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Reversible reactions happening in a closed system

A closed system is one in which no substances are either added to the system or lost from it.
Energy can, however, be transferred in or out at will.
A dynamic equilibrium occurs when you have a reversible reaction in a closed system. Nothing
can be added to the system or taken away from it apart from energy.

At equilibrium, the quantities of everything present in the mixture remain constant, although the
reactions are still continuing. This is because the rates of the forward and the back reactions are

Characteristics of a system in dynamic equilibrium

 Macroscopic properties are constant

 Microscopic properties are in constant motion
 Can only be achieved in a closed system
 Can be achieved from either side of the equation

Le Chatelier’s Principle applies- if a system in dynamic equilibrium is subjected to a change,

processes will occur within the system to counteract any change imposed.
Writing the expression for the equilibrium constant.
Characteristics of Kc
 The equilibrium law only applies to systems in equilibrium
 Kc is only constant as long as the temperature is constant.
 The numerical value of Kc is unaffected by changes in concentration of either reactant or
 The magnitude of Kc is a useful indication of the extent of a chemical a large Kc
indicates a large proportion of products to reactants. A low value Kc indicates only a small
fraction of reactants have been converted to products.
 Kc gives no indication of the rate of a reaction.

Calculations involving Kc will be done in class.

Equilibrium Constant Kp

All rules which apply for Kc also apply for Kp. Detailed solutions of example questions will be
done in class.

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