Article Chakras

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Muladhar Chakra – The Base Chakra

Muladhar Chakra is source of all energy (physical, mental, emotional, psychic energy) available to
humanity. As this energy (also known as Kundalini) is released and drawn up through the Chakras, it is
purified and spiritual awakening begins.

Location: Perinium or Pelvic Plexus

Element: Earth - Prithvi Tattva or the compact quality of

Sense: Smell
Seed Mantra : Lam

Symbolism : A Lotus flower of four deep red petals. At the

center of the flower is a glowing yellow square. Withing this
yellow square, there is an inverted red triangle with it's apex
pointing down. This is Shakti – symbol of creative energy.

Visualization: Internally focusing on the red triangle within

the yellow square, enhances inner balance and integration of
creativity and stability. Muladhar is concerned with survival.

Swadhishthan Chakra – the Sacral Chakra.

This chakra is related with relationships, procreation, pleasure

and desire. This is the dwelling place of deep-rooted instincts and
all samskaras – mental and emotional impressions of the past.

Location: Two finger widths above the Muladhar Chakra and

directly behind the genitals or hypogastric plexus.
Element: Apas Tattva or Water Element
Sense: Taste
Seed Mantra : Vam

Symbolism: A Lotus flower of six deep crimson petals and a

bluish-white crescent moon sits within the lower half of the
Lotus's circle. It symbolizes Moon's influence on ocean's tides and human emotions.

Visualization: Concentrating on image of bluish-white crescent moon above a deep open ocean helps
to restore emotional calm and balance and frees us from compulsive behavior and unhealthy habitual
pattern of the past.
Manipur Chakra – The Navel Chakra

Manipur Chakra is the center of inner power, energy, ambitious drive and assertiveness.

Location: Situated behind the navel or solar plexus.

Element: Agni Tattva or Fire Element.

Sense: Sight
Seed Mantra : Ram

Symbolism: A Lotus flower of ten petals. Within the circle of the

lotus is a downward pointing firey-red triangle – like a
gleaming ruby, signifying energy and power.

Visualization: Visualizing a golden light radiating from the fiery

triangle and spreading throughout the body cultivates physical,
mental and psychic energy, dynamism and vitality.
The navel chakra is related to energy and self-esteem.

Anahat Charka – The Heart Chakra

Anahat means “the unstruck sound” - this refers to the cosmic sound which does not arise from two
objects being struck (as is the case to produce all other sounds), but is always present in the heart.
From this center, internal vibrations and pulsing of heart can be heard, radiating waves of compassion,
unconditional love and understanding of equality and

Location: Behind the sternum, level with the Heart.

Element: Vayu Tattva.

Sense: Touch
Seed Mantra: Yam

Symbolism: This chakra is symbolized by a Lotus flower of

twelve petals. A six-pointed star is at the center of the Lotus,
like a hexagram, which consists of two triangle. The upward
and downward pointing triangles denote the mid-way balance
of lower chakras of physical existence and upper chakras of
spiritual and transcendental levels. The star contains a gentle
burning flame – the symbol of individual soul (jivattama).

Visualization: Focusing on steadiness of inner flame of the heart connects us to our individual soul,
internal truth and compassion, which remain steady and undisturbed by the external activities of the
Vishuddhi Chakra: The Throat Chakra

This is the wheel of purity. It is at this center that all dualities, polarities and dichotomies of opposites
are accepted within ourselves without judgement.

Location: Behind the well of the throat, or the Pharyngeal


Element: Aakash Tattva

Sense: Hearing
Seed Mantra: Ham

Symbolism: A Lotus flower of sixteen violet petals. Within

the Lotus flower is a white circle like a silvery full moon with a
tear-drop shape of nectar at it's center. This symbolizes the
harmonizing and purifying of all polarities and opposites.

Visualization: Visualizing and sensing a sweet tear-drop of

nectar-like calming balm at the level of your throat ans you breathe is said to smooth-en out internal
conflicts of heart and mind. This helps to cultivate understanding and non-judgmental attitude to mind
and heart.

Agya Chakra – the Brow Chakra

Agya Chakra means the “Command Center”. This energy center is the gateway to our intution. Here
communication and commands from the internal Guru are heard. At this point, the link between mental
and psychic aspects of our being are created as three channels of Sushumna, Ida and Pingla.
Location: Behind the space in between the eyebrows, mid-brain at medulla (Pineal Plexuses). Because
of it's location at the “Third Eye”, it may also be referred to as Gyan Chakshu (“Eye of Wisdom”)
Element: Maha Tattva (Cause of Mind Element).

Sense: none
Seed Mantra: Om
Symbolism: A two-petaled silver Lotus – one petal
representing the Sun (Pingala) and one the Moon (Ida). The
circle of the Lotus is of a silvery-white shade with a lingam in
it's center. This is placed within a downward pointing triangle,
which is a symbol of Shakti, the feminine principle.

Visualization: Focusing on a glowing circle of light at the center of your eyebrows, radiating wisdom
and intuition enhances insight and inner knowledge.
Sahastradhara (“Thousand-Petaled Lotus”) Chakra – The Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra is the dwelling place of our highest awareness. It is the union of all consciousness and
all energy.

Location: Croen of the Head, Top of the Skull.

Element: None
Sense: none
Seed Mantra: Om, or entire Sanskrit alphabets.

Symbolism: A circular Lotus blossom of a thousand shining

petal lying over one another. Inscribed on each petal is a letter
of the Sanskrit alphabet. In the center of the Lotus, is a full
Moon. Within the full Moon is a Jyotirlinga – a Lingam of
light shining upward, symbolizing pure consciousness.

Visualization: It is said that the experience of Sahastradhara is

beyond words and all definitions – it has to be felt to be
understood. It is the Buddhit Nirvana, or the Yogic Samadhi.. This state is the perfect merging of all
things – it is Yoga itself.

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