Joint Compromise Memeo

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RC OP No.181 of 2013






--------------- ------------------------------PETITIONERS




---------------------- --------------------------------RESPONDENT


The petitioners Mr. SP. Palaniappan and Mr. N. AR. Nachiappan, Respondent Mr. A, Sampathraj
have all come to an amicable settlement in the RCOP and a compromise has been arrived at
with the following terms and conditions :

a. The petitioners and the respondent do hereby agree and consent that as per the
compromise formula, the respondent shall vacate and hand over the possession of the
schedule mentioned premises to the petitioners with in 7 days from the date of signing
this Joint compromise memo and in turn the petitioners agree to pay a sum of Rs.
20,00,000/- ( Rupees twenty lakhs only ) by way of bankers Pay Order, bearing
No.---------------------- dated ------------------- , drawn from Indian Bank,
----------------------------- Branch, favoring the name of the respondent Mr. A. Sampathraj, a
photo copy of which has been attached herein along with the counter-foil, with self
attestation, at the time of handing over the possession as mentioned above.
b. The respondent shall remove all the materials from the schedule premises that were
brought in by him and shall hand over the vacant possession of the schedule premises
on the date of handing over as agreed above.
c. The petitioners and the respondent do hereby agree and consent that at the time of
handing over/ taking over the vacant possession of the schedule premises, on the same
date, a separate Joint Memo Of Compromise with the following CLAUSES as mentioned
below will be executed to enable the both the parties to apply for and obtain a decree in
tune with this memo of compromise and thereupon to abide by the decree obtained
from the court of law.
d. Clauases to be incorporated in the separate joint memeo of compromise to be executed
at the time of handing over/ taking over the schedule premises:

1. The Respondent agrees to attorn the tenancy in favor of the petitioners AND Accept
that the petitioners are competent to enter into a compromise
2. The Petitioners and the Respondent do hereby agree and consent to abandon the
Enforcement of their respective rights arising from and out of the attorned lease
agreement, between them.
3. The Respondent agrees that he has not sublet the premises to any one and no claims
will arise on this count, and if found the respondent will be liable for the same.
4. The Petitioners and the Respondent do hereby further agree that they will not make
any claim or exercise any right or benefit arising out of the aforesaid attorned lease
5. The Respondent has handed over vacant possession to the petitioners of the
scheduled premises described below
6. The petitioners have on this day paid to the Respondent a sum of Rs.20,00.000/-
(Rupees Twenty Lakhs Only)byway of a Bankers payorder dated
drawn on bank in favor of A.Sampath Raj which the Respondent acknowledges
receipt there of
7. The petitioners have waived their claim towards arrears of rent on the condition that
on such payment of Rs.20,00,000/-(Rupees Twenty Lakhs Only)as aforesaid nothing
will be claimed by the Respondent from the petitioners in any manner whatsoever
8. In view of the aforesaid settlement between the petitioners and the respondent the
petitioners are free to deal with the scheduled primises in whatever manner they
9. The petitioners and Respondent agree to bear their respective costs in the suit.
10. The petitioners and the Respondent agree that this suit shall be decreed as per this
joint compromise memo.
11. As per the decree passed on the strength of this joint compromise memo ,all the
parties shall abide by the conditions stated in this memo.



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