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The cons of beauty pressure in the society according to Wood and Taylor (1991), social

media triggered appearance- focused comparisons. Most of the women have a greater effect on
body more disturbance when a thin body image is an important part of women’s self-concept.
Thus, these women are depressed, having low in self-esteem and this lead to unhealthy choices
like eating disorder, anorexia and bulimia. The known friends bodies seem to be more
attainable than unrealistic model, thus there is positive correlation between social media and
eating disorder.

Another cons of beauty pressure in the society according to Steinberg (2008), social
media are the domain peers comparisons highly salient to adolescents. These adolescent more
compare themselves with attractive peers than attractive model in magazine. Thus lead to more
negative self-attractiveness and increase the anxiety. Furthermore, the adolescent feels
triggered and pressure to keep themselves up to the attainable standard like his/her peers.

S.Gilbert (2015). Health in social media: the pros and cons to the effectnit has on readers.pp.
9-12.California:Polythechnic State University.

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