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A thesis proposal submitted in partial fulfilment

of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Architecture



November 2019
Part 1


Background of the Study

Cemetery is an issue that people choose to avoid. People are guilty of prioritizing

the needs of the living rather than the dead. Death is unavoidable, and with the rapid growth

of the population, urban areas will grow twice as what we have now.

According to Kaneda (2018), there are approximately 108 billion dead people on

earth and 7 billion more are to join them within the next century. With the dead far

outnumbering the living, it’s not surprising that spaces at cemeteries has become an issue

that sprawls all throughout the world. Public cemeteries are facing a lot of problems, and

most common issues are informal settlers, pollution, expensive burial methods, and

overcrowded and unorganized tombs.

Many countries have experienced this kind of problems, and they have developed

their cemeteries vertically to solve it. Asia is the leading trend of vertical cemeteries.

Taiwan, Hong Kong, and most of Japan have applied vertical cemetery and have good

outcomes, even Brazil (Kaushik, 2017).

Vertical cemetery is a stack of burials in a tall, airy skyscraper in the city that is

influenced by the Asian culture, a tradition of burying the dead in multilayer tombs. It saves

ground space and provide alternatives to achieve a sustainable structure, a new way of

dealing spatial constrain for urban cemeteries (Campbell-Dollaghan, 2013).

In the Philippines, informal settlers in cemeteries is not unusual to our culture.

People sleep in haphazard shanties built on top of the tombs, and some families occupied
in mausoleums (Billing, 2018). All public cemeteries are hopelessly overcrowded with

unorganized tombs that the automobile can't even reach its destination that mourners have

to carry the coffin to the particular place. Pollution is also becoming a menace to public

cemeteries (Dean, 2017). In the year 2015, there were 302 truckloads of garbage from 26

cemeteries in Metro Manila alone (Gamil, 2016).

Despite the growing popularity of columbarium, cremation and memorial parks,

Filipino still prefer to bury their loved ones in public cemeteries. This is because

columbarium, cremation and memorial parks are too expensive, whereas public cemeteries

are free except for its annual rent. But public cemeteries have reached its limit and can

accommodate no more (Cruz, 2012). Even with the availability of these options, Filipino

still chooses to bury in a traditional way and its supernatural beliefs still remain strong.

As of November 2019, the Philippines current population is 108, 708, 342 (United

Nations Population Division, 2019). There are 1,731,289 live births which is equivalent to

4,744 babies brought out to this world daily. And the number of reported deaths have a

579, 237 in the year 2017 having the number of 1,587 people die daily (Philippines

Statistics Authority, 2019).

Tacloban City is the first highly urbanized city in the region and has a population

of 242, 089 on the 2015 Census. The city has been expanding and growing rapidly that the

mortality rate issues of the numerous cemeteries within and outside the city are still in

progress. According to City Civil Registrar of Tacloban City (2019), the registered death

reaches more or less 15 people a day. Hence, with the said average rate, public cemetery

in Tacloban City is in need of management and expansion.

This project was conceptualized to answer the current needs of Tacloban City

regarding cemetery issues mentioned. Specifically, this study will be conducted to improve

the ways of Filipino funerary design by applying the innovative architectural approach

towards funeral designs for public cemeteries with regards to other social and cultural


Objectives of the Study

The primarily objective of this study is to design a vertical cemetery in Tacloban

City. Specifically aims to:

1. Determine the status of the existing Old Tacloban Public Cemetery in terms of:

a. Function and efficiency

b. Vertical and horizontal circulation patterns

c. Architectural character

d. Aesthetic and landmark quality

e. Solar, wind, noise, odor and view orientation

f. Security and safety features

g. Pedestrian oriented site development plan

h. Natural and artificial ventilation

2. Identify the prevailing laws that regulates the development, planning and design

of cemetery.

3. Identify if the location is suitable for the redevelopment of Tacloban public

cemetery towards verticality.

Significance of the Study

The study will focus primarily on developing a design that will provide the basic

needs of the visitors, that will be harmless to the environment and will uplift the economic

growth of Tacloban City. Those who will benefit this study are:

The government/LGU’s. This study will guide the Local Government Unit on the

impact and importance of a vertical entombment structure, thus, will create local job

opportunity and furthermore increase its economic growth.

Architecture Students. This study will serve as a guide in planning and designing

a vertical cemetery or any of its associated facilities. Moreover, this may serve as a

reference source in their future studies and also serve as an inspiration to them as future


Future Researchers. The study will encourage people to further research on

additional facilities that can be integrated into the cemetery. The possible economic growth

that the vertical cemetery may impact to the community can be a learning paradigm to the

present researchers and aspiring ones that wish to pursue studies regarding cemetery,

memorial park, accessibility, and sustainability as major factors in economic growth.

The Society. The study will benefit the general public as it will provide accessible

composite design burial and any of its associated facilities.

Developers. The study will guide as a reference to the future development in design

standards and space requirements of a vertical entombment or any of its associated

Significance of the Project


Innovative Approach to Vertical Entombment Design will leave an astounding impact not

just in Tacloban City, but in Eastern Visayas. The study will provide and contribute

beneficial results to other factors of the society, such as:

Social. The project will help the society wise up the importance of a public

cemetery. It will improve the society’s experience, education, and understanding of a

vertical cemetery. Moreover, it will provide a unique place of spiritual comfort for the

living relatives or patrons.

Economic. The project will enhance the economic growth, providing this structure

is cheaper for the living relatives and cost effective to the government. And it’s with return

of investment, government can earn more.

Cultural. The project will have a preservation of cultural beliefs. The unusual

culture of some Filipinos settling in cemeteries gives a negative impact to the society. Thus,

providing this infrastructure will help end this unusual culture and will have an accessible

funerary design.

Environment. The project will help promote the vertical application to save space

without sacrificing more land and to introduce innovative materials to give back to the

environment by being sustainable and resilient.

Part 2


This chapter shows a review of literature and studies which will serve as a guide

and basis for the proponents that will be applicable to the study.

Related Literature

The following literature are collection of various information that are taken from

newspaper and other published works related to the study. The information will serve as a

guide for the proponents to present an effective study.

Vertical Cemetery

(Wahyu P. Hariyono, 2015)

According to Hariyono (2015), verticality has become a practical solution to the

land needs and vertical cemetery is one of its solution. Vertical cemetery saves ground

space and resolve issues of accessibility and positive effect on the use of public transport.

Moreover, a burial space in respect for different religion/beliefs is combined. In the future,

the cemetery will be a refreshed and lively place. With its height, the building will provide

opportunity as a symbol or icon in the city.

The main purpose of this literature is to analyze some aspects of vertical cemetery,

to feature the main factors influencing its architecture and to address some conceptual

suggestions for the planning of these type of cemetery.

Innovative Architecture Strategies

(Simos Vamvakidis, 2017)

It is stated that series of contemporary, diverse and innovative design

strategies vary in form, function and design intent. The common shared trait of all

projects is the alternative and/or experimental approach of combining both private

and public spaces. Innovative design approaches with complex program are

combined with socially and financially sustainable strategies.

The Innovative Architecture Strategies aims to help understand the different

design approaches that can be followed when called to propose a concept and

design an innovative mixed-use building. It is also a guide, point of reference, and

an inspiration book.

Tombs with a View at the World’s Tallest Vertical Cemetery

(Spooky, 2016)

In Brazil, resides the tallest cemetery in the world named Necrópole Ecumênica

Memorial, according by the Guinness Book of the Records and maintained its record since

1991. Established in 1983 and currently has 32 floors and more than 25,000 tombs. The

vertical cemetery not only gave space for the dead but also offers a complete services such

as database, legal certificates, assistance, insurance, 24-hour security, etc. Moreover, it

accomodates tombs, wake rooms, mausoleums, crypts, garden with a small waterfall,

chapel and a rooftop snack bar.

Israel Raises the Dead with Skyward Cemetery

(Aron Heller, 2014)

With real estate at its premium, vertical cemetery in Israel is implemented by the

government to save space. Different versions of vertical cemetery already exist in some

places but only in Israel is part of the government-backed master plan. The Yarkon

Cemetery became their major project that can accommodate 250, 000 graves in the region

for the next 25 years. It is said that this way of funerary design is more sustainable,

environmentally and user-friendly. The society has embraced this idea as the most effective

Jewish practice in an era when most of the cemeteries in urban area are packed and full.

These articles is a general data of understanding on the functionality of a vertical

cemetery and its sole impact in the community.

Student Works: Martin McSherry’s “Vertical Graveyards”

(Amelia Taylor-Hochberg, 2014)

According to Taylor-Hochberg, the “Vertical Graveyards” is a speculative proposal

for a new infrastructure of death, mimicking the skyscraper as a symbol of expanding and

densifying urban systems. The project focuses less on design specifics and more on

provoking a change in societal attitudes towards death.

By addressing global issues such as over population and scarce land, Martin

McSherry came up with the tower. Moreover, thinking of how to make the death visible in

the society and thought of an idea of visible smoke from the chimneys of the crematorium.

The project may be conceptual and no drawings that follow into the design, as it is

only demonstrated as an idea, but it still present multiple functions and imparts the value

of a cemetery.
Eerie Facts About the Vertical Cemetery in the Philippines

(Earthly Mission, n.d.)

In the Philippines, for about 2000 years, the Igorot tribe has been burying the in

hanging coffins that is attached to the sides of cliffs in the mountains of Luzon. According

to their belief, this type of burial brings them closer to their ancestral spirits and will also

keep the bodies safe from the scavenging animals. This became one of the tourist spots in

the Philippines.

Missing graves common problem in Oro City Memorial Park

(Alwen Saliring, 2015)

In the City Memorial Park of Cagayan de Oro City, missing and unlocated graves

has been a common problem of the living relatives of the deceased. It caused complaints

of untraced and overlapping of graves.

The public cemetery has an estimated 50,000 graves excluding those that had been

transferred to private cemeteries. Thus, advices the relatives to monitor and clean the grave

regularly to ensure finding the grave each time they visit.

The other problem in cemeteries is the lack of space for burial and has long been

proposing for an establishment of columbarium as solution to these problems.

In Philippines, the living share space with the dead

(Karen Lema, 2007)

For years, Manila North Cemetery has been a thriving community for those who

are evicted from their homes or swarming from the provinces for better opportunities in

the big city. The informal settlers in the said cemetery are making a living by painting
gravestones and tombs. This raises serious questions about the government plans about the

Philippines economy.

The country’s housing shortage will worsen as the population continues to grow

and is estimated to grow 142 million by 2040. Thus, the living is competing for space with

the dead.

The ‘Apartment’: Living among the dead

(George Moya, 2013)

On November 1, the cemeteries will come to life again but to those who are living

with the dead, it is just another day. An estimated 10,000 Filipinos are settling at the Manila

North Cemetery, where they’re housed in “apartment”—a stacked of tombs.

In a country where supernatural beliefs remain strong, it’s an altogether different

exploit to live with the dead. Dwellers are not afraid of living with the dead but afraid of

being evicted from the cemetery. Many others want to leave the cemetery and live

elsewhere, but they have nowhere to go and living outside the cemetery is costly.


CEMETERY: An Innovative Approach to Vertical Entombment Design is important for it

will be the first vertical cemetery in Tacloban City that will change the way people

memorialize the dead but still maintain the Filipino burial custom.
Related Studies

This part of the study consists of unpublished foreign and local studies and research

which will serve as a design guideline in planning and designing of REDEVELOPMENT

OF TACLOBAN PUBLIC CEMETERY: An Innovative Funerary Design Approach of a

Vertical Entombment.

Foreign Studies

ARCHITECTURE OF AFTERLIFE: Future Cemetery in Metropolis

(Shiyu Song, 2017)

Cemetery is facing severe challenges like the shortage of burial space together with

high cost of rental space. That according to Song (2017), the options for the future

cemeteries are either change, shrink or disappear.

The study aims to provide solutions for space shortages and dilemma in cultural

tradition problems of the existing cemetery. Space efficiency should not be the only

concern of designing but cultural and historic preservation should be incorporated as well.

The main purpose of this study is to analyze and explore the relationship between life and

death within the cultural tradition of the society.

RETHINKING THE URBAN CEMETERY: Innovative and Sustainable Design for

Memorializing Our Deceased Loved Ones

(Bradley W. Benmoshé, 2017)

Our world is presently experiencing the largest wave of urban growth in history.

More than half of the world’s human inhabitants now live in the urban cities, and by 2030,

the number is projected to rise up to 5 billion. Therefore, there simply is not enough land

available in these rapidly densifying urban cities. Death may not be a taboo topic of today’s

rapidly evolving world, it is largely neglected and seen as an afterthought in the community

planning and design profession.

Vertical cemetery could revolutionize the ways in memorialize people’s deceased

loved ones with funerary design and plan. It intends to be a line of thought that aims the

use of innovative and sustainable architectural design to change the ways in which people

memorialize their deceased loved ones in urban city. Moreover, this study will compare

the traditional and contemporary funeral beliefs and rituals in the urban community and the

impact of the vertical cemetery for its environment and community.

URBAN VERTICAL CEMETERY: A New Type of Burial in Cities of High Density

(Kongshen Xia, 2017)

Urban areas find it difficult to spare enough land for burials. Establishment of new

burial has expanded to the outskirts, and the burial become really expensive. Verticality

has been applied to most building typologies since it could help to solve the spatial and

economic issues.

The purpose of this study is to apply verticality into cemetery typology, which can

provide opportunitues to bring cemeteries back to the urban city. Moreover, it can provide
enough memorial space for the society with a fair price and good atmosphere, not only for

the dead, but also a vertical park where daily life could happen.

Local Studies

THE MEMORIAL PARK TOWER: A Proposed Vertical Memorial Park

(Alan Fong, 2019)

The Vertical Memorial Park is much more than a vertical cemetery or a

columbarium. It is a new integrated urban solution that addresses the shortage of burial

places in the city, as well as the rise of urban property prices, and the strong cultural

significance of cemetery developments here in the Philippines.

The study aims to provide solution to these problems and can cater more numbers

of tombs without contributing to the scarcity of land, to be a great addition to the city land-

wise and economic-wise. However, this study can also touch tourism by making it a tourist



Approach Towards Funerary Design for Public Cemeteries

(Katrina Bianne Banzon, 2019)

People cannot deny that death is inevitable and with the rapid growth of the society,

public cemeteries are facing problems. In the Philippines, squatting in cemetery is not

unusual to their culture, so are overpopulation, pollution and the issues regarding traditions

and religious beliefs towards funeral designs. Through verticality, it will become a solution

of the land availability for public cemeteries and aid problems that are existing.
These studies will play a major role in knowing the importance of a cemetery. And

with vertical application, it will provide a more positive impact on the community and to

take part in saving the ground space. Moreover, these studies address human, cultural, and

ecological needs that reaches its highest potential to give off a positive net to the city.
Part 3


This section of the research will discuss the research design, data collection method,

research instruments, and method of data utilization for design used in this study.

Research Design

The theory that will be used is the Innovative Architecture Strategies by Simos

Vamvakidis, a comprehensive guide of contemporary, diverse, and innovative design

strategies that vary in form, function, and design intent. This theory will be applied to the

researcher's project, which is a vertical cemetery.

This study aims to provide a sustainable, resilient, and innovative design solution

for the existing problems in the cemetery and the lacking land in the area up with a solution

that will be an environment-friendly structure and will uplift the economic growth to the

community. The researchers will fall under the descriptive method of research in order to

be comprehensive when it comes to detailing the relevance of the collected data. This

method is approximately relevant to this study since it aims to create a current assessment

of the stated problems and to formulate a concept that will support the realization of the

proposed study.
Data Collection Method and Research Instruments

Research Instruments

This section will comprise the instruments to be used in data gathering, which

includes laptops for online research or resources through the internet, and cameras for

collecting data through photographic illustrations. The collection of data for site selection

will be based only on the Google earth and online data such as maps and CLUP of Tacloban


Data to be Collected

The data to be collected will be the secondary data through literature to determine

the purpose of this proposal. These data will specifically aims to collect the following:

mortality and death rate of Tacloban City, estimated number of people who will attend the

funeral procession of the deceased, and to identify the current location is suitable for a

vertical cemetery.

Data Collection Method

As for the methods in collecting the data, the proponents will gather the mortality

and death rate of Tacloban City from the City Civil Registrar. The proponents will

distinguished the estimated number of people who will attend the funeral procession of the

deceased through observation in the Old Tacloban Public Cemetery. Comprehensive Land

Use Plan (CLUP), hazard maps and Google Earth application will be obtain from the local

government unit and will be analyze for the site selection and assessment.
Method/s of Data Utilization for Design

The goal of this study is to reach the three primarily objective of the study and to

redevelop the Old Tacloban Public Cemetery through an innovative architecture that will

provide a sustainable, resilient, and innovative design solution for the existing problems

in the cemetery and lacking land in the area.

The collected data of this study will serve as a guide of planning and to able to

know the limitations for designing the building. Other data will help the researchers to

determine the site requirements, planning considerations, and criteria. Also, the data will

be used in determining the corresponding facilities, amenities, services, and utilities for

the Old Tacloban Public Cemetery.


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