2D Modelling of Hydrocarbon Exploration

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2D modelling of hydrocarbon migration along and across growth faults:

an example from Nigeria

Gérard Caillet1 and Sébastien Batiot2
TotalFinaElf, Exploration & Production, Avenue Larribau, 64018 Pau, France (e-mail: gerard.caillet@totalfinaelf.com)
IGAL, Paris, France

ABSTRACT: Temis 2D was used to study hydrocarbon migration and fluid

distribution in an area of the Niger Delta. In this setting, high pressures are related
to a high sedimentation rate, and pressure compartments are delineated by growth
faults. A growth fault is regarded as a hydro-mechanically active zone contributing
both to a release of high pressures and to hydrocarbon migration from the deep
mature source rocks to shallower reservoirs.
Overpressures are generated in confined systems where water flow is extremely
low. The most significant parameters causing the generation of overpressures are
very low shale permeability and rapid burial. In 2D modelling, pressure calibration is
obtained by adjusting cap-rock permeability and by properly simulating reservoir
connectivity. The accuracy of fluid flow simulation is highly dependent on lateral
transmissibility across reservoirs and/or faults. When pore pressure reaches fracture
pressure, the vertical permeability in the model must be increased to simulate release
of the excess pore pressure by fracturing. Simulating hydrocarbon migration, which
is dependent on both permeability and capillary pressure, from a high-pressure
domain to a lower pressure domain without losing the pressure distribution, requires
a detailed geological model and a thorough calibration.
In a deltaic system, such as the Niger Delta, a growth fault behaves as a complex
zone for fluid flow, due to a relatively low horizontal permeability and a significant
transient vertical permeability. In detail, permeability and capillary pressures in the
fault zone are dependent on clay content (clay smearing) along the fault, possible
cataclasis reducing sandstone permeability, and lithology juxtaposition, forming a
complex structure along which fluids have to move. In this approach the fault is
considered as a permanent active zone with transient fluid and pressure transfers,
implying hydro-mechanical coupling.
The aim of 2D basin modelling is to simulate the geological history of a petroleum
system in order to understand and quantify the hydrocarbon generation, migration
and trapping. As a control of a correct simulation, the main hydrocarbon-bearing
reservoirs must be restored with correct temperature, pore pressure, saturation and
gas:oil ratio (GOR). The results of the present simulation show that all these
parameters, and particularly pore pressures and GOR, are in accordance with well
data. Fluid flow modelling allows vertical migration of the hydrocarbons from the
deep overpressured domain to the hydrostatic domain, and a partial lateral transfer
between adjacent reservoirs, without full pressure equalization. The model correctly
predicts hydrocarbons in the main reservoirs and the appropriate GOR, even though
local variations are not well simulated. Abnormally high pressures are maintained
within the system even though fluid flow and hydrocarbon migration are simulated
in a dynamic mode. The thorough geological description of the fault zone, which
allows a detailed input of petrophysical parameters, is the key to such a result.
KEYWORDS: fault property, petroleum system, numerical simulation, fluid flow

INTRODUCTION predominant in sedimentary basins. In a deltaic environment

growth faults result from the instability in compaction and in
The role of faults in the process of fluid expulsion from effective stress, due to rapid sedimentation. Consequently they
overpressured zones into less pressured zones is recognized as form discontinuities where pressures can be released and fluids
Petroleum Geoscience, Vol. 9 2003, pp. 113–124 1354-0793/03/$15.00  2003 EAGE/Geological Society of London

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Fig. 1. Location map of the study area.

can move. Weber & Mandl (1978) and Price (1980) consider Albian time, after the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean, and
that faults are vertical drains. Many authors (Chapman 1981; delta development started only in the Late Paleocene/Eocene
Hooper 1991) consider that growth faults can be both barriers (Doust & Omatsola 1990).
and flow paths to migration. In all cases, it is recognized that, in Throughout the geological history of the delta, its structure
a mature petroleum system, fluid transport along and across and stratigraphy have been controlled by the interplay between
major faults is the main process for hydrocarbon migration. rates of sediment supply and subsidence. Subsidence has been
Losh et al. (1999) demonstrate that a growth fault in the Eugene controlled both by driving subsidence of the basement as well
Island area acted as a conduit for fluid flow and that this as differential sediment loading and compaction of unstable
behaviour is a transient process, with pulsing controlled by the shales. Many syn-sedimentary and post-sedimentary faults affect
pressure regime. On the other hand, traps against faults can the delta sequence. In fact, the delta can be subdivided into a
occur locally where the faults are lateral pressure or migration
number of major growth-fault-bounded sedimentary units or
barriers. The complexity of a fault zone in terms of its physical
properties makes it difficult to handle in basin modelling.
Numerical simulation of fluid flow and pressure is highly The Niger Delta is a regressive sequence of clastic sediments
dependent on the vertical and horizontal permeability of the developed in a series of off-lap cycles. The base of the sequence
porous system. In a fault zone, permeability is a function of the consists of massive and monotonous marine shales, grading
rheological characteristics of the deformed rocks, clay content, upwards into interbedded shallow-marine and fluvial sands, silts
cataclasis and cementation – all dependent on adjacent lithol- and clays. The total thickness of this sequence can reach 12 km
ogies – and also a function of the stress pattern. For simulation in the centre of the basin.
purposes, the geological complexity must be greatly simplified. Growth faulting is interpreted to be triggered by the move-
In this paper an empirical approach is proposed, using the ment of deep-seated, overpressured, ductile marine shales and
software Temispack2D (Beicip-Franlab), to simulate hydro- aided by slope instability. As noted by Doust & Omatsola
carbon migration using the fault zones as the main pathways (1990), the magnitude of throw and growth on faults bounding
with respect to pressure equilibration and fluid dynamics. The depobelts is such that much of the paralic sequence on the
main growth faults are used for the fluid transfers, and the downthrown side is younger than that on the upthrown
permeability and fluid flow calculation are adjusted to obtain a side. Within depobelts, growth faults form the boundaries of
thorough pressure calibration and a hydrocarbon distribution macrostructures, each characterized by its own sand–shale
corresponding to field data. In addition to a two-phase simu- distribution pattern and structural style.
lation, a compositional simulation (three-phase and multi- The Niger Delta is a rich oil and gas province. The oils are of
hydrocarbon components) was performed to try to obtain fluid a light waxy type and the gas, usually associated with oil, is
GOR and fluid density which fit the observed data. methane rich. The source rocks are the subject of controversy
The example chosen for this study is an area of the Niger (Frankl & Cordry 1967; Evamy et al. 1978; Ekweozor &
Delta, where many oil- and gas-bearing reservoirs have been Daukoru 1984). The Akata shales are probably the most
found, all close to major faults. A large set of data is available prolific source rocks, and they reach a high maturity level,
to control and calibrate the simulation. whilst the Agbada shales can partly contribute, even though
they remain generally at a low maturity level (Ejedawe et al.
1984). The kerogen type is considered as a mixed marine- and
Most of the hydrocarbon traps are structural, either related
The Niger Delta, situated on the Gulf of Guinea on the to faults or to anticlinal closure. The prospectivity of individual
West Coast of Africa (Fig. 1), built out during the Tertiary. structures depends principally on sand distribution and sealing
Accumulation of marine sediments in the basin commenced in potential of faults. The fluid distribution is usually complex.

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Fig. 2. Conceptual model for

hydrocarbon migration.

SYN-SEDIMENTARY FAULTS AND FLUID The conceptual model illustrating what we believe to occur
MIGRATION in the study area is presented in Figure 2. In this model all the
faults are the main paths for fluid migration and the main
In a deltaic system the sedimentary processes are partly vertical barriers to pressure transfer. For computational
controlled by syn-sedimentary faults, which allow an accommo- reasons, the number of faults is reduced, and the fault zone is
dation of compaction, tectonic pulses and fluid transfers. Most given a greater thickness than in reality. This artificial thickness
of the megastructures are delineated by synthetic and antithetic increase is due to software handling issues; a software which
faults with an extension of one to several kilometres. allows a coupling between mechanical processes and hydraulic
For Crans et al. (1980), the regional synthetic faults result transfers would allow a more realistic simulation, focused on
from the sliding of the sedimentary pile under the effect of its the petrophysical properties of faults.
own weight. For other authors (Evamy et al. 1978; Doust &
Omatsola 1990), these faults are only due to the movements of MODELLING HYDROCARBON GENERATION
the underlying overpressured shales. These faults are charac- AND MIGRATION (TEMIS 2D)
terized by an important throw (hundreds of metres) at depth,
and this throw decreases progressively towards the surface, The modelled geological cross-section
indicating a syn-sedimentary movement. These major faults are The geological cross-section (Fig. 3) chosen for modelling is
the main conduits for fluid transfers, mainly because they are situated in licence OML 58, an onshore area of the delta. It is
deep seated. Many secondary faults are associated with the orientated SE–NNW (Fig. 1), with a total length of 32 km. It
mega- and macrostructures (crestal fault, flank fault, counter- crosses several oil and gas fields: Erema, Ibewa, Obagi and
regional fault). Their effect on the fluid movements depends Ebegoro South.
principally on their depth, throw and connectivity with other This cross-section is interpreted from a 3D seismic dataset,
faults and reservoirs. and a complete well dataset. The stratigraphic and structural
Several studies concern fault plane analysis (Weber & Mandl complexity proposed by the geologists cannot be modelled in
1978; Bouvier et al. 1989; Lindsay et al. 1993, Lehner & Pilaar its entirety, so a simplified version is used for modelling (Fig. 3).
1996, Yielding et al. 1997; Fisher & Knipe 1998; Knai & Knipe Only the main growth faults are considered (the Ama Fault and
1998) with the objective of evaluating the sealing potential or Erema Fault) for simulation of hydrocarbon migration and
drainage capacity of a fault zone. The fault zone cannot be pressure distribution. A smaller fault, which is known to be
considered as a simple fault plane, but as a complex gouge a pressure barrier, is also considered.
zone, with mixed materials (complex lithology), fractures, The sedimentary pile is more than 6000 m thick (Fig. 4). It is
shearing bands, cementation or clay smearing. The physical subdivided into three main sequences. The Akata Formation
properties of the fault (porosity, permeability, capillary pressure, (Cretaceous to Early Oligocene) is characterized by highly
and hydrocarbon saturation) are controlled by the nature of the overpressured shales. It is considered as the main source rock
gouge zone. of the system, at the present day reaching a high level of
Fault transmissibility can also be increased under the effect maturity. The Agbada Formation (Oligocene to Mid-Miocene)
of tectonic movements. Such catastrophic events can activate is composed of an alternation of sand, silt and clay layers. It is
existing discontinuities or create tension fractures, and can the prospective unit where most of the oil discoveries are
permit significant fluid flow. Such processes cannot easily be found. The shaly layers at the base of the sequence have a
introduced into a model, as they are discontinuous and not significant source-rock potential, but they do not reach a high
constrained from a geological point of view. maturity level. The Bénin Formation (Late Miocene to present)
Outcrop observations do not give a real image of what is composed of massive sand deposits of fluvial origin. It is an
occurs at depth on hundred or thousand metre-long faults, open system with hydrostatic pressures.
under in situ conditions. As the physical parameters are not The lithofacies used for modelling (Fig. 5) are limited to five
accessible to observation and measurement, an empirical main lithotypes – pure sand, 75% sand: 25% shale, 50%
approach, aiming at calibrating fluid flow and pressures at a sand:50% shale, silty shale, and pure shale They represent the
basin or field scale, is proposed. predominant lithologies in each layer. A different shale type is

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116 G. Caillet and S. Batiot

Fig. 3. Initial 2D geological

cross-section showing the number of
interpreted growth faults.

Fig. 4. Stratigraphy of the modelled


used for the Akata shales with reduced vertical permeability, to eity within the fault gouge will play a variable role in fluid
better simulate overpressures. transmissibility, under the effect of stress distribution; more
The main hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs, projected on the stress anisotropy means more fragility of the fault zone.
cross-section (Fig. 5), are named Res X and Res XI at The fault zones are modelled with a series of small cells
Achira/Erema (between 2800 and 3000 m deep), Res O, Res T (Fig. 6b). Each of these cells is characterized in terms of
and Res R at Ibewa (between 3000 and 4000 m), Res VI at lithology and petrophysics. Lithotypes attached to a cell are
Obagi (2200 m), and Res T at Ebegoro (3200 m). chosen according to what is expected in the fault zone, as a
function of fault throw, layer thickness and facies of the layers
Modelling a fault zone dragged along the fault. This was performed manually, no
The problem for modelling fluid flow in a fault zone is to automatic option being available in the modelling package.
calibrate the fault parameters to obtain a reasonable transmis- Intrinsic permeability and capillary pressure of these mixed
sibility. The gouge zone is composed of clay and sand, coming lithologies are a direct function of shale content. An aniso-
from the rocks along the fault walls. In the case of growth faults tropy factor (to distinguish between vertical and horizontal
characterized by a throw of several hundred metres, it is permeability) is adjusted empirically to obtain acceptable flow
thought that clay smear might not be continuous. It can be values (Fig. 6c). A ‘fault clay’ type is used for the central part of
better preserved if the throw is small, and if the sand:shale ratio a fault zone, with vertical permeability higher than horizontal
is small (Fig. 6a). In case of a significant throw, more discon- permeability. This is to account for a clay smear situation,
tinuities can occur. On the other hand, all kinds of heterogen- which causes a strong barrier to lateral flow but allows vertical

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Fig. 5. Lithofacies of the modelled


Fig. 6. Modelling a fault zone, from an outcrop to a mesh. (a) Clay smear along a fault zone, from Frechen brown-coal pits in Germany (after
Weber 1987). (b) Clay smearing is included in the geological model, to simulate realistically fluid flow and hydrocarbon migration with TEMIS
2D. Simulated fluid flow will depend on fault plane lithology and juxtaposed lithologies, as a function of fault throw and sand:clay ratio. (c) For
fluid flow modelling, the small cells defining the fault plane are given an intermediate lateral and vertical permeability (sandy shale or shaly
sand). Parameters for horizontal and vertical permeability will be adjusted empirically to obtain a good pressure calibration and a significant fluid

flow along walls. Capillary pressures in the central zone are also method consists of changing the permeability of the fault zone
taken to be intermediate, which will favour a hydrocarbon during geological history. This was tested in the present
migration from clay to fault to sand. example, by considering the faults to be highly permeable until
Figure 7 provides a detailed look at a fault zone (enlarged 8 Ma (active faulting=open conduit), and impermeable between
view of a section from the modelled cross-section in Fig. 5), 8 Ma and 0 Ma (tectonic quiescence). In that case, a very
showing how permeability is taken into account as a function of effective hydrocarbon migration occurs until the faults are
fault zone ‘facies’; the facies itself is empirically deduced from closed, and the pressure becomes hydrostatic everywhere.
fault throw, lithology and shale ratio. When the faults are closed, hydrocarbon migration stops and
Discussion of the method. Fluid flow along and across the fault is a there is a rapid pressure build up. This geological scenario is
difficult problem in 2D modelling, as there is no direct means acceptable for a snap-shot estimate, and it does give an idea of
to check if what is simulated was in fact the real situation during the ultimate trapping potential of an area. However, it would
geological history. Usually, modellers consider the fault zone also mean that hydrocarbon migration is inefficient today,
with only one lithotype and try to obtain a correct fluid which is not in line with the concept of a dynamic system,
pressure and fluid transfer by simply adjusting the permeability where overpressures occasionally reach the fracture gradient,
corresponding to this lithology. Very often, in a context like the and where source rocks remain in a very mature state, supplying
Niger Delta, there is real difficulty in simulating an effective a continuous hydrocarbon flux. Also, it is difficult to under-
hydrocarbon migration, requiring a significant permeability, stand how fault zones could undergo such a drastic change in
together with the maintenance of high overpressures. This is permeability.
critical in a dynamic system where hydrocarbon generation, The method developed in this paper is based on the concept
migration and trapping are still very active today. of a dynamic system, where hydrocarbon generation and
In Temis 2D there is no coupling between fluid dynamics migration occur together with significant overpressuring.
and mechanical movements, which forces users to find other Overpressures, which result from rapid subsidence and a high
solutions to simulate linked geological processes. One proposed rate of sediment supply, are the driving force for both fluid

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Fig. 8. Comparison of calculated temperatures and well data.

Fig. 7. Enlarged area of a fault zone showing detailed lithology used

for the simulation.

movements and fault activation. In our simulation, overpress- Fig. 9. Comparison of calculated maturity (%Ro) and well data.
ures are maintained and hydrocarbon migration occurs simul-
taneously throughout the burial history of the system (even
simulated, but this does not affect the evaluation of source-rock
though an increase of the fault throw with increasing burial is
maturity which is at a depth where a good match is obtained.
not directly taken into account).
Source-rock maturity is calibrated using vitrinite reflectance
data (%R0). In the model, hydrocarbons are generated within
Well data calibration a source rock when vitrinite reflectance rises above 0.6%.
The cross-section (Fig. 5) connects several fields (Achira, km-9; Available well data show a good fit (Fig. 9).
Ibewa, between km-14 and -18; Obagi, km-21, and Ebegoro, The pressure regime of the Niger Delta can be subdivided
km-29). Well data are used for calibration of temperature, pore into two domains; the first domain is hydrostatic and comprises
pressure and source rock. the Bénin Formation and the top of the Agbada Formation; the
Thermal calibration is based on extrapolated well data second domain is overpressured and comprises the lower
measurements. A heat flow of 0.055 W m2 is taken at the Agbada Formation and the Akata Formation, at greater depth,
base of sediments to simulate present-day temperatures and a characterized by shale undercompaction. Pressure data from
constant heat flow is assumed through the geological history. RFT measurements clearly indicate these two domains with a
The surface temperature varies according to palaeo- sharp build-up transition zone between. The simulation
environment and palaeo-latitude changes. Variations in thermal respects the data and the pressure calibration is quite good at
gradients are mainly dependent on changes in thermal conduc- any location (Fig. 10).
tivity of the sedimentary pile (i.e. lithology, porosity and fluid In the simulator, when pore pressure (Pp) reaches fracture
content). pressure, vertical permeability is increased to release the excess
A temperature versus depth diagram (Fig. 8) shows a pore pressure. This option in the simulation facilitates fluid
calculated present-day temperature of 73C at 2000 m and flow, either water flow from compaction or hydrocarbon
125C at 4000 m. This corresponds to an average gradient of migration from the source rocks to the traps. In the study area,
26C km1 within this interval. Well data indicate a lower it is considered that the fracturing threshold is reached when
gradient in the shallow section (between 0 m and 2000 m) than
in the deep section (below 2000 m). This effect is not well Pp]0.75v

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Fig. 10. Comparison of calculated pore pressure and well data at Erema and Ibewa.

Fig. 11. History of source-rock maturity (transformation ratio and vitrinite reflectance) in the main reservoirs and Mobile Shales.

where sv is the total vertical stress. The shale layers are assumed Burial and pore pressure history
to be horizontal barriers to fluid flow, particularly if they are The pore pressure build-up occurred rapidly in the deep series,
undercompacted under the effect of a rapid burial. Important between 33 Ma (early Oligocene) and 23 Ma (Late Oligocene),
pressure variations can also be observed laterally between fault under the effect of rapid subsidence and onset of under-
compartments, indicating that the faults are vertical barriers to compaction (Fig. 13). During this period, the deep reservoirs
a horizontal fluid flow. This does not exclude possible vertical became significantly overpressured. Between 23 Ma and 15 Ma,
permeability of the fault zone. The model used for simulat- pore pressure did not increase much because of the lower
ing fluid flow in this system allows the maintenance of sedimentation rate. During deposition of the sand-rich Bénin
pore pressures and transmissibility of fluids together, which Fm. (15 Ma to 8 Ma) and subsequently, the low sedimentation
characterizes a dynamic system. rate induced a slight decrease of overpressures in the Mobile
Shales, because part of the compaction water was released.
At the present day (Fig. 14), the deep reservoirs are main-
Source-rock maturity tained at a high pressure, under the combined effect of water
The history of source-rock maturity (Fig. 11), based on vitrinite escape from shales and hydrocarbon charging. The shallow
reflectance (%Ro) and kerogen transformation ratio (TR), reservoirs are kept at a hydrostatic regime. The distribution of
indicates that the Mobile Shales (Akata Fm.) are producing overpressures in Figure 15 shows that the top of the under-
most of the hydrocarbons found in the traps, in spite of poor compacted shales is well simulated.
potential. At the end of the Oligocene (23 Ma) they were below
the oil window (T=140C, TR=35%, %R0=0.75). After 15 Ma,
the Mobile Shales progressively reached the gas window.
Today, the maturity indicators are at a high level (T=195C, Hydrocarbon migration and trapping
TR=93%, %R0=2.25). The history of hydrocarbon migration and trapping in the
According to the model, in the sand-shale series of the whole petroleum system is illustrated in Figure 16 where the
Agbada Fm. the oil window was reached between 11 Ma and hydrocarbon flow vectors are drawn for 20, 15, 8 and 0 Ma.
8 Ma (130C<T<140C, 15<TR<35%, 0.6<%R0<0.8) at the Hydrocarbon generation in the Akata Fm. started as early as
deepest location, but expulsion started only at the end of the 25 Ma but migration was effective around 20 Ma, and the
Pliocene (3 Ma). Today, all the potential source rocks inter- deepest reservoirs (right above the Mobile Shales) were charged
bedded with the deepest reservoirs are contributing to their first, rapidly, with a calculated flow exceeding 10 m Ma1. The
charging with hydrocarbon, but are insufficient to fill all the transformation ratio ranged from 20% to 60%, depending on
accumulations. depth.
The maturity level at present day is illustrated in Figure 12. At 18 Ma, hydrocarbon flow reached the Erema Fault. The
The main reservoirs are indicated with their respective pressure general fluid flow was mainly vertical, with little lateral trans-
and fluid GOR. missibility at the base. The transformation ratio within the

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Fig. 12. Source-rock maturity (vitrinite reflectance) at present day.

Fig. 13. History of pore pressure and overpressure in the main reservoirs and Mobile Shales.

Fig. 14. Pore pressure distribution at

present day.

Mobile Shales reached 70%. The deep reservoirs were fully (Fig. 16). The secondary fault of km-11 had a major role,
charged (>90% oil saturation). distributing the fluids from deep layers to shallower reservoirs
At 15 Ma, the hydrocarbons had reached reservoir S0, at on both sides of the fault (S0, T0, T1, O, and P) and maintaining
2400 m. Migration was still mainly vertical at the Erema Fault, lateral overpressures. Two types of accumulation were created:
while the flow was more lateral at the level of the secondary (i) in traps against faults, in upthrown compartments where the
fault of km-18. The deep reservoirs were filled more. The fault throw is important and in downthrown compartments
secondary source rocks in alternation with sands above the when the fault throw is small; (ii) in large anticlinal structures.
Mobile Shales entered the maturity window (TR of 10 to 30%) Also noted at this stage was the filling of Reservoir XII within
and contributed to the charging of the nearby reservoirs. the hydrostatic zone. The Mobile Shales had reached the gas
At 8 Ma, the hydrocarbon flow had still increased and window, their level of maturity becoming high (TR >80%). The
hydrocarbon migration extended in to the whole system structural compartment between the two main faults was

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Fig. 15. Overpressure distribution

at present day. The top of
undercompacted shales is correctly

Fig. 16. History of hydrocarbon

migration and trapping at 20, 15, 8 and
0 Ma.

invaded by hydrocarbons between 2500 m and 4500 m. For zone where horizontal and vertical permeability and capillary
geometrical reasons, the Ama Fault has a limited role in the pressure, which are very dependent on clay content, cataclasis,
distribution of hydrocarbons. The deep sand–shale layers of the cementation and lithology of the adjacent rocks, can be
paralic series became mature enough (TR between 40% and modelled with a satisfactory result.
65%) to generate and expel hydrocarbons. The different dynamic behaviours along and across a fault are
At the present time the main hydrocarbon flow is vertical, simulated simply using a few facies types accounting for
which allows a complete filling of the reservoirs (Fig. 17). The different petrophysical characteristics (the facies are shown in
main faults are the efficient vertical drains, particularly fault Figure 18). The result, in terms of fluid flow, is dependent on
km-11, in direct contact with the recently mature silty shales, the geometry and juxtaposition of these facies. There is a strong
which permits hydrocarbon filling of the reservoirs within the analogy between the enlarged picture in Figure 18 (‘zoom’) and
hydrostatic zone. Hydraulic fracturing of the seals is impossible
the sketch of Figure 6 (clay smearing in an outcrop).
at shallow depth because of the near-normal pressure regime,
All the hydrodynamics of the system are driven by the
so vertical migration through existing fractures is the only
possible process to fill the shallower reservoirs. The hydro- transmissivity of the faults. The excess of pore pressure in the
carbon saturation at present day is presented in Figure 17. The deep formations is released through the faults, which can be
reservoirs, in which significant hydrocarbon trapping occurs, fractured or re-opened under the effect of high fluid pressure.
are in red. The filling of the potential reservoirs with hydrocarbons, which
are generated at depth, is a function of their connectivity to the
Fluid flow in the fault zone The enlarged picture of a fault zone in the model (Fig. 18)
A detailed look at fluid transfer in the fault zones (Fig. 18) illustrates how a trap against a large growth fault, in the
illustrates perfectly the distribution between lateral and vertical upthrown compartment, can be filled with hydrocarbons
hydrocarbon flow. The fault zone is dynamically a complex coming both from down flank and along the fault plane. The

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122 G. Caillet and S. Batiot

Fig. 17. Hydrocarbon saturation at

present day. Boxed area marked ‘zoom’
indicates the portion of the fault zone
enlarged in Figure 18.

Fig. 18. Lithology, hydrocarbon saturation and hydrocarbon flow at present day in a fault zone (see Fig. 17 for location).

hydrocarbon saturation within the fault plane never exceeds value, which is relatively low compared to a shaly bed,
30%. The pore pressure is dynamically maintained within the hydrocarbons can migrate upwards along the fault zone.
reservoirs where hydrocarbons replace water by buoyancy. In The hydrocarbon flows simulated with TEMIS 2D are
that case, the potential traps in the downthrown compartment average flows calculated at a geological time step (a few metres
are not filled with hydrocarbons, because the parameters per million years). At a thousand-year scale, the fluid flow
chosen for the fault zone do not allow significant trapping. within a fault is probably a transient and cyclic process related
As soon as the pore pressure reaches the fault entry pressure to the in situ stresses.

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Fig. 19. Representation of the

calculated GOR at present day in a part
of the section.

Compositional simulation and PVT modelling An empirical approach to calibrate petrophysical parameters,
An optional module of TEMIS 2D is dedicated to fluid where fault throw, depth, pressure and thickness of the layers
characterization (GOR, density, viscosity, phase and compo- are considered, is used, and it has proved acceptable to simulate
sition). This allows prediction of the fluid nature within a hydrocarbon migration in a dynamic way.
prospect and understanding of the effects of PVT on hydro- A simulation using a compositional definition of the hydro-
carbon properties during their transfers from the source rock to carbons and a PVT calculation option of Temis 2D, allows
the trap. good prediction of the fluid properties in a trap. This result is
The kerogen of the source rock is described as a multi- possible because the model is well calibrated in terms of
component material, which will produce different classes of pressure and temperature, and the complexity of the fault zone
hydrocarbons as a function of the activation energy. The in terms of fluid transmissibility is correctly simulated.
hydrocarbons are expelled in the system and are submitted to
varying pressure and temperature conditions. A determination REFERENCES
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Received 8 January 2002; revised typescript accepted 20 July 2002.

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