Reflection Paper

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Frelvic Jean D.

Bontes November 25, 2019

Reflection Paper

Looking back down to the memory lane, the teaching and learning process have been

inseparable with our necessity to strive for life. Though learning may be slow and painful at times

but with the appropriate means of reinforcement and encouragement, most of the people get

through it. Giving our peers feedback and compliments or a simple tap on the shoulder after doing

something good, sure is a small thing for us but for someone, it could be a life changing. It’s

puzzling how simple encouragement from someone could greatly affect the perspective of a learner

or person towards learning.

As expert suggest that the people around a child affects different aspect of her/his life, peer

appraisal have been proposed to recognize the good deeds and performance of a person or a learner.

Peer appraisal is a form of 360 degree feedback and performance appraisal process. Peers of an

individual give feedback for the individual which gives a unique perspective to the work and goal

achievement of an individual. While teacher and other appraisal system tend to provide a

perspective on targets and goal achieved by an individual, it gives a perspective on the

interpersonal skills of an individual and his/her interaction base with other learners and team in

which he is working. Peer appraisal form an integral part of performance appraisal system, peer

team mates, group member are anonymously asked to provide feedback about an individual’s

performance. Generally it is shared with the teacher and learners to give feedback about their

performance. This is a very essential part of our learning process because learner get the chance to

know their current status and strengths which they could further enhance as time pass by. During
our activities I felt nervous and happy. Despite of our imperfection there are still people see your

good side, even though some of my classmate are not familiar with me.

As a mean of drawing a mark of conclusion I would like to reiterate that learning is a life-

long process and that it goes beyond the reach of the four corners of the classroom. By the means

of our 3 activities is not just easy because giving good feedback or appraisal to someone is not a

joke. The teaching and learning process is very complicated thing, but let’s bare in our mind that

learning is fun and every learner should enjoy. In our activities it develop our capabilities in

learning and accepting someone opinion. Having the intellectual capacity but failing at times and

learning to stand up again together with people around you, that’s the truest essence of being a

lifelong learner.

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