernel
sdbus sdbus Kernel
SDFRd SDF Reflector Kernel
sdstor SD Storage Port Driver Kernel
SerCx Serial UART Support Li Kernel
SerCx2 Serial UART Support Li Kernel
Serenum Serenum Filter Driver Kernel
Serial Serial port driver Kernel
sermouse Serial Mouse Driver Kernel
sfloppy High-Capacity Floppy D Kernel
SgrmAgent System Guard Runtime M Kernel
SiSRaid2 SiSRaid2 Kernel 25/09/2008 1:28:20 SA
SiSRaid4 SiSRaid4 Kernel 02/10/2008 4:56:04 SA
SmartDefragD SmartDefragDriver Kernel 23/12/2013 5:05:52 CH
SmartSAMD SmartSAMD Kernel 17/04/2018 10:29:21 CH
smbdirect smbdirect File System
SmbDrvI SmbDrvI Kernel 17/12/2017 8:50:51 SA
spaceport Storage Spaces Driver Kernel
SpatialGraph Holographic Spatial Gr Kernel
SpbCx Simple Peripheral Bus Kernel
srv Server SMB Drive File System
srv2 Server SMB Drive File System
srvnet srvnet File System
stexstor stexstor Kernel 27/11/2012 7:02:51 SA
storahci Microsoft Standard SAT Kernel
storflt Microsoft Hyper-V Stor Kernel
stornvme Microsoft Standard NVM Kernel
storqosflt Storage QoS Filter Dri File System
storufs Microsoft Universal Fl Kernel
storvsc storvsc Kernel
swenum Software Bus Driver Kernel
Synth3dVsc Synth3dVsc Kernel
SynTP Synaptics TouchPad Dri Kernel 17/12/2017 8:50:20 SA
Tcpip TCP/IP Protocol Driver Kernel
Tcpip6 @todo.dll,-100;Microso Kernel
tcpipreg TCP/IP Registry Compat Kernel
tdx NetIO Legacy TDI Suppo Kernel
terminpt Microsoft Remote Deskt Kernel
tesrsdt tesrsdt Kernel 18/07/2019 4:25:16 CH
TesSafe TesSafe Kernel 19/07/2019 6:50:55 CH
TPM TPM Kernel
TsUsbFlt Remote Desktop USB Hub Kernel
TsUsbGD Remote Desktop Generic Kernel
tsusbhub Remote Desktop USB Hub Kernel
tunnel Microsoft Tunnel Minip Kernel
UASPStor USB Attached SCSI (UAS Kernel
UcmCx0101 USB Connector Manager Kernel
UcmTcpciCx01 UCM-TCPCI KMDF Class E Kernel
UcmUcsiAcpiC UCM-UCSI ACPI Client Kernel
UcmUcsiCx010 UCM-UCSI KMDF Class Ex Kernel
Ucx01000 USB Host Support Libra Kernel
UdeCx USB Device Emulation S Kernel
udfs udfs File System
UEFI Microsoft UEFI Driver Kernel
UevAgentDriv UevAgentDriver File System
Ufx01000 USB Function Class Ext Kernel
UfxChipidea USB Chipidea Controlle Kernel
ufxsynopsys USB Synopsys Controlle Kernel
umbus UMBus Enumerator Drive Kernel
UmPass Microsoft UMPass Drive Kernel
UrsChipidea Chipidea USB Role-Swit Kernel
UrsCx01000 USB Role-Switch Suppor Kernel
UrsSynopsys Synopsys USB Role-Swit Kernel
usbaudio USB Audio Driver (WDM) Kernel
usbaudio2 USB Audio 2.0 Service Kernel
usbccgp Microsoft USB Generic Kernel
usbcir eHome Infrared Receive Kernel
usbehci Microsoft USB 2.0 Enha Kernel
usbhub Microsoft USB Standard Kernel
USBHUB3 SuperSpeed Hub Kernel
usbohci Microsoft USB Open Hos Kernel
usbprint Microsoft USB PRINTER Kernel
usbser Microsoft USB Serial D Kernel
USBSTOR USB Mass Storage Drive Kernel
usbuhci Microsoft USB Universa Kernel
usbvideo USB Video Device (WDM) Kernel
USBXHCI USB xHCI Compliant Hos Kernel
vdrvroot Microsoft Virtual Driv Kernel
VerifierExt Driver Verifier Extens Kernel
vhdmp vhdmp Kernel
vhf Virtual HID Framework Kernel
Vid Vid Kernel
vmbus Virtual Machine Bus Kernel
vmgid Microsoft Hyper-V Gues Kernel
volmgr Volume Manager Driver Kernel
volmgrx Dynamic Volume Manager Kernel
volsnap Volume Shadow Copy dri Kernel
volume Volume driver Kernel
vpci Microsoft Hyper-V Virt Kernel
vsmraid vsmraid Kernel 23/04/2014 2:21:41 SA
VSTXRAID VIA StorX Storage RAID Kernel 22/01/2013 2:00:28 SA
vwifibus Virtual Wireless Bus D Kernel
vwififlt Virtual WiFi Filter Dr Kernel
vwifimp Virtual WiFi Miniport Kernel
WacomPen Wacom Serial Pen HID D Kernel
wanarp Remote Access IP ARP D Kernel
wanarpv6 Remote Access IPv6 ARP Kernel
wcifs Windows Container Isol File System
wcnfs Windows Container Name File System
WdBoot Windows Defender Antiv Kernel
Wdf01000 Kernel Mode Driver Fra Kernel
WdFilter Windows Defender Antiv File System
wdiwifi WDI Driver Framework Kernel
WdNisDrv Windows Defender Antiv Kernel
WFPLWFS Microsoft Windows Filt Kernel
WIMMount WIMMount File System
WindowsTrust Windows Trusted Execut Kernel
WindowsTrust Microsoft Windows Trus Kernel
WinMad WinMad Service Kernel 25/04/2018 11:27:32 CH
WinNat Windows NAT Driver Kernel
WINUSB WinUsb Driver Kernel
WinVerbs WinVerbs Service Kernel 25/04/2018 11:28:00 CH
WmiAcpi Microsoft Windows Mana Kernel
Wof Windows Overlay File S File System
WpdUpFltr WPD Upper Class Filter Kernel
ws2ifsl Winsock IFS Driver Kernel
WudfPf User Mode Driver Frame Kernel
WUDFRd Windows Driver Foundat Kernel
WUDFWpdFs WPD File System driver Kernel
xboxgip Xbox Game Input Protoc Kernel
xhunter1 xhunter1 Kernel 16/01/2019 3:11:09 CH
xinputhid XINPUT HID Filter Driv Kernel

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